1-bumGenius Diaper Sprayer
Question of the week:
What do you currently use/do to help you clean up messy diapers? (sprayer, flushable liners, just toss into washing machine,etc) Leave your comment before Thursday, January 20th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
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- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 1/14-1/20. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
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Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 21st. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 729 Newer› Newest»I am a facebook fan. Sarah Whitmore Peterson.
I am a facebook fan ixsarahxi@yahoo.com
I'm just 3 months pregnant and interested in cloth diapering so I don't know how I'll wash them yet. :)
I still have an inside baby but I plan on plopping unless I win this sprayer!
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@diapershops fluff friday @bumgenius #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/.
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dunk & swish :-(
I am a TCDW fan on facebook rebecca smotrilla
I'm currently expecting our third baby so it's been a while since we've had a little one in diapers, my youngest is 3 1/2. But normally when we'd have a messy diaper I'd dunk or plop it into the toliet. I didn't discover flushable liners until my 2nd was close to toliet training.
I think the addition of a diaper strayer for #3 would be Awesome less messy alternative to what we are use to.
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My daughter is mostly EBF (with a liiiiittle bit of solids now and then) so we still just throw them in the washer. But the day is coming soon that we're going to need a sprayer.
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I reviewed BG AIO's.
We just shake and plop as much as we can - and the washer does the rest. I think I may need to start rinsing the overnight diapers since we have been battling some ammonia issues - maybe that will help.
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I have a diaper sprayer and love it.. I have a friend I work with that I convinced to do cloth and she needs a sprayer.. if I win then I would give it to her.
facebook fan Nancy P.
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i'm a dunk and swisher. i NEED a diaper sprayer, BAD!
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Hi! I just followed you on facebook. I currently just wash out the diapers in the toilet by hand and then throw them in the bin.
My fb user is: Rebekah Stefaniuk
For really messy cleanups...I use a hot water in the bathtub and a toothbrush! It really get out the stains. But, I am sure that a diaper sprayer would be a lot easier! Thanks for the chance.
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I posted a comment under Milestones.
Luckily my toddler usually has a once daily easy plop. We unfortunately do a swish when needed or I soak it in my laundry tub until wash day. When we remember we use a liner.
I now also have a breastfeeding newborn who's little poops go right in the washer.
Newborn breastfed babe's go right in the wash
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Date Ordered: 1/16/2011
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5 month old all breastfed - I just throw them in the washer.saragayer at msn dot com
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I use liners sometimes (mostly to protect mt dipes from creams) and I recently got a sprayer and had it connected but I'm still learning how to not make a mess :) It would be nice to have a sprayer in each bathroom.
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I just toss into the washing machine. But I'm sure once she starts eating solids, that will be a whole different monster and the diaper sprayer will be my best friend!
bjfong13 at yahoo dot com
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I think we will probably use liners, but I'd love a spayer too!
We are in the "transitional poop" stage where I'm starting to train myself to use flushable liners. I wish I had a sprayers, the liners are rather annoying in my opinion.
I've been toilet-dunking/swooshing more than I expected since starting cloth diapers. I'd LOVE to have a sprayer! Liners seem like added waste and can't be that comfortable, I'd think!
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I usually just dump what I can and wipe the remaining with a wipe...
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commented on "Kawaii?" discussion on diapershops fb. id:saraterkaly saragayer at msn dot com
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I just throw them in the wash now, but since the twins are almost to the point of solid, I NEEEEEEED a diaper sprayer!
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Tina Ogden
we just turned 6 months so the ballgame is changing! We are currently heading to the toilet and peeling away the solids and tossing in the wash after that, but I would LOVE to have a sprayer!
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Right now my breastfed baby's diapers are just rinsed in the toilet.
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I replied to the "swim diapers" discussion on the DS FB page. Jamie Urbanawiz
I am planning on cloth diapering, but the baby's not here yet! I'm planning on trying the disposable liners, but I would love a diaper sprayer!
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Just ordered A LOT for the new baby coming in February - latest one was
Order number: KC-69150
Order Date: 1/15/2011
We are using liners right now, but I'm ready to start using a sprayer! My son poops a lot and I think a sprayer would be easier!
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Amber Davis Howard
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Amber Davis Howard
I usually would just dump the solid waste with our last child and when it was really bad, I would dunk in the toilet. But in anticipation for our next I really want the diaper sprayer!! :)
I am a fan on FB jane dot treat at gmail dot com
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Order number: KC-69562
Order Date: 1/17/2011
Just EBF poop for now, so I just throw it in the wash!
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Diaper sprayer
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I use flushable liners sometimes, but if I miss a poop, I have a swish stick from Gdiapers that I pry it off with. I would love to try a sprayer though :)
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With my newborn (breastfed) I just toss in the washer. With my older one, I have to swish out in the toilet. Yuck! I did have a sprayer, but unfortunately it got broken. :( I would love to have another sprayer. It made clean-up so easy. As soon as we get the money I plan to buy one (if I don't win this one).
Currently I do not have to do too much to clean up messy diapers because my youngest is 6 months old and just now starting to taste other pureed foods, i hope to win this sprayer that would be perfect timing! Otherwise i guess toilet dunks?!
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facebook id: Tamara Shipstad Mayer
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QOTW: I am still waiting on my little boy to be born, we are planning BF so just tossing in the wash for a while....but a sprayer is in our future!
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I have a hand-held shower sprayer with different sprays I use. The tub is right next to the toilet, so this works awesome!
I placed an order on 1-17-11 order number KC-69457. My first order!
I placed an order on 1-17-11 with an order number of KC-69458.
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Ordered#KC-69413 1/17/11
Order number: KC-69410
Order Date: 1/17/2011
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ID= 776253683
I'm just starting out cloth diapering. So far I've been rinsing diapers in the bathroom sink and having to clean it every time, it would make my life so much easier to have the sprayer.
I just commented on Cloth Diapering Your Toddler.
I currently use flushable liners but would love a sprayer!
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I have been tossing the diapers in the washer (bf poop) but I started to get ammonia stink. I need a diaper sprayer! :)
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Jennifer Elder
We bought a sprayer as soon as we figured out we were going to do cloth once we found I was pregnant.
With a breastfed baby we havent used it once! He's 5 months... he started cereal and have yet to use it... once the fruit in veggies come though Im sure we will! lol
Liked on FB! :)
We just dunk in the toilet...but it's getting old...so I'm in the market for a sprayer!
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Logan K. SHerwood
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name is @fractionoflove
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I just toss into the washing machine.
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I am just about to start cloth diapering. My daughter will turn 2 months this week. I plan on using the sprayer. If I win... I'll use that money to buy more diapers!
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Logan K. Sherwood
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Logan Sherwood
fractionoflove logan
@diapershops fluff friday @bumgenius #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/.
I'm not due until May, so I currently don't have to deal with dirty diapers, but after we introduce solids, I definitely plan on using a diaper sprayer!
I follow bumgenius on twitter-@prairieautumn
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I ordered some more diapers on 1/17/11!
Order# KC-69675
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Wrote a review for the BumGenius 4.0 one size diaper.
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Logan K. Sherwood
I am hoping to win the sprayer so I can test it out, baby expected in April
We use flushable liners on occasion with our daughter. Would love a diaper sprayer for the new april arrival though.
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Why Hemp Inserts in Your Cloth Diapers?
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"Cloth Diapering a Toddler"
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