1-bumGenius Diaper Sprayer
Question of the week:
What do you currently use/do to help you clean up messy diapers? (sprayer, flushable liners, just toss into washing machine,etc) Leave your comment before Thursday, January 20th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
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Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 21st. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 729 of 729adam's poop usually just falls into the toliet with very little left behind on the diaper.. it's been pretty easy actually
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My son has been EBF so we havent needed to do anything yet....but he has started solids and I am dreading the day his poop changes as we have no current method of dealing with it!!!
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Man I'd love a sprayer! I current hold them inside out and swish them as the toilet flushes. Make sure that there's vin with our charlies powder but a sprayer would be pretty awesome!!!!
Man I'd love a sprayer! I current hold them inside out and swish them as the toilet flushes. Make sure that there's vin with our charlies powder but a sprayer would be pretty awesome!!!!
In response to the FF (hope I do this right!!)
I currently just dump/flick all soiled bits in the toilet. I can't bring myself to swish (eeewwww). I would absolutely love a sprayer, but can't bring myself to spring for one. :(
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Guess I should've separated mine for more posts, Facebook fan!
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Sarah P
I use the disposable liners but the mess can overflow - even with big liners - would love a diaper sprayer....
Sarah P
Unique tweet!
fractionoflove logan
@diapershops GIVEAWAY: Want to win a @bumgenius diaper sprayer? Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/ #clothdiapers
nothing yet as the twins are still in the oven, but a diaper sprayer is on our essentials list!
I usually just rinse it in the sink, but that leads having to scrub the sink afterwards. So a diaper sprayer would be great!
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I rinse all poopy diapers before putting them in the dry pail. Sometimes it just rolls or peels off, but of course there are times when I have to dunk. :(
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I havn't started cloth diapering just yet but my baby is due in a few weeks and I plan on using flushable liners at least at first because I cant afford a diaper sprayer yet. I have to be able to afford the diapers first.I also am a bit intimidated by a diaper sprayer as I think it my get poo all over my bathroom if I use it wrong.I'm very good at goofing things up sometimes. I also follow you on facebook. My ID=Shana Storey/100000709737038
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We are just updating our diaper stash for my 5 week old since my 3 1/2 yr old and haven't ever had a diaper sprayer... this would be great!!!
Right now we're able to "plop" it into the toilet, but I really, really want to have a sprayer on hand!
Since she's young and exclusively breastfeeding I'm making do with a rinse in the laundry tub then strait to the wash. I need a sprayer soon though- this won't last forever!
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I usually just throw them in the washer. But he doesn't eat too many solids yet. etwilkins at gmail dot com
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I use a sprayer, which I love, and would love to win one for my pregnant friend who is going to try cloth!
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I just toss in the wash! So far so good but soon on to solid foods! Yikes.
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I am a fan on FB. Kate Wolfe Collins
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No diapers yet, but would love a sprayer for when she gets here (hopefully in the next week or so).
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My baby is due in about a week, so we haven't had any practice yet... But we're planning on using a combo of a sprayer and liners!
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Shannon Green
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I use a long handled cleaning brush and gloves to clean... it's messy. A sprayer would be amazing!
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We use liners except when we run out of them and I forgot to reorder ... then I have an Awesome hubby who cleans the yucky ones. I think he would love to have a sprayer.
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I usually end up scrubbing by hand as my 2 yo rarely has a solid dirty diaper. I am trying to use more disposable liners though, when I remember to! I am a facebook fan....catherine lennon
I have the Kelly's button on my blog onelifeinbetween@blogspot.com
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ID Ashley Duty Whorley
Mostly toss into the washer unless they are really bad then I rinse in the sink first.
I posted on "call me old fashioned : Why Prefolds are better than you think"
Another unique tweet!
fractionoflove logan
1 more hour to enter this giveaway @diapershops for ur chance to win @bumgenius diaper sprayer. Enter at http://bit.ly/e6Kx9R #clothdiapers
We use flushable liners, but only during the times of day that my son usually poops. We get most of them!
I handwash them out in the sink! Definitely need a sprayer!!!
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Currently we use flushable liners most of the time!
Since my son is 2 months old and exclusively breastfeeding, all I do is pre-wash my cloth diapers. But I need a sprayer of those poopy diapers once he starts on solids!
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Since my son is 2 months old and exclusively breastfeeding, all I do is pre-wash my cloth diapers. But I need a sprayer of those poopy diapers once he starts on solids!
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I'd like a spayer to help avoid stains!
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Alison Diehl
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I currently use a sprayer but keep some liners for a)when I really just don't feel like spraying or b) when we're out. :)
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I wash them by hand in the sink after I dump the bulk in the toilet. Yuck. Then I have to clean the sink. Lol
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I usually try and "plop" and use toliet paper to help. Messy diaper are a little tricky :-/ This would be awesome to win! I also Follow on Facebook Jessica Bean
In the pre-solid food stage, I am simply washing them with hot water environmentally friendly detergent and oxy-clean. Then drying outside.
For newborn messes...toss it in the bag. For more solid ones I try to let as much as possible plop in the toilet, but, for stuff that's left on there I dunk and swirl. Sometimes I even rinse in the sink after if I need to.
We are expecting our first in March so I have no experience yet. I plan on trying both a sprayer and flushible liners.
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I just wash the diapers while baby is exclusively breastfed and liners when not home. I plan to use a sprayer when we start solids.
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Angelique Whalen Kenison
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For our last baby, we used a diaper service, which said never to rinse. Easy! But now we have our own washer/dryer finally, so I'm looking into what methods we'll use.
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