Friday, April 11, 2014
Fluff Friday 278
Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??
This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 Imagine Baby Products Set of Gender Neutral Three Bamboo All In One Diapers with Snap Closure
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1 – 200 of 268 Newer› Newest»I only have pockets right now.
I'm not sure what my favorites are, yet! Can't wait to try all the different styles when my little girl comes in July.
I haven't tried any but pockets sound like they make the most sense.
Love our cloth!
Love Kelly closet!
I love my pocket diapers! AIOs were a bit over our price range, but I do have one freebie that I like also!
I love my pocket diapers! AIOs were a bit over our price range, but I do have one freebie that I like also...would love to try out a couple more ;)
I like pockets for their versatility but have only tried one AIO I was given - I don't like its style, but I think I'd love others and they'd win over pockets for simplicity.
So far, pockets are my favorite. I'd like to try AIOs though.
- ashley meeks
So far pockets are my favorite. I'd like to try AIOs though.
So far, pockets are my favorite. I'd like to try AIOs though.
I love our stash of BG AIO Freetimes. It's all we've used, so I guess I don't have anything to compare them to yet.
I prefer prefolds and covers
I have mostly pockets, but I like ai2 as well
I love AIOs, and Easyfits, which are kind of an AIO/pocket combo!
My favorite is pocket right now.
I'm not sure what I like yet. I have not started yet but will the end the summer when my baby gets here :)
I use pockets on my boy!
I love pockets as they are so easy for anyone to use and can be stuffed with anything
I like flats and covers.
My favorite kind of cloth diaper are covers with soft fluffy inserts in them, but really we have a collection of just about each major type. We wanted to try everything out to find what we love. We just love cloth diapers in general. I love how the kids look like little butternut squashes in them when they're little with a big cooshy diaper on. We call all our babies "squash butt" now :)
Pockets are our favorite. They are the most versatile option.
Pockets are our favorites!
I really like inserts with covers because you can use the covers more than once. I also really like the one size.
Pockets are our favorite. They are the most versatile.
My favorites are pockets and AIO(for hubby)! Bamboo is the best, no matter the style!
Great giveaway this week!
Cover with inserts is my favorite so far
I prefer pockets because you can vary the absorbancy
I prefer pockets because you can vary the absorbancy
I love my pockets but would love more AIOS
I like Aio's best
Pockets are my favorite.
My favorite style is covers and prefolds!
We like pocket diapers the most. They are super daddy friendly.
i like covers and flats a lot. and for going out I like aios
I like pockets and prefolds with covers
Thanks for this awesome giveaway - I love AI2 diapers but am trying out all types.
We use a combo of pockets and prefolds with covers. I don't really prefer one over the other but the pockets are easier for grandparents/aunts and uncles who babysit!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway - I love AI2 diapers but am trying out all types.
AIO are my favorite so far.
I like to use fitted diapers, with inserts and covers.
My favorite type of diaper at the moment are pockets. I haen't tried an AIO yet though.
I don't know yet I am trying to get started with CD for my twins and haven't used anyof them yet hope I win so I ccan find out
I like them all for different reasons/occasions. Love a pocket or AIO/2 for on the go. Inserts/fitteds/prefolds and covers are great at home!
Definitely pockets!! Or ai2 :)
I love AIO but due to finances we use prefolds with covers...
I love AIO but due to finances I use prefolds and covers
I love them all for different reasons/occasions. Pockets and AIO/2s are my fav for on the go because they are so easy (bonus points for stay-dry). Inserts/fitteds/prefolds and covers are great at home and my go-to for overnight.
We like pockets best. You can customize absorbency, they seem to get cleaner than AIOs, & you can buy fresh inserts if needed.
I love AIOs and prefolds with a cover.
I'm new to cloth and just made my 1st KC purchase yesterday. I'm hoping that I can get the hang of things when my son comes in June. I have gotten mostly pockets and AIOs.
Would love to try a different style bamboo diaper!
My favorite diaper style changes almost daily, as our needs change. But I am a fan of pockets and AIO's for daycare purposes
My favorite is cover with inserts. I particularly like bamboo flats.
Would love to try a different style bamboo diaper!
A conver with inserts/prefolds.
Cover with prefold/insert!
It depends. I really like AI2 for when we'll be out and about since they typically take up less room in the diaper bag. Fitteds and covers for night time, pockets for around the house, and AIO for Daddy or Grandma!
I like pockets and prefolds.
Pocket diapers are my current favorite, but that could totally change depending on my mood
Definitely a fan of the AIO!
My son hasn't been born yet but I'm mostly going to be using flats with covers!
My favorite is the ALL IN ONE cloth diaper. I use mostly pockets though. -Emily Anne Bushong
My son hasn't been born yet but I will mostly be using flats with covers!
My son hasn't been born yet but I'm mostly going to be using flats with covers!
AIO is by far my favorite!
I think AIO will be my favorite!
Is there where we are supposed to comment for the Fluff Friday giveaway?? Hope so!!
I like pockets, AIO, fitteds, and prefolds
-Hannah Avery
AI2 is my favorite! :)
I love covers with inserts!
My favorite is the prefold and snapping, thought am starting to really appreciate pocket diapers!
Hello, I would like to win, please!
I love covers and inserts. Pockets are second to me.
I love covers and inserts!
We are new to CD so looking forward to a combo of aio's and pockets! :)
I personally love pocket diapers. They are stay-dry and easy to customize absorbancy.
We are new to CD and starting with a combo of aio's and pockets! :)
Favorite cloth diaper? That is tough. For now I would say pockets because that is what I now best. Excited to explore outside of that with my next squish!
Prefolds and covers
I love pockets!
I started out using pockets, and still love them, but also really like the AIOs too!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com
I like AIO pocket diapers.
i like everything! i think they all have a time and place. i think my favorite might be fitteds.
Cover and prefold most of the time, but a pocket is great for overnight.
I love AIO because it's much easier to not deal with stuffing but daddy likes using pockets so we have a good mix of both!
I love covers with inserts during the day, easy and affordable! But I would not give up my AIO's for nighttime!
I am anxious to try bamboo...I've heard really good things.
Now that AIOs have improved so much, they are my favorite.
My favorite is pocket diapers, but most of my stash is prefolds/covers (to save money). I have never tried an AIO, but would love to give one a try!
Definitely cover w/ insert!
I have purchased imagine baby leggings and a cover but not a pocket diaper. I'd definitely like to try it!
I haven't used any yet- still waiting for baby to come! But the All in twos seem the most convenient to me!
I have purchased imagine baby leggings and a cover but not a pocket diaper. I'd definitely like to try it!
I have purchased imagine baby leggings and a cover but not a pocket diaper. I'd definitely like to try it!
I prefer pockets stuffed with hemp and a flat.
Mostly pockets with some covers & flats or prefolds
i actually prefer fitteds and wool. otherwise i love my pockets.
kari meeker
AIO is preferred
Right now we are covers with inserts here
I usually use pockets but I really like my grovia all in ones.
I love how versatile pockets are, but would love to try some aio's
I like prefolds and a cover best.
Great giveaway!!
I love pocket diapers.
I have never used an all in one, so I say for now my favorite is Fitted with wool cover.. I would love to try an all in one!
I love cloth diapers!
Baby boy is still on the way so not sure what my favorite is yet :)
I prefer prefolds and covers!
I prefer pockets!!
I don't know yet! LO is due any day now so we shall see soon! I'm loaded up on prefolds, AIOs and pockets...lots of variety to figure out what we like best.
Right now my favorites are prefolds and covers! Love them!
I love both pockets and aio's!
-Patricia B-
Covers with prefolds
My favorites are pockets
Pockets and AIO's.
All in Ones seem the easiest-I haven't used cloth before but I hear good things about them and plan on at least trying some when the little guy gets here next month
All in ones no stuffing.
Pocket Or fitted
So far, we're planning on trying BG 4.0 and Sweet Peas. Baby Girl isn't here yet, so we don't know what our favorite is!
I love pockets, but I haven't yet tried any of the new, quick drying AIOs. I might like those even better.
We usually use prefolds and covers, but I also love a good, natural fiber AIO.
My favorite diaper is a pocket or a hybrid. thanks for fluff friday :)
I am just starting CDing. Baby boy due May 19th. So not sure about a favorite
AI2s are our favorites
I love all of them. I have a few of each find and reach for pockets the most though.
I followed both bllogs through bloglovin. I hope that works!
I love pockets, but i have a bit of everything!
I followed both blogs through bloglovin, i hope that works
AIOs for ease of use, pockets for added absorbency and covers with a prefold or receiving blanket for at home use.I like them all equally!
Kari Barone
All in two is my favorite!
AIO if I had unlimited funds
I'd love to win
My fav are Moraki and totsbots
Pockets are my favorite!
Love prefolds & covers! So cheap and easy to clean :)
Each are my favorite depending on the situation. AIO tend to be the most dad/grandma/daycare friendly.
My favorite is pocket-style, but I've never tried an AIO.
Since LO isn't here quite yet, I don't know which style will eventually be my favorite. I'm leaning towards pockets or AIOs though.
My favorite(s) would have to be pockets and fitteds!
fitteds for night and pockets during the day!
I like covers with prefolds or other inserts!
Inserts and covers.. Easiest to clean.
I like the AIO, although we haven't tried any yet. Out baby is due in August. I like the idea of just change and go. we'll see if I change my mind once baby girl gets here
Love my AIOs best!
My favorite style of cloth diaper is definitely an AIO. But I beef up my stash with my second favorite kind of cloth diaper, which is bamboo flats and covers.
My favorites are all in one and all in two. Trying to build up my aio stash for daddy changes.:)
Pockets at home, AIOs on the go
Right now my favorite would be either AI2 or Pockets.
I love pockets!
I like AIO's but I am currently using prefolds and covers.
I like covers and prefolds... but then again that is all I have really tried!
I like prefolds and covers, but then again that is all I really have tried!
I like to use pockets!
Cover with inserts make laundry easier for me. A little tougher for hubby but worth it to me.
Cover with inserts (gdiapers)
Covers and prefolds
I love AIO's and bamboo fitteds! :D
My hubby loves aio dipes but will use all types especially since we only have one aio. I am a fan of prefolds as inserts with covers.
My favorites are prefolds with covers
I like AI2's but would love to try AI1's
- Billie Jo Hayes
We like prefolds and covers for during the day, aio and pockets at night.
I like covers the best. I like the freedom to put the absorbent parts under high heat or bleach if need be.
I usually use pockets, but also use covers with inserts and fleece liner.
pockets and inserts
Pocket Diaper are my favorit
I'm definitely a pocket diaper fan!!
We love our covers and prefolds!
I like pockets for the stay dry, but like covers for the ease of use. It also depends on which child I'm diapering - pockets are way easier on a wiggly toddler!
I like having a varied stash (I have AIOs, pockets & covers), but I currently use All in Two diapers(covers with snap in inserts) most often as they are a good compromise between being easy to put on, and easy to wash.
I like pockets best but I have been surprised at how much I like the Flips.
Prefolds and covers
We prefer all in twos but like pockets as well :)
I prefer prefolds with covers - just makes sense financially (and they're easy to take care of).
But I like mixing different styles depending on a special situation.
It's too hard to pick. I like pockets and AIOs. I've also discovered prefolds so I have no commitment to any type. I guess I love them all!
We mostly use prefolds or fitteds with covers :-)
AIOs are my favorite
Pockets and covers
I have started yet, but I really like flats/prefolds and pockets!
I love pocket diapers. I started with my son and have continued to use them with my daughter.
Fitteds are my favorite for at home. AIOs are my favorite when we go out.
I like pocket diapers the best because I can choose the absorbancy and they dry pretty quickly
I love pockets.
I currently love my pockets, but if I had the budget for AIOs, I bet I would love those even more.
Prefolds :)
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