Friday, May 23, 2014
Fluff Friday 284
Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??
This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 EcoSprout Bundle: 24 oz Bag of Detergent, Coconut Stick, Eco-Bottom Liners, and Bottom Spray
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That I will buy too many
I am concerned about the amount of laundry..
looks like a great bundle
I can say in 18 months we haven't had any major issues. Biggest concern I have is them actually making to future babies!
My biggest concern with cloth diapering is leaks and finding the right system that works. I think we are finally there! I am also in the process of finding the best washing routine for us.
My biggest concern with Cloth diapering is leaks and finding the right diapers for us. I think we have finally found what works, day and night. I am also still working on finding the best washing routine for us.
Biggest concern? Hmmm there aren't many. I do worry about nighttime leaks when baby gets older, but it hasn't been an issue so far.
My biggest concern is the smell that builds up.
Great Giveaways. Hope someday I win... Better before the baby arrives ;)
Hope some day I win. Better before september 18th ;)
Hope someday I win.
Do you believe in "stripping" your diapers?
Do you believe in "stripping" your diapers?
I don't want to wash them the wrong way and mess them up.
The poop! I dread the wash up process. And I'm worried I won't be able to keep up and I'll go back to disposables. :(
I don't want to wash them the wrong way and mess them up.
I'm too addicted to them? :-)
- ashley meeks
Not being able to get stains out.
Love this detergent
Night leaks
Nighttime cloth! I just can't seem to make it work. :(
my biggest concern is solid food poop :p
Mine is having the right fit. I would love to be prepared ahead of time before baby arrives but I'm nervous of getting diapers ahead of time that are too big or too small.
washing them in our coin-op
My my biggest concern with cloth diapering is that I will not wash them properly and end up ruining them one way or another!
I don't feel like I have any major concerns with cloth diapering...I really love it! Baby has had no rashes and she is 4 months old now. I use mainly flats at home and pockets for when she is at the grandparents and at night.
My biggest concern was making sure they got clean and the whole washing routine.
Biggest concern was wherr does the poo go? Lol
Laundering them. Not that washing them is hard, it's just that I'm having a difficult time since moving 7 miles from my previous residence into a different city and now my diapers stink. Ammonia stink. I try new things, they work for a wash or two and then they stop. It's getting really frustrating. I just hope baby girl takes well to potty training because at 21 months, that's my next strategy for her.
Cleaning them properly and stripping them when needed.
I'd love to get these items! Just started my son on cloth diapers and I love them!
I'd love to get these items! Just started my son on cloth diapers and I love them!
I'd love to get these items! Just started my son on cloth diapers and I love them!
My baby (#1) is due in August and my biggest concern with cloth diapers is laundry. The amount of washing doesn't worry me, it's the fact that my husband (who does the laundry) is very picky about his clothes and can't imagine kicking the dryer sheet habit.
right now my biggest concern with my cloth diapers is making sure that they fit well enough to avoid leaks on my younger daughter.
Getting my husband to do it.
Getting my husband to do it.
Never getting them fully cleaned :( I have read so many different articles on how to wash my diapers, took their advice and have yet to find a system that works for me!
our biggest problem is ammonia. super hard to find a good wash routine with our hard sulphur well water!
My biggest concern about cloth diapers is that I have several different brands at this time - I wanted to try a bunch to see what fit and works best with my baby. We shall see in the next month or more what works best.
We love ecosprout and use it on all of our cloth diapers. :)
We don't really have any concerns as we've been using cloth a few years. We DO have a dwindling bag of Eco Sprout on the shelf though. ;0) Love it!
I am always afraid they are going to delaminate but after using the same (china cheapies!!) for over 2 years, I have yet to have 1 get ruined!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com
Stinking up the house between running laundry.
My biggest concern is not having hot water to wash them in and I'm worried about the stink that will be sure to come. I'm due in October.
I dont have any concerns about cloth diapers.
Biggest concern... That I don't have enough lol
My biggest concern with cloth diapers is not buying too many! I seriously want all the prints and all the colors. Keeping myself from spending too much has been problematic.
My biggest concern with cloth diapers is that they don't leak, especially at night. I have a heavy wetter, and several of the brands I tried leaked like crazy.
stinky build up
My concern is leakage, especially overnight. I have a heavy wetter, and some brands I've tried leaked everywhere - yuck!
My concern with cloth diapers is when I get to solid foods. I am hoping it is still as convenient for me as it is with my EBF baby! :-)
I'd love to try these out!
I'd love to try these out!
My biggest concern right now is just being able to keep up with laundry. We're due in August so I've been trying to get a better routine for just OUR clothes, so hopefully that helps! :)
That they will leak!
Sally Salzer
Cloth is in!!
I always worry about my night time diapers leaking. I hate waking up to change the sheets at 3am
I do worry about my husbands ability to use the cloth diapers, and adhere to the washing routine...other than that im excited..they have changed so much since my last child 15 years ago!
My biggest concern is traveling with cloth diapers. Going through the airport security and holding onto poppies.... I hope my Smart Snugs' wet bag holds it all in!
My biggest concern is absorbency. We have leaks almost every night. Got some bamboo prefolds that seem to do the trick!
Resale value
Ruining them or the ones I have not working for us as I can't afford to replace or buy different ones
My biggest cloth diaper concern is ruining them in soo afraid when I was them that something will go wrong
Keeping my buying of cloth diapers in check is my biggest concern!
My biggest concern right now is what is going to happen when we start solids next month. I dread leaving behind the easy EBF phase of cloth diapering!
Making sure they are clean enough'
I am never sure how long to let the diapers sit before washing them
I have been using cloth diapers for a year and a half and I don't really have any concerns about them, except I guess I am concerned about my inability to stop buying them! But my least favorite thing about them is how bulky they are.
My concern about cloth diapers is getting them clean and fresh smelling and keeping them absorbent.
colljerr at comcast dot net
My biggest concern with cloth diapers is dealing with ammonia. It's hard to get rid of and it's so irritating on the skin
Washing was a concern of mine
I would love to win this
Combatting ammonia buildup and rash
Keeping up with them! Really, it takes a lot for a working mama!
My biggest concern is to keep them clean, since I have a HE front loader. Also slightly nervous about when we're out and about.
My biggest concern currently is AMMONIA!! EEK! Our diapers stink a lot, tried a couple things found on blogs with some success but not completely gone yet. Think I will try RLR next!
That they don't leak or stink
My biggest concern is getting the diapers clean enough!
I just don't like how time consuming it is but it's worth it.
getting them clean cheaply.
When I did it with my first born. We would have a problem with yeast. So I hope when I have this little one that we don't have the same problem.
I question myself sometimes thinking if they are really clean or not. I know they are but my thoughts get the best of me!
My biggest concern with cloth diapers is what to do if my LO gets a yeast infection. It didn't happen with my first son, but I'm nervous about disinfecting the diapers if it happens with my second.
Finding a way to afford more natural fibers!
My biggest concern is that my son's skin gets red and irritated basically every time I use them.
Right now my biggest concern is not running out before laundry is done !
It used to be ammonia, but I have gotten that under control. At least at home anyway. I guess it would be traveling with cloth and having to wash in different machines, water types, etc.
My biggest concern is keeping them clean and odor free.
Making sure they are clean
Making sure I get them clean enough so my little one doesn't have issues
right now my biggest concern is fit, and newborn stash. how big will my baby be? will she be in newborn diapers for very long, or outgrow them quickly?
My biggest concern with cloth diapers is finding something that hubby can deal with too! He's not as open to more complicated methods.
Fluff Friday!!!!
I am always concerned about preventing diaper rashes for my son.
My biggest concern is stink!
My biggest concerns with cloth diapering are the starting cost and the odor. I have been using cloth diapers for two months and have only been able to afford two diapers and three covers so far. So I am cleaning diapers all the time.
biggest concern is having enough absorbency
Finding an option that works well and we like.
I dislike how onesies wick the dampness out of the diaper around the legs. My daughter recently became fascinated with her belly button and has to wear a onesie all the time!
Im only three weeks in, and I don't have any concerns yet....maybe because I enjoy diaper changes with cloth.
My biggest cloth diapering concern is what to do with my stash once we're done with diapers. I know I can donate them, but it will be a really bittersweet time for me.
Traveling - will I have enough? Will I be able to wash and dry? Etc...
Biggest concern- leaking legs! :)
I worry I wont be able to get the stains out. I live in an apartment and no clotheslines allowed out on the patio besides that the other buildings block my direct sunlight. I've tried sunning in the windows I've had diapers there for over a week and nothing has changed.
My biggest concern is how hot she gets in cloth diapers. The coconut oil stick helps though.
My biggest concerns are fit and absorbency.
My biggest concern with cloth diapers is cleaning them properly. I really want to be sure that they're clean before I put them back on my baby's bottom.
I'm new to cloth, in fact we haven't even started, our girl is due in Aug. And I'm afraid I wont be able to get the stink out.
My biggest concern with cloth diapering is that I will some how ruin my CDs because I don't care for them properly.
My biggest concern is the time it takes to wash cloth diapers
Biggest concern is my addiction! hahaha but really, before I started cloth- just making sure I did everything as well as I could and not screwing up my diapers.
My biggest concern was how sanitary it would be but after looking into , I was satisfied it would be.
I just placed my first order on Kelly's closet and I'm excited to see how well it works and buy more to earn point.
I guess I don't really have any concerns... but the grandparents are afraid of cloth wipes.
Stains are my biggest worry right now.
My biggest concern right now is diaper rash. My little one seems sensitive to wetness, so I've been needing to use liners with natural fibers. I need to be on top of the rashes so it doesn't get so bad that I need non-cloth-safe rash cream.
My daughter just had her first solid poop today. I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with that on a regular basis- spraying or scraping.
My concern is leaks! I can't seem to get rid of them
One of my biggest concerns is the amount of time spent cleaning them, or not being able to clean them well enough.
My biggest concern is leaks and laundry detergent! Everyone talks so much about the right and wrong one so much it makes it sound like they're so freaking delicate which makes it less appealing to cloth diaper. So far the ones I've used have been fine.
That they will start to smell, aand I won't get the smell out!
Getting diapers clean enough and dealing with toddler pee have been our biggest hurdles.
Stink issues! Or yeast issues!
I worry that elastics wear out a bit too quickly and I can't replace them myself.
I'm always concerned about staining! :P
we had a yeast infection take over our diapers once. That's been my biggest diaper challenge!! but we finally did get rid of it!
My biggest concern is my family/friends/other caregivers not being open to using them
my biggest concern would be that family/friends/other caregivers are not open to using them
having to wash them all the time!
My biggest concern using cloth is keeping the stains out. I have a few that stain easily. I use liners, but the poo still gets the edges around the legs. Time for some more sun!!
My biggest concern with cloth diapers is still at night! I am trying to get comfortable and learn to trust them overnight. I am still going through the process of learning what I like to stuff them with at night in order to get maximum absorbency.
My biggest concern is absorbency. I got to the point where I was afraid to leave the house with my son in cloth. Stuffing to the point where he had to waddle wasn't fun for either of us, and we always have compression leaks in the car seat.
I worry that I won't end up liking cloth and I won't get my money's worth out of them after paying a lot up front!
My biggest worry about cloth diapers is that I will have trouble getting them really clean.
My biggest concern is leaks!
Poop after solids... so gross!
i've never used one, so, that's a main concern in itself; whether we ca pull it off. :-P
I love diapering but i hate microfiber it gets so stinky
My biggest concern- family changing the diapers! My husband refuses to use them and my mother is the only one who really understands my love of cloth (she used cloth on my brother)
that I don't have enough!
Detergent and mineral build up. I'm always afraid ill end up out somewhere and all my diapers are leaking.
My biggest concern would be finding the right system and night time diapering
Not getting them clean enough
My biggest concern with Cloth diapers is spending to much, lol... I've become obsessed and I just started, I just had my fourth baby and only boy, knowing this is my last baby I am trying to thoroughly enjoy everything and try everything that I never did with my others! The initial investment is expensive and I'm worried it won't work well for us!
I am new to cloth diapering, but I am looking for any advice, and this site seems to be full of great products and information.
I am still pregnant and my biggest concern is that I have never changed a baby's diaper in my life.
Stink issues!
Mildew and ammonia stink
Mildew and ammonia stink
Finding the right fit for my tall and tiny girl without having any leaks
The amount of laundry I am doing right now since I dont have enough in my stash yet to make it more than a day and a half.
making sure i wash them in a timely manner
Ammonia has been the biggest issue. I think it's under control now.
My first is due in September. I'm nervous about figuring out our wash routine and buying too many diapers!
hoarding! :D
Probably night ammonia burn!
-Hannah Avery
Not getting them clean enough
My biggest concern with cloth diapers is getting my family and friends to use and accept them!
Mineral build up and outings with strictly cloth diapers.
My biggest concern right now is using cloth at daycare.. my 10 month old will be starting soon!
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