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Friday, March 20, 2015

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Fluff Friday 326

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This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 AppleCheeks Swim Bundle (1 Swim Diaper + Size 1 Storage Sac) - Winner Chooses Colors

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Jes said...

The only swimming we've done has been in the bath tub. Can't wait to change that!

Erin B. said...

My daughter loves the water!

Meghan Finley said...

Not yet! Maybe in a few months

Angela Tozier said...

We havent tried those yet, but she loves her bath, splashes like crazy!

Amanda Jordan said...

My little hasn't really been exposed to the water yet. Each time we went he was just getting over a cold or starting to get one. Fingers crossed he can enjoy the water this year.

Hannah Avery said...

Yes, last summer my daughter really liked the water! I hope she does this summer too!

-Hannah Avery

Megan Ruge said...

No little swimmers... yet!

Unknown said...

Last year, he loved the beach! hope he loves it this year too!

Unknown said...

Last year he loved the beach! I hope he does this year too

Unknown said...

Our littlest is still cooking, but we are planning at beach trip this July (when baby is one month). I'm looking forward to raising a third beach bum!

Larissa K. said...

He's a bit too young yet but he'll be turning 6 months in May and I can't wait to get him signed up for some swim lessons :)

Unknown said...

We haven't tried the water yet, but are already signed up for swim lessons beginning at 6 months old this summer.

Natasha said...

The squish is just 7 months and we haven't yet tried out the pool but we are signing up for swim lessons soon so swim diapers are in our future!

Natasha said...

My boys love the water! We've gone to pools, the beach and it's really cute :)

Unknown said...

My girls have tested all of the above. Swimming pools, lakes, ocean and rivers. My little guy will have his first taste of the waters this summer :)

Sarah Elyce said...

Just baths so far for our daughter but I am looking forward to her reaction to the ocean or a kiddie pool at the house.

Unknown said...

Cant wait for my little one to go to the beach this summer :)

Unknown said...

Cant wait for my lo to be a beach bum this summer!

Unknown said...

I would love to try AC swim diapers!

Unknown said...

My little man likes the bath tub, we will see about the pool this summer.

morganehman said...

We went swimming in a swimming pool last summer. HE seemed to really enjoy it!

Unknown said...

We love the beach, the Y, and the aquatic center! Hoping to go to an indoor waterpark this coming week for spring break!

Anonymous said...

Amanda D We will be heading for the ocean on spring break in 4 days, so hoping he loves the water.

Unknown said...

We have not gone out yet this year but I'm excited to work on swimming with him.

Unknown said...

Not yet! He'll be going in the pool for the first time this weekend :)

Jenn Mc said...

My daughter loves to "swim" in the pool :)

Anonymous said...

He's only ever been in the bathtub...hoping to get some water time outside this summer :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get my 5 month old in the water!

Unknown said...

He hasn't been swimming yet. An October birthday means no swimming till its is warmer outside.

Unknown said...

My son LOVES the water!

Unknown said...

My son has been in a swimming pool once. It was last summer and he was terrified. My daughter has always loved water, so hopefully this year we can slowly acclimate him so he is more comfortable.

Kristina D said...

Little one hasn't been born yet... but he will probably be born in the water so I hope he's a fan!

Unknown said...

Living in CA means warm weather this time of year so my little guy is going to be having his first pool/beach experience soon and needs some diapers :-)

Audrey G. said...

She loves swimming in the pool...or the bathtub!

Ehlara said...

We tried my 10wo in a pool the other day - she screamed. :/

Unknown said...

My son is only 8 weeks old, so he hasn't had the chance to swim yet. As soon as its warm enough we'll be setting up the pool though:) We're new to CD and I would love to win.

Sarah Hayes said...

my LO loves being in all kinds of water. I think a pool is her favorite though

Megan M said...

Not yet, but we start swim lessons in a couple weeks! We can't wait!

Unknown said...

My little girl is gonna love experiencing the water this summer. A swim diaper would be fun to add to this experience.

judi said...

My daughter went in the pool some this last summer but she was not real excited about it. I think she might do better in a wading pool.

Unknown said...

She has not, yet, as she is due in May. She is our first grandbaby, so we are very excited!

Unknown said...

She has not, yet, as she is due in May. She is our first grandbaby, so we are very excited!

Jennifer You said...

no swimming here yet!

Keara B. said...

We did swim lessons with our first daughter (and she now loves the water) but we haven't had the time with baby #2! I'd love to get her in swim lessons this summer.

Christina Curry said...

Haven't tested the waters yet, but judging by how much he likes splashing in the bathtub I am thinking it will be a hit!

Rhianna said...

Only tubs so far but she loves it

Unknown said...

No swimming here yet

Sarah Weed said...

I would love to try Applecheeks!

Robyn said...

My LO has not been in a pool yet but I am so excited to bring her swimming this summer! I know she'll love it

Cassandra Huber said...

My son loves water in all forms!

Unknown said...

Our baby has not been in any water besides the bathtub, but he loves it! He has just discovered pouring water is funny

Anel said...

My LO will be testing the water this summer! Swim lessons!

Unknown said...

He touched the ocean a little earlier this year on a short vacation! We are hoping for more pool time this summer!

Kate1018 said...

He loves the bath, but we haven't tried a pool, lake or beach yet!

Kate1018 said...

He loves the bath, but we haven't tried a pool, lake or beach yet!

Jamie S said...

Not sure if this is where I'm supposed to leave comment, but my little one is still in the oven, but due early summer! We are planning a trip to the beach for late summer, so I'm hoping she will get to feel the warm tropical waters early on and fall in love at a young age :)

Unknown said...

Our little girl hasn't been swimming yet, but we're hoping to soon as the weather warms up!

Unknown said...

My daughter has been in a swimming pool!! I would love for her to win this so when we go into lake MI this year she has a swim diaper :)

Carrie Barron said...

My 14 month old son loved the water last summer but wasn't sure about sitting on wet sand.

April said...

Mine are total water babies!

Crystal Z said...

My youngest has been swimming in a pool & loved it!

nicole deardorf said...

The only water my little man has had experience with is bath time, but he really loves it. I would love to take him swimming this year at my Grammas.

Unknown said...

We do love swimming! We need a larger size for the pool this summer.

Fitness Guru said...

My little one loves the bath, but hasn't been in a pool since she was itty bitty. I'm thinking she will love it.

Nicole Holycross said...

My 3 month old has been to a pool party and a swim during a hotel stay. He loved it, and he looked really cute in his applecheeks swim diaper!

Catherine said...

My kids love to swim at the YMCA!

Anonymous said...

We will be starting swimming soon. I would love to give these a try!

Unknown said...

My toddler loves the water but I'd like to win this for my little one due March 30th! Hopefully she loves it too!

Kristina S said...

My little ones love the water! They have only been in pools

april h said...

We haven't tried a swim diaper yet, but expecting our first this summer so it would be a great time to try one!

Anonymous said...

Not yet.

freshsamanthaaa said...

Last year it was a kiddie pool, this year the beach! So excited :)

Christina Ohland said...

I don't know if my other post submitted properly. My little one loves the swimming pool and is scared of the ocean.

kd said...

What colors are available?

kd said...

What colors are available?

Unknown said...

DD was a winter baby so she's only experienced a bath. We'll be taking her to the beach this summer though!

Kristin P said...

Not yet as he's due in 4 wks but if he takes after his daddy he'll love being in the water!

Anonymous said...

My little one swims in the pool and loves it!

Unknown said...

Our littlest one hasn't had a chance to get in the water since he was born during the winter. His 3 year old brother can't wait to show him what it's all about though

Fyrebird said...

Jr. 2.0 hasn't gone swimming yet, she's only 6 mos, & it's been winter here. Can't wait to try!

J. Olson said...

My littlest one, has only "swam" in the bathtub but we hope to visit the lake a lot this summer!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

matope said...

my littles love swimming in the creek!

Unknown said...

Not yet, but we live in San Diego, so it is a matter of time! Specially, because mommy loves to swim.

Lindsay Jackson said...

My little guy LOVES the water! Swimming pool and lake so far. We live on the Oregon coast so there will be some ocean splashing this summer too :)

Cassie said...

She had been to the pool and to the Lake once she loves the water!

Anonymous said...

Just signed my 8 month old up for swim we need a swim diaper. This would be the perfect solution!

Unknown said...

My oldest loves the water, middle child is not sure about it yet and the baby has not been in the water yet.
RC name is Aimee Place

Jennifer Wilson said...

Yes, and we've used an applecheeks swim diaper!

Danielle.Gephart said...

We're just getting into Spring, and I'm excited for my little one to try out water this Summer! He hasn't yet-only the bathtub!

StacyRenee said...

We'll be 'testing the waters' really soon since we are in Florida and it's already perfect swimming weather!

Unknown said...

still waiting for little to be ready for water!

Unknown said...

Little one isn't here yet, but I'm looking forward to introducing him to the pool this summer!

Jenni said...

His only exposure so far is swimming in amniotic fluid! I plan on putting him in swim lessons as soon as I can and doing a lot of water exposure beforehand. I want him to be a swimmer!

Noah's Momma said...

My son is like a little fish! He's loved the water from the start and been in swimming lessons since he was 6 months old. He was so excited for our first trip to the ocean during a visit to Southern California! I hope our soon to be born little girl feels the same!

Kara S said...

We did a couple dips in salt water pools last year and spent some time in our little wading pool in the backyard.

Teresa Grodi said...

Our two toddlers have, just in pools, but we are expecting another in August that we plan to first-time cloth diaper!!

scraig710 said...

We have been swimming a few times and looking forward to summer!

Katrina Phelan said...

she hasn't been swimming yet, but it's only a matter of time. Grandma and Grandpa have a cabin on a lake. =)

kamalei said...

We live in Hawaii and my baby girl loves the beach! We'd get a lot of use from this :)

Amy said...

I have not tried a swim diaper but Im in the market for one this summer.

Jessie Gurney said...

He loves the bathtub (seriously, a little fish in there!), but we haven't done any other swimming yet. Looking forward to a summer of playing in the water table and pool!

Ashley B said...

We plan to do mommy and me swim lessons summer!

boymamalife said...

Our little guy was just big enough to sit and splash in a kiddie pool last year. This year I am excited to take him to the lake and the pool and let him have a blast!

Kayla said...

Nope. So far just swimming around in my tummy : )

Kimberly E. said...

My little one needs a swim diaper to go to Hawaii with this summer but first we need to learn to swim…Preferably with a cute swim diaper on the bum!

Beth R said...

We did swimming lessons in February. My baby loves swimming