Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Monday, July 14, 2008

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Welcome to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Blog!

You may be wondering what makes me "The Cloth Diaper Whisperer." Well, after almost eight years of selling cloth diapers to moms around the world and as a cloth diapering momma myself, I have become uniquely qualified to answer just about any question related to cloth diapering --from "What do you do with the poop?" to "Can I really get my husband to change a cloth diaper?"

In future blog postings, I will help you understand cloth diapering better. My goal is to offer you tips, help you figure out if cloth diapering is for you, and most of all, offer you support, guidance and a little reassurance that your efforts are meaningful to your baby and our planet.

Check back often - and don't forget to send me messages, tips, questions or just about anything you want to tell me about cloth diapering. I just may publish your comments or questions on my blog ;-)

And of course, please feel free to visit any of my online diapering boutiques for additional information. I will offer special coupon codes and secret promotions to my blog readers only - so keep reading!


Anonymous said...

I'm new to cloth diapering (as well as blogging) - but my one word describing what is the most important reason why I am using cloth diapers? is:
To myself economically and to my planet!

~ Melissa Ryder

Shinny said...

I have a question for you. I have been cloth diapering for a year now and recently started using glycerin soap to wash my diapers. I love how clean it gets them and how incredibly soft they are. However, I have noticed lately that my fleece liners seem to be repelling urine. Is this due to my glycerin soap or has the fleece finally had enough and I just need to make some more liners? Any help you can give me would be appreciated.

I use about 1/4 cup glycerin soap, with half a cap of Oxy-clean and occassionally a scoop of borax in a hot or warm wash with double cold rinse then into the dryer as it is winter here in Wisconsin. The diapers themselves seem to be absorbing just issues with my fleece liners.

Thanks for the help. You can email me at shinnylatexcitedotcom.

TheClothDiaperWhisperer said...

Hi Shinny,
You would actually want to discontinue the use of glycerin when washing any type of cloth diapers or accessories. They glycerin will especially "clog the pores" of the fleece causing repelling.

TheClothDiaperWhisperer said...

Hi Shinny,
You would actually want to discontinue the use of glycerin when washing any type of cloth diapers or accessories. They glycerin will especially "clog the pores" of the fleece causing repelling.

wickedwahine said...

I'm also new to cloth diapering and blogging. I'm trying to find out where I should invest my money. I have a friend that loves bum genius, but she also uses bummies with the prefolded diapers to save on the initial investment. Any suggestions? I'm also curious about Nature's eco friendly disposable diapers? Will they decompose in compost?

Cindy Conners

wickedwahine said...

I'm also new to cloth diapering...

wickedwahine said...

I want to know what's the best cloth diapering sysmtem. Friend's tell me they love bum genius but it's a huge initial investment. I'm also curious about Nature's eco friendly disposable diapers? Do they really decompose in compost?

Serena Michelle said...

Hi Cindy!

Welcome to the blog and to cloth diapering! You're in for a lot of fun!!!

There are a lot of cloth diaper choices and finding the right one for you and your little one will come down to personal preference and budget. Prefolds and covers work phenomenally well for the early weeks and are cheaper... as baby gets a bit older and doesn't poo so frequently then pocket and/or all-in-one diapers are a wonderful addition to your cloth diapering stash as they are quick and easy.

There are a number of brands to choose from as well - it all depends on the size and shape of your baby to see which one will work best!

Typically, the bumGenius diapers work really well for most people. Other diapers that work well for most people and are well loved are the Fuzzi Bunz diapers. They've come out with a One Size diaper but I'm a bit partial to their sized diapers instead.

I'm not so sure about the compost-able disposable diapers... there are other ones called gDiapers that can be composted as well, but people have stated they don't compost well at all (this has a lot to do with how one does their composting as it differs from one person to the next).

I hope this helps get you started - please feel free to ask your questions... you can also direct your questions to our stores: Kelly's Closet, Fuzzi Bunz Online, Bulk Cloth Diaper, and One Size Diaper stores...


wickedwahine said...

I notice hardly anyone talks about nylon covers anymore. Are they bad for the baby? Uncomfortable or cause rashes? I ask because I'm looking at all these expensive cloth diapering and my husband asks, "What ever happened to the cloth diaper and plastic cover?".

Amanda Kaake said...

I cloth diapered for my son for awhile then quit. I'm going to have another baby in August and have already purchased/ordered the prefolds I want to use for the next one. My question is, I make a homemade dry laundry detergent for our family. It contains borax, washing soda and grated castile soap. Can I use this on the cloth diapers and baby clothes?

Serena Michelle said...

Hi Amanda!

Welcome to the blog!

Borax (sodium borate) and Washing Soda (sodium carbonate) are both two main ingredients in a number of the cloth diaper friendly detergents... however, those detergents are carefully formulated. Therefore, without knowing the percentage of each ingredient I can say that the borax and washing soda can be safely used on prefolds or baby clothes but wouldn't be recommended for other cloth diapers such as pocket diapers.

However, you mention including Castile soap as part of your formula... Castile soap contains oil and therefore would not be recommended for use with any cloth diapers!

I hope this helps!

lil misses' mama said...

I looked for a place to find contact information for you whisperers, but could not find one, so I hope this message finds its way to you because I desperately need your help!
I am just over halfway through my first trimester in my second pregnancy. I started to cloth diaper my firstborn around the same time that we got pregnant again. I was excited and happy to be cloth diapering at first, but three weeks into this new endeavor, the morning (all-day-and-night!!) sickness set in heavily and has not let up...I find myself gagging when changing the cloth diapers and rinsing and washing them and it never bothered me before. I just stripped my diapers to be sure needless odors were not harboring themselves in my daughter's liners, but I am still nauseous at the thought of the next diaper change. I am sure that many of your readers have gone through this stage and I am wondering what helped them stick with it through subsequent pregnancies. My husband is not a huge fan of the cloth diaper switch I made, so he is not a huge help... any advice would be extremely appreciated! You can email me--my email is in my profile! Thank you so very much!

Serena Michelle said...

Hi Ashely (aka lil miss' mama)!

Congratulations on your new little baby-to-be!

I, personally have battled with morning sickness with all my children - however it was especially worse with my first and third child. The heightened sense of smell coupled with a super queasy tummy - it wasn't easy!

In all honesty, all diaper changes smell whether using cloth or using disposables... I babysat a little 2 year old boy while I was pregnant and he was in disposables... everytime he was ready for a diaper change I would be gagging and throwing up; it was really bad!

Some things that helped me would be to breathe in through my mouth... you can't really smell much when you breathe from your mouth vs. breathing in from your nose.

It might also help to have a little essential oil nearby - whether in one of those nifty diffusers or simply dabbed on a cloth which you can smell (and doesn't make you sick) may help. Making sure the smells in the diaper pail are kept at bay by frequent washes as well as deodorizing the diaper pail.

Have everything ready to go right before the diaper change so it limits your time... have the diaper and wipes ready to go so you can make a speedy diaper change.

Hang in there - it will get easier sooner than you realize... but the agony of morning sickness feels like it will last forever, I know!


WalkerMama said...

I am 7 months pregnant and am determined to use cloth diapers for the savings in my pocket and the savings to the environment (especially because we live in AZ where I will be able to air dry 360 days a year, yet another way to save for both the environment and for me). As I prepare to buy diapers I am trying to figure out whether I need all in ones or if the traditional cloth diapers with the gusset tabby covers (like bumkins covers) are enough? Can someone who has used the traditional diapers with the new style covers let me know hoe this works?

Serena Michelle said...

WalkerMama: Congratulations on your new baby to be and welcome to the wonderful world of cloth!

I've used the entire gammut of cloth diapers - from good old fashioned flat diapers and prefolds with diaper pins with diaper covers, to the fancy schmancy All-in-One and Pocket diapers...

My best recommendation, especially for those who are going to cloth diaper a newborn is to start with prefolds and diaper covers. You may consider tossing a few All-in-One's, Pocket diapers, or fitted diapers into the mix for the nighttime changes when you're likely to be exhausted and not so interested in fastening a prefold onto your little one and putting a cover on after that... the All-in-One and Pocket diapers are great and the closest thing you can get to the convenience of a disposable!

Prefolds (and flats) are the most versatile diapering option and when all is said and done you can still find uses for these long after your little one has potty trained (they make superior cloths for cleaning, polishing, mopping, etc).

All-in-one and Pocket diapers, as previously mentioned are convenient... these are also the diapers most likely to win over the more stubborn or skeptic person to cloth diapering.

I'd be more than happy to answer any additional questions or concerns you might have! Please contact me here:


Kaycee said...

Hi! Can you make a way on your blog to subscribe via email? I would love to receive your feed daily in my inbox!

kayceewilliams at gmail

Kirsten said...

What is the cheapest way to get into CDing? I have a 2.5 yo girl and 10 mo boy.

Serena Michelle said...


Welcome to the wonderful world of cloth diapers!

The most economical cloth diapering option would be prefolds or flat diapers and diaper covers. This is the good "old fashioned" way to cloth diaper - but honestly, it works great! Yes, pocket diapers and all-in-one diapers, even fitted diapers are great and convenient... however, they do cost more.

You can easily cloth diaper on a dime with prefolds and/or flats with diaper covers.

Of course, for overnight I would recommend at least a couple pocket diapers - unless you want to invest in a couple wool diaper covers which work great for overnight, but wool is significantly more expensive.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any further questions or concerns!


Lily said...


I would like to know if there is any Elimination Communication expert in your team because I am considering EC with my new baby and I would like to purchase the type of diaper that better fits EC.

I am completely in awe with all the information in your blog, but I did not find anything about EC.

Thank you very much


Serena Michelle said...

Hello Lily!

Thanks for contacting us!

Although I'm familiar with EC, I'm certainly no expert. I had toyed with the concept a few years ago after the birth of my second daughter and I just found it was too difficult to keep up with because I had 2 little ones to care for and they were only 15 months apart.

There are a number of EC'ing resources available out there - so I would recommend googling EC and see what comes up! Many EC'ers are part time cloth diaperers... so you might find some CD recommendations from more active EC'ers. In my experience the majority go the route of fitted/prefolds (and opt to go coverless around the house in order to be more aware of the patterns).

I hope this helps!


Unknown said...

I was wondering if any of you have tried the Smartipants ( diapers. I've found a few reviews online but not many. I think they're relatively new to the market. They seem well-made and are a little less expensive than some other one-size. I'd love to hear any feedback you've heard. Love your site!

Lily said...

Thank you Serena!

I am glad to hear that cause I am particularly fond of fitted!

I will continue my research!


KrazieKara said...

I am interested in using fitted CD's with covers, any advice?? Currently using pockets and AIO's.

Serena Michelle said...


Fitted diapers are wonderful because you can really open yourself to a variety of diaper cover options, namely wool, fleece, or PUL. Or if you want you can even go coverless (we like to go coverless in the house especially on hot days).

My personal favorite fitteds are the Kiwi Pie's. Other great options are the Baby BeeHinds fitteds as well as Swaddlebees and Kissaluvs.

I really like the following diaper covers: Thirsties and Blueberr One Size Coveralls.

Of course wool soakers are great too!

Please free free to browse our site, Kelly's Closet and Contact Us if you have any more questions!

Anonymous said...

Can I subscribe to follow your blog?

Serena Michelle said...

Thanks for wanting to subscribe to our blog. In order to subscribe you would click on the "Subscribe as a reader" link currently on the upper right hand side of the blog.

Additionally, if you're not signed up to be a following you may follow the blog by scrolling down and selecting the "Follow" button found in the followers (aka Cloth Diaper Lovers) category also on the right side toolbar for the blog.

Anonymous said...


JSSTR8 said...

Our baby isn't due until April so I'm still in the researching phase of CDing. I'm trying to decide between an AIO, one size and pocket style. My wife is reluctant to try CDers so I have agreed to do all the care for them (ie- washing,drying). Right now I'm leaning toward BumGenius.

Angelina @ April Violet said...

I am a cloth diapering addict (2.5 yrs) and am convincing my little sister to cloth diaper her baby girl when she is born. I couldn't get her to do it when she had her twins but still trying :)

Amy said...

Hi! I am new to cloth diapering. I am a 19 year old mom of a two yr old and a 6 month old. I find my self washing more often due to the small amount of diapers I have. Since I dont have 200 dollars to front on them I am thinking about going back to disposables.

Anonymous said...

great article. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Candace said...

New to Cloth Diapering. So far I have done prefolds with covers, dappis, Gro Baby, and Bum Genius. WOW! I am really enjoying it. If more people know how EASY it really is, I KNOW more people would do it! I never knew there were so many options!!

Grateful for Grace said...

HI there! I'm posting a Q because your name seemed to call out to me as the one who may have the answer to my BIG problem.

I've been using Rumparooz for a few months. I tried ev.ery.thing else (well, not really, but I tried more than 6 kinds) and nothing else worked on my son's sensitive skin. BUT... I can not get the ammonia stink out of them. I've tried: Dawn, bleach and vinegar.

Any ideas? I'm desperate to cure my darling diapers.


Sarah Holden said...

i've been using cloth diapers on my three month year old son for the last two months. We have a front loading washer with a sanitize and heavy soil option. I switch between normal and the other two settings at each wash. The diapers don't have an odor and come out clean. I've been most satisfied with Bum Genius and Gro Baby OS. Makes so much sense to me and isn't that much extra work...I was going to do laundry anyway.

Coral Dill said...

I just started cloth diapering recently. Not only are they eco friendly but they help your child to potty train faster!

Unknown said...

My daughter is due in 6 weeks and really wants to use cloth diapers. There are so many now adays. What's good to start with? I have also heard that there is a special routine for washing them, plus you need to use special detergent. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

Hi thr, thanx a lot for this artcile ....... This was what I was looking for.

dezi1986 said...

I'm new to the cloth diapering process any info you can spare is greatly appreciated.

Unknown said...

I'm a new mom of a beautiful baby boy, and I am failing with cloth diapers. My husband and I were a united front against our friends and family who questioned our decision to use cloth over disposables, but after just one month we are both doubting ourselves. We received gift certificates for a cloth diper service to carry us through the first three months, so we are currently using the service's prefolds and a variety of different covers. I also purchased about 30 reusable wipes. Our problems? 1) My son is constantly wet. We easily change him 10 - 15 times a day, and he still developed an awful diaper rash that we are currently treating with a perscription. What are we doing wrong? He has been going through 100 - 120 prefolds a week! 2) Laundry. My husband has been responsible for laundry during this first month, and he has tried oxyclean, Charlie's Soap and different wash cycles, but he cannot get the poop stains out of our reusable wipes, which makes us doubt our ability to get stains out of cloth diapers. We've read about the challenges other parents have faced with a front loading, high efficiency washer, and it's not encouraging.

In a few weeks we will need to either purchase our own cloth diapers or make the switch to disposable. Before our son arrived we invested in a diaper sprayer and purchased one fuzzibunz AOI to try out. I suppose I'm just wondering if it really does get better and if this will really be managable for two adults who will be back at work full time in a few short months. Are there certain products we should consider buying to increase our odds of success? A red, sore bum on our baby and poop stained laundry doesn't make us feel like winners.

Wendy C said...

Good Morning! I am new to cloth diapering and had decided to make my own since I know how to sew. I spent a fortune on PUL, Zorb and bought a great pattern. I used 100% poly thread on almost all of them and a small 11/75 needle. I did my research so I thought and have even washed the diapers and heat dried several times to seal PUL but my diapers ALL leak at the legs. They seem to leak where the thread is where I cased in the elastic. So I tried one without casing and it leaked as well, perhaps I do no have enough absorbency? I am using 2 zorbs and either diaper flannel or micro terry. If there is anyone who has any suggestions I am desperate. I wanted to make my own for more afford-ability since purchasing already made ones is out of my budget at the moment. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, pretty great post. Where will I find that subscription?

Whitny Karver
camera scrambler

Anonymous said...

I think you have a great page here… today was my first time coming here.. I just happened to find it doing a google search. anyway, good post.. I’ll be bookmarking this page for sure.

Kristena said...

First time mommy and new to cloth diapering. My little girl is 6 1/2 months old and I have borrowed a few dipes from a friend and after one day I was addicted! I can't stop now =]

Nicolette said...

Glad to find out about you! I have a 16 month old that I was too afraid to try cloth on! But now #2 is on the way, and I want to get my cloth on! I hope this site provides me with the tools and confidence I need to get it done! Thanks for doing this :)

ashley said...

i am fixing to start using cloth diapers and am so excited i never thought that it would seem so easy! what are some of the favorites out there? that are the easiest to use.

Andrea said...

I am desperately trying to find resources to diaper my son. We are finding it difficult to buy disposable diapers and I would rather not add to the landfills anymore than I already have. I am trying to make my own- but with no sewing machine and having a 2year old and a 9 month old it's difficult to hand sew! If anyone has any resources, please email me @ I'd appreciate it!

cloth diaper said...

Hi, I'm new to cloth diapering and wish to learn more from your website

cloth diaper said...

Always nice to see new cloth diaper blog

Anonymous said...

Turned onto this blog by Amanda G.
I have fallen in love with cloth diapering...I used disposible with my first son ~now three and a half~ but am now cloth diapering my little sensitive sweetie who is 22 months. He has the most sensitive skin...everything irretates the poor little guy. I am currently using Comfy Rumps (Canadian) but soooo want to try other/ALL brands. I am additted to cloth diapers :)
Great blog guys

Mejean C. Roberts said...

OMG I have been wondering how to get my husband to change cloth diapers myself!!! He thinks it's going to be such a hassle, but I REALLY think it's worth the chance to save some money!

Anonymous said...

I have been using cloth diapers on my 2 month old since he was 2 weeks old. I have 2 rumparooz, 1 grovia and 12 kawaii one size pocket diapers. I am getting frustrated because they leak 90% of the time around the leg. The diapers fit great and I have followed all of the washing instructions but they still leak. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? I am about to give up on cloth diapering!!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm a CD newbie and I was looking for any used cD's for sale...... I'm trying to build up enough diapers so as not to have to purchase any more disposables. Times are tough and I really want to fully transition. Anything would help:)

Andrea Stansbury said...

I am debating on going to cloth diapers. I have an almost 6 month old, and a 4 1/2 year old that refuses to potty train (may be on Autism spectrum) How often should CD be changed? and are the old fashioned ones still closed with diaper pens or is there an alternative to that? I know I can get plastic pants and pre folds at walmart. also how many is a good number to start with?

diane said...

I am new to cloth diapering. How to you get the urine smell out? I've followed the washing instructions for bum genius and they still seem to smell? Any suggestions?


Sabrina Floyd said...

Hey there, I'm new as well. My son has 2 cloth diapers and he's in his last disposable right now. I can't afford to further my stash yet and I'm desparate not to buy another disposable, do you know of any current giveaways?

Anonymous said...

I look forward to cloth diapering my new Baby who is due in July. These are some benefits, I have thought of. 1 less garbage, no diapers to throw in trash, and no big bulky diaper boxes. 2 a one time investment, no late night diaper runs. 3 early potty training. 4 control of chemicals that touch babies skin. 5 feeling good about not poluting. I am looking at Cotton Babies, ECONOBUMS, covers and prefolds, I also am thinking about getting some vynal covers. It seems like less laundry that the all in ones, since you do not need to wash covers with every diaper change.

Eileen Dougherty said...

I am relieved to find your blog and website! I'm an older mom who has two teenagers and never used cloth diapers. Now I'm the stepmom to a little guy with very sensitive skin who has responded very positively to our switch to cloth. I, on the other hand, am overwhelmed and irritable. While I'm all in, heart and mind, I find myself bogged down in confusion and mess a lot of the time. How could this be so difficult? So I'm thankful for finding your site! It's answering so many questions! When I went to the local retail store to find cloth diapers, they only had one brand so I bought a few to try them out. Turns out they weren't at ALL what I really needed. Little man is a heavy wetter and extremely mobile; we really needed fitted diapers, not pockets, but I had no clue.
To add to it, we just found out we're expecting. A huge shock for me at my age, but we're thrilled! Now that we're so cloth diaper savvy, you can be sure we'll be well-equipped to cloth diaper our new baby as well. Thank you so much for helping this old mom sort out this confusion!

Tasha said...

I love using prefolds and covers with my 6 month old, but I've noticed my prefolds are not as soft as I'd like them. In fact, they're quite pilly. I have read this can happen during the prepping process, but that it usually goes away with time. I've been using these prefolds since late November, and it doesn't seem to be improving. They are Oso Cozy unbleached prefolds, if that helps. Is there anything I can do to reduce the pilling? What causes it?

meaghen said...

hi there, I have a few questions about cloth diapering... i live in an apt complex with a washer/dryer on sight, but do not have my own in my home, do you think it is wise to purchase cloth diapers still? also I looked at the gdiapers and think those would be the best choice so far. My newest bundle just turned 4 months so he isnt pooping 10x a day anymore. but how many should we buy? I dont know, im hoping you can help!!

Stephanie said...

I am new to cloth diapering. I started to use cloth diapers, but then stopped when I went back to work. My son also grew out of the ones I had. I want to get back to cloth diapering this summer. Do you have any recommendations of good inexpensive cloth diapers?


AmandaJ said...

I have a beautiful 11 wk baby girl and I am trying to convert to all cloth diapering. My sister has been doing it for 2 yrs now and has shown me how great they are.. for your wallet (long term) for the planet.. and for your baby. She has given me about 5 that her LO has outgrown and I love them! Being off work right now from nursing (being a nurse) to stay at home and BF nurse ;) I'm finding it hard to find the income to get to all cloth. I heard about your Friday give-a-ways and thought I would try to get in it and try my luck- it would be great to have a few more cloths to add to the few my sister has given me.

Unknown said...

I cannot wait until we are able to convert.