Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Sunday, January 25, 2009

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Fluff Fridays - Week 13 **** CLOSED ****

Welcome to this week's giveaway!!!!

What would you win? The winner will get:
1- Kissaluvs Soothing Baby Blanket
1- Kissaluvs One Size Fitted Diaper in a cute print NEW! Hasn't been released yet.
1- SURPRISE product from Kissaluvs
(above given by Kissaluvs !)


What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us how do you store your diapers? Do you like the system you use? Don’t forget to leave a way for us to contact you if you're the winner. You don’t need to have a blog to win, but be sure to leave your email address if you don’t have one.

When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, January 29th at 8pm EST.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:

1 - Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
2 - Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.

3 - Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating on other posts pays off!!!

4 - Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
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6 - Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you our fan.
Still confused?? Visit our FAQ's.

How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 30th, and will notify the winner by blog or email that they've won.

Who can participate? US Residents and Canadians are welcome!

Important note about the winner: If we havent hear from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will be choosing another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner. We promise to do our best to get in contact with the winners. Canadians winners will be responsable for shipping costs.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you dont win, what a better person to win that a friend of yours!!


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K said...

Right now, I am still figuring out how to store them. Mostly, I am using a shelf next to my changing table. I put different diapers on different levels of the shelf (AIOs on top, to make it easy for my husband, pockets next, then prefolds/fitteds/covers below). I'm starting to run out of room, especially as I purchase some larger sizes for the future, but at least I have my newborn stash somewhat organized!

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Sara in Seattle said...

I keep mine in a plastic three-drawer unit, and then downstairs I keep one wicker basket which I fill daily. I like the system! I started with mine in baskets on a changing table, but quickly discovered I never used the changing table so that was pretty pointless. As baby outgrows the diapers, I move them into a rubbermaid tote in the back of her closet for use with the next one. :)

Sara in Seattle said...

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Anonymous said...

I keep my fuzzi bunzs on the changing table in a basket. There are two matching baskets. The other one has lotion, wipes, and other etc. stuff.

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Anonymous said...

We have a plastic tub on the changing table shelf where we keep our diapers for the youngest. Then we have another spot where we change our oldest, and that's where we keep his diapers. This works great for us - seeing as then the diapers don't get mixed together.

4themfamily at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have a button on my blog too - but it's an invite only blog.

4themfamily at gmail dot com

A Psych Mommy said...

I'm currently storing our diapers in the drawers of our dresser/changing table. Since we are lucky enough to have our parents babysit our son while we are at work, I want to make diapering as easy as possible for them. I therefore put all the AIO's and the pockets in one drawer and all the others that need covers in a second drawer.

A Psych Mommy said...

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Maggie said...

I'm currently pregnant and haven't bought/washed/stored everything yet, but I'm thinking some kind of basket system.

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Shawna said...

I am pretty new to CDing and we're also in the middle of trying to sell our home, so I have to stash stuff so the house looks nice & organized. I HATE THE WAY I STORE MY CDs RIGHT NOW! I have storage cubes in my DD's room that I stuff all the diapers/inserts/wipes in and I have a basket downstairs in the pantry that closes so I can hide diapers & wipes in there as well. I can't wait to move to get a more organized system!

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Emily H. said...

I use prefolds and covers so I store the covers in a cute basket next to the changing pad and I keep the prefolds in a clear plastic tote tucked into the bookcase that the changing pad is on top of. I keep one-size-up covers and diapers on a lower shelf in the bookcase. It's one of those Billy Bookcases from Ikea so the cubbies are square and perfect for fitting totes into.

Kerri said...

I'm still waiting on this stubborn little one to appear, but to start, I am using a three drawer cart that holds some of my stash. I also have a large basket that I'm using to hold the diapers that will probably be too big right at first. I'm sure I will modify this set up as I discover what works best, but for now this seems like a good way to keep it organized.

Kerri said...

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Mulberry Mama said...

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Mulberry Mama said...

I dedicated 2 shelves in my large bathroom cupboard to diapers. One shelf holds prefolds and covers, and the second has wipes, pocket diapers (which we use most of the time), and inserts. I also put a few "overnight" diapers - pockets stuffed with an extra insert - on the shelf upstairs in my son's room, so they're available when we're putting on jammies. This works for me. I find if I fold/stuff the diapers directly out of the dryer and have them ready to go, it's easier for us (and for my hubby!)

eidolons said...

I store our diapers in a five drawer dresser/tower thing next to the bed (where I change the Imp). It has cloth drawers and looks really neat (and is a convenient place to put my glasses at night). However, yesterday I acquired more diapers and now there's no way they'll all fit. Something will be worked out today once all the boys are up and out of the bedroom.

Do I like it? Sure, why not. I don't know anything else! (:

eidolons AT gmail DOT com

eidolons said...

I'm a follower now, too. whee!

eidolons AT gmail DOT com

calabaza said...

I store our pocket diapers on a shelf near the changing table and the prefolds and covers in a drawer. I have a small hanging bag in the baby's room for diapers and the wetbag in the bathroom which is right across the hall. I'm happy enough with the system, but it could get better!

calabaza said...

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Denise said...

I recently bought a organizing cart & am using it in my room. Since I just got it, I don't feel like I've gotten it working to its full potential yet. I don't use a changing table & I really need to figure out a place in the main part of the house to also store diapers so that I'm not having to run up & down the stairs when the baby needs to be changed.

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erinsmomma said...

I store my diapers on a shelf of the changing table. We only use the pocket diapers so I put them together after I wash them. I keep a couple extra stuffed for bedtime or naps.

erinsmomma said...

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Carla said...

Right now I have 30 BumGenius One-size diapers that I keep stuffed and ready to go in dark wood baskets stored in the changing table cubbies, Then for prefolds I keep them stacked in the cubby below folded and ready to go. I love my system and even bought some cute Potterybarn Kids chalkboard labels to hang on the fromt of the baskets so husband and babysitters can find things easier! Im kinda a freak about organization =)

erinsmomma said...

I have the Kelly's Closet button on my blog.

erinsmomma said...

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Anonymous said...

We don't have a huge amount of cloth diapers, so I just store them similar to how I would store disposable diapers. We have a large changing table/dresser combo. Several diapers go into a cute wicker basket on top of the dresser. The remainder go inside the dresser on a large shelf. I hope to add more diapers to what we use. If we get more, I'll probably store some in a basket in baby's closet. mjones_82 @

Stacey Gonzalez said...

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Stacey Gonzalez said...

We are one of the families that actually use a changing table! It has two shelved below and a small cabinet.

All her diapers, covers and wipes are on the shelves and extra lap pads are in the cabinet with burp cloths and blankets.

Each type of diaper has its own stack. Prefolds, flats, fitteds, covers, fuzzi bunz, bumgenius.

It is working great for us.

We also have a small plastic basket with a supply of wipes and bumgenius in our bedroom where lo sleeps for before bed chages.

stacey.gonzalez @

Anonymous said...

I have a diaper stacker that holds prefolds perfectly. I keep covers, fitteds, and pocket diapers in a basket on the dresser/changing table. One of the drawers holds wipes and wipe solution in a peri bottle.

MaineMomma said...

I store our diapers in a small 4 shelf unit. It came with 4 bins, but I only use them sometimes... right now as I am sorting through things to prepare for DD#3 to arrive, the bins are holding bibs and baby socks and such. I stuff all our pocket diapers right as the laundry is done, and keep the extra liners, hemp stuffers, wipes, lotion, and butt cream in a basket on the top of the shelf unit. If someone is coming to babysit, I simply put out a few diapers on the changing pad. It's a fairly good system- everything has a place and the shelves don't look like they are overflowing regardless of whether I use the bins or not. But, as we get closer to DD#3's arrival, I will probably be changing our storage system bc the changing table will move into her room... always looking for a better way, but this works for now!

MaineMomma said...

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Bronwyn said...

We have a changing table that is a dresser with a high-low top and a hutch, so I store my diapers in the drawers. Prefolds are stacked in the top drawer along with liners and covers. Middle drawer has stacked smaller prefolds that don't fit anymore but are used on the changing pad just in case. Outgrown covers are also in that drawer. Bottom drawer holds pockets and their inserts. My wipes are stored in the small top right-hand drawer under the "high" part of the dresser. The drawer below that is for the extra wetbag and pail liners. Below that is a cabinet for all the bath products I got for gifts. I like my storage system because it keeps things neat, dust-free, and out of sight (although some of the diapers are so cute, I hate to hide them!).

Kelly said...

I too use a traditional changing table. I only utiilize the top shelf for diapers, covers, wipe container. I have prefolds flat on one side with diaper covers in the middle (back), the wipe container with moist cloth wipes in the middle (front) and all my new pocket diapers (BG & FB) stuffed and laying flat together in one pile on the opposite side of shelf from prefolds. Also in the middle next to the wipes I have a pile of doublers/infant inserts to stuff in the night time diaper when I get ready for that.

Birrd said...

I store them in my changing table, which is an antique dresser from the 1920's. It's old and the paint is chipped, but the bones are good and it's got roomy drawers for diapers and baby clothes.

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ecky said...

i store my diapers in a large open canvas bag. we have one downstairs and one upstairs. this works pretty well because they are easy to see and easy to get to. we have them all pre-stuffed and ready to go.

elkesten at yahoo dot com

Dani said...

I use two of my son's dresser drawers to store the diapers. One drawer for pockets, the other for PF's, covers, fitteds, and extras like inserts and liners. I love this system b/c it keeps everything "hidden" and it's organized.

Dani said...


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Anonymous said...

I store mine in 3 Rubbermaid plastic drawers with a small basket on top. The top drawer is for All-in-ones and stuffed pockets, the second is for fitted, prefolds, and wraps, and the third is for extra inserts, diapers I'm not thrilled with, ets. The basket on top is for disposable liners and wipes.

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Denise said...

I know this doesn't count as an entry, but I wanted to say I'm so excited to see Kissaluvs will have a new diaper coming out....Can't wait to see what it looks like. Any idea how soon you will have them in stock for purchase?

Jess said...

I actually stack them neatly in 1 of his dresser draws, & I really like my system just wish I had more room! ;) ok maybe less diaps would do the trick lol

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Anonymous said...

i keep my diapers in an extra diaper bag in the livingroom on my changing table aka, my living room couch

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Kelly said...

I store my diapers in a laundry basket on the bottom shelf of my changing table. I stuff all my diapers as I take them off the drying rack, so they are stuffed and ready to go. I have designated my green colored BG 3.0 to be our overnight diapers, so those are stuffed with two inserts and ready for night. We know those are the night time diapers so we make sure not to grab those during diaper changes. We also have the wet bags, extra inserts (mainly the BG doublers), extra wipes (dry obviously) and the extra pail liner in the laundry basket. It is pretty full right after doing a load of diapers, but it fits under the changing table. It is a pretty easy system. And wipes are in a disposable wipe container on the changing table. I am also going to put a little squirt bottle of water on the changing table because I have one too many times started changing a messy diaper to only realize I was out of wipes, or only had one. That way I will have water handy and can just grab a clean dry wipe.

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Cecile said...

I have all the diapers ready for use: the daytime ones with one insert, and the nap/nightime one with an insert and a doubler. I keep them in the baby's room, but I keep a few in the bathroom for my almost potty-trained toddler, who needs a diap for naps and nights.

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Katie said...

I have really streamlined my stash, which has really helped. I keep all diapers and inserts in a big wicker basket that fits on a bookshelf in my living room (I do all diaper changes on a mat on the floor!!). I have another wicker basket that is the same size that I keep extra cloth wipes that are dry and some training pants and a sling. This basket is on a shelf with two smaller baskets that I keep doublers and liners in. I also keep my wipe box there too. I do not have tons of diapers, so they all fit. I keep extra inserts and diapers that are not being used right now in my boys closet.

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Minnie said...

We have 4 baskets under the changing table. One is used for the diapers. I pre-stuff all of them after washing/drying and then I fold them in half and set them in the basket with the middle of the diapers facing up (makes it really easy to grab one up. It's like a basket of pastel rainbow cuteness. :)

The basket next to that houses my wipe warmer w. flannel wipes and the other 2 baskets house the diaper doublers, Imsy Vimsy Flushable Liners and washcloths that I use as a barrier when using rash ointment.

I love my storage system because it's easy access for everyone (Mom, Dad, Grandma etc.) and it's neat and organized and easy to maintain.

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The McKitterick Family said...

I used to use wicker baskets on the shelves of my daughters changing table & found out quickly that I couldn't use anything without a lid on it because my daughter likes to play with everything. Now I use plastic storage containers with lids that aren't easy for her to get off. I love my system. It is easy and convenient for use because it is right there when I am changing my daughter. I never change my daughter any where else other than her changing table, so for me it is perfect. I have a diaper champ for the disposable wipes on one side of the changing table and on the other side a garbage can with a diaper pail liner in it to store my dirty diapers.

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Katrina said...

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I organize and store my diaper stash in a 12 bin toy storage unit that I bought at Target.

K said...

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Carla said...

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team krasean said...

I keep my diapers in dresser drawers (the dresser is our changing table). We have three kids in cloth diapers, so we use 3 of our 8 drawers for diapers!! Small prefolds and covers in one, large prefold and covers in another and nighttime fuzzibunz and BumGenius in the other. It's a lot of diapers, but our system seems to work!!

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kellyn2girls1boy said...

I just keep mine folded on the shelf of the Changing table. This works good until Charlie decides that they are toys. Wipes and covers go in the drawer.

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Tami Tripp said...

I have a clothing divider hung in my children's closet. I put different types of diapers on each level...but it's still hard to keep everything orgnaized. I also try to seperate items needed for nightime diapering and items and diapers used for daytime diapering.

Tami Tripp said...

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Sara in Seattle said...

I already answered about storage at home, but on the go I store my diaper bag just with 3-4 fitteds, but I always make sure to have a small tote in the trunk of the car with a stack of prefolds, an extra cover and a change of clothes.

teriannm said...

I have a cloth cart with 4 cubbies. I have a cubbie for cotton prefolds, a cubbie for bamboo prefolds, a cubbie for covers and a cubbie for my older daughter's training pants/underpants. On top I have cloth wipes and snappies.
I do like my system because it is easy to grab whatever I need quickly!
teriannm AT gmail DOT com

Madeline said...

I keep mine in a free standing cupboard in my son's room. It has 3 shelves, and fits all of his cloth diapers and diapering accessories perfectly. When he was smaller, I had a changing pad on top of the cupboard. It was the perfect height.

Natalie said...

I keep prefolds, fitteds and stuffed pockets in the drawer of the changing table, then covers, wool, inserts and liners in Ikea cloth drawer organizers on the shelves beneath. A wall shelf holds balm, snappies, wipes potion and cloth wipes.

Natalie said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I store our diapers in the second drawer of a small, old dresser that doubles as a changing table. It works really, really well and I love that even my kids can keep the diapers organized this way!

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erinsmomma said...

My storage system seems to work well. I keep my diapers on the second shelf of the changing table. I only have pocket diapers, so I just stuff them once they come out of the dryer and they're all set for when I need them.

erinsmomma said...

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Katrina said...

I left a comment on the Product Focus: Kissaluv's post.

Katrina said...

Back when my stash consisted of only 26 BumGenius 3.0's, I just stored them in my diaper stacker that hung on the nursery wall. Now that I have a much bigger stash, I organize and store them in a 12 bin toy organizer.

Maggie said...

I'm still pregnant and still not very organized.

Anonymous said...

My son's changing pad is attached to the top of his dresser. The top drawer of the dresser holds extra inserts, extra pail liner, flushable liners, and other misc. Next to his dresser is a small, thin 2 tier wood shelf. On each of the shelves is a basket which stores his diapers. Works well for us and doesn't take up much space!

Molly []

Minnie said...

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Minnie said...

Kelly...A suggestion for more away the diaper sizes no longer in use (or not yet in use) and only keep the ones you are using at arms reach. That could give you more room at your changing station. :) I'm all about storing away items/toys/clothes my DD no longer uses to make more room for all the new stuff she seems to accumulate. LOL

Sara in Seattle said...

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Dani said...

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Dani said...

We keep our diapers in 2 of the dresser drawers in my son's room. It's organized and keeps the clutter out of his small room.

K said...

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K said...

In addition to our shelf by the changing table, I also use baskets. I'm still trying to figure out whether to store the extra wipes or diapers in the baskets but it depends on which I use more in the coming weeks and how many cloth diapers/which type of cloth diapers I end up using.

Angela said...

I have a two drawer clear plastic set that sits next to my bed. That is where I change her most of the time.

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Anonymous said...

Our changing table is part of a chest of drawers, and it also has another little drawer (where Snappis and flushable liners go) and a cabinet (where the flats and covers go). I have a wet bag in a big plastic trash can with lid. I like how it's organized, so that I only have to bend down to get a diaper, and I can keep my hand on my wiggly wiggly baby while I reach for a diaper.

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Kelly said...

Right now, I only use pocket diapers. I store them in a laundry basket under our changing table. I stuff them as I take them off the drying rack, so they are all ready to go when it is time for a diaper change. I also store pre-stuffed night time diapers (we use green bg's for overnight, stuffed with two inserts), extra wipes, wet bags and the extra pain liner in the basket. It works great for us, but it is the only system we have ever used. That said, my daughter just started crawling, so now she likes to get into the basket and play with all her neatly folded diapers. This system may have to change, so this is a great topic for me to get new ideas!!!

Anonymous said...

I store my cloth diapers in a rectangle basket on the shelf of my changing table. One side of the basket has a pile of prefolds and the other side of the basket has a stack of pocket diapers and a stack of diaper covers.
On the shelf next to the basket are the wipes. Soon I hope to get a wipes warmer for them!

Kelly said...

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Anonymous said...

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And I forgot to say that I am very pleased with my system.

Maggie said...

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Anonymous said...

I am currently trying to find a system for my should be, but isn't trained toddler. She wears a combo of all-in-ones, training pants, and sposies. I'm keeping all cloth in the top drawer of her dresser, but they are so large they take up the whole drawer! I just keep wishing she'd train:)

ireland241 at adelphia dot net

Jut and Chris said...

I store my diapers on top of my lo's dresser. I just stack the pockets in one pile, the prefolds into another pile, the 'big' inserts and 'small' inserts are in a pile, and the 'special' inserts make up the last pile. My covers, flushable liners, wet bags, snappi's and old diapers are stored in the 'diaper' drawer in the dresser that is now too small to hold all of her diapers.

Jut and Chris said...

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The McKitterick Family said...

I commented on the Product Focus Article: Kissaluvs.

The McKitterick Family said...

I used to use wicker baskets on the shelves of my daughters changing table & found out quickly that I couldn't use anything without a lid on it because my daughter likes to play with everything. Now I use plastic storage containers with lids that aren't easy for her to get off. I love my system. It is easy and convenient for use because it is right there when I am changing my daughter. I never change my daughter any where else other than her changing table, so for me it is perfect. I have a diaper champ for the disposable wipes on one side of the changing table and on the other side a garbage can with a diaper pail liner in it to store my dirty diapers.

kellyn2girls1boy said...

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kellyn2girls1boy said...

I store my diapers on the changing table but am learning of new ways from the other comments. This is my comment for today.

EdenSky said...

I store my diapers on an open shelved changing table with different wicker baskets for different kinds

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Cecile said...

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Erika said...

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Erika said...

Since I'm totally new cloth diapering, I'm trying to figure out my "system".
I think I figured a pretty good system...but I'll know for sure once the baby actually comes and the system is in full use :)

Right now I have a few baskets (from Target) and I have them turned on the sides and the diapers are stacked in them (but I can see them all). And then I have more diapers on top on the baskets.
I like that I can see them all.

tcbelieving said...

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tcbelieving said...

I use prefolds and covers with some microfiber and hemp inserts. I use a nursery crate organizer. It has shelves on one side and a covered basket on the other side. I fold all the prefolds and put them on shelves. I keep my wipes on the top with my stay dry liners and inserts. I keep my covers on the basket side just thrown in there:0 I put my disposables in the basket. We use them for overnights.

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Liz said...

I have a cloth/wood three drawer organizer right next to my changing table. The current dipes are in two drawers, the top for prestuffed night time pockets, the second for prestuffed daytime pockets, prefolds (already folded newspaper style), and covers. The third drawer has garbage bags (gasp!)for the sposies and bath lotions, etc for baby. On top of the organizer I have a small basket with a tub of wipes and some sposies. I also have another small basket on top for my cloth wipes, diaper potion, and fleece liners. I use a garbage pail on one side of the changing table for the sposies and have a large wet bag next to the baby's hamper on the other side. It sounds confusing but is working out great as we are easing into CD with our newborn!

Liz said...

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Sara said...

I store diapers in one of those fabric boxes. I am lucky in that I bought a dresser to act as a changing table and it has a shelf under the top (where the highest drawer normally would be). It works out great because the box/tote thing holds my diapers PERFECTLY (I am currently using prefolds for day and bumGenius for night).

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Erika said...

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A Psych Mommy said...

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K said...

I'm advertising FLUFF FRIDAYS on my blog! :)

EdenSky said...

posted on Kissaluvs product focus.

Anonymous said...

I have a hanging sweater shelf in the closet that I bought that has all of my prefolds on it. The infant size is in the upper half and the premium size is on the lower shelfs. I have one shelf that has a pull out drawer where I put my covers that we are not currently using. I make my own fitteds and have a basket below ths sweater shelf that is full of those and my covers that are currently being used hang on an antique cloths drying rack next to the closet.( I am trying to not dry them in the drier very much) Right beside the closet is my "changing table" (actually a section of an old kitchen counter with 2 drawers and 2 cupboard doors) where I have a basket for all of my wipes and one drawer has all of my microfiber soakers, liners, diaper cream and snappis. All spoosies are inside the cabinet. ( I try to only use them when out of the house..) Right outside one of the nursery doors is the bathroom where I can reach the sink while still touching baby while gatting a wipe wet. The diaper pail is right between the toilet and tub for dumping solids and rinsing out diapers. This works GREAT for me! I really like the system. I can reach everything while still holding onto baby!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on facebook too!!! YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a dresser/changing table combo that has drawers and a cabinet with two shelves. I also have a diaper stacker that was given to me as a gift. I didn't think I'd use it but it works out perfectly to hang the diapers that are being used (it hangs from the changing station and fits 18-20 pocket diapers). Because I live in a condo, I can't line dry my dipes outdoors, so I have a metal drying rack in the corner of baby girl's room (next to the changing station and the window). I stuff all of the diapers before storing them (don't trust hubby to know which inserts go in which dipes). In the cabinet of the changing station, I store the diapers that don't fit in the stacker and I keep the nighttime dipes on a separate shelf so there's no confusion (I think I have about 40 diapers total). On top of the station, I keep a medium sized Planet Wise wet bag in a basket and that's where the poopy dipes go. I have a large Planet Wise bag hanging from the changing station for the peepee dipes. With the bags close by I don't have to worry about what to do with baby while I deal with the dirties. Every other day, I do the wash and I have a second set of clean wetbags ready. On top of the station, I also keep my wipes warmer, wipe solution, and rash cream (as well as her liquid vitamin, nail clippers, and other things I use frequently). I keep the extra wipes and liners in the cabinet below.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I store my diapers in lined baskets. Prefolds, pockets, and fitteds get their own basket. I also have a basket for wipes, safe diaper cream, snappies, and pins.

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K said...

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MaineMomma said...

Commented on the "Product Focus: Kissaluvs" post!

MaineMomma said...

I store our diapers in a four shelf unit... sometimes the diapers make it into the bins, other times I shove on the shelves... and when I'm really lazy I just leave them stacked on the top of the changing table! I like my system right now... when DD#3 arrives in March/April, I'll probably keep her diapers in the bins and the dipes for DD#1 and 2 (who will hopefully both be using them only for nap and night)on the lower shelves, probably out of bins. I keep a basket on the top of the shelf unit for extra doublers, hemp stuffers, wipes, cream, and whatever else ends up in there! For traveling, I have a wet bag with 2 pockets, so I keep clean dipes in 1 pocket and leave the other for dirties. Once our new baby arrives, I'll probably just keep some extra dipes in a small diaper bag with a small wet bag already in there... so I can hopefully just grab and go!

Kelly said...

I currently only have one in diapers so just keeping my diapers on the shelf of the changing table has been easy. Now that I am converting to pocket diapers, I have them on one side mixed together (BG & FB) with my wipe container and extra stuffers in the middle then my older prefolds laying flat on the other side with the wraps folded up in the back of the shelf.

As of now my system is great since I only change on a changing table and like I said, I only have one but that is going to change in 4 months and not sure how I am going to arrange my system when I need to keep track of different size diapers for each kid.

team krasean said...

I keep my diapers in dresser drawers (the dresser is our changing table). We have three kids in cloth diapers, so we use 3 of our 8 drawers for diapers!! Small prefolds and covers in one, large prefold and covers in another and nighttime fuzzibunz and BumGenius in the other. It's a lot of diapers, but our system seems to work!!

Kelly said...

I am also a subscriber of this blog via Google Reader and .Mac Reader depending on which device I am on. Never want to miss a posting. :)

MaineMomma said...

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