Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, July 31, 2009

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Fluff Friday 40

This week's giveaway is for :
1- Thirsties Duo Wrap (given by manufacturer)
1- Thirsties Fab Fitted Diaper (given by
1- Thirsties Pocket All in One Diaper (given by

What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us what color of the new Thirsties Duo Wrap (click here to view) do you like the best? You should leave your comment before Thursday, August 6th at 8pm EDT.

NOTE: Aplix is a brand of hook and loop, essentially identical to Velcro.

What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it: Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.

  1. Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
  2. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
  3. Fluff FridayAdvertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
  4. Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
  5. Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a fan.
  6. Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
  7. One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.

Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, August 7th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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lil misses' mama said...

I also like the rose color diaper...prior to finding out about baby #2 and its gender, I never would have splurged on a girly color, but since we now know this is another girl and my husband isn't sure about having more than two kids, I think the sweet rose color diaper would be fun to own!

Amber Liddle said...

I commented on "Gasp! You use cloth?"

V said...

My favorite color is the storm cloud. I love it for both a boy and a girl.

V said...

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Meghan said...

Orchid is my favorite!

green kiddos said...

I love the aqua color duo wrap. I just bought a green one and love it too!

green kiddos said...

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green kiddos said...

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green kiddos said...

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Lisa said...

I love the color Mango!

lisamls at verizon dot net

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lisamls at verizon dot net

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lisamls at verizon dot net

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lisamls at verizon dot net

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lisamls at verizon dot net

B.A. Hunter said...

I commented on your "Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps" post.

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B.A. Hunter said...

I commented on your "Gasp! You Use Cloth Diapers???" post.

B.A. Hunter said...

I commented on your "Weekend Super Saver Coupon - Aug 1st & 2nd" post.

B.A. Hunter said...

I commented on your "Fluff Friday 39 PLUS Twitter Winners" post.

Aymes said...

I love the orchid cover!

Aymes said...

And I'm a fan on facebook!

Unknown said...

I love the Storm

Upstatemamma said...

I commented on Monday, August 3, 2009
Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps

Upstatemamma said...

I commented on Gasp! You Use Cloth Diapers???

Amanda said...

I think the Rose is beautiful.

Kristin said...

Love the mango!

k.hofferberth at gmail dot com

dannyscotland said...

I commented on "Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps"

dannyscotland said...

I commented on "Gasp! You Use Cloth Diapers???"

lil misses' mama said...

Storm cloud is a fun color!

Rebecca1217 said...

I'd love to try this style of diaper and the mango is a great color.

Unknown said...

I commented on the thread Product focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps


Unknown said...

Daily entry: The mango color is probably really pretty too.


Anonymous said...

I love the Meadow

Anonymous said...

I am a follower on twitter - @arrrj

Melissa said...

I like the orchid color best. Very pretty!

mjones_82 AT

Crissy said...

I commented on the "Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps" post. It was a great story about a beautiful and talented family! Thanks for sharing!

Libby said...

I'm a follower!

Christina's Cookies said...

I would love the Meadow! I love green!

Christina's Cookies said...

Commented on: Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps

Ashley said...

I like orchid for a girl and honeydew for a boy. All of them are great colors though!

Ashley said...

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Ashley said...

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Ashley said...

I commented on "Weekend Super Saver Coupon - Aug 1st & 2nd"

Ashley said...

I commented on "Gasp! You Use Cloth Diapers???"

Ashley said...

I commented on "Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps"

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

Meadow looks really cute too!

laurakcowan said...

I love the rose, too!

Laura C


laurakcowan said...

I commented on Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps

I'm so excited to try these! Thanks for telling the story behind them. My daughter is ready to size up and is awkwardly between cover sizes right now. I think the Duo Wraps will be just the thing to solve this problem.

Laura C


Unknown said...

I like Orchid.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I follow on twitter @Lustau

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Anonymous said...

I love the mango!

Hannah said...

Meadow looks pretty cute!

Hannah said...

Commented on "Product focus: thirsties duo wraps"

Adeleide said...

LOVE the rose colored one!

Adeleide said...

i follow you on twitter!

Brassy said...


Brassy said...


Brassy said...

Commented on:
Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps

Brassy said...

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Right side, near the top.

Brassy said...

Facebook fan (K Sharp).

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Twitter follower: @brassymom

Brassy said...

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Bess said...

I love the celery color.

Shaun said...

I love the Mango color. It's such a pretty and vibrant color. I can't wait till my newborn is big enough for cloth!

Shaun said...

Twitter follower


Shaun said...

Button is on my blog

Shaun said...

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Shaun said...

I subscribe! :)

vwlilybug said...

Humm.. honeydew, no mango no, honeydew. very hard to decide love all the colors..

vwlilybug said...

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vwlilybug said...

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vwlilybug said...

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Jennifer said...

I'd pick the Ocean Blue.. who says blue is for boys??? :)

Jennifer said...

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Jennifer said...

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Jennifer said...

Posted a comment on " use CD's"

Gwenn said...

I would love the duo wrap in meadow! I love thirsties ;)

Gwenn said...

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Gwenn said...

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Ashley said...

I commented on "Real Diapers, Real Babies Photo Contest!"

the monkeys' mama said...

ooooh i love the honeydew color! so fun!

the monkeys' mama said...

and a blog follower!

the monkeys' mama said...

and a Facebook fan!

the monkeys' mama said...

and a Twitter follower (@monkeysonthebed)

the monkeys' mama said...

and I get your fab newsletter!

the monkeys' mama said...

I also left a comment here: "Real Diapers, Real Babies Photo Contest!"

the monkeys' mama said...

I have your button on my blog!

the monkeys' mama said...

also left a comment here:

"Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps"

Anonymous said...

I commented on "Gasp! You Use Cloth Diapers?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

facebook fan

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

twitter follower @meganbhulsey

Jenney said...

Left a comment on "Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wrap"

Meghan said...

Lovin' the Orchid!

Meghan said...

I am a facebook fan!

Meghan said...

And a Twitter follower!


Meghan said...

I am already signed up for your newsletter! I love it!

Elizabeth said...

Meadow is so cute. Gender neutral and would match almost everything my baby girl has.

Elizabeth said...

I subscribe to your newsletter

Proudmama20808 said...

I love the ocean blue

Proudmama20808 said...

I am a follower on twitter

Proudmama20808 said...

I am a fan on facebook!

Sheri said...

Still dreaming of mango. :)

Stacey Ho said...

I just orderd my very first Thirsties AOI and I can't wait to see it becuase I have had lots of cd mommas tell me it is a must have for a nb baby. I really like the mango but meadow is fun too.

Stacey Ho said...

I'm a follower on the blog as well

Stacey Ho said...

I'm a facebook fan

Stacey Ho said...

And yea, just signed up for the newsletter

laurakcowan said...

I commented on the post Real Diapers, Real Babies Photo Contest!

Laura C


hosiewosie said...

commented on "Real Diapers, Real Babies Photo Contest!"

hosiewosie said...

commented on "Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wraps"

hosiewosie said...

commented "Gasp! You Use Cloth Diapers???"

Unknown said...

I posted a comment on the thread Real Diapers, Real Babies photo contest


Allison said...

I love meadow!!

Allison said...

facebook fan

Allison said...

I receive the newsletter.

Stacy Whalen said...

Just left a pending comment on "real diapers real babies photo contest".

Kendra said...

I am pregnant with boy#3 and looking at cloth diapering for the first time. I am so happy to find your site and all the great info. Love the ocean blue.

Heather said...

I really like the mango color for our son. I am a facebook fan :)

gnatalie said...

Love the melon and the site. I'm finding it very helpful as I prepare for my first child =)

little e said...

i love the mango!! i haven't started cloth diapering yet..still doing my research.

B.A. Hunter said...

I posted a comment on your "Nighttime Diapering is not Impossible" post.

B.A. Hunter said...

I commented on your "Real Diapers, Real Babies Photo Contest!" post.

MaineMomma said...

I also like the orchid color!

MaineMomma said...

Commented on "Nighttime Diapering is Not Impossible". I agree!

Upstatemamma said...

I commented on Real Diapers, Real Babies Photo Contest!

Upstatemamma said...

I commented on Nighttime Diapering is not Impossible

Amanda said...

I like the Rose the best. :)

Jut and Chris said...

I commented on "Nighttime diapering is not impossible".

Michelle Ross said...

Tuesday comment!

Kristin said...

I like Mango best, I think :) Based on the pictures, anyway-- so bright!

kmgourley at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

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kmgourley at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

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kmgourley at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

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kmgourley at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

I follow on twitter as kmgourley

kmgourley at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

I have your button on my blog!

kmgourley at gmail dot com

dannyscotland said...

I commented on "Nighttime Diapering is not Impossible"

Melissa said...

I love the Orchid color.

mjones_82 AT

Unknown said...

I commented on the post Nighttime diapering is not impossible


Unknown said...

Daily entry: The storm cloud looks like a pretty color and I love the name of it


Jennifer said...

I posted a comment on "Nighttime diapering is not impossible". :)

Hannah said...

I vote Meadow

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

Mango is my favorite!

Sheri said...

I like meadow

jdeemarie said...

I like the meadow green!

jdeemarie said...

I subscribe...

cathy said...

Storm cloud is my favorite color!

meyrscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com

cathy said...

I'm a subscriber

meyrscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com

cathy said...

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meyrscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com

cathy said...

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meyrscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com

cathy said...

I'm on twitter @27cat

cathy said...

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meyrscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com

cathy said...

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myerscathy [at] hotmail [dot] com

Jennifer T said...

I commented on "Nighttime Diapering is not Impossible".

Anonymous said...

I am a follower

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I advertise the giveaway on my myspace

Anonymous said...

I have your button on my myspace

Anonymous said...

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Libby said...

I subscrive to the newsletter.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

my favorite is ocean blue

Adeleide said...

I love the rose colored thirsties duo wrap!

Adeleide said...

i signed up for your newsletter

laurakcowan said...

I commented on the post Nighttime Diapering Is Not Impossible

Laura C


as said...

I like the ocean blue color.

as said...

I commented on: "Nighttime Diapering is not Impossible"

Bess said...

I love the celery color.

Crissy said...

I commented on your "Real Diapers, Real Babies Photo Contest" post.. that calendar is going to look so great!

Crissy said...

I commented on "Nighttime Diapering is not Impossible"..and it was the first time of day we started CDing because my daughter was getting horrible diaper rash during the night in disposables!

GirlHouse said...

Meadow: )

Shaun said...

Commented on Nighttime diapering post

lil misses' mama said...

The meadow is a cheery fresh color!

Jackie said...

love the orchid!!!

Anonymous said...

I commented on "Product Focus: Thirsties Duo Wrap"

Jackie said...

your button is on my blog

Jackie said...

i'm a fan on facebook

Jackie said...

i follow on twitter

Jackie said...

i have signed up for the newsletter from kelly's closet

Colleen said...

I love the ocean color!!

Colleen said...

I subscribe to the blog :)

Colleen said...

I apologize...I meant to say I subscribe to the newsletter, not the blog!

Colleen said...

I follow on twitter.

Katie said...

I follow on twitter - katieaburley.

Katie said...

I follow on twitter - katieaburley.

Katie said...

I am a facebook fan!

Katie said...

I have your button on my blog.

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