Last weekend after I awoke from a very late nap I realized Ilyas needed a diaper change. He was wearing the same diaper since nap-time. As I called Ilyas to come over to me, my oldest daughter said, “Abi already changed Ilyas.” (Abi is the Arabic equivalent for “my daddy”)
Completely puzzled, I replied, “What? When?”
Surely my hubby didn’t change his diaper. Furthermore, he didn’t possibly use a snap closure diaper! I could have sworn the diaper my son was wearing was indeed the same diaper I put on hours earlier.
“He changed him in the backyard. Ilyas had poopy. Abi washed him with the hose. The diaper’s still in the grass.”
I needed to see this to believe it. Sure enough, laying in the grass next to the hose was the dirty diaper. Hubby managed to not only change a cloth diaper, but a poopy diaper to boot, without even being asked to do it!
Now, I personally would have asked the girls to bring some wipes rather than use the hose...but leave it to Daddy to find a more convenient, and comical alternative. Hubby did a wonderful job with fastening the new diaper! Of course, the bumGenius Organic All-in-One diapers couldn't possibly be any easier to figure out; they're always conveniently ready to go!
UPDATE: As of 11/01 my hubby has changed an additional poopy diaper - and he even managed to take his skills one step further and attempted to rinse the diaper with our diaper sprayer. Of course he left the diaper behind in the sink - but bless him for trying!
Ha ha! I love it! My husband's been pretty great about changing diapers. He changes them almost as often as me but changed his first poopy one the other day. He wasn't sure how he felt about rinsing it off and then wringing it out but he did it!
Bwahahahaha!! Go Daddy!! My dad loves to tell about how, when I was a baby, he'd hold me upside-down under running water to clean my bum. I still can't figure out how that worked.
This is hilarious. I love the hose idea! My hubby is still not willing to venture into the world of poopy fluff. Maybe someday....
That is hilarious. I just laughed out loud when I got to the hose part.
My husband did the exact same thing! Our son's poos usually roll right off the diaper, so when he had a week of diarreha my husband took the pocket diaper out back and hosed it off!
Mine did the same thing more then once..I understand about how silly daddys get.
Too funny! My husband will change a poopy diaper when he has to. But he hates snaps, so he won't use the snap diapers (probably because he can never snap it right). And he NEVER rinses the diaper. He lives them on the bathroom sink for me. He will dump a solid, but no spraying. Also he never seperates the insert from the pockets, so I have to do it during laundry time.
Love it! I was so proud of my hubby the other day when he skillfully used a prefold and a snappy for the first time! He didn't tuck the sides into the cover, but it was an awesome first attempt!
Haha! Way to go dads who change fluff! My husband does a great job changing our DD's fluff, but he does still have to ask me some questions as he goes, especially about the covers and prefolds. But overall he does an awesome job!
aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com
Too funny! My husband will change diapers, but not away from home. If we are anywhere but home, diaper changing is soley my responsibility! But this is hilarious. I was at a friends house and she casually went to change her little boy (who wears cloth) not expecting a poopy. She didn't have any wipes handy, so she took him to the kitchen sink to rinse him off - then promptly pulled out the bleach. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!
Oh my gosh, that made me laugh. Sometimes guys are just so cute, even when they do things that make me roll my eyes! My hubby has been surprisingly excited about cloth diapering our now 8 week old Gabriel--I had trouble with leaks my first few times, but hubby (always the trouble shooter!) is the one who figured them out! Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like something my husband would do! Usually, when faced with a diaper change, he leaves the dirty diaper somewhere in our bedroom (?!?!?) instead of chucking it in the dry pail and about 50% of the time, he puts the diaper on backwards. But, at least he isn't reaching for a disposable anymore!
Very, very funny. I'm lucky, my dh has been changing our son's diapers (prefolds and covers) since birth and rinsing out the poop for a few months. He DID just learn how to use a snappi, though, and ds's 17 months old- and the hose sounds all too familiar...
haha too funny!
My husband has threatened to use the hose but never has. He leaves the dirty diapers on the toilet for me to rinse. He won't touch a diaper with snaps unless there are no other options! The funny thing is we started with prefolds and pins! :o) Go Daddy's that use cloth!
That is so funny...we just had our baby three weeks ago and since he was early we are using disposable diapers for the first month or so and I love watching my husband change his cute!!!
My husband was not a prefold/covers guy and I think he used the word Snappi as a cuss word s few times(j/k). However, since we started using pockets, he has been a real champ! Go Dad!
I love it. This just sounds like "classic dad" behavior. Thanks for sharing. I literally LOL.
haha the hose part is funny. my husband is great with changin diapers though but sometimes he would wear a mask when changin a poopy one
LOL! Awesome!! Wondering how my DH will handle cloth diapers... I'm thinking he'll be just like your DH! =)
This is so funny to me! We just had to use disposables for a week and a half and my husband actually said that he couldn't wait until we could use cloth again. I was surprised! He said he couldn't stand the smell of disposables and just likes cloth better. He then told me not to tell ;)
That is great- I love that he thought to use the hose!
Oh my that is too too funny!!
At least He tried! The closest I've found my hubby is standing clueless over the table with baby et al & hesitant to go much further, lol!
Such a fun story. It was my husband's idea in the first place to use cloths, but at first was really stand offish about using the prefolds I purchased. Once I got some snap diapers he was all over it. Thanks for sharing. My husband speaks Arabic (from the army), I learned the word for my daddy but I've never seen it spelled. I kept writing Ebi. Nice to know.
lol thats great! at least he got the diapers changed? :P
hmmm...makes me wonder how my sweetheart will handle cloth diaper changes. he's behind cloth diapering 100%, so he'll probably do great with it all. he's a problem solver, so i can't wait to see the solutions he'll dream up!
Thank you for sharing husband just panics and screams for me. God only knows what would happen if I wasn't around!
Thank you for sharing husband just panics and screams for me. God only knows what would happen if I wasn't around!
That is hilarious! I love this story. Leave it to a man to use the hose, and leave the diaper in the grass, lol. At least he tried.Thats all that counts.
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