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Friday, November 13, 2009

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Fluff Friday 55 - Rumparooz Giveaway

This week's giveaway: (given by the manufacturer)
2-Rumparooz One Size Diapers with inserts

What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us: Do you prefer a snap closing diaper or an aplix (velcro) closing diaper and why? You should leave your comment before Thursday, November 19th at 8pm EDT.

What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it: Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.

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  2. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
  3. Fluff FridayAdvertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
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  8. Tweet with a link to any page on our site AND put @diapershops in your tweet. Simply "cut and paste" your tweet as a comment on Fluff Friday. Every tweet you do gets an entry!!
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Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, November 20th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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Attila & Tamara said...


Love my Super Do inserts for overnight! Check them out @diapershops:

Pumpkin Bear said...

It depends on the diaper, but I generally prefer the fit of velcro.

pumpkinbears at gmail dot com

Pumpkin Bear said...

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Fluff Friday Giveaway @diapershops. :

Here's a link:

pumpkinbears at gmail dot com

Maggie said...

I don't really have a preference. They both have their advantages. Now that it's winter and my daughter is wearing pants, I mostly prefer aplix, but in the summer she can undo those too easily and I like the snaps better.

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Megan said...

Daily Post: I like snaps the best because my son takes the others off all the time. I do love BG 3.0's though. It would be awesome if those came in snaps.

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

I prefer the aplix because they are easier to use and get a better fit, but they also wear out faster and my son is starting to figure out how to get them off, so I also like snaps for those reasons.

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Sheryl said...

I used aplix with my first son (BGs) and a bit of snaps (FBs). I was upset with the way the velcro broke down over time and stuck to everything. With my second son, it was all snaps. Happy with those.

Sheryl said...

I have a link to you on my blog.

Jenney said...

I really like snaps better. My aplix is starting to wear out and my 16 mo. old is good at getting it off. Plus, snaps don't cause "diaper chains" in the laundry (if you have this problem you can try to close them on the extra tab before washing...not always guaranteed).

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Kristin said...

I aplix closures because I seem to get a better fit. I always seem to have funky/gaping thighs on my snap diapers. The exception is my SmartiPants, those are great and I really do like not having to mess with laundry tabs!

k.hofferberth at gmail dot com

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Attila & Tamara said...

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"What's that Smell?"

Megan said...

I commented on "Spotlight on Mom"

V said...

I prefer snaps since they seem to hold up better and are harder for my toddler to take off.

Lauren said...

I like aplix because it makes the diapers so adjustable, but our 6 month old just figured it out, so it is going to be hard to keep them on him! :)

V said...

I follow you on twitter. I'm rotormommy.

Lauren said...

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Savannah said...

I prefer aplix because they're easy, endlessly fit, and quiet.

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Melissa said...

I love Snap diapers. They fit a lot more trim, the snaps don't get caught on sweaters, they are more durable, and our toddler can't unfasten them.

mjones_82 AT

Attila & Tamara said...


Check out @diapershops for your #clothdiapers and accessories!

Lisa said...

I prefer snaps, because they don't wear out, and they are harder for my daughter to undo.

Lisa said...

I posted a comment on "November's Spotlight MOM."

rebecca said...

I much prefer snaps because, in my experience, aplix just messes up too quickly. It's easier to get a good fit with aplix, but not worth the hassle, in my opinion.

gitrecca at gmail dot com

dyetara said...

I prefer snaps, 2 reasons:
1. no diaper chains or snagged FOE from laundry.
2. munchkins can't undo the snaps as easily.

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Jennifer said...

Overall, I'd have to say snaps, although there are positives and negatives to both, obviously. Aplix = pilling, stuff stuck to it, fuzzy, and wear and tear that shows. Even if you have laundry tabs.

Tony and Jayme Dee said...

I am very new to cd-ing. I have 10 diapes with snaps and only 1 with velcro. So far, I prefer snaps. I think the velcro diape doesn't seem as comfortable for my little one. The laudnry tabs in the bag of the diape rubs on her little back! = (

fancygrlnancy said...

I mostly prefer snaps because then my son can't undo them. But we mostly have velcro (aplix) because my husband can't seem to figure out how to snap them tight enough and he won't use snap.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

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commented on Kelly's Closet Recognizes One of the First Diaper Brands It Ever Carried... FuzziBunz Cloth Diapers!

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said...

tweeted a link to rumparooz @ KElly's closet
Check out the Rumparooz G2 One Size Diapers with Snaps with 6-r Soaker @diapershops #clothdiapers
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Tanya said...

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Tanya said...

Aplix is so much easier for me BUT they get caught together in the wash and are easier for my little guy to remove. I want to like snaps more but I only have a few snap diapers at the moment. The one Rumperooz diaper I have rocks!

Tanya said...

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Unknown said...

I love snaps on my CDs. They don't irritate like velcro can.

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Arizona Girl said...

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Arizona Girl said...

I love how easy the velcro is, but I can't get past how much more long lasting the snaps are, also baby has a much harder time taking off a snap diaper.

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Fluff Friday 54 PLUS Twitter Winners"

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Kelly's Closet Recognizes One of the First Diaper Brands It Ever Carried... FuzziBunz Cloth Diapers!"

Madeline said...

All I have are the aplix closures. I loved them at first, but I've had to replace the closures. So, I'd love to try the snaps.

Christina's Cookies said...

I like the snap closures best. I have had a lot of bad luck with the aplix and them never staying latched and my 12 month old has a LOT of fun undoing them!!
I asked DH the other day which he likes best and he surprised me by saying the snaps! SO I will not be purchasing any dipes with aplix from now on.

Andrea Kruse said...

Daily tweet!

Andrea Kruse said...

I think the snaps take a little longer to get used to, but are easier in the long run to work with. Also they don't rub against my little ones skin and irritate it.

Attila & Tamara said...

Right now we have only snaps. I bought 6 diapers with snaps to try out. I really like the snaps! Aplix would be quicker, I'm sure, but I'm worried about it wearing out!

Attila & Tamara said...

Commented on:

Video Product Focus: Rumparooz

Unknown said...

daily entry:
I prefer snaps because all my velcro is sticking to everything except where its supposed to

Christina said...

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christina.crabtree at hotmail dot com

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christina.crabtree at hotmail dot com

rebecca said...

I love our snap closures! I feel like you can perhaps get a better fit with aplix, but all of our aplix dipes are pilly and don't work as well after about six months. The snaps still work beautifully and don't creat diaper chains!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Kayla said...

For now, aplix is my favorite because my daughter is 7 weeks old and it makes diaper changes a lot easier (especially for my husband!)

Unknown said...

I have been reading about these diapers and they look great!

Megan said...

Daily Post: I definitely prefer snaps. I wish all brands gave you an option like these Rumarooz.

Megan said...

I commented on "Video Product Focus"

Peter and Rachel said...

I like aplix b/c it's faster and I can get a better fit with it, but snap diapers keep that nice "new" look so much longer b/c there is nothing snagging, and you don't have to worry about lint getting stuck so they dont' work!

Peter and Rachel said...

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Attila & Tamara said...


Looking for a good deal?! @diapershops @Grobaby os clothdiapers are 35% off (original production) & bio-soakers BOGO !


Snap definitely they seem to be more durable and look nice longer!

mommyfrog said...

I prefer snap diapers because my son can get the aplix ones off. But I prefer aplix for how fast they are to change when he's upset and doesn't want to lay still. It's really a toss up for me.

mommyfrog said...

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Brett and Jen said...

I like aplix closures for their speed but I like snaps for washing.

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Tina said...


tinapianochic at hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

So far I've only used aplix. I love the ease for a wiggly toddler, but the wear does come quickly, so I've been wanting to give snaps a try!

Jenney said...

Left a comment on "Product Focus Rumparooz" But you don't have any of the newborn ones in stock...any idea how long till you will?

Jenney said...

Blogged about your giveaway

Melessa Gregg said...

To be honest, I am new to cloth and have only ever used velcro. I would love to find out what snaps are like.

The Fam said...

SNAPS! They NEVER snag in the wash.

The Fam said...

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shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

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shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Melissa said...

I like aplix because my son has a skinny waist and I can get a better fit. However, I really love the durability of snaps.

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The Fam said...

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shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Melessa Gregg said...

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JosiahsMommy said...

I'm a snaps girl all the way. My son Loves taking his diaper off. But with snaps he can't do that.

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Denise said...

I personally prefer snaps, they seem neater (less messy) to me & they are harder for my toddler to undo.

I've never had any trouble with any of my snap diapers, but I have had issues with aplix wearing out or getting stuck to other things even when I'm diligent about using the laundry tabs.

Unknown said...

Snaps launder so much better!!

Unknown said...

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Melissa said...

I like snaps because velcro seems to wear out quicker.

mjones_82 AT

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Lisi B said...

I like snaps for the durability but to be honest, aplix is just much easier to use. They both have their ups and downs.

Jane said...

I haven't tried them on a babe yet, but I like snaps.

Lisi B said...

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Pix said...

I am pretty sure we will be a velcro family, but you never know. I ended up getting a lot of snaps so we will find out!

Crissy said...

I love aplix closures for the great fit you get. But they just don't last very long and snag on everything. But I still love them the most.

Crissy said...


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COmmented on "Weekend Super Saver Coupon Nov. 14th & 15th" and wish I had seen it in time..I love finding free shipping deals!

Crissy said...

I commented on "November's Spotlight MOM" and I love her advice!

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BabyBird said...

I've only ever used snap, and I love them. Very sturdy.

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Chantelle said...

I prefer the snap closure diapers, because they hold up better in the wash. The velcro tends to get stuck on other diapers even though I use the laundry tabs.

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Anonymous said...

I commented on Video product focus: rumparooz!

Camille said...

I'm still torn! I like snaps for quality and longevity and easy washing, but I often like the easy fit of aplix better! Rumparooz aplix are higher quality than say BGs too, so that helps! :)

Contact said...

i like aplix better but bc snaps last longer i prefer them.

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hosiewosie said...


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mommasboys said...

I prefer snaps, so the Aplix does not tear up my other diapers in the wash :)

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A. said...

I like the snaps better because of washing. The aplix tends to abraid the other materials in the wash.

Heidi Maxwell said...

I like snaps.

It seems that no matter what kind of diaper I have with aplix, they always end up stuck to something - itself, other diapers, wipers, inserts. And they are always filling up with lint, fuzz, dog hair - you name it.

The two year old can get out of both snaps and aplix, but snaps are harder.

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@diapershops I'm washing my Rumparooz G2 now!


Heidi Maxwell said...

I posted in "Product Focus: Babylegs"

We LOVE our Babylegs!

Anonymous said...

I do not have any snap closing diapers but really am not a huge fan of the velcro on the bum genius. It is starting to show wear after just a few months.

Beth said...

I go back and forth. I really like aplix for the good tight fit I can get. But then I like the snaps because they are longer lasting. I know my husband likes the aplix over the snaps because the ease of use.

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Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...


fancygrlnancy said...

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said...

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Christina said...

I like the snap closures best. I have had a lot of bad luck with the aplix and them never staying latched and my 12 month old has a LOT of fun undoing them!!
I asked DH the other day which he likes best and he surprised me by saying the snaps! SO I will not be purchasing any dipes with aplix from now on.

Lisa said...

I like snaps better, because they don't wear out, and they aren't easy for babies to undo.

Charndra from Part Time Diaper Free! said...

I definitely prefer snaps - there is something sonically pleasing about that popping and snapping sound, it soothes my fingers I think.

Attila & Tamara said...

Commented on:

"Dirty Diaper Laundry's Fluffy Christmas Event"

Attila & Tamara said...

Right now we are a snap family. I bought snap diapers to start with because i heard such good things about them online.

Attila & Tamara said...


I'm dreaming of a Rumparooz Christmas: @diapershops

rebecca said...

I love the fit of aplix, but prefer snaps so as to prolong the life of my diapers. The aplix gets so pilly and doesn't work as well after a while, in my experience!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Melissa said...

Snaps because they last longer.

mjones_82 AT

Janie said...

I commented on Dirty Diaper Laundry.

Sarah Jess Murphy said...

We like the snap closures for the long term wear. I've also heard that when the little ones get bigger they figure out the aplix closures.

skgaff said...

Definitely snaps...velcro wears out too fast and the laundry tabs NEVER work so I end up with diaper chains out of the dryer. Also snaps are much more difficult for my daughter to take off.

Sarah Jess Murphy said...

Facebook Fan.

marie said...

i personally like snaps better since my 8 month old daughter has figured out how to undo velcro. also no matter if the diaper has laundry tabs or not, velcro diapers always get lint and string and hair stuck in the velcro. i also think that snap diapers just look more professionally made.

marie said...

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Lacy said...

I like the ease and versatility of velcro, but I appreciate the durability and difficulty of snaps!

tiaanvanv at yahoo dot com

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Lacy said...


tiaanvanv at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

I commented on "Dirty Diaper Laundry"

Megan said...

Daily Post: I definitely prefer snaps. My son takes off his aplix diapers all the time!

Lisa said...

I prefer snap closures. They don't get all worn out like aplix or stick to things, and they are more difficult for babies to open by themselves.

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