After cloth diapering for over a year and a half, I finally broke down last month and bought my first Goodmama fitted diaper from Kelly’s Closet. I’d heard so many great things about Goodmama diapers, but just never wanted to spend “that much” money on a diaper. Seriously, my baby is just going to poop in it. I remember thinking that people where crazy for spending $60 - $80 or more on a single diaper if it meant buying a special limited edition print. I also recall hearing of the crazy “sell-out-in-seconds stockings” that would take place just to get one single diaper. As much as I loved my cloth diapers, I just wasn’t willing to go that far, and I know my pocket book wouldn’t have allowed me, even if I had wanted to. Besides, my husband would likely take away my credit cards if I spent that much on a single diaper!
Time has passed and all that craziness seems to have settled back down a bit, so when I saw the Goodmama diapers go on sale last month on Kelly’s Closet I just had to pick one up. When it arrived in the mail I was in love with my new diaper – the Primal Roar Goodmama fitted. I was surprised at how thick the diaper and inserts were, as well as how soft the organic bamboo velour was. I couldn’t wait to wash it and add it into my rotation. However, I purchased the diaper as a Christmas gift for my son Brendan, so it would have to wait a few weeks!
I was so in love with my new diaper that not a week later, I just had to add another one to my stash. Thankfully the Goodmama diapers were still on sale at Kelly’s Closet and I couldn’t pass up such a great deal. I ordered the “Get the Scoop” print figuring it was gender neutral enough for my little man, and it too found its way under the tree just in time for Christmas.
I’ve been using the Goodmama diapers for about two weeks now and absolutely love them. Brendan has been recovering from a round of Rotavirus so diaper changes have been less than fun in the past week if you know what I mean. Yesterday morning I went to change a stinky diaper and I was amazed that everything was contained inside the diaper. I have my doubts that any of our other diapers could have contained such a mess so well, and I rarely, if ever have leaks with any cloth diaper. I immediately rinsed off the diaper with my diaper sprayer and continued to wash my fluff that afternoon. The Goodmama came out looking like new…not a single stain! I was sure that I would have to take a few extra steps to clean up the light colored velour, but a normal wash routine using Rockin’ Green did the trick in just one wash. Simply amazing!
I can’t wait to get my hands on a few more Goodmama diapers as my cloth diaper budget allows. NOW I understand what the fuss is all about… Goodmama diapers rock!
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This post definitely has me longing even more for a Goodmama Fitted Diaper. But like Katrina, I haven't been able to part with the $$ for them. Especially since I get the comment "why are we buying yet another cloth diaper?" from my hubby each time I recieve a package from the Diapershops.
I haven't tried Goodmama's but I didn't the love other fitteds that I tried. I'm just too into pockets to want the extra step of having a cover.
ok, I am officially intrigued. I have heard good things about these diapers and MAN are they cute! Normally I like velcro closures better than snaps, how do you find the snaps work for you?
I like the idea of an all-in-one that's also a one-size. Are they crazy bulky on smaller babies though?
I, too, never understood until I got my own...although I traded my pockets that were not getting any love! They are now my go to traveling/out-and-about diapers! In 6 months, NOT ONE SINGLE LEAK OR BLOW OUT!!!!!
I have 1 goodmama and I LOVE it. Wish I had more. I use it for night time and have not had any leaks.
I know I love my goodmamas! they are amazing...
I am in love with these diapers, and will absolutely be trying one out on our new baby once he/she arrives!
They do ROCK. We love our Goodmamas.
I just ordered my first goodmama (the HOT one) and a sample of rockin green. I am looking forward to them and am excited!!
YAY! for goodmamas! and Rockin' Green. I got my hands on some Ones before Christmas and I love love love them. And, IMO, there is no better detergent for diapers than Rockin' Green.
I went through the same thing when I bought my first Goodmama! I am now up to 8 of them and about to buy another 5 used. They are awesome, especially under wool or fleece, they absorb more than any other fitted I've tried and way more than a prefold! Have fun with the fluff!
Oh, I want one of these SO incredibly bad! This has me longing even more!!! :)
I haven't tired goodmomma's diapers but every once in a while i venture over to her site to check out what prints they have. I have heard so many good things about them
I really want to try a goodmama "One". I love the fitteds that I have (the serged are my absolute favorites!)
Would love to try a Goodmama...however, we CD mostly to save $$ and right now our daughter is showing interest in potty training. HOwever, if we ever have another, I hope to splurge on a couple of these!
mjones_82 AT
I got my first a few months ago and am hooked!! I now have 5 and am planning on buying at least one more in the very near future!! Sooo feelin' the GM <3 here!!!
I just tried GM for the first time last week - what sweet diapers! :)
I have really been wanting to try a Goodmama diaper. I'm hoping soon that I will be able to. Same story about the money just being too much. Maybe one of these days I'll stash a little away to try one.
I too was hesitant to spend money on the GoodMama diaper, but I bought all three fitted prints during the pre-Christmas sale. And I LOVE THEM. My one-year-old daughter is a super-soaker, particularly at night, and as she still breastfeeds, we have occasional rounds of loose and explosive poops. NEVER A LEAK.
Even my husband likes them. Well, he likes how they work and that we don't wake up with a wet bed from a leaky baby :) He doesn't even seem to mind if I buy more of them as our daughter will put them to good use, and I'm sure they'll go through the ringer with the hypothetical "next child."
They sound awesome, yet another diaper to put on my wish list!
I've never tried Goodmama's, but of course have only heard really great things. They're just too expensive for me to suck up and buy, but it sounds like they really are worth it!
I have 1 Goodmama I bought on Diaperswappers and I love it. I keep trying to talk my husband into buying more but he cannot figure out the snaps!
I really like my Goodmamas at night with an extra insert. It holds up well to the little man's output. Didn't fit so well when he was first born, but now at 7 months it's pretty good.
Erin~ Yes they are crazy bulky. But they are amazing at home diapers.. they hold a TON and I find that seriously padded bottom pretty adorable. :)
My baby girl isn't due to arrive until April, but I already have one Goodmama waiting for her! I can't wait to add more to my stash!
I have heard people rave about them, but I haven't tried one. I would love to try one though, even though for the most part I am like Megan in that I am into pockets because I don't like the thought of an extra step. I did recently get a baby beehinds and I must say I do like it - I just hate covering the color up.
I love learning about new diapers!!
During the Goodmama sale I picked up my first Goodmama diaper. Before that I never could have imagined spending the money for them, now I own a mix of Ones and fitteds, I am in Love!!! I also purchased a good night diaper, it's the first that has worked for me, we don't even need a cover for it! I banned myself from buying anymore until we have another baby!
I love how incredibly soft the OBV inners are!
I started using cloth in November, after using disposables(for years) for my six boys. I really didn't know how much better cloth would be! After I read this post, I decided I would love to try a Goodmama diaper on my little girl.
I've never tried a fitted diaper... And I've wanted a GM for awhile, but I really can't justify the expense at this point. Darnit. :)
I too have heard great things about this brand from one of my cloth diapering friends - but my husband would have taken my debit card away if I ordered any - they are a little too pricey for our cloth diapering budget! Maybe if I won one to try it out, he would change his mind and let us add a few to our new stash!
I think Goodmamas might become my new obsession! I don't have any yet, because we don't NEED any more diapers.... but I WANT one so bad!
I have heard such great things about this diaper.....but the $$ is what stopped me from buying it! Cant wait to try it
We only use FB now...but I would love to try Goodmama's!!
Love that you were able to save so much money. I love the fact that every time I put a cloth diaper on my dd, I'm saving money! GM diapers are super cute, too!
I've never used Goodmamas. I'd love to try them, though, because I like my fitteds under a wool cover for night time!
i have a few goodmama's, but with two babies in diapers, i could sure use a few more for our stash! i use them coverless around the house when i want to air things out! they are great!
We only use FB now...but I would love to try Goodmama's! Especially with all the awesome designs!!
i love the few goodmamas i have, and with two babies in diapers, i could sure use a few more for our stash!!
I would love to try a Goodmama diaper. I'll probably add a few to my registry when we have baby #2. They sound like an awesome diaper!
Amanda G.
I am itching to try a Goodmama, but these things come second when looking for a house. I know from experience that fitteds work well for us so I can't wait to get my hands on a Goodmama! Maybe the day we close on a house I will buy one to celebrate. Haha!
I havent tried Goodmama's either because of the price but with a new baby coming in August I might give one a try. I love fitted diapers so this might be something to add to my stash.
I'm so sad I've maxed out my "stash cash" for right now. Maybe I'll win the facebook giveaway! =)
I keep hearing good things about Goodmamas. But haven't been able to try them yet.
I don't have aa Goodmama (yet) but I've been lusting for one they're so cute & I've heard nothing but great things about them!
I like how trim they look like they fit. When I splurge for a diaper I will give them a try.
I would love to try one of these. We have started branching out and trying different diapers and these always looked like ones I would want to try! They are so cute though I'd hate to have to cover them up with a cover!
I havent tried GM's yet but everyone raves about them and I love the patterns!
I just ordered my first Goodmama fitted & I can't wait to get it and try it out!
I haven't trying the Goodmama diapers yet because of a VERY strict budget. Right now it's easier to use my prefolds with my wraps. I love the idea of the Goodmamas, though. I do treasure the few one-size diapers I have.
Before this post, I hadn't even considered getting a Goodmama. I have a stash of all BG 3's and it works well for us. After reading though, I kind of want to get the Hot One for my little dude to wear around in the summer. The prints are sooo cute!
I'm dying to try a GM, but I don't think DH would be happy with the price tag on them. Maybe someday. They are so cute!
I think they are adorable! I'd love to try one, but haven't been able to justify spending that much money on one yet!
I have never had a goodmama diaper because I've never been able to afford one! But they look *super* cute and I would love to have at least one!!
I haven't tried a Goodmama yet, but am so tempted! They look adorable and so soft! :D
I've never used a fitted diaper, but would love to try. We currently use prefolds and pockets.
I also have felt your pain of wanting one, but the pocket book not allowing it! :( Oh well for now. Glad you found some on sale and love them!!!! Maybe just maybe one day I'll own one!
I would love to try a fitted Diaper.. I am still kind of new to cloth diapering.. so I am always learning when I come to your blog!
I've always wanted to know what the buzz was about, and how they can be so expensive. I'd love to try one someday on my little one! I've never heard one person say they didn't love Goodmama's.
I actually owned one that I got for a steal up until about two months ago when I moved. I thought DD was ready to PT and didn't think I'd need to keep any of my CD. Well after the move, that didn't happen - she actually regressed, and now I'm working on getting a stash up all over again. It would be pretty nice to see a goodmama in this house again!
I've been wanting to try a GM for a little while now, and this isn't helping! The price tag is pretty intimidating, though!
I would love to try one because of all the hype!
I have some goodmamas but cannot afford to buy them new, so I would like a new one!
I'd love to try one - perhaps when there's a sale! Or maybe I'll win one!
These diapers are so cute and I've heard nothing but good things about them. Would love to try one on my baby someday.
I have some goodmamas but cannot afford to buy them new, so I would like a new one!
Definitely made me want one!
we havent tried fitted diapers yet, even though we have plenty of covers since we use prefolds, so I have been trying to find a good reason to give my husband when I buy one of these. I am excited about them though
I <3 my Goodmamas!
I can't wait to try Goodmamas! They are so cute and get great reviews!
I can't wait to try Goodmamas! They are so cute and get great reviews!
The Goodmama One-Size All-in-One Diaper - The SEMI-SWEET One is SOOOO CUTE! I love the ruffley bum!
We definitely have the Goodmama love! Nothing is better than coverless GMs on the cute twin bootys in the summertime and I love them under wool the rest of the year. So soft and absorbant and my boys actually like to pick out their favorites for diaper change time.
I'd love to try one of these... they look great!
I don't understand the "fitted" GMs (I wouldn't want to cover a cute diaper up, but am not cool with the idea of no cover), but I love the cute designs of the Ones. I have my first one (The Lavender One), and have only gotten to use it a few times. I'm still working out some kinks, but it's so cute, I think I'll be getting more!
I would love to try a Goodmama!
Interesting, it seems like everyone on here loves them! I would want to try one but the price is too steep right now for us.
I've been interested in trying a Goodmama but as with other mamas, I haven't yet been able to rationalize the money, especially when I make the vast majority of my diapers myself. Someday...
I've been a GoodMama for awhile now. At first I didn't see the point in the pretty prints, but we go coverless a lot, so they do get seen. DD's wearing an Enchanted Woods right now.
Goodmama AND Rockin' Green.. I couldn't agree more, love them both. Absolutely no blow-outs with Goodmamas, the snaps are simple to figure out, and the fit is perfect for us. We've used them since birth with our son and they are absolutely worth every penny spent on them. Still fitting wonderfully and looking beautiful a year later.
I'm just beginning my foray into cloth diapers and am experimenting with different styles. Am looking forward to trying a Goodmama! ;)
I love my Thirsties Fab Fitted diapers, so if these are anything like those then I think I would love them.
I had never heard of these as I'm usually drawn to the pocket diapers. However, upon reading this post I immediately checked them out at Kellys Closet. The pebble one is the coolest looking diaper I have ever seen. However, I don't think they'll be in my budget anytime soon!!
We like fitteds! They are a tad easier than prefolds and we only use our pockets for nights. Haven't tried GMs yet though.
I would really like to try a Goodmama for night time. But like alot of other mamas out isn't quite in the budget. Maybe I'll tell DH I was a Goodmama fitted for Valentines : )
would like to have a goodmama!
We've got a couple fitteds, and they are pretty great, we always use them for overnights or long trips next purchase will be a goodmama ONE, though...still trying to decide which print.
I got our first Goodmama during the huge hype last year. I couldn't believe I was spending so much money, but I had to find out what everyone was talking about. The minute I put it on my son he pooped almost immediately. I figured it must be pretty comfortable:) They are so incredibly soft and it's one of the only diapers he'll actually lay still for me to put on. Since that first diaper I went on to buy 20 more. I made a bunch of fleece soakers and we are set.
Here we are a over a year later and he still wears them and now my new son fits in them too. I'm so excited that you can find that at more place now and I can't wait to try "The One"
We are hands down a Goodmama household. Our stash consists of 90% Goodmamas. Now with the addition of Goodmama Ones we are officially addicts =)
I'm finally starting to spend the $$ on new diapers instead of used so I'm not quite ready to spend on the really nice expensive ones! I would love to try the Goodmama.
I have a couple goodmamas and managed to snag a newborn for the baby due next week, I can't wait to try it out on her!
this definitely makes me want to try this diaper out! I am a new cloth diapering momma going on 2 weeks!
Elizabeth St. Clair
I'm new to CDing but am drooling over some Goodmama's for my stash!!!!
AWWW- I want a Goodmama SO bad!
I know so many people obsessed with gms. I really want one but can't spend that much on a fitted. I'm sure I'd want more if I buy some! They are so cute!
I would so love a goodmama! Right now we just have os dipes... I would love to afford to see what the hype is about though lol
AWWW he is adorable :) makes me wanna go out and order my son one. Although, I love the BG'S, I think when our tax money get's here, I am thinking of considering this one. After all I am always willing to try a new one, but sometimes the money is not there. I think in all honesty I am obsessed with Cloth Diapering, that I have talked my cousin, in which is going to be a new mother next month to go green with cloth diapers. I am very proud of myself. I have help another mother to help herself and our environment. I wish I could win one of these
I don't have a GM fitted but I do love my GM One AIO. It is adorable!
just got my first two goodmama's this month after many months of waiting to have some extra $ to try them. we love them and i have a couple more on the way. hoping to add to my stash over the next few months. they are so cute and by far the squishiest diapers we have.
My name is Alanna and I am a goodmama addict. I stalk daily!
I have just started feeling the fitted love, and am really liking my Goodmama's. I splurged when they had their sale.
ohh yeah I would love to try one, especially if I win it ;)
Julia Nelson
I would love to try a Goodmama diaper!!!!!!
I've never tried a good mamma, but I would love to see what all they hype is about!
I am new to cloth! Loving trying new stuff and cant wait to try Goodmama's!
I havnt been able to try goodmamas out.....but i would LOVE to!! thanks for the great giveaway!
annamie2 at hotmail dot com
Oh! I have a question about the picture: What is he wearing on his legs? this looks like a fantastic boy option!
How much is too much?
I'm intrigued. I'll have to check out these "GoodMamas". :)
Ok... You guys are SO making me want to try a GoodMama! I love my bum geniuses, but I'm now super curious!!
I want to try a goodmama! new to cloth and loving it so far. I still cheat at night and use a disposable after first wake up. no place to put 2-3 wet cloths overnight....hmm I need a solution to nightime changes...
I'd like to win one of these! I have talked a lot of hype about CD in my blog and to my friends and those will listen. I've never tried this brand, though! I like the that the boy prints as as great as the girl ones in this line -that is kind of rare!
We love our Goodmamas too! We've been using them exclusively for over a year! <3
i havnt ordered a good mama yet, but man do i want one!! i hear SO many things about this being a wonderful diaper! i just havnt had the money to put out for one yet :(
I have a couple of Goodmama's and like them. I'd love to have more!
Good Mamas are the best diaper ever!!!! IMO. I love them. I have used them on both a boy and a girl and they rock. My only problem is that I need more.
I am just starting our with cloth diapers and would love to try these.
Oh, this post makes me really want this diaper! Very convincing! Thanks!
I haven't tried Goodmamas yet, although I would love to! I just haven't been able to fork out the $$ yet. :)
I'm still pregnant with my first but couldn't resist the new exclusive prints!
I'd love to try these; they're so squishy!
I would love to win a goodmama! Don't have one yet, but really want fr me little guy:)
I love to go to the Goodmama site and drool over all the beautiful prints! That site always makes me want to pull out my checkbook.
I've never tried Goodmamas (or any ohter fitteds) but have heard so many good things about Goodmamas that if I ever decide to try fitteds those would probably be the ones I would start with!
Love my Goodmamas! I can't wait for our tax return so I can buy more :)
I haven't yet had the money to splurge on a Goodmama's diaper to give it a try, but man-oh-man do I wanna! The prints are adorable and everything I hear about them so far has been pretty good.
I haven't tried them yet, but hope to!
I am the same way I want to try one so bad but I have a hard time paying so much when I have plenty of diapers already. May be one day I will break and buy one.
I just tried my first Goodmama and I LOVE them! They work really well for my 25 month old. They give her a great fit around the legs and tummy. Plus they are the ones that she asks for when I change her. ;) I really want to get more b/c I like them so much but I think I would end up on the missing persons list ;) b/c I have spent WAY too much on diapers lately.
I am new to cloth diapering, and want to try different brands to get the best fit for our baby, but can't afford to do that AzND order a starter package of the ones we like best... so... I am hoping to win one of each of the ones we want to try! LOL Goodmama and Smartipants are at the top of my list....
These look like awesome diapers, but yes...they are pricey. The AIO's look great, too.
I also took advantage of the Goodmama deals around Christmas time and gave them to my little guy as stocking stuffers. I like them so far, except the snap around the hip area sometimes leaves a mark on him, but he doesn't seem to mind. I cant wait for summer so he can just run (or just start walking) around with just his cute little dipe!
Would love to try this diaper!
I want to try one soooo badly!! They are the CUTEST prints ever!! I love The Striped One that's up this week!!
Wow! A super absorbant fitted diaper that is cute, too! I'll have to look into getting some of these for my husband to use.
I just bought 2 Goodmama's One's from Kellys closet and I cannot wait to try them. Hopefully they live up to the hype.
They look so soft and squishy - I'm tempted to buy one to try it out.
Wow! These diapers sound amazing! Can't wait to get some.
I had two Goodmamas in my cart recently, but then had to reexamine our budget and couldn't order them. I'm hoping to very soon, though!!!!
We have not one, not two, but THREE goodmamas, and i like the way they fit, i just wish that the male snaps were set a little closer to what is the middle when the diaper is on, because sometimes i just can't get the most hip alligned ones snapped around his thighs of hugeness, and i imagine that having that pressing into his leg can't be the most comfortable in the world. hence they've become a going out but not sleeping diaper, since he sleeps on his side.
There are so many diaper choices and as a first time mom I'd love to try as many as I can (without going broke!).
wow, these things have great reviews. We use pocket diapers but are starting to have a problem with them leaking at night. These sound like a good option.
I just started using my first GM diapers this past November when I ordered from the GM site with their 40% off sale. I'm now addicted :) Great diapers, especially for someone who is trying Elimination Communication with their little one too.
Looks so cute and cozy! Would love to try a new diaper! As much as I love the diapers I have, more CD love is always in order!
i would love to try a Goodmama- I am loving cloth diapering so far, and love to try different brands!
I just bought the Ruffled One. It's so soft and cute. Love it!
I am intrigued! I am just looking into the cloth diapering world (Man! It's overwhelming!!). Now I have another one to explore!
I love our Goodmama's. Even my husband prefers them to any other diaper. We've used them on our son for the past 18 months and they've fit great through each stage. I love them.
I have not tried the Goodmamas but they sure are cute if I could only convince my hubby that cuteness is more important than $$$$!!!
I have one goodmama and it is my go to overnight diaper. I use it under fleece longies at night and it can hold a ton. It holds my supersoaker for up to 12 hours
I would love to try the goodmamas expecially after hearing how well they clean and hold in the mess. I have two in diapers, one breastfeed and the other just poops alot. he is on medicine for ear infections all too often so it cause his upset belly. I just dont have the money to spend on them and wish i could!!!! maybe one day.....
signed ashley harland baker
I haven't tried a Goodmama, but what I've heard about them lately has me intrigued. I am also going to have to try Rockin' Green; I'm still (over a year later) looking for a go-to diaper detergent.
I am just looking into using cloth diapers since I am due in May. But after reading all of this I am going to have to try the Goodmamas
I've been eyeing Goodmamas for a while. I plan to purchase one in my next order!
I am super addicted to Goodmamas. I never want to drop the cash for them, until I bought my first one and now I cant stop. :)
I'd love to put one on my son!
I'd love to try a GM on my chunky little man!
Just ordered my first (the HOT one) and am really excited.
They sound fantastic! I've never used a non-PUL coated diaper. I'll have to give these a try with a cover.
Wow! This post makes me really want a Goodmama. My son is due in a couple weeks and I can't wait to get started. Unfortunately I don't have any Goodmamas yet. Maybe I'll win one! ;)
I'm a Goodmama stalker! I look at their site all the time and drool over the beautiful prints. So Cute!!
I just ordered a Goodmama yesterday! I can't wait to get it! I just couldn't resist!!! The prints are so darn cute!!! And the reviews are wonderful! WOOHOO!
The Goodmama diaper's are super cute! I would love to put the primal roar on my little monkey's butt!
oh please oh please! I neeeeed a GoodMama! I'm building my first stash ever so EVERY diaper counts! Come on random generator! Pick me!
Oh ... I WOULD have to look at this post, and see all this love for a GoodMomma.
I thought that these needed a cover? That's what's stopping me from trying one, since I am a pocket kind of girl.
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