Fluff Friday:
1-Flip One-Size Stay Dry Diaper System
1-Flip Disposable Inserts 18pk
1-Econobum One-Size Diaper System
Question of the week:
Do you think it is a good idea for cloth diaper manufacturer's to come up with bio-degradable/disposable components that are compatible with their cloth diapers? (please leave constructive comments only-inflammatory comments will not be approved) Leave your comment before Thursday, April 29th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the question ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 626 Newer› Newest»I think having biodegradeable inserts is a really good idea. While I haven't used them personally I think it's a great way to get people who normally wouldn't try cloth to actually give it a shot. And anytime you can get someone new to come over to our dark side, it's a good thing! lol
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Definitely. I think it is wonderful way to ease the transition to cloth. Also, I want to get some for my 72 hour kit.
carlie.madsen at gmail dot com
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I do, actually! I think that if you have a hesitant husband or babysitter, a disposable insert could be the difference between a box of Pampers and convincing your loved ones that you're not totally crazy, lol.
My mother will be watching my son for four days in May, and while she's been really receptive to trying the cloth -- I think she's curious -- I totally intend to send her with a healthy number of disposable inserts for our GroBaby's, so that she can use something more comfortable if the cloth is difficult for whatever reason.
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I think it is a good thing as it may encourage more people to cloth diaper their children, which in turn cuts down on the total waste per year from diapers. Also helps with travel and other situations where it is handy to have the disposable option.
I'm actually really glad that some of the companies have started doing this. I'm trying to talk my sister-in-law into cloth diapering, and these are going to make it SO much easier. :) You can't beat the convenience!
missjennabelle at gmail dot com
This doesnt count I know.. but I wanted to take back what I said about hybrids.. After the Pampers incident rescently I see more of a need for hybrids that are safe for our babies than I ever did before!
I think it is a great option when traveling.
I follow your blog. =O) I'm glad for the options. DH is more open to the disposables. They are also not so size specific so since we don't use them very much, DD doesn't grow out of them before we can use them.
I think it's a good option for those nervous about switching to cloth diapering, and helps them get used to it. But, at the same time, I personally don't use them, because if I'm doing laundry, why not do it all? It just creates more work, by having to separate what to toss and what to wash.
Sure, as I'm sure they're helpful to many. If I want the convenience of disposables, though, I'm going to use disposables. My little guy is a pretty enthusiastic pooper; I know we'd be washing a lot of covers anyway. Target diapers are sufficient when we need them, and they're super cheap.
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Do you think it is a good idea for cloth diaper manufacturer's to come up with bio-degradable/disposable components that are compatible with their cloth diapers?
I think that it is a great idea for cloth diaper manufacturer's to make biodegradable/disposible components that are compatible with their cloth diapers. I think that it just gives moms one more alternative than they didn't have before. As long as the inserts are bio-degradable and are hypoallergenic and safe for babies bottoms then they get an A+ in my book! I think that it is a wonderful option for traveling when sometimes cleaning up dirty cloth diaper isn't as easy a job to do.
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Yes and no? Yes because its a great way to continue to utilize your cloth diapering system while you're away, and many disposable inserts are biodegradable so you're still being earth-friendly. No because they are often way more expensive than purchasing a pack of chlorine free disposables such as earth's best, etc.
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I think it's good to have a biodegradeable option, so yes. There are scenarios where that option would be helpful. At times it might be either that or disposables, so I thank the companies who have done so. :)
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In my opinion, it's great that some cloth diaper manufacturers come up with bio-degradable/disposable components that are compatible with their cloth diapers. I think this option makes it less overwhelming for moms and dads who are considering cloth but also anxious about it. I think some families could use an alternative to all-or-nothing when it comes to cloth.
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I LOVE when they give a biodegradeable option, for those of us who compost!!!!!
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i love it - it gives people options and convenience when you need it.
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I think it's a good idea. It's nice to have a variety, I also think it makes it easier for traveling.
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I do like it when they have alternatives. I personally can do without them, but for example when I go to church having a flushable liner or something like that is extremely helpful. It's also good I think for helping convert someone to cloth. I think it's also good on vacation when you don't have your diaper sprayer handy. Thanks and great giveaway!
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I think it's a good idea. I would like to think there are people "on the edge" of cloth diapering, who would be more likely to try if they had this option.
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Yes I think it would be a great idea for biodegradable/disposable components to be compatable.Then it wouldn't be such a hassle when going on trips and out & about.
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I think it's fine...anything to getr more market share and trying out cloth diapers!
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i'm really not sure about the biodegradable part of it. i can see the positives for the fact that it gets people cloth diapering which is better than just overall using complete disposables. me personally i never considered the biodegrable inserts because IMO they were a bit counterproductive
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If it attracts more people to cloth diapering I think it's a good idea.
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I personally don't like to use anything that needs to be thrown away, biodegradable or not. However, I do agree with the other comments regarding it being a good transition for people not so sure about cloth. I must admit when I have an insert in my son's diaper, it is so much easier to clean up a messy poop!!!
I think it's a good idea for cloth manufacturers to offer biodegradable inserts. They make the transition from disposable to cloth easier for some people, and they are handy to have when traveling or if you just couldn't get to the laundry yet.
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I really like when cloth diapers have an eco-friendly disposable option. Many parents, including myself, find it very difficult to use cloth on vacation. I end up using standard disposable way too often.
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I do think it would be helpful when traveling. It might also make those on the fence with cloth diapering.
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I love the bio-degradable part!! It give lots of good options to people who aren't ready or wanting to go complete cloth everything. If a disposable insert is what's needed that's better than disposable everything.
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I think its a great idea. Its so useful for traveling or if they are staying with a reluctant relative! The more brands that have them the more people will have versatility for their favorite brands. It is also been the only way I have gotten some reluctant friends and family to make a first attempt at cloth diapering, it was less scary for them, and it doesn't take long for them to get hooked!
I guess. It's good to have a middle ground. And there are always times when a disposable aspect would come in handy.
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I think disposable options are a good idea for traveling and to help those that are considering cloth diapers but not ready to take the full leap. I can't imagine using them full time, though.
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I do like the idea of disposable inserts for cloth diapers. When we are out in public, I usually put my son in a disposable diaper. This would make it easier for me to use cloth more often when we are out.
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I think bio inserts rock! I hate having to use disposables on vacation when there isn't a washer available.
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I think it's a good idea because sometimes (like when traveling or going through a difficult situation) it's easier to not have to do the extra wash. But I think the disposable inserts should be super expensive, so it's not an "easy" option. ;)
For the most part, it seems like a good idea. In truth I'm sure more energy is being used to produce them and then they will still sit somewhere for a little while until they decompose, but it is still designed to be easy on the environment so that is a plus. I haven't used any yet, and if I did it would probably only be while I'm away from home on vacation without a laundry machine.
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I just fanned your FB page and left a comment on the free BM aio discussion. I am new to CDing and would love to try a BG aio or a flip system...they both look great and so easy to use!
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I do think it's a good idea. Just having the option is nice, regardles of whether I ever use it or not!
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I think that the biodegradable inserts are a nice option for new CDers like me who maybe need something that is most like disposables. Plus, I'm pretty sure that my DH would like them better since he's pretty grossed out by poop!!!
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I do think it is a good idea. In fact, the biodegradable inserts are what drew me to cloth in the first place! I like the ease of being able to have a "disposable" diaper for travel.
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I do think that it is a good idea. I haven't tried the biodegradable inserts yet, but I would really like to.
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I think that it is great that cloth diaper manufacturers have come out with biodegradable inserts. I think they can be really helpful for people in transition or for people who aren't able to wash diapers as easily on vacation and easier to use on long road trips. It fills a great need and you don't have to resort to using disposables that will take forever to break down in a landfill!
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I think having a disposable compatable with cloth is a great idea for the times when cloth won't work out... like your daycare won't do cloth or your camping in the woods and there is no laundry and you don't want to have to store cloth or for families who are starting the transition from sposies to cloth.
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I like the idea of the biodegradeable inserts... I have not used any, but they would be great for vacations.
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I think it is nice for cloth diapers manufacturers to offer the biodegradeable option. It is just another option and it is a better option than using regular disposable diapers.
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