Fluff Friday:
1-Flip One-Size Stay Dry Diaper System
1-Flip Disposable Inserts 18pk
1-Econobum One-Size Diaper System
Question of the week:
Do you think it is a good idea for cloth diaper manufacturer's to come up with bio-degradable/disposable components that are compatible with their cloth diapers? (please leave constructive comments only-inflammatory comments will not be approved) Leave your comment before Thursday, April 29th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the question ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 626 Newer› Newest»I think its a good idea. It makes it easier for me to use cloth while out and maybe my mom will use them,lol
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I think it is a great idea there are times when all cloth is not a option and it makes it much easier!! Thats why I occasionally use them :)
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I wouldn't prefer using the biodegradable or disposable inserts myself, but I think it's a great idea on the part of the manufacturers to allow people all possible options and help some families ease into cloth diapering who might otherwise not consider it. Also, they could be helpful for travelling.
I think it is a good option to have disposable components. More options are always good. I think this is especially useful for travel and a halfway place to meet for babysitters and others who are grossed out without compromising all the way to a regular disposable diaper.
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seems like it would be good for traveling when you dont have a diaper sprayer
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I think it would be a good idea for cloth manufacturers to offer biodegradeable inserts for travel or when your going to be away from home for a bit and dont want to worry about yucky diapers sitting for a while.
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I use the disposable insert when my son gets a diaper rash and I have to put some kind of cream on it. But it does not happen often. But I am glad I have them.
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I think it is a good idea. I think it would make traveling a little easier.
I think so - reason being that for travel its good to have an option that doesn't require you to do as much laundry, and for people like me who are new to CD the transition may be better because it won't be as much of a change - especially since DH is the one who does diaper changes around here :) I just got my first Flip and will try it out this week - hopefully will work for us
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Question of the week answer:
I think it is a good idea! It gives parents another alternative to using chemically-filled diapers. I know not all cloth diapering parents like these components but as long as they are bio-degradable, I think they are a good idea.
sully_debbie11 at msn dot com
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Yes, I think it is a great idea. There are times when cloth is just not practical. Biodegradable inserts in a cloth diaper offer the convenience of a regular disposable but are still at least a little bit environmentally conscious.
I look forward to trying these out!
I've never tried them and don't think I will, but sure why not? All disposables should be biodegradable, why do we even produce anything that doesn't decompose?
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Yeah, I think that's a pretty good option. At first it didn't make sense to me, like it defeated the purpose of cloth, but I think it would be convenient for trips and things when you can't do laundry easily.
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Biodegradeable inserts are great when full cloth diapers are difficult to handle.
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I think so - it's a great option when disposable would be beneficial, and it's such a better option than the non-biodegradable everything else that're all over the place!
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Honestly, I would probably just use a sposie instead of a system with a bio. liner for those times I couldn't use my pockets. But I do think it is a good idea for others who might want them.
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It's a great idea. We just used Grobaby biosoakers while traveling earlier this month. It was a great option!
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I think it is nice that people can choose to use disposable/biodegradable inserts with cloth diapers. There are many people who are hesitant to give up the "convenience" of disposables and these are a nice "bridge." There are also a lot of cloth diaper users that need a way to use cloth diapers without all the laundry (like when traveling). Disposable inserts aren't for everyone, but it's nice to have the option.
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Yes I think that will help during travel and cloth diapering!
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Overall I do think it is a good thing. I think more people will come around to cloth diapers through the hybrids. However, personally, I do not really care for them. I just find them to be a pain. If the cover gets dirty then I still need a place to store it as opposed to a disposable diaper that I just throw away. And I still have to find the garbage and throw the insert away. It is the same reason I wound up using cloth wipes - its just easier.
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I commented on this blog entry: "A Cautious Tale of Cloth Diaper “Bargains”"
I think it's one of those things some people will like or won't. To me it seems just like a gimmick for the companies to make a little more money, playing off the whole green factor. For our family who uses cloth for a multitude of reasons it's just not a wise money decision to use there inserts, especially when we can get disposables for so much cheaper if we absolutely need them. They also may be greener, use than disposables, but for inlaws and baby sitters they usually aren't that much easier.
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I think it's a great idea because it makes the diaper more versatile. I bought GroBaby dipes a while back just so I could travel with them easily. That's important when you aren't able to wash diapers... but don't want to go all the way to the disposable dark side! haha! :)
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I think it is okay for them to offer the inserts but I personally am not interested in them.
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Yes, I think it encourages those who are not into the washing of diapers to use more earth friendly systems. It's also nice to have for traveling.
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I like the idea especially for traveling. It gives cloth diaper wears an option that is not disposable but easier than washing.
I think it is nice to have a more environmentally friendly and less toxic disposable option for traveling.
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I think it is a good option for some people, but not for all. I personally only like the cloth... but haven't really tried many of the biodegradable stuff! It just seems more wasteful (packaging and manufacturing) than just re-usable cloth.
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I think it is a GREAT idea! It is still green yet will help people pick up on cloth diapering and make things easier for travel and babysitters.
Sure, I think if people want to use disposable products they will and these cloth manufacturers making them or not will not prevent anyone from using disposable products. At least they are making a more environmentally friendly option for the disposables
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I like that they do offer them. It is still better than disposables!!
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Yes, I do think it's a good idea. Sometimes you need to use disposables, and it's nice to have an alternative to regular disposables with all those chemicals.
I was actually JUST thinking about this question and why people would use them. They cost more per insert than a regular disposable diaper, so price is not a reason why. Most people would use them for travel, so it would be much easier to go disposable for less money and less mess. As for the earth, disposable is disposable.
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I think biodegradable inserts are a descent idea. I don't use them but they offer a great transition option and are easy for travel.
I love having the option of biodegradable inserts. It makes me feel a lot better when I'm not doing cloth.
I don's see much of a difference between biodegradable inserts and cloth ones. I have fuzzibunz and when I take the insert out the shell is still dirty. That means you will still need to walk around with the shell, so why not walk around with the shell and insert? Its not that much heavier, and not more convient to use disposable inserts. I think it's just a waste of money. Isn't that one of the reasons you chose to do cloth diapers? I know it was for me. Why would I buy disposable inserts when I can just by disosable diapers?
I would say just stick to cloth, why do half cloth and half disposable. It's the same amount of time washing the shells, but more money, but if I win this fridays set, maybe I will think differently about them
@diapershops fluff friday@flipdiapers @econobum #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://bit.ly/mY9zw
Yes, I do think it is a great idea to offer biodegradable inserts! They are great for traveling, or even just being out and about.
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I do think its a good idea for manufacturers to offer biodegradeable inserts for travel.
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I think offering biodegradeable/disposable inserts is a great idea! it makes cloth diapering much more flexible, especially for going out and about...vacations and traveling would be also be a great time to have the convenience.
I commented on your FB "Line drying with no yard" discussion. Great ideas there! :)
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sully_debbie11 at msn dot com
I do think that offering biodegradable/disposable inserts is a good idea. Although I have yet to use my disposable Flip inserts on a trip, it seems like they would make traveling much easier - and I could just wash the covers in the sink if the place we're staying doesn't have a washer and dryer.
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Yes, it is fine -- although the disposable inserts are more expensive than a whole-intact sposie. I would rather go completely disposable when I'm traveling than partially. All or nothing. But it does give people options.
I think the sposie inserts are fine for some people -- it gives more options. Personally, I'd rather go all or nothing when traveling, i.e. all sposie or all cloth.
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Yes, I think it's a good idea. My son gets terrible diaper rashes and we have to use a specific diaper rash cream with every change, which of course isn't compatible with cloth diapers without the inserts. This severely limits my options, and it would be nice if more manufacturers offered inserts.
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I like disposable insert options for cloth diapers: it offers an alternative to traditional disposables for situations in which regular cloth diapers are not possible. Also, I think that it will help convert more people to cloth diapers overall.
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I absolutely think it is a good idea! It allows an option for everyone. It makes CDing less intimidating to people who may be hesitant to give it a try.
I think it's a good idea, although I've never used one, I think it would definitely be more convienent for traveling!
wesmoody at bellsouth dot net
I do think it is a good idea for cloth diaper manufacturer's to come up with a bio-degradable/disposable component to go with their cloth. It can make doing cloth easier in certain situations like vacations or if you are really sick. I also can see it being a "gateway" to cloth diapers for some people. They can have comfort knowing that they can use a bio/disposable if needed or can ease their way into cloth.
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I definitely think it's a good idea for cloth dipe manufacturers to make the biodegradeable inserts. It just gives ppl an extra option and would allow them to sell more diapers, too. The 1st cloth diapers I used were g diapers because I wasn't quite sure about going all-cloth. It was a good transition. We still use g diapers when traveling. So, yes, I am a big fan of biodegradeables. I think more disposable diapers should follow bio guidelines, too.
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