Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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#OperationFluffy Twitter Party, Thurs-May 13th @ 9pm

What is #Operation Fluffy?

When: Thursday, May 13th
Time: 9pm ET – whenever we get tired!
Location: Twitter – using hashtag #OperationFluffy
Hosts: @EcoChicParties & @KimRosas & YOU!

I know I told you I was going to take the week off but then IT happened! The rumors have been floating around Twitter for months that a specific cloth diapering company (and I have no idea which one) was going to be featured on The Ellen Show’s Mother’s Day special last week. With those rumors, #OperationFluffy (AKA – Get Cloth Diapers on The Ellen Show) came to a stand still. We all stopped tweeting and stopped reminding Ellen that we wanted to see cloth diapers on her show. Instead of reusable, economical, and environmentally friendly cloth diapers – Ellen (actually her sponsors) gave every member of the audience a 6 month supply of Huggies Jean Diapers!

Are you done screaming at the computer yet? I know it’s all about sponsor dollars and I’m sure that Huggie’s made some arrangement with the producers so that cloth diapers would not share the stage! They aren’t stupid and they have millions of dollars to keep pushing cloth diapers back into the 1950’s closet. BUT that is all about to change because #OperationFluffy is BACK and we won’t stop this time until Ellen puts our cute dancing babies on her show and gives cloth diapers the spotlight that they need.

So instead of taking a week off I have asked my dear e-friend (and organizer of #OperationFluffy) Kim at Dirty Diaper Laundry if she wanted me to organize an #OperationFluffy Twitter Party! I’m not offering any prizes – just an hour (or more) of cloth diapering parents tweeting to @TheEllenShow about our love of cloth diapers WHY we want to see them on her show. Here are some things you can do to help:

1. Write a blog post about WHY you want to see cloth diapers on The Ellen Show. Be ready to link your post during the party and share it with Ellen and us. (This can be written and posted any time this week.)

2. Join the I Want to See Cloth Diapers on the Ellen Show Facebook Page – and share it with your friends and readers. At the time of this post we had 947 fans on this page!

3. Post pictures of your baby in cloth diapers to both the I Want to See Cloth Diapers on the Ellen Show Facebook Page AND on The Ellen Show Facebook Page.

4. View our dancing babies video on YouTube and let’s make it viral! Share it everywhere and with everyone!

5. Add the #OperationFluffy badge to your blog or website.

6. Make the #OperationFluffy badge your Twitter profile pic; or create a picture of your baby with Ellen’s face to use as your profile pic.

7. During the #OperationFluffy Twitter Party I am planning on MOONING ELLEN! Let’s show Ellen pictures of our cuties wearing their cloth diapers! Make them cute; make them creative; make them G-rated! When I say MOON ELLEN – we all tweet our pics of our babies!

8. Tell your friends! Rally the troops! Tell everyone you know to join us on Thursday night for #OperationFluffy! Tweet about it all week. Most importantly – use the hashtag as much as you can this week! In order to trend we need to get a ton of tweets by a ton of different people all about #OperationFluffy and @TheEllenShow! We trended to #4 with @DiaperShops – we can do it again with #OperationFluffy!

9. During the party just have fun! Talk about your favorite cloth diapers. Talk about why you chose to use cloth diapers. Talk about the money we save using cloth diapers. Talk about how every time we use a cloth diaper – our babies environmental bum-print gets smaller and smaller! We don’t need HUGGIES! We don’t need PAMPERS! We need CLOTH DIAPERS!

10. Have another idea? Feel free to share it below and we’ll spread the word to everyone else.

There is no need to RSVP this week since there are no prizes! Just remember to join us on Thursday and have fun!

I hope to see you tonight during #OperationFluffy!

XOXO - Calley
@TheEcoChic & @EcoChicParties
Formerly @EcoMomMedia

NEW: The party announcement page has moved! Please bookmark the new site: or visit and click on the NEW party button. Also I am creating a new newsletter database...if you would like to continue to receive these party announcements please visit Eco Chic Parties and complete the new registration form on the right. I will continue to use this list for one more month and then I will delete it. Don't get lost in the shuffle! Resubscribe today!

1 comment:

Fontaine said...

Wow!! so bummed that Ellen didn't put CD on her show, but anxious to hear how the twitter part went!