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Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Packing a Smarter Cloth Diapering Diaper Bag

Families are on the go more than ever these days, and diaper bags have become survival bags for many parents. Not wanting to get caught out of the house without a baby necessity, we try to pack everything into our diaper bags….and if you use cloth diapers that means a lot of thinking and planning ahead to avoid an over-stuffed, bulging diaper bag.

So what to do? Pack a smart diaper bag and include items that can do double duty. And get in the habit of checking the bag when you get home, refilling what’s necessary and getting the soiled diapers into the diaper pail, so you’re never caught without something or with a smelly bag! Here’s a list of suggestions:
  • Look for specially-designed wet bags and keep them in your diaper bag to hold the dirties. These lightweight bags keep the odor in and you just toss them into the diaper pail with the diapers when you get home – they go in the wash right with your diapers!!
  • If you are using cloth wipes, just wet a few and put them small wet bag (like the PlanetWise Wet Bag size small) for use when you’re out. Put the used cloth wipes right into your other wet bag with your dirty diapers… it’s still just one dump into the laundry pail.
  • What you pack for mealtime depends on the age of your baby. Include a bib, bottle or sippy cup, food container and spoon. Cheerios or another healthy snack in a sandwich bag can be a lifesaver. A small water bottle will also come in handy. Keep all of your food and eating accessories together in a small bag (another wet bag would work) to avoid messes and keep the food from coming in contact with the icky stuff.
  • Toss in a small clutch purse for your own personal items, it’ll save you from bringing a large purse along in addition to the diaper bag.
  • Pack a favorite toy and book to entertain your baby while you’re busy. I like to keep some favorites in the diaper bag, so my son only sees them when we are out and still gets excited about them!
  • A few more necessities like sunblock, a hat and a stain stick go a long way to preventing meltdowns. I also throw in a couple reuseable grocery bags – the kind that fold down into a little ball. They are lightweight and we always seem to find a good use for them.
Packing a smart diaper bag can make or break your outings with your baby. But when you pack light and only include what you really need, you’ll get out of the house faster and spend less time searching around for things in the bag.

Contributed by : Sarah F.- Communications Manager for


Deltaflute said...

I usually pack an extra outfit just in case.

Also I generally don't wet my wipes before hand because I live in a dry climate and the water would end up evaporating too quickly. (In summer I can hang closes out and they dry in 30 minutes flat.) Instead I carry them dry in a separate container and use a spray bottle to wet my son's behind and then wipe. You can get a small spray bottle from any store that carries reusable travel size bottles. I think this bottle was meant for something like body spray or hair spray, but it works great.

Green Lifestyle Consulting said...

It's a good list, but I find that an extra outfit for baby, and I used to keep a clean shirt for mommy as well. I've used the baby outfit countless times and he's only 10 months old. I've used the mommy shirt a few times, but since we've got the spitting (mostly) under control, I've sacrificed it because of space issues.

Fontaine said...

I also carry an extra set of clothes. Usually I have 2 diaper bags though. One stays in the car; it's larger with more diapers and wipes and clothes. The smaller one has just things we might need for a quick trip 2 hours or less.

Kassi said...

I never pack extra clothes in the diaper bag! I already have SO much stuff, that I hate adding to the pile. HOWEVER, I do keep an extra bag in the car, just in case, and I normally have 1 or 2 dipies for each child and a change of clothes for each child.

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