2-bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Diapers (in your choice of closure and color!)
Question of the week:
If you were to pick your choice of color and closure for the new bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Diaper what would it be? Leave your comment before Thursday, August 5th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, August 6th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 2267 Newer› Newest»I am a blog follower. carolina stamper at gmail dot com.
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blossom or bubble in the snap closure. can't wait to try out the new BG 4.0!
I'm a diapershops facebook fan. carolina stamper at gmail dot com.
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I read your blog daily!
Butternut in hook and loop would be my choice
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Twilight snaps
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I would go with the snap in blossom and bubble. Jenn blazeninthesun@aol.com
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Angela Vogel
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Bubble, Hook and Loop!
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Angela Vogel
I would pick sweet in snap!
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snap closure in twlight.... im just starting out on cloth diapers. excited for this new adventure...
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I'd take twilight and grasshopper
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snap closure in twlight. im just starting out on cloth diapers have not ordered them yet but excited to start this adventure
I'd chose Twilight, with snaps!! jennifer7516@hotmail
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i want a hook and loop bubble to check out! :-)
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I would do Bubble/snaps!
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I have never tried velcro so I'd want to try that. & anything girly for colors!
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White aplix please!
mrsdresses at gmail dot com
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would choose snap bubble
I would get snaps in grasshopper and blossom
I would get a snap grasshopper and a snap butternut I think. My daughter loves her hook-and-loop grasshopper, so I need another one for her!
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Erin Burton Powell
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I hope I am doing this right...bubble with snaps...fan on facebook
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I really want a BG 4.0 in Sweet snaps! Love it!
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Erin Burton Powell
I think I finally figured this out! I am a fan on facebook! I love your site and love that this is such an addiction for moms - being green and saving money! I love CDing!!!!
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Noodle with snaps
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jasonanderinpowell [at] yahoo.com
Noodle with snaps
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OOPS! Forgot I love the new 4.0's got mine in the mail today and can't wait to wash it and use it!! Just have to decide if I should save it for my daughter (arriving Sept 23rd) or use it on my son! I love the velcro Bubble!!
I would love snap closure in blossom or grasshopper!
I tweeted "I signed up for a chance to win #clothdiapers from @diapershops !!! Lets hope I win =)" http://twitter.com/indiechixor/status/19929896012
I like Bubble and Grasshopper in snaps
I am a FB fan aka Stephanie Cobb
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I would choose twilight and hook and loop closure!
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I think I would choose snaps Twilight. But I might change my mind if I win! LOL! The colors were all pretty!
The Twilight Blue with Snaps. I love the bolder colors and the new snap closures!
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sumpleby @diapershops fluff friday @bumgenius 4.0 #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
I'd definitely want to get one in grasshopper! My daughter is 16 months old and our new baby boy is due in October, so green is a great gender neutral color. We love our old BG 3.0 and can't wait to try the new version!
I would choose Snap Closure with Grasshopper. I think these are great and I prefer the snaps over the potential fall out of the hook and loop. My second choice of color would be Butternut. I think all those colors are sweet though.
I think I'd go with a Blossom and a Grasshopper. One girlie color and one not so girlie color :)
I think I'd go with a Blossom and a Grasshopper. One girlie color and one not so girlie color :)
Ooh! How much would I love to win this! I like Sweet in the snaps, just because I'd love to see what their snaps are like.
I was so exicted when I saw Bumgenius now offers snaps! I would get a snap dipe in Noodle.
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Butternut snaps!
Fluff Fridays ad is on my blog post for today.
I'd get twilight with snaps!
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If I were to chose, I would probably get the bubble or sweet in Snap!!! I love my 3.0's and I am very excited to try the new 4.0!!!
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Laura Lightcap Dunne!!
I would choose the grasshopper green - one in snaps and one in aplix.
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I would choose Noodle snaps and Butternut snaps. I love my Butternut diapers!!
I would totally do the butter snap diaper!
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I'd pick the snap closure because the velcro just doesn't last, and my daughter is starting to get out of the velcro diapers now! The butternut is my very favorite color - love it!
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I would choose Butternut snaps and Noodle snaps.
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If I could pick I would pick a snap closure "Bubble" BumGenius 4.0!
tweeted: @diapershops fluff friday @bumgenius 4.0 #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
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I would choose the snap closure in twilight!
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Bubble and blossom in hook and loop closure would be my two choices.
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twetted- @diapershops fluff friday @bumgenius 4.0 #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
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If I were choosing a color / closure combo for two new BGs, I would choose one Bubble and one Butternut, one snap and one aplix. I've been wanting lavender/purple in BGs and Bubble will have to do (even though it's SO PALE!!) and I've lost my Buttnernut BG 3.0. (How does that happen!?) And I want to try the snaps, but I like the aplix for sure. So I'd mix it up, for variety! :)
I follow @BumGenius on Twitter (@ritasdiapers)
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join the giveaway @diapershops #clothdiapers http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/2010/07/fluff-friday-90.html
I reviewed the TweetleBug OS Pocket Diaper.
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I would have to say I would have to pick grasshopper or twillight. Its a very close run between the 2. Also I would do the snaps hoping that my little man won't get it off.
If I could choose, I would love to have a 4.0 in Bubble with snaps!
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@diapershops fluff friday @bumgenius 4.0 #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
Tweeted! (@ritasdiapers)
I love any color that's BRIGHT and my husband refuses to deal with snaps, so aplix it is!
I'm a new FB fan!!
In the Bumgenius 4.0, I would probably take Twilight in snaps, although I really miss their bold colors -- those were definitely my favorite.
I'm also a Facebook fan. This is my first time participating in Fluff Fridays. Thanks!
I'm prepping a free Fuzzibunz OS diaper that I received by mail today! Thanks, @diapershops!! #clothdiapers
also, I subscribe via RSS!
and I'm a fan on Facebook--Alisha Huber!
I would definitely pick the snap closer. My 20 month old is notorious for taking off her hook and loop diapers. As for color ... I'd have to say Bubble.
I have some of the snaps, but I think they look more complicated to other family members. So, if I were picking up MORE, I'd definitely get hook and loop.
AND... as for colors, if I had to pick from the new colors I'd pick sweet and bubble... but if I got to pick ANY color, I'd love a bold red. A BOLD purple. Oohh... bold colors!
Love white and twilight colours and I'd have to go with snap closures.
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I would choose snaps and bubble if i would win:)
Royal purple for both! I ♥ purple!
I'm a fan of @bumgenius on twitter--WallythePug
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I would go with snaps (never liked having to clean out the hook and loop) in bubble and twilight (though I love grasshopper too)
danellefrench at gmail dot com
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The color I would choose would most definitely be Bubble.
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danellefrench at gmail dot com
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danellefrench at gmail dot com
Butternut with Hook and Loop closure!
I commented on a discussion in the CDW discussion board on facebook about cloth diapers in day care.
I would pick "bubble" with aplix closure. :)
Cloth Diaper Whisperer FB fan!
I would love the snap in bubble and blossom!
I commented on the discussion on the CDW facebook page called "Why do you CD?"
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