Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

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A Cheap Husband

My adventure into cloth diapering is a different take than my husbands. Although I was interested in cloth to save a little money I also thought of the conservation efforts that cloth diapering helps, my husband's only concern was “Is it going to save money?” So I sat down and asked him a little bit about our cloth diapers and how he really felt about them. Yeah I was really stretching it if I was to get my 100% Norwegian husband to give me any real feelings one way or the other. The only constant with him was, “it is cheap”. So here are my questions with his answers. Maybe you can spot the similarity in how he answered just about every question.

1. Do you like that we use cloth diapers? Yes.
Why? They are cheap and I don't have to change any. (FYI he has never been big on helping with diaper changes, cloth here did not change much of anything.)

2. Which do you like better snaps or hook and loop? Hook and loop, snaps take too long. (Can you tell he is a get it done now and quick type guy?)

3. What were your thoughts on cloth diapering when I first brought up using cloth? Will it save us money and do you have time to do cloth.

4. Did you care that I wanted to do cloth? No. You would have done it anyway. (Can you tell I like to do things my way?)

5. Are you still ok with me doing cloth? Yes.
Why? It saves money and I don't have to haul out bags of diapers anymore.

So in the end all my husband really cared about was the money. He even said he didn't mind hauling out diapers it is just a perk that he no longer has that job. I have a cheap husband. He will buy anything if in the end it will pay for itself and keep on working. I don't think he really understands that I have more diapers than I need just because I love trying all types of diapers!

So I wonder if I am saving money. I will begin to save more money now because I have had to put a ban on diaper buy for myself for at least a few months! It is an addiction I know I share with many cloth diapering mommas! I am a bit sad that I won't get to use them on another child as our surprise set of twins became our 4th and 5th children. I hope I can pass them on to a new mom to help her on the cloth diapering path.

By Alyssa N.


Florida Science said...

I am with you on this one :] BF is all about the money too

JustCorey said...

my husband is pretty muich the same way.. he is into frugaltiy more than anything... he doesnt do laundry, he doesnt do diaper changes... and he would see not having to haul dirty diapers as a perk also :)

thanks for sharing... now i know i am not alone

ooshela said...

Love this. My husband is also Norwegian (not 100% though) and loves cloth because it saves us money.Also, he is not big on diaper changes and never has been. How nice to know there are others out there.:)

Alycia said...

haha great post! DF is the same way- we thought about using sposie inserts at night but his response to the $5/week cost was "I didn't buy all these cloth diapers so we could spend money every week!" If only he knew how much our stash was really worth...I think he knows but plays dumb lol

My feelings are as long as hubby agrees for one reason or another we're on the right track!

Unknown said...

My husband is probably mostly concerned about money too. As am I. But he is also very fashion conscious and will make sure that the diaper cover matches the outfit. I think he likes that CD coordinate so well. I've even been given permission to buy some more diaper covers in other colors to match other outfits.

Kate said...

Hah! My Hband had the same feelings about snaps... they took too long. I had to remind him that they would be harder for our son to get off of himself as he got older, and that it's not all about what's easy for him.

mama1mama2MAMA3 said...

My husband is all about saving money too... But he is doubtful that I can "do it" (that says challenge??!!)
Since this little one coming is a true surprise blessing, I am s-l-o-w-l-y..... collecting diapers, I don't know what type I like best, I don't have the buns readily available yet! And since what I did have for my older girls are long since gone.... umm yeah, learning a whole new world!

However- luckily, (if it is easy....) my husband will change diapers- as will those older daughters!! YAY! now to keep adding to that collection... hopefully I will have enough when he gets here that I won't have time to use disposables.......

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

LOL...That is how I got my hubby to OK cloth diapering. I had to work the figures out of how much it would save us and that he would never have to clean the dipes or rinse the poop out. He was sold after that!

Crystal said...

Although my husband likes other things about cloth diapers (hold poo better, less trash, etc.) saving money is definitely the thing he likes best about using cloth. He is quick to tell others about just how much money you can save when we're sharing our cloth diaper love with interested (or not so interested) folks.

MieVee @ said...

Fortunately, hubby and I agreed on the same reasons: good for baby's health, save money then the environment. He helped out with diaper changes often in the early days when I was overwhelmed. So far so good. :)

Minkemew said...

My husband was all about the $$$ too. He doesn't mind cloth diapering though. He'll do everything except the prefolds!

Sabrina said...

haha it is totally the opposite at my house. I like to know where every penny goes. Beside cloth is so much fun for me.

PotterMama said...

Sounds like my husband!

Sarahjenne said...

Yep, my husband is pretty much the same as yours when it comes to his opinions about cloth. I am going on a buying ban, too. We have more than enough, but fluff is addicting! I keep telling myself that we will still save money because we're planning on more children.

Nicole said...

My husband is on board with whatever I want to do. Saving money is one of my reasons, and he's cool with that. ;-) I guess I'm one of the lucky ones? DH helps out with the diaper changes when he's home.

Miranda W. said...

Sounds just like my husband!

Melody J said...

Yeah, DH is pretty much only in it because I want to but also for the money savings.

ElizabethK said...

I've yet to "show" my husband how we are saving by CDing--all he sees is that I continue to buy diapers. I should do a spreadsheet, but alas who has the time. I love him for letting me CD our littlest one.

Jessica said...

I have to say my husband is very involved and would have answered all those questions the same way. I think he likes the fact that is different though. Gives him bragging rights.

Karrianne said...

I really thought my husband would have an aversion to using cloth. He actually has helped change quite a few diapers for each of our 3 children. I was nervous to bring it up. But when I asked if we could try cloth, he shrugged and said, "sure." like it was no big deal. I showed him which ones needed inserts or prefolds and he was good! He still changes diapers like it's no big deal. LOL I'm still a little in shock of how easy it was to get him on board. His only request was that he didn't have to do the laundry... which has never been his chore in all our years of marriage, I've always done that, so no big deal there! :)

Peggy G said...

I sold my hubby on cloth diapers by figuring out how much we would save before our LO was potty trained. Plus the fact that we could potentially sell our stash if this little guy ends up being our last. So yeah, my hubby is just like the rest. He is most interested in how much money it will save him. He will however change our LO's diapers as long as they are prestuffed and ready to go.

Unknown said...

Money and time. Oh, well. As long as you get your fluff. (Not having kids at all would save money and time.)

Witty said...

ah, i love this post so much. especially the "he doesn't even know i have more diapers than i need because i like to try different types of diapers" part. :D

Shannon said...

My hubby would say the same thing- cost! (I have spent more that I was originally planning though!) He will change a pocket and a prefold to a pocket but he's never really changed a poopy cloth dipe and never used a prefold. BUT I do love it!

Jenn said...

My husband is all about the price. He doesn't change many diapers (I think we're up to 4 in almost 3 months) so he doesn't care about functionality. He is just happy not to be hauling out dirtys, making midnight runs for new diaps, and saving a small fortune.

Amanda said...

We decided to go with cloth because we want to cut down on waste and money. However, I'm not sure how our wallets will fare with a 37% hike from the water company. Our electric company is raising rates...line dry it is!!! :)

As far as getting hubby on board: I had to buy BG 4.0. I'm using Flip prefolds & inserts. Too much work for him. I also spray down the poopy dipes. Whatever it takes for him to use cloth!! :)

abinormal said...

I could probably save more money, but it is fun to buy cute fluff. But I can honestly say that by my daughter's first birthday, I will not have spent $1000 like I would have with sposies.

Plus, even if I did, at least they will be used over and over instead of sitting in a landfill not decomposing.