Hi, my name is Keshia and I am addicted to cloth diapers. I have only been
cloth diapering for a little over 2 months now, but the addiction didn’t take long to show itself. It all started when I got my first fluffy mail. I put it on my little one’s tush and feel completely in love. They were so soft and smelled so good! I loved that they didn’t feel so crinkly and synthetic like some other diapers hunks of plastic. And let’s not forget how darn cute they are!
The signs of my addiction were evident almost immediately. The day after my fluffy mail was delivered; I was in town running errands. When I would think of something I wanted to buy, like a new blender for smoothies, I would think of how much I could put into my diaper fund with what I would save if I didn’t get it. I was letting diaper funds shape all of my other purchases. This was only the beginning.
Soon I had abandoned fully dressing Cooper, choosing instead to pick the diaper I wanted him to wear, find a t-shirt that matched and then pack several other diapers that also coordinated. Shorts and pants might as well not exist!
My husband made a comment that I was spending too much time browsing cloth diaper store websites, like there could be such a thing! I even made a spreadsheet of my
cloth diapering wish list, along with where to get it and how much it costs. Soon, he started taking advantage of my compulsion for more diapers. He tried to bribe me with them. Successfully. He loves to drive his Jeep, and I hate it. It’s hot, and I need my A/C which is useless in a vehicle with no top. But he wanted to drive it on our weekend trip; so he told me if I would agree to drive the Jeep I could order a few diapers. So I placed an order with
Kelly’s Closet and hopped in the Jeep. Of course a weekend trip means packing diapers. I put them all a bag, and went to put them in the Jeep. With the top off, I was worried they might blow out. I couldn’t stand the thought of my precious stash bouncing down the highway, so I did the logical thing. I buckled them in! This was a little much for my husband. I think he may have laughed at me for a solid hour.
My love for cloth has grown quickly. In only 2 short months I have gone from cloth skeptic to cloth addict. My spreadsheet wish list has steadily shrank, and then grown even more as I further explore the world of fluff. With so many diaper choices out there, I don’t think the compulsion will be satisfied until I try them all!
By Keisha W.
I laughed myself into a coma! i sound just like her! YIKES!
That is great. haha. I agree it would be a tragety if you diapers were all over the road. I have to say CDing has been my new hobby for the last 8 month and it hasn't gotten old yet.
Oh my gosh! This is me!!! I have only been CDing for a week and I LOVE it! 2 months ago when my cousin said she was trying cloth I was like "What?!?!?! Your INSANE!!!" One day I found myself googling cloth diapers... then I'd browse a few sites... a few days later I'd browse a few more sites... til finally I had my, drumroll, spreadsheet cloth diaper wishlist! LOL
I'm already addicted and waiting for my second shipment of fluff to arrive. :)
I switched about 3 months ago, and I am getting bad. I used MY birthday money to buy cute pockets for my kids!
I love that your husband is bribing you.
LOL, I loved that you strapped in the diapers!! This is something I would TOTALLY do!! I am OCD when it comes to certain things!
Myself included! This blog is a carbon copy of me LOL! I've only been doing it for 3 weeks and its all I think I talk about lol! I'm fabric and wet bag crazy too! Worse my girlfriend owns a cloth diapering/natural parenting store in Troy, Ohio - she has needed me to fill in a few times, I leave owing not earning! hahah!
I feel the same way! My son is 3 months old and we've been CDing from the start. I'm always on the web looking at differnt CD stores and my husband thinnkgs I'm nuts!
I cannot wait to start cloth diapering my little one when she gets here! Only 6 1/2 more weeks until my due date!
This is great! I'm also a newbie and while I'm slowly building my stash, I'm totally addicted as well. Its crazy how quickly it turns from an intrigue to an obsession!
Hi, my name is Lacey and I am a cloth diaper addict! This totally could have been written by me! I love the diapers, I wash everyday. We have over 30 now. I want to have another soon, just so I can use cloth for longer.
I too am an addict! I lay awake at night thinking about the fluff I want to order! Every time I place a new order I check the site every day to see when it has shipped and once it has I check the tracking number over and over hoping my fluff will come in even one day earlier!
What a great post!! I only wish we could afford more diapers. :(
I've been using cloth diapers for 2 years, and the addiction hasn't waned at ALL! GAH! All the "money I'll save using cloth" is nowhere to be found, but I wouldn't look back- LOVE me some cloth bums!!! :)
I think I have a problem too....
LOL!! This is totally the story of my life!! DH is laughing and rolling his eyes at me right now!
HA HA HA!!! you are SOOO not alone! it took seven kids for me to get brave enough to cloth diaper, and now i can't get enough of them!
Hilarious! But I can totally relate! (And I would have buckled them in, too!)
This is totally me. I am obsessed with CDing. Fortunately my husband has humored me...thus far. Whenever I think he's suffering from CD overload I just give him another fact or figure about how much money I have saved us by CDing. Puts those feelings right to rest.
Seriously, did someone else write this...because it it my EXACT story!!! I started CDing in June, 2 months ago and the addiction has only grown!!! No jeep ride for us. But I did manage to make certain that I had my diaper bag with my CDs when I left my mom's house and yet forgot my purse! LOL Priorities!!!
And I am not satisfied with just one brand, I must keep trying. Even though I have found ones that work PERFECTLY I must keep trying different brands/ types/ etc. I now have bum genius 3.0, 4.0, and Organic AIO snap, Fuzzibunz, GroVias, Happy Heineys, Rumparooz, Monkey Doodlez AIO, and Cutey Baby. I love them ALL!!! And the best part of Kelly's Closet...the free OS diaper codes. I love waiting to see what my SURPRISE will be!!!
my local consignment shop sells well loved cloth and they also carry brand spankin new crisp ready-to-prep bumgenius diapers...i started consigning there before getting any cloth diapers to get some cash back for things DD outgrew so i could get some clothes that fit this new plumper body of mine. i ordered a dozen prefolds and a cover with a pair of [free] pins from GMD, two days after i got my diapers in the mail, i cashed out my account at the consignmet shop for some of them bumgenius diapers...im on the look-out for a wool soaker, there, too. im still trying to figure out how im gonna get bras that actually fit these milk boobs...hi, my name is lynn, and im an addict!
I think I may have an addiction too... I started buying to save money and then before I knew it I had WAY too many and still want more!
I am much like this as well! I spend hours browsing site and online 'window' shopping (clicking add to cart but not checking out). I even am trying to start a local CD group (swap/co-op) via Facebook!
Hello, My name is Peggy and I'm a cloth diaper addict. I started cloth diapering three weeks ago, and now I find myself surfing cloth diaper websites at all times of the day and night. I too have a wish list which to my husband's dismay only continues to get longer. Who knew that something as simple as diapering your child could lead to such complete obsession? Ah, if only I had known about modern cloth diapers nine years ago when my oldest was born. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to have a few more. It would just be a shame to use all this fluffy stuff on only one child. ;o)
Hahahaa, sounds like me! :)
What a great post- you described me to a 't'! Thanks for a good laugh and that picture was priceless!
Hey there are worse things we could be addicted to, right? haha
All these comments make me feel better about my obsession! I will definitely have to make DH read them so he will know I'm not the only one!!
I am also guilty of spending MY gift money on diapers and even asked for diapers for mother's day and our anniversary (which is today)
And I totally check shipping status and tracking numbers obsessively!
Great to know I'm not alone!
So, what's top on your wish list? :)
I totally have a wish list also! I have each item listed, how many I want, what they cost, sometimes the best place to purchase the item, and the total for everything down at the bottom! I think my husband likes that I'm organized about it so he knows what I'm hoping for and can let me know when there's extra in the budget for more cloth! All I want for Christmas is money toward fluff! :-)
Hi, I came across this site when searching for information on cloth diapers. I am 25 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I am very interested in using cloth diapers but have no idea where to begin. I love this site and just became a Facebook fan because there is so much information here about the different kinds of cloth diapers. I am glad that you are so enthusiastic about using cloth diapers and hope that soon I am as excited as you!!
This is such a cute article! I know how you feel- I am going to order some more fluff this week and I've already put off buying other random things so that I can buy my fluff!
I would strap them in, too! Losing all that fluff would be devastating!
Another warning sign: You can't stop entering Fluff Friday drawings!
i totally get these. i probably spent at least 20 hours the first week researching and looking at nothing but CD! even though i'm satisfied with my stash, i still look. :)
Haha I love it! I want to buy so many diapers but I am poor so I cant. So I just enter giveaways obsessively of the ones I want to try.
Right now top on my list is either a BabyKicks Bumboo or woolies (longies, shorties, soakers, I don't really care!) from Kangadu. It is an upcycled wool shop on Hyenacart. I have a new addiction to wool too :)
And the kicker to the spreadsheet wishlist: It is in a file named "Important Documents" on my computer. That should probably be embarrassing, but its not!
And to all those that say they wish they could buy more, but can't because of finances, I can totally relate! I am a college student (that is college student age). Lots of excessive fluff is definitely not in the budget! But a diaper here and there over several weeks has realy grown my stash!
I can TOTALLY relate. My kid's birthday wish list (made by me of course) is all cloth diapers. lol
I started out planning on being as economical as possible - prefolds and covers only. Well, then I decided to try some AIOs for going out. And then I wanted to try the hybrids. And then Grovia had a new AIO. Luckily it hasn't progressed further than that so far!
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