3- Kawaii One-Size Cloth Diapers
Question/Comment of the week:
How do you organize your cloth diapers? Leave your comment before Thursday, Sept.1st at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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1 – 200 of 1657 Newer› Newest»I'm still in the process of stocking up on al my favorite cloth diapers, but the ones I have are organized by type. It will make it easier for hubby to find the ones he likes!
I don't have any yet (baby not due until 3/11) but I'm dying to know how other do!
I keep them all in a cloth drawer system purchased at Target..my 8 year old daughter than insists on putting girly colors in a drawer, prints in another, and boyish colors in yet another drawer ;)
sunni08 at gmail dot com
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sunni 08 at gmaildot com
I only have one cloth diaper so far... so organization isn't really an issue yet... maybe if i win, three more will mean more organizing?
coreybelle86 at yahoo dot com
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tackettsteph (a) gmail.com
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I organize my diapers by folding them in stacks according to use. I keep them on the dresser near the crib.
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I have two baskets under my changing table: one is for Grandma's house / Day Care and the other is a basket of "at-home diapers" (the snaps and AIOs that aren't quite as easy as the BG's).
I commented on:If you've used the free one-size diaper coupons, have you received new favorites which you previously hadn't tried? On the Diapershops FB page. Initials LFM.
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I'm still pretty new to CD'ing so I don't really have an organizational system yet. I really need to figure one out!
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In baskets on the shelves of my changing table. pockets in one, covers and various inserts in the other.
becken (at) gmail (dot) com
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I plan on using a shelf that I have with cloth bins to hold some "preassembled" diapers (for my husband) and some with the covers and prefolds separate.
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I have three baskets underneath our changing table that I use. One basket holds our prefolds, another holds flip inserts, covers, and prefold covers, and the third basket holds all of our pocket diapers. I stuff the pockets as soon as they come out of the dryer and pile them all in the basket.
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I bought some cheap bins at walmart to keep them in
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I organize by color (obviously following the proper color spectrum order) and in plastic bins. Plastic bins which are tied together and tied down to the changing table to keep the baby from pulling them out and dumping them.
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We have a changing table that my FIL built when my husband's brother was born. We have all pocket diapers so they get stacked into the drawers.
Right now mine are organized in plastic bins... but this might change once I have my baby.
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coreybelle86 at yahoo dot com
I have our diapers and accessories in various baskets in our open-style change table. One basket for prefolds, one for our small collection of fitteds and one-sizes, one for covers. Oh, and a hang-on organizer thing (?) at the end of the change table for wipes, wipe solution, rash stick, snappi, etc.
I am a facebook fan - Erica Rae
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I really don't have a great organization right now, and we are going to be moving, so I am not going to figure it out now! LOL Right now, I keep all of my dipes in a laundry basket, pre-stuffed and ready to go with the ones I use most on top and those I use/like least on the bottom. I have a hanging wet bag in my laundry room and a smaller wet bag that I keep in the laundry basket for the dirties!
Laura Lightcap Dunne
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Laura Lightcap Dunne
My diapers are just folded and stacked on the shelf under the changing table.
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I only have prefolds, a few fitteds, and covers (still working on my stash I'm new to cloth) So at the moment the prefolds are stacked in a bin with the fitteds next to them and covers in a separate bin next to them.
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Britiany Triggs
I have two bins under my changing table. Clean daytime diapers on the left, nighttime diapers and various inserts and doublers on the right. In the drawer are wipes, coconut oil, and fleece liners.
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My cloth diapers are separated on the top of the changing table. A cute paper storage box has my prefolds, already tri-folded and stacked with home-cut fleece liners (fabric remnants!). In front of that, I line up our overnight pocket diapers, already stuffed. Covers get stacked on the left, adjacent to the cute box of diapering supplies.
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Well, I'm still pregnant with my first baby, so I haven't perfected a system yet, BUT I am super excited about cloth diapering, and getting ready so I have a system already finished in my mind!
I'm currently looking for a waist high, 3 or 4 drawer dresser so I can put a changing pad on top and not have to worry about a whole separate piece of furniture. I figure the top 2 drawers will be full of diaper supplies sorted into bins: prefolds, covers by color, then all in ones and pocket diapers by color, as well as extra wipes and wipe solution. The bottom drawers will be baby clothes and bedding. In my mind it's very organized and tidy!
I'm really glad to have found this blog, too. Having somewhere to go for good advice when I'm feeling nervous has been such a great thing! I feel less alone and more confident in my choice to use cloth now.
LOL, they get thrown in a basket....we don't have enough to not wash every day let alone organize....someday though, lol.
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I used to have them in 2 of the 3 drawer plastic things....but recently I started sticking them in my child's baby doll playpen lol they all fit perfectly lined up
Answer to question of the week:
I have a large dresser with changing area built on top, so I use the top two drawers for the cd stuff I need to grab easily. The left drawer from right to left: cloth wipes, doublers/isnerts, fitted diapers. The top right drawer from left to right, prefolds, covers, fleece stay dry liners. I have a cute little basket that sits on the floor by the dresser for all my cute pockets and aios! :)
Fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on FB - Beth S.
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I don't have the baby yet, but I do have some diapers, and I am using cloth/canvas totes. It's working well so far, until the nursery gets done.
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I organize my cloth diapers by using baskets in my girls rooms--they are already sized for each of my two girls, and prestuffed, so I can just grab and go.
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i organize by type and color since i cd b/g twins and a older 2 yr old.
lori overly
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I have a brown crate that I use (kind of like the milk crate shape). It stores all the dipes and wipes we need. The dirties go in a pail (a trash can with a lid) while they await their turn in the washer. :)
I am a Facebook fan! And twitter! And I organize my cloth diapers in bins on a shelf in the baby's closet!
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I stuff them, and close the tabs, then line them up in a drawer under the changing pad. Nice, neat rows of fluff!!
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I have a shelve in our half bath that is on our main floor and I stack them up there so they are out of sight and away from little hands to toss all over.
following @diapershops on twitter: DFWBaby
Here is my diaper set up: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs198.ash2/46134_512737215613_226200267_445390_6376773_n.jpg
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My stash is still growing, so I just have my pockets stuffed and sitting in a pile. My prefolds are in a pile and covers in a basket.
I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB as Stephanie Newton
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I have a tall cabinet from IKEA that I keep prefolds on one shelf, fitted on the next and pockets stacked on the bottom!
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I put my diapers in a hanging closet organizer. So easy!!
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Fan of Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB! Nicole Everitt
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I stuff the pockets and ready fold the prefolds in a large basket so we can just grab and go! (I also color-coordinate and organize by type, but that's my OCD coming out) :)
bethwebb1981 @diapershops fluff friday Kawaii #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
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I am pretty new to cloth diapering, but so far they are all in the top drawer of my changing table, with extra inserts in the second.
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I have some pretty storage bins on my changing table- two large ones for diapers (one for snaps, one for velcros), a smaller one for extra inserts & wipes.... I also have a large wet-bag hanging on the post of the changing table for dirty diapers and wipes and a small one that is a stand-in for when the big one is in the wash. :)
We organize by prefold and cover size with sterilite drawers. In one 3-drawer tower are the prefolds - regular, premium, and infant each in their own drawer. In another 3 drawer tower, the covers are separated by size for our daughter and son!
I am a fb fan of Diapershops! We use the top drawer of my dd changing table/ dresser!
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I have them separated by type, fitteds, covers together etc. I have my liners in a basket and my inserts in a basket.
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In my head :) Don't have any yet.
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We don't have much of an organized system- just prestuffed in stacks in his bottom dresser drawer. Cloth wipes are in a basket and extra inserts are stacked to one side.
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Commented on the "What Do You Do With Your Diapers When You are Done Diapering" post
I am a fan of diaper shops on FB, Amy Rishel Maxwell
I organize mine on a shelf in our half bath on our main floor
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maryanne.matthews at gmail dot com
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I put my diapers in a 3 drawer plastic dresser next to the changing table. That way, they are easy to get to, but DD can't open the drawers (yet)
I am a fan of the cloth diaper wisperer on FB. Amy Rishel maxwell
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I use the drawers of the changing table to store my diapers. Top drawer is for prefolds and the others are for pockets and AIOs. All covers go in a cute basket that's on a shelf above the changing table.
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angel_kisses1025 at hotmail dot com
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I have three baskets on top of my piano, and keep my cloth wipes, reusable changing pads, and wet bags/pail liners in one, my diaper covers in another one, and my diaper inserts/prefolds in another.
I have 8 (yes, 8) collapsible bins on my dresser/changing station. Each baby has their own side, and each bin has a different type of diaper. One for pockets, one for covers, one for prefolds, one for wipes and accessories. It's easy for Daddy to figure out which diaper goes to which kid, and it looks so pretty!
I keep them in a drawer in the changing table...makes them easily accessible :)
I follow the blog as riggslacey
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I am a fan on FB of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer.
I have baskets under the changing table. One basket is for pockets and AIO's, 1 basket for my covers and 1 basket for folded, ready to go pre-folds :)
For organization - I really only use FuzziBunz now (am getting some gDiapers used this week) so keep them in a bin at the end of the changing table.
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I have all my diapers folded in the drawers of my changing table. So far we only use pocket diapers- so the scheme isn't too complicated!
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I organize mine by brand and type. I actually really anjoy organizing my diapers!
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Organize?? Ha!! I wish! All my dipes go from the dryer or line to the basket...and there they stay until they get put on someone's bootie ;)
If I have a chance I do try to prestuff all the pockets and separate the pockets, prefolds and covers into stacks in the basket ;)
I have 2 shelving units that have colored bins that I keep all our diapers in. I also keep prefolds and flats underneath the changing table. I keep pockets together, AIOs together, Fitteds together, etc.
I only have a handful of diapers so I dont have a system to organize yet.
tiggerzshorty at yahoo dot com
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I put my cloth diapers into a large wicker chest that sits in my living room.
invisible_diabla @ yahoo.com
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Jenandmike torres
I actually use the shelves of the entertainment center for the diapers! haha Our 4 month old's diapers are on the top shelf of left side - inserts, covers, then pockets and AIO's side by side. Our 2 year old's diapers are on the top right side in the same manner, and on the shelf under hers are all the hybrid diapers and package of disposable inserts!
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