One of my daycare requirements was that it allow for cloth diapers and thankfully I found a wonderful place. In fact, they are so pro-cloth that four out of the other six children in his class also use cloth diapers.
I quickly learned that everything that goes into his classroom MUST be labeled - including his diapers. I wasn't looking forward to disfiguring his cute (yes, I find them adorable) little cloth diapers with a permanent marker.
What to do . . .What to do?
I know! I'll contact Kelly's Closet!
I wrote to Kelly's Closet and explained my dilemma. I also told them how my daycare stash consisted primarily of BG 3.0s and AIOs. They suggested using one color of thread and stitching it around the edge of the interior pocket flap or even on the BG tag. This way, his diapers could quickly identified.

If it's possible, I think the diapers are even cuter now! The black star is easily visible to all his teachers and it's so simple that even I could sew them next time.
Thanks for the idea Kelly's Closet!
- by Stephanie N.
I would hate to get mixed up diapers. I love my stash so much. Glad you have a grandma that can sew.
Cute idea!
And in an unrelated note, it's fun to find someone else who uses MorMor!
That's a wonderful idea indeed. My mum also used to differentiate my sisters & my undergarments by adding sewing of different colored threads.
Glad that you found such a pro-cloth diapering daycare too. :)
I hope that that was acceptable with the daycare. Our state requires that all diapers are labeled with first initial, full last name. Just to warn you.
Great idea! We used a sharpie and made a mark on the backside of the tag. Our daycare has two babies in BG diapers and there was a mix-up at the beginning and one of our diapers was sent home in the other baby's wet bag. Now all of our BG diapers and theirs have some sort of mark on it. I wish I had thought of something cool like sewing on the tag!
I love this idea! I'll have to keep it in mind when we send our daughter to daycare. I know I wouldn't be happy to have a mixed up stash!
What a great idea! I'm already trying to think of a cute little symbol for my girl. Maybe cherries. There were lots of cherries at her shower and on her newborn clothes.
They sell laundry safe stickers you order with your kids name on them that is what I used. http://www.namebubbles.com/labelpack/daycare-labels.html
LOL so cute. And it makes it so if you ever sell your stash the person who buys it won't have someone elses name (also use mormor!!! Love being Swedish)
I was thinking about doing something similar with socks - so we didn't get them mixed up. Permanent marker isn't so permanent as I found...
That's a great idea!
Mamas, I need some help! My DD starts daycare for the first time on Monday. She's the 1st CD baby they've ever had, but are willing to use BG organic AIO's and GV AIO's. Since she's potty training (almost 22 months old), I'm planning on sending mostly the GV's. I have 20 GV OS AIO's and 2 Planet Wise hanging wet/dry bags, as well as a GV diaper rash stick and some of the shake stuff from RG that I'm planning to send. Is it worth the time/money to send those flushable liners? Any tips, mamas? I've never done this before, and don't know anyone else who CD and uses daycare... TIA! :)
Very cute idea, but I am surprised the daycare doesn't require the child's name be on the items. I would much rather have a little start then my child's entire name on the diaper though, especially when it comes to selling down the road.
just wondering how u found a daycare that does that? does it cost more? I had to put my son in a Home Daycare because he was potty training and i didnt want to put him in a diaper and cloth at home. everything was fine till her son was potty trained and she didnt want to potty train any more with my son, weird lady. ended up with a pull up daycare, i did not like it but i was a single mom and the choices were slim pickings. with my daughter im a SAHM going crazy but dont want to put her in pull ups.
love that he calls Grandma Mormor!
That's great that you found such a pro-cloth daycare! We've been the only cloth customer, so all of the cloth were my son's. That is such an adorable idea with the tags though, I love it!
With as many bottles as I got that had other kids names on them, I'm partially glad my girl was the only one in cloth....altho I Really do wish especially centers that provide diapers would consider cloth for all kids! mine gets a costco delivery once a week, boxes and boxes....all going to the landfill very soon.
And Karen, it's probably not worth it to send the disposable liners. Per state law, they probably aren't allowed to do ANYTHING with the diapers other than put them in the secure container you send to school. I often get the poopy ones back wrapped in the gloves that were used to change my daughter. I'd ask about the shaker before sending it too. sending cloth-friendly rash treatment is a must tho!
Great idea! Those tabs are perfect for putting an "ID" on!
That's a great idea, I would have never thought of that. I need that for our church!
I have been telling all my CD friends about this idea! Thanks for the tip! I love this blog!
Kelly's Closet is awesome!! They always have the answer. What a great idea! I should do this on my husband's white socks, too.... hmmmmmm.... :)
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