Be there on October 26th, from 9-11 pm ET. Also, you can stop by @DiaperShops early and enjoy some pre-party fun too! Remember to use the hashtag #FluffnTreat!!!
Who to follow: @DiaperShops, @EcoChicParties, @EcoChicSidekick, and maybe a few others
Tweetgrid: http://is.gd/gbbeg *Add your name in the last grid @USERNAME. Feel free to add additional names or columns to follow your favorite co-sponsors from the list below. Don’t like the grid? Try TweetChat or TweetDeck.
New to Twitter? What is a twitter party? How do you use TweetGrid? In addition to checking out these great Twitter Tips; @EcoChicSidekick offers pre-party training on the party evening from 8-9pm ET. You can always ask questions on Facebook to both the Sidekick and myself.
Be sure you are registered to enter to win the grand prize of a Nintendo Wii plus games: http://ecochicparties.theecochic.com./fluff-n-treat-with-diapershops-102610/
We have some awesome prizes this year (YOU MUST BE PRESENT at the party to win)- many from really cool companies you may not have heard about before, including:
Diapering Products:
- 3-Rockin Green 45/90 load detergent (Follow @rockingreensoap on Twitter)
- 2-Tot Bots One-Size Diapers in print (Follow @bummis on Twitter )
- 1-Rockin Green FUNK Rock (Follow @rockingreensoap on Twitter)
- 6-FuzziBunz Perfect Size Cloth Diapers (Follow @fuzzibunz on Twitter)
- 3-FuzziBunz One-Size Cloth Diapers (Follow @fuzzibunz on Twitter)
- 3-Kissaluvs Anti-Bacterial Pail Liners (Follow @kissaluvs on Twitter)
- 5-Kissaluvs One-Size Marvel Covers (Follow @kissaluvs on Twitter)
- 1-PlanetWise Kit- Includes wet/dry bag with matching changing pad. (Follow @planetwise on Twitter)
- 2-CuteyBaby Zippered Dry Bags (Follow @cuteybaby on Twitter)
- 1-Thirsties Diaper Kit Bundle (Follow @thirstiesinc on Twitter)
- Bamboobies - 1- Multi-Pack of Bamboobies Nursing Pads. The pack contains 3 pair of regular heart-shaped milk-proof bamboobies and one pair of overnight bamboobies in a lingerie bag and retail for $29.99. (Follow @bamboobies on Twitter)
- MenuForTheWeek.com - Meal planning made easy. 2- 1 year subscriptions to MenuForTheWeek.com. Value is $40 each. (Follow @MealPlanningMom on Twitter)
- Monkey-Toes.com - 2- shoes: 1) Halloween shoes (Goin Batty shoes & Playful Pumpkins) $35 – they have glow in the dark eyes. 2) Holiday shoes - Rowdy Reindeer & Shivers the Snowman are $31. (Follow @monkeytoesshoes on Twitter.)
- 2- Text Message Baby onesies (in the style and size of winners' choice) - organic and so cute! Retail value $30 each. (Follow @textmessagebaby on Twitter.)
- 1 - UnderCover Mama Shirt (including shipping valued at $25 USD). Winner to chose size and color. (Follow @undercover_mama on Twitter.)
See you there!!
I dont have twitter... plus i already have plans that evening... how about i just Fluff n treat to your door and you can give me a prize :P
I hope everyone has a great time tweetin' .... there will be lots of lucky winners!
I am very excited for this!!
Wow, that's quite a list of prizes! Looking forward to the chat tonight.
I "like" Diapershops.com on FB
FB: Allison Harness Weaver
I "like" The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook!
FB ID: Allison Harness Weaver
I'm registered for the Twitter Party!
Twitter ID: a_weaves
WOW! How generous! I hope I win one of those prizes!
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