Join the @DiaperShops Tweet crew for one of the most exciting Twitter parties ever! On October 26th, from 9-10 pm ET, @DiaperShops will be offering exciting information, giveaways and gathering all us cloth diapering mamas (and dadas too!) to swap stories and hang out online.
We’re calling this event Fluff ‘N Treat (forget the candy – we want to trick ‘n treat for cloth diapers!).

Giveaway's at the twitter party (MUST be present to win) We will be updating this frequently:
3-Rockin Green 45/90 load detergent (Follow @rockingreensoap on Twitter)
2-Tot Bots One-Size Diapers in print (Follow @bummis on Twitter )
1-Rockin Green FUNK Rock (Follow @rockingreensoap on Twitter)
6-FuzziBunz Perfect Size Cloth Diapers (Follow @fuzzibunz on Twitter)
3-FuzziBunz One-Size Cloth Diapers (Follow @fuzzibunz on Twitter)
3-Kissaluvs Anti-Bacterial Pail Liners (Follow @kissaluvs on Twitter)
5-Kissaluvs One-Size Marvel Covers (Follow @kissaluvs on Twitter)
1-PlanetWise Kit- Includes wet/dry bag with matching changing pad.
2-CuteyBaby Zippered Dry Bags (Follow @cuteybaby on Twitter)
1-Thirsties Diaper Gift Bundle Kit (kit includes: 1-duo diaper,1-duo wrap print,2-duo hemp prefolds,1-fab wipes (Follow @thirstiesinc on Twitter)
Bamboobies - 1- Multi-Pack of Bamboobies Nursing Pads. The pack contains 3 pair of regular heart-shaped milk-proof bamboobies and one pair of overnight bamboobies in a lingerie bag and retail for $29.99. (Follow @bamboobies on Twitter)
MenuForTheWeek.com - Meal planning made easy. 2- 1 year subscriptions to MenuForTheWeek.com. Value is $40 each. (Follow @MealPlanningMom on Twitter)
Monkey-Toes.com - 2- shoes: 1) Halloween shoes (Goin Batty shoes & Playful Pumpkins) $35 – they have glow in the dark eyes. 2) Holiday shoes - Rowdy Reindeer & Shivers the Snowman are $31. (Follow @monkeytoesshoes on Twitter.)
2- Text Message Baby onesies (in the style and size of winners' choice)- http://textmessagebaby.com/ - organic and so cute! Retail value $30 each.
(Follow @textmessagebaby on Twitter.)
1 - UnderCoverMama Shirt (including shipping valued at $25 USD). Winner to chose size and color.
(Follow @undercover_mama on Twitter.)
The Hashtag we’ll be using throughout the party is #FluffnTreat.
Learn more and RSVP here: http://ecochicparties.theecochic.com./fluff-n-treat-with-diapershops-102610/
Thanks for all your cloth diapering love – can’t wait to celebrate and swap stories with all my favorite customers!
Thanks to @EcoChicParties for their help coordinating the shindig!
excited to attend my first twitter party! not sure what to do or expect really. not sure my husband is going to understand what the heck i'm doing either. :)
twitter/twitter partying is so complicated... is there a list of all the @tags we should follow?
Can't wait!!! Do they host these often???
My favorite Halloween tradition is our neighborhood's annual Halloween party! It's great fun with lots of games and a fun time to hang out and reconnect with our neighbors.
I wish I knew how to get in on this... I'm not one who uses Twitter and it's all very confusing :(
Carving pumpkins with the family and toasting pumpkin seeds!
what are all the @tags we should follow for all the sponsers and hosts? and does #FluffnTreat need to be in ever post and does an @tag need to be in everypost? im not exactly sure how2 to do this, but id deff like to participate!!!
ill be there hope i can win something. My last twitter party didnt go so well. it was my first!
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