Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Fluff Friday 99

Fluff Friday
2-BabyKicks 3g One-Size Cloth Diapers in new Chocoholic Series!
(exclusive to!)

Question/Comment of the week: How many cloth diapers do you currently have in your stash? Leave your comment before Thursday, Oct. 7th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)

Other ways to enter:
  1. Head on over to our NEW The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Leave a comment that you are a fan.
  2. Follow @babykicksusa on Twitter. Come back and post a comment that you are a follower of Better for Babies.
  3. Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
  4. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
  5. Fluff FridayAdvertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
  6. Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
  7. Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a Facebook fan.
  8. Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
  9. One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
  10. Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @babykicksusa #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
  11. Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
  12. Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
  13. Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 10/1-10/7. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
  14. Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
  15. Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (,, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
  16. Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.

Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, October 8th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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Jenny K said...

I follow the blog!

Anonymous said...

I have 3 best bottom covers with 5 inserts and 24 prefolds :)

jollygood said...

I have 14 diapers right now that fit my DS, and 17 diapers that are size large for him to grow into.

Kristi said...

I only have about 8, but I'm working on getting some more or possibly making my own.

jollygood said...

I am signed up for your newsletter.

jollygood said...

I follow you on Twitter.


ndeane said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on Facebook :)

Nikki Trent

jollygood said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan on facebook also!

Summer Jesse said...

Follower and Fan

Maryanne said...

I have about 25 diapers in my stash.... which is about 2 too few! ;) 698741872

Maryanne said...

I like the CDW on FB.


Maryanne said...

I receive the Kelly's Closet newsletter.


Maryanne said...

I follow the CDW blog.


Anonymous said...

commented on your FB post about the bummis giveaway!

Maryanne said...

I get your newsletter!

Anonymous said...

commented on FB post: When cold weather hits, how do you keep your kids (especially the youngest ones) entertained?

Anonymous said...

commented on your FB post: DId you see the Cute Baby of the Cloth winner? Congrats to Andrea Hamilton and her daughter. You can also view other adorable submissions! Plus, details for next month's spooky contest!

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I currently have 25 diapers for my daughter...that will need to increase since we will be welcoming our new addition in Feb!

he most recent addition is the BabyKicks 3g Bumboo in Green and it is now my FAVORITE diaper!

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

commented on FB post Fluff friday 99 is up! Enter to win 2 yummy Babykicks Bumboo 3G's from the Chocoholic Series!

Unknown said...

I like TCDW on FB. Stephanie Newton

Unknown said...

I like DiaperShops on FB. Stephanie Newton

Unknown said...

I am signed up for the Kelly’s Closet newsletter.

Sara said...

i commented on FB on the discussion on 2 reasons I started using cloth diapers - Sara Griswold Walther

Unknown said...

I have 19 currently in my stash.

Maryanne said...

I've got your button on my blog:


Jenessa said...

I only have 12! I just started CD a few weeks ago. Im building my stash :)

jlbillson at yahoo dot com

Maryanne said...

I shared your contest on FB.


Lynsey said...

I would say I have around 40 diapers in my stash. I'm kind of afraid to actually count them.

Unknown said...


Jenessa said...

Im following on Twitter. Im jenessab

jenessa said...

Im a fan on facebook!

Megan said...

I follow Better for Babies

Jessica said...

I have 15 Fuzzi Bunz in my stash! jessicarose 0814 at yahoo dot com

Lynsey said...

I follow the blog.

Megan said...

I follow this blog!

Jessica said...

I am a facebook fan. jessicarose0814 at yahoo dot com.

Lynsey said...

I receive the newsletter from KC

Jessica said...

I follow your blog. jessicarose0814 at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on Facebook

Megan Salonga

Cheyenne said...

I have about 45 dipes in my stash,but I don't love all of them.

Amber Eaton said...


Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I already "like" The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB :)

FB ID kfig143

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Amber Eaton said...

I'm a facebook fan of TCDW!

Amber Eaton said...

I follow the blog!

Amber Eaton said...

I get the KC newsletter!

Anonymous said...

I only have 11 Dipes in my Stash right now. I have to do a lot of washing and could definately use some more dipes.

Anonymous said...

Fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook

Natalie said...

We currently have 17 diapers in our stash for our toddler!

Anonymous said...

commented on Diaper Shops post: What are the 2 main reasons why you use cloth diapers?

Anonymous said...

commented on Diaper Shops FB post: We want to know: What detergent are you currently using for your diapers, and are you happy with how it cleans them?

Natalie said...

I'm a follower of @babykicksusa


Natalie said...

I'm a follower!

via Blogger

Anonymous said...

commented on Diaper Shops FB Post: If you "wear" your baby and go for your walk how to you pack your diaper(s), etc?

Mrevisky said...

I am a facebook fan of the cloth diaper whisperer!

Natalie said...

I reviewed the TotsBots "Cosmic Planet" print diaper


Mrevisky said...

I'm a fan on facebook!

Anonymous said...

commented on Diaper Shops FB post: Have you ever had a "diaper disaster"- thrown one away, left one in a wet bag for a long time, had one leak all over a friend/relative, etc? I want to hear the diaper horror stories. ;)

Natalie said...

I tweeted:

ChemMama @diapershops fluff friday @babykicksusa #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at

~*~Heather~*~ said...

87! I am also a FB fan :)

The Fuzzy Fluff Addicted Momma said...

I think I have 27 in my stash with 4 on the way (due to arrive tomorrow from kelly's closet)

Anonymous said...

unique tweet: My fluff addiction + love of Chocolate = @babykicksusa 3g! #clothdiapers #giveaway from @diapershops

Fluffy Green Earth said...

Follow babykicksusa on Twitter


The Fuzzy Fluff Addicted Momma said...

Fan of TCDW on FB

Jennifer Boardman

The Fuzzy Fluff Addicted Momma said...

Follow on Twitter @summerwingglow

Jennifer Boardman

the Momma Bird said...

Fan of TCDW on facebook

Fluffy Green Earth said...

Fan of the new Cloth diaper whisperer page on FB!
-Amy Lukasik id=1447547085

the Momma Bird said...

blog follower of TCDW

The Fuzzy Fluff Addicted Momma said...

signed up for the newsletter

Jennifer Boardman

Fluffy Green Earth said...

Oh-forgot the question-we have 32 diapers in our stash, mostly OS pockets-just one babykicks 9love to have more)!

Amy lukasik id=1447547085

the Momma Bird said...

We have 14 grovia shells with 24 soakers, 6 fuzzibunz, and 3 bumgenius booster soakers

The Fuzzy Fluff Addicted Momma said...

I tweeted:
@diapershops fluff friday @babykicksusa #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at

Jennifer Boardman

Sweet Green Tangerine said...

I have only 7 diapers

lauralita said...

I have about 23 fitteds (mostly KL0's), two pockets, and 9 covers. We're expecting our first in January, and hoping for a visit from the prefold fairy before then. :)

lauralita said...

I'm a TCDW facebook fan.

Natalie said...

Placed an order at Kelly's closet!

KC-58298 10/1/2010

lauralita said...

I get the Kelly's Closet newsletter.

The Suess Family said...

I have 6 Flip covers and 28 inserts, 2 covers homemade with about a dozen prefolds, and 2 homemade AIOs in my stash

Sweet Green Tangerine said...

I am a fan of TCDW on Facebook

The Suess Family said...

I have 6 Flip covers and 28 inserts, 2 covers homemade with about a dozen prefolds, and 2 homemade AIOs in my stash

Addy Lu said...

I have 32 diapers currently in use. Although I have some prefolds, fitteds, and covers that I need to sell.

Sweet Green Tangerine said...

I follow Babykicks on Twitter

Brittany said...

We've got 3 dozen prefolds and 6 covers and 20 pockets. We're CDing twins so we can always use more! :)

Sweet Green Tangerine said...

I am a follower of TCDW blog

Brittany said...

I follow your blog!

cristina feigum said...

I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page

Ballerina Baller said...

oh boy! lets see, i only have about 18 diapers. prefolds and covers, a few AIO, and some pockets but my faves are the BG bamboo fitteds. too bad they are no longer made...

Brittany said...

I'm a fan on facebook.

Addy Lu said...

I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook. Kara Heil

Ballerina Baller said...

i follow TCDW blog

Martine said...

We currently have about 16 diapers in our stash.

Brittany said...

Signed up for the newsletter!

Ballerina Baller said...

i have your button on my blog

Martine said...

I subscribe to the Kelly's Closet newsletter

Ballerina Baller said...

i'm a fan of TCDW on facebook

The Suess Family said...

I have 6 Flip covers and 28 inserts, 2 covers homemade with about a dozen prefolds, and 2 homemade AIOs in my stash

Martine said...

I am a fan of on facebook.

Martine English Sanchez

Ashley H said...

I have 20 prefolds and 10 AIOs.

Ballerina Baller said...

i'm a fan of diapershops on facebook

Ashley H said...

I am a fan on FB.

Martine said...

I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook.

martine english sanchez

Addy Lu said...

I'm a fan of diaper shops on facebook. Kara Heil

Ballerina Baller said...

i am also a kelly wells fan/friend on facebook!

good luck me!

Martine said...

I follow your blog

The Suess Family said...

I have 4 Flip covers and 28 inserts, 2 covers WAHM covers with 12 prefolds, and 2 AIOs.

Leslie Hodgen said...

I have 9 diapers in my stash.

Leslie Hodgen said...

I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on FB

Jennifer said...

I have 28 diapers all different kinds in my stash now plus about 20 newborn dipes in storage in hopes of baby number 2!

Jennifer said...

I follow your blog

Jane said...

I have twenty-two pocket diapers (mostly BG and Fuzzibunz), a bunch of prefolds, and a couple covers.

Jane said...

I'm a fan of CDW on facebook.

Jane said...

I receive the Kelly's Closet newsletter!

Hannah said...

I think I have about 30 diapers in the current size. Some of them are pretty old / hand-me-downs though.

H n n h h y r at gmail dot com

Hannah said...

Facebook fan of TCDW

melmarie23 said...

I have about 20 cloth diapers in my stash. I am due with my 1st so I've been slowly putting this together. My showers are coming up soon, so I hope to get more. :-)

melmarie23 said...

I am a fan on Facebook.

melmarie23 said...

I receive the newsletter.

Steph said...

Just starting my CD stash since I'm due in Jan with my first so at the moment I have 2 wahm and one Bummies super whisper wrap. I plan on making a few more and some inserts, and then buying more fluff as I get funds!

gina w. said...

I have around 17 in the sizes that fit my daughter right now and about 22 smalls. 39 total! Wow!

Steph said...

I follow your blog

gina w. said...

Fan of TCDW on FB!

gina w. said...


gina w. said...

Facebook Fan.

gina w. said...

Twitter follower. @ginamwalker

gina w. said...

Signed up for newsletter.

gina w. said...

Affiliate #222

Tera Nelson said...

well I currently have:
2 doz PF- 24
5 covers, 16 pockets, 6 AI2,8 AIO, 3 fleece covers, 4 wool covers, 10 fitteds, three pairs of longies.But he is almost out of the nb and some smalls are getting well small.

wow, I think I got a problem.....

Steph said...

I follow you on twitter.

Steph said...

Fan on facebook!

Anonymous said...

Including prefolds, i have qround sixty diapers, but only about thirty in my current rotation.

Anonymous said...

I am a facebook fan of tcdw.

Unknown said...

I have 36 prefolds, 8 covers, and 9 pockets!

Anonymous said...

I am a blog follower

Unknown said...

I am a fan of TCDW on FB!

Unknown said...

I receive the newsletter from Kellys CLoet!

Mama C said...

I'm a fan of Cloth Diaper whisperer on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I follow TCDW Blog

Anonymous said...

I am a facebook fan of diaper shops

Mama C said...

I'm a blog subscriber.

Unknown said...

I am a fan of the diaper shops on FB!

Kalliemack said...

I only have 4 flip outside covers and about hmmm 20 inserts. I dont like them though.


Kalliemack said...

I follow your blog

Kalliemack said...

Fb fan!!!!!

Unknown said...

I am a follower of Better for Babies.

Kalliemack said...

posted giveaway on fb

Kalliemack said...

I posted you button on my blog

Sarah said...

I have 17 Kawaii Diapers (various different types including the regular AIO w/both round and square tabs, Bamboo Minkys, and Snazzy Minkys)... and then I have 2 Blossom Flips and 2 Econobums!

helenlam said...

I have about 35 in my stash. Most are Sammy's fitted, with some pocket and AIO in there

helenlam said...

I Follow @babykicksusa on Twitter as @helenlamby

Shelly said...

I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on FB. We have about 40 aio's, ai2's and covers for a tot and NB.
Shelly Fields

Delia said...

I became of fan of TCDW on Facebook.

Delia said...

I have about 30 diapers...We are new to CDing and are awaiting 7 new diapers which should arrive next week. Super excited!

Sarah said...

I have about 20 I think, but making many more for our new addition due in november! {;0)

Sarah said...

I am a facebook fan!

Sarah said...

I follow your blog via GFC!

Anonymous said...

i have about 20 diapers of many types, when i bought them i was trying out all these different ones to see which would work best for my daughter...and now i have a fave to date has been the Dream eze's, they are great for skinny kids like my Lily!

Delia Galligan said...

i advertised on

Delia Galligan said...

I recieve Kelly's Closet newletter

Delia Galligan said...

i made a ppurchase on Kelly's Closet KC-58150.

Unknown said...

We only have 12 Fuzzi Bunz right now! We love them, and we make the number work for us!

I'm a fan on facebook and I follow the blog!

Delia Galligan said...

I became a follower of your blog!

Katy said...

I have 13 diapers. Not quite enough to use cloth full time, but it is a start.

JGsquared said...

I'm a fan of tcdw on facebook.

Abby Jo said...

I have about 30 diapers.

JGsquared said...

We have 32 diapers..

Abby Jo said...

I am a fan of TCDW on facebook.

Jolly Junker said...

I have 5 cover and 20 inserts (we use AI2's), and I am definitely looking to add to my stash!

Melanie said...

I have around 25 diapers in my stash.

richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Melanie said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on Facebook.

richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Melanie said...

I'm following Better for Babies on Twitter.

richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Melanie said...

I'm susbscribed to your blog.

richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Melanie said...

I'm a fan of diapershops on FB.

richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Melanie said...

I'm following diapershops on Twitter.

richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Melanie said...

I'm signed up for the Kelly's closet newsletter.

richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Jolly Junker said...

I'm a follower.

Jolly Junker said...

I posted on my blog.

Rose said...

I have about 20 diapers

Rose said...

I'm a fan on fb!

Erica Green said...

i'm a facebook fan!

Unknown said...

i have about 40 cds mostly bgs

Rose said...

I follow babykicks on twitter

Erica Green said...

i get the newsletter!

Unknown said...

im a fb fan

Rose said...

I follow your blog

Wendy said...

I have 26 FuzziBunz, 4 BumGenius, 1 Ragababe, 1 Rumparooz, 3 Thirsties DuoWraps, 2 Thirsties fitteds and a dozen prefolds.

Nicole said...

I get the newsletter!

Nicole said...

a dozen pf, six covers, 2 ai2, 6 pockets...need more!

Anna said...

We have a TON of diapers now! Our stash has been sitting at about 30 medium sized diapers, but with dd #2 just arriving yesterday, we've added about 40 more (combo of prefolds and fitteds) newborn ones.

Anna said...

fb fan of TCDW

Anna said...

FB fan of diapershops

Anna said...

I get the newsletter

Anna said...

button on my blog

Anna said...

I follow this blog

Anna said...

Kelly's Closet affiliate #312

Stacey said...

I have 4 BG 3.0s and a 2 dozen or so prefolds.

Stacey said...

I'm a fan of the CD Whisperer fan page on FB.

Stacey said...

I'm subscribed through google reader.

Anonymous said...

Am a TCDW facebook fan (Becca Niburg)

rniburg at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Hard to say how many, about 6 prefolds, 2 covers, 18 pockets, 4 fitteds (although we're waiting for 2 new to replace 3 of these for overnight cause those 3 are getting a bit tight!), 2 longies, 2 wool shorties

DeVore Family said...

I have 24 diapers.

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