2-BabyKicks 3g One-Size Cloth Diapers in new Chocoholic Series!
(exclusive to DiaperShops.com!)
Question/Comment of the week: How many cloth diapers do you currently have in your stash? Leave your comment before Thursday, Oct. 7th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to our NEW The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Leave a comment that you are a fan.
- Follow @babykicksusa on Twitter. Come back and post a comment that you are a follower of Better for Babies.
- Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
- Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
- Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a Facebook fan.
- Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
- Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @babykicksusa #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/. Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
- Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
- Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 10/1-10/7. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, October 8th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
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I follow TCDW via GFC as Ashley
commented on discussion: New to cloth and Looking for an easy system
commented on discussion post: Just for fun...what is your fav go to dipe
commented on fb discussion: where to stash my stash
commented on fb discussion: for the stay at home mommies
commented on discussion: boosting the absorbency of pockets
commented on fb discussion: diaper stripping and detergent
commented on fb post: non diaper laundry detergent
commented on fb discussion: cloth diaper approved creams
commented on fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/2010/10/598-changed-my-washing-routine.html
5.98 Changed my Washing Routine. Some people have the know how to create a unique solution to their washing problem!
I have about 15 diapers
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I commented on $5.98 Changed My Washing Routine.
tweet: Hoot! Hoot! Who has entered @diapershops Fluff Friday this week? It's spectacular!! ! <3 @babykicksusa http://bit.ly/b056y2
Between prefolds, pockets and fitted, in all sizes, I think I have about
37 diapers in newborn/small sizes, and about 45 in large/onesize. Most of the diapers, though, are prefolds - maybe half in each size group.
I think it's a nice sized stash for when I have two in cloth!
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I follow you on twitter - MeanRottenMama
@diapershops fluff friday @babykicksusa #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
We have about 25-30 pockets and aio's in rotation (about to outgrow a few of the sized ones), and 6 fitteds for overnights. 15 different brands/styles :)
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follow babykicksusa on twitter: @taralucida
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taralucida: @diapershops fluff friday @babykicksusa #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
Order # KC-58561 on 10/4
follower on twitter of @BetterforBabies, @babykicksusa
Tamara Mayer
I have about 25 diapers in my stash.
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I aonly have 4 at the moment I have another 5 on the way! we are slowly building our stash!
aamardis at Gmail dot com
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aamardis at Gmail dot com
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aamardis at Gmail dot com
27 prefolds, 4 covers :) all one size.
Like Diapershops on FB
aamardis at Gmail dot com
I have an assortment of 62 and I am excited to try the chocoholic!
Follower on Twitter @aamardis
I am a follower on FB joshua&sarah lange
I am a member of Kelly's closet
I recently registered for cd's at Kelly's closet!!
I am trying to build up my stash for my LO coming in Feb. So far I have 3 diapers. Also I am a fan of DiaperShops on Facebook
-Liz Williams
I have 6 flip covers with 16 inserts, 3 bg 4.0s (with 1 more on the way), 1 econobum cover with 3 prefolds, 2 fuzzi bunz pf, and an ebay brand pocket. So 25 diaper changes (26 soon). More than enough for 3 days over here :(
I have about 30 diapers plus two dozen prefolds in my stash:)
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aamardis at gmail dot come
I have about 50. some for newborn on the way, some for my older ones using cloth at night
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follow diapershops on twitter (carlaboo11)
I have 30 prefolds, 5 fitteds, 5 covers, 10 pockets,and 1 AIO.
I'm a fan of TCDW on Facebook. (Erika F-P)
I am a blog follower.
I'm a DiaperShops fan on Facebook. (Erika F-P)
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How many?? Too many, according to my husband! Probably around 50-lots of one sized pockets of various brands, some iCandy, Flips, prefolds & covers, and fitteds & all in ones for our new baby in Dec!
DiaperShops facebook fan!
Cloth Diaper Whisperer facebook fan!
We have about 20 diapers, but need a few more with DS#1 in diapers still and DS#2 on the way in Dec!
I am a fan of TCDW on FB!
gena1982 at yahoo.com
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gena1982 at yahoo.com
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gena1982 at yahoo.com
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Heather Robuck
I follow babykicksusa on twitter.
I liked the The Cloth Diaper Whisperer page on facebook
I have over 30 and counting. Shhhh! Don't tell my husband :)
I have about 30 and growing! baby # 2 coming in 8wks so I'm starting to add to the collection.
Im a facebook fan! I am new to cloth diapering and want to ditch my disposables! HELP!
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I have about 16 diapers in my stash right now. Waaaay too few. We're too broke to afford more right now, but I'm working on it.
I follow @babykicksusa on twitter as @xiabelle
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Stacy Ford
I follow diaper shops on twitter as @xiabelle
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I have about 30 all together in different sizes and types. Lots of infant prefolds and cover as baby is due next month!
i follow your blog
I have around 45 diapers- mostly OS pockets & grobaby. Flip organic for night, and a few fitteds & various covers.
Fan of TCDW facebook page
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Diapershops facebook fan
I follow @diapershops on Twitter
@diapershops fluff friday @babykicksusa #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
Im a fan on facebook!!
57ish at last count
facebook fan
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I have 21 diapers, mostly bum genius and haute one pockets!
I am a facebook fan of TCDW!
Danielle Ambrose
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I have 2 dozen prefolds in each size, 1/2 dozen covers in each size, and probably 2 dozen pocket/AIO/AI2 diapers in a variety of sizes for daddy and when we go out.
I'm a Facebook fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer (Jodi Jordan)
I follow Baby Kicks on Twitter (@jdeemarie)
I follow your blog.
I'm a Facebook fan (Jodi Jordan)
I follow you on Twitter (@jdeemarie)
I tweeted (@jdeemarie):
This week's Fluff Friday giveaway from @diapershops is 2 @babykicksusa #clothdiapers - Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
lilfluffers Did you preorder your bumGenius Artist Series #clothdiapers @diapershops yet? Remember, free shipping over $49 so get yours today!
about 11 hours ago via web
I replied to the CDW FB discussion "bamboo diapers" on 10/5 under Alycia C
I started a new discussion on the CDW FB titled "BG Artist Series" on 10/5 under Alycia c.
I replied to the CDW facebook discussion "Cloth diaper aproved creams" on 10/5 under Alycia C.
tweet: I want to win @diapershops Fluff Friday #clothdiapers #giveaway soooooo bad!!! Have u entered? http://bit.ly/b056y2
commented on fb post: DiaperShops.com Are you ready for the bumGenius prints launch? Be sure to watch their YouTube channel for the print launch announcement at 1:00pm CT. http://www.youtube.com/cottonbabies
commented on fb post: DiaperShops.com Name 2 ways using cloth diapers has made your life easier.
commented on this fb post: DiaperShops.com Did you see our Fluff Friday 99 on TCDW Blog? Enter to win 2-@BabyKicks 3g One-Size Diapers in Chocoholic Series (enter on the blog only). http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/2010/10/fluff-friday-99.html
commented on this fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://navelgazingmidwife.squarespace.com/navelgazing-midwife-blog/2010/10/4/babywearing.html
I almost cried reading this post! If only every struggling mom could have a kind stranger help her in a stressful moment such as this (trying to figure out her wrap in a Costco).
commented on this fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer bumGenius! will be releasing information on their new "Artist Series" Prints on YouTube today at 1 PM CST!
Are you excited?! I am!
commented on this fb post: http://knickernappies.blogspot.com/2010/10/will-your-babes-diaper-be-part-of-their.html
Will your baby's diaper be part of their Halloween Costume? Knickernappies wants to know!
commented on this fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/2010/10/rumparooz-one-size-diapers-four-diapers.html
Rumparooz One Size Diapers: 4 Diapers in One! New post from TCDW on the adorable and easy to adjust Rumparooz OS.
commented on this fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://clothdiapers.blogspot.com/2010/10/draft-bumgenius-artist-series-tiny.html
The Cotton Babies Blog has better photos of the new Tiny Socialite Collection by Chelsea Perry and a chance to win some!
tweet: I am seriously obsessed with winning a Chocolate @babykicksusa #clothdiapers #giveaway from @diapershops http://bit.ly/b056y2
tweet: Bumgenius prints, what? I want to win a @babykicksusa #clothdiapers #giveaway from @diapershops! http://bit.ly/b056y2
I don't have any in my stash yet. My son is 3 weeks old and we are having a rash issue so I just ordered 2 cloth diapers to try. I would love to win these!!
facebook follower!
Twitter! @cabeah
@gnatalie7 tweeted: 3G phone service might disappoint but a @babykicksusa 3G diaper won't. Enter to win from @diapershops http://bit.ly/9MAvfd #clothdiapers
Need to increase my new stash of #clothdiapers so I'm desperate to win the Choc. BumGenius from @diapershops #giveaway!!
I have only 6 covers and about 15 inserts/prefolds. This works for us since I only have one child I'm diapering who is over one. 2 thirsties, 2 flips, 1 bg 4.0, and one grovia.
I'm a fan on fb
timmi dobesh
i subscribe to your blog
im a kellys closet fan on fb
tweet: Ok, if I win @diapershops Fluff Friday #clothdiapers #giveaway, I will put a Chocolate @babykickusUSA in my raffle ! http://bit.ly/b056y2
I have 27 diapers so far
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook (charming linda)
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I follow @babykicksusa on twitter @luvlybrunette77
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I posted button on my blog..it's on the left hand side
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I like DiaperShops.com on Facebook (charming linda)
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I follow diapershops on twitter @luvlybrunette77
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I signed up for Kelly's closet newsletter
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
tweeted: @luvlybrunette77
@diapershops fluff friday @babykicksusa #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
unique tweet:
Fluff Fridays @ The #clothdiapers Whisperer enter 4 a chance 2 win 2BabyKicks 3g Os new Chocoholic Series @diapershops http://tiny.cc/a6jvr
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
I reviewed the Fuzzibunz One Size Cloth diaper-new colors under the name LeoKit09
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
Tara S wvgirl82
Let's get @bumgenius and #clothdiapers trending all you fellow CD Mamas!! @diapershops
I follow @babykicksusa on Twitter
commented on fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://beltwaybabywearers.blogspot.com/2010/10/bring-your-family-to-our-babywearing.html
Oh how I wish I could participate in this Babywearing Walk! If you are in the DC area and love babywearing, show up and show your support!
commented on fb post; #
* Write a comment...
DiaperShops.com My good friend Calley of The Eco Chic just posted a review about the new @bumGenius Artist Series designed by Chelsea Perry. http://www.theecochic.com/2010/10/05/introducing-the-bumgenius-artist-series-tiny-socialite-collection-by-chelsea-perry/
I am currently pregnant (due 12/30) and I have exactly 2 diapers. Isn't that sad? Two!
I am currently pregnant (due 12/30) and have exactly 2 diapers. Two! Isn't that sad?
pandaloopner at yahoo dot com
Order number: KC-58619
Order Date: 10/5/2010
tweet: "Cuz I'm dreamin' of U (@babykicksusa) 2nite..and 2morrow and 4 all of my life." Win 2 #clothdiapers from @diapershops http://bit.ly/b056y2
I commented on the post "Rump•a•rooz One Size Diapers – Four Diapers in One" on 10/5
tweet: Off to bed to dream about @diapershops Fluff Friday #clothdiapers #giveaway! "And the winner is Crystal..." zzzzz http://bit.ly/b056y2
I commented on "$5.98 changed my wash routine"
We have a little stash - a combinations of aio's and gDiapers that I use cloth inserts with... so, 12 or 13 diapers.
kriya.santi @ gmail.com
responded to fb post; DiaperShops.com A soon-to-be mom asked on the Discussions tab how she should store her diapers. Do you have any suggestions for her? This is how I store mine:
tweet: Good morning! Let's sweeten your oatmeal with a little chocolate this am! Enter @diapershops #clothdiapers #giveaway http://bit.ly/b056y2
I have 8 covers, 10 prefolds, 6 inserts, 6 flats and 10 fitteds. I would really like some Pockets or AIO's so I am shopping :) Jessica
I am a fan of TCDW facebook pages, and Twitter page @Dani70022, and placed an order on 10/1 order number KC-58231.
Nothing yet. I'm still TTC and looking into the world of cloth diapering! :)
Currently have about 17 or 18, just building our stash for the little guy due in January!
Fan of CDW on facebook - heatherscholten
Fan of the facebook group - heatherscholten
Receive your newsletter!
I have about 4 pockets and about 6 covers. New to CD'ing and still trying to figure out what works best!
I am a fan on FB!
I have probably 50 - I'm addicted.
I'm a FB fan and i LOVE cloth diapering! always looking for new and improved ways to do it!
im a fb fan and i love cloth diapering my sweet baby!
i have a few bum genius and flips in my stash, though i have made some covers and use flats and prefolds as well!
I placed an order today 10.6.10. Order number is KC-58694!
I am a follower of this blog!
I have your button on my blog!
I have between 24-27 I think. All pockets and mostly BG. I do have a few Fuzzibunz, Rumparooz, and Smartipants. Would love to try Babykicks!
I get the newsletter!
tweet: Oh no! It's been more than 8 hours since I tweeted about @diapershops #clothdiapers #giveaway?! #thisisunacceptable http://bit.ly/b056y2
tweet: Enter to win 2 @babykicksusa #clothdiapers from @diapershops Fluff Friday giveaway...and then give me one when u win! http://bit.ly/b056y2
commented on this fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://www.theclothdiaperreport.com/2010/10/potty-training-when-do-you-start.html
The Cloth Diaper Report talks about potty training!
commented on fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://knickernappies.blogspot.com/2010/10/meet-shannon-proud-papa-behind.html
Meet Shannon, the Proud Papa behind Knickernappies!
commented on fb post; The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://www.ohdeedoh.com/ohdeedoh/inspiration/make-your-own-gripper-socksi-am-momma-hear-me-roar-128849
Now this is a cool idea! How to make your own Gripper Socks!
commented on fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer If you were/are a breastfeeding mom, did you use a breastfeeding pillow or support of some sort? What did you like about it (or didn't like)?
commented on fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/2010/10/my-cloth-diaper-journey.html
My Cloth Diaper Journey: A quote from this blog entry from TCDW "...there is no perfect diaper because your (and your child’s) cloth diapering needs change with each stage."
commented on this fb post: The Cloth Diaper Whisperer http://dirtydiaperlaundry.com/newborn-cloth-diaper-review-plans/
Dirty Diaper Laundry is planning on reviewing newborn cloth diapers. If you want to see anything specific leave a comment. This should be helpful for other parents looking into tiny diaper options!
tweet: O how I long to win 2 @babykicksusa #clothdiapers in CHOCOLATE from @diapershops Fluff Friday #giveaway! http://bit.ly/b056y2
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Jessica Hennigar
Gosh, I have 30 prefolds, 2 flip covers, 2 bummis whisper wraps, 8 econobum covers, 3 fitteds that I made myself, 3 AIO's I made myself, and 1 pocket that I made myself. And I would love to get more pockets. So I guess thats 36 diapers and 12 covers.
I twitted about this giveaway
I commented on the post "My Cloth Diaper Journey" on 10/6
I am a fan of TCDW on FB
Marianna Gonzales
I follow @babykicksusa on twitter
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I have TCDH button on my blog
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Marianna Gonzales
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