1-bumGenius Diaper Sprayer
Question of the week:
What do you currently use/do to help you clean up messy diapers? (sprayer, flushable liners, just toss into washing machine,etc) Leave your comment before Thursday, January 20th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 21st. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
1 – 200 of 729 Newer› Newest»My daughter is old enough that we are generally able just to "plop" it into the toilet, but a bout of diarrhea last week showed us that we need a backup plan, ie a sprayer!
For our overnight diapers, we use a flushable liner. During the day, the diaper sprayer does the work. We actually also rinse out the overnight diapers to try to lessen the ammonia. So far, it's working!
I'm a Cloth Diaper Whisperer Fan on Facebook. ID = mad126
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We get as much off as we can over the toliet with toilet paper then let the washer do the rest. I want a sprayer!
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I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on Facebook. ID = mad126
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I follow @bumgenius on Twitter. My id is @angie_ttm
We just shake the poop off into the toilet and swish the diaper in the toilet water, then throw it in the diaper pail.
I just "liked" you on FB and my FB user id is Cathy Hayes Hoag
Our washing machine is upstairs, so we have our diaper pail in the upstairs bathroom. Usually I shake the big stuff off into the toilet and then use the shower sprayer to clean up any stuck on before throwing it into the diaper pail.
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I use flush-able liners(but daddy doesn't), so when there is a messy poo, I rinse it in the sink or tub(depending on the extent of the mess). I sprinkle on some baking soda and stuff it in with the dirties! I LOVE that our bumGenius 4.0's have no stains , but I can't say the same for the FuzziBunz though. :(
My method seems to work great, but I've been thinking about getting a diaper sprayer...mostly so I don't have to keep scrubbing out the sink and tub!!!
we use a hybrid system, so we use a diaper sprayer at home, and flushable inserts when we will be out and about. cloth inserts and covers both get sprayed before going into the laundry.
I'm advertising the giveaway button on my blog here on blogger
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I am a fan on Facebook. Leann NOrman
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We finally forked over the cash for a diaper sprayer a couple months ago and we have that in our downstairs bathroom. With another baby due in under 3 months, I'd love to have a sprayer for upstairs too...
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For messy diapers: I like to use fleece liners... keeps baby drier and most of the messes just fall into the toilet. When it's really sticky, I use the diaper sprayer... but liners make that more convenient, too. Could really use a diaper sprayer for the other bathroom ;)
Right now, I'm using flushable liners for daycare and just shaking it off in the toilet at home but I REALLY want a diaper sprayer!
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just the washer, but the baby is still tiny. :)
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I left a review on Kelly's Closet for Happy Heiny's ONE for ALL Pocket Diapers with SNAPS.
Posted on Diapershops.com FB page in response to "If/when rashes show up on your baby's bum, what's your preferred rash-annihilator?" (Janelle Vieira Zwicker)
We are expecting our first so I have yet to clean a dirty diaper -- but I am planning on buying the diaper sprayer -- hoping to win it instead.
I started a discussion under "off topic discussion" on Diaper Swappers...here the link
I posted a reply to the discussion "Favorite Diapers" at The Cloth Diaper Whisperer's Facebook page.
I still exclusively breastfeed, so I just toss them in my washer.
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Baby hasn't arrived yet, but the plan is to just toss the diapers in the washer while she's solely breastfed, then use a sprayer when she starts solids or if we have to supplement/switch to formula. So winning a sprayer would be most excellent!
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Right now, we currently use the sprayer in the shower. The head detaches and it works great but I am constantly cleaning the tub after. One for the actual toilet would be beyond awesome.
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well, i don't use anything yet, but when the baby arrives i plan to use a diaper sprayer... that i can hopefully win ;)
right now with ebf poo and pee, i just rinse in the sink. however, i will need a new method once we start solids in a few weeks! :)
jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com
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ID: Jessica Jackson Croshaw
jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com
I am currently due with my 4th baby. In the past, I have used flushable liners and the shake into toilet method. I have always wanted to try a sprayer.
I just shake them off the best I can and then into the wash they go!
CDW fan Maria M.
Blog subscriber!
As of right now I just turn the diapers upside down and give it a little shake. :)
This giveaway is in my roundup post: http://www.change-diapers.com/2011/01/weekly-friday-giveaway-roundup-for_14.html
Diapershops facebook fan Maria M.
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Kelly Wels FB fan Maria M.
I don't use anything yet, I'm due with my little one in March:)
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cyndi_steinke at hotmail dot com
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I'm a fan on fb, Robin Moran Fonville.
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I have your button on my blog. fonvillefarm.blogspot.com
Nothing yet since I don't have any babies but I have purchased a sprayer and reusable liners.
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Cami Painton
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I am a fan of the CDW on facebook.
Cami Painton
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We just throw poop in toliet and then wash.
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I use a diaper sprayer mostly and occasionally flushable liners but only when I use rash cream and need a barrier. My youngest (I have 2 in dipes) eats only breast milk and I don't even rinse those poos.
I'm an Affiliate of KC #265
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I use a bumgenius spray on one toilet and would love to add one to the other toilet as well.
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As of right now the only thing I do for messy diapers is toilet dunking :P (Though I will occasionally toss on some baking soda for the truly nasty diapers) I am fairly new to cloth and don't quite have all of the accessories yet. A diaper sprayer is something I've been considering getting.
I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer fan page on Facebook. My Facebook ID is Christina Dyke.
I am a follower of BumGenius on Twitter, my Twitter ID is @cmd0209.
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Our method with our last babe was to rinse them in the toilet, you know hold on to the diaper tight, flush the toilet and hope for the best! We have a baby on the way, Due in March, and I would love a diaper sprayer!
I am a fan of the Diapershops.com Facebook group. My Facebook ID is Christina Dyke.
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Julea Stelter-Burwell
I am a fan of @diapershops on Twitter, my Twitter ID is @cmd0209.
I receive your newsletter. My email is cmd0209 at gmail.com
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I'm a facebook fan of diapershops.com ID: Ian Crystal Boyer
I Tweeted about the Fluff Friday Giveaway on Twitter. Here is my exact Tweet:
@cmd0209 Christina Dyke
@diapershops fluff friday @bumgenius #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
I'm a facebook fan of TCDW: Ian Crystal Boyer
I left a Product Review for the FuzziBunz One Size Diaper. The email address used to verify was cmd0209 at gmail.com
I am a fan of Kelly Wels on Facebook. My Facebook ID is Christina Dyke.
I plop poops into the toilet and then throw them in the wash.
Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com
I'm an fb fan. Jessica Adler
Jessica.R.Adler at gmail.com
I follow bumgenius on twitter. @JRizzleAdlizzle
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with my daughter, we just shook out the solids and washed in the washing machine. the really messy diapers we wipe off with tp. i'd love one of these for the next baby... cleaner and less waste!
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
i follow diaper shops on twitter @1589m
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
i follow bum genius on twitter @1589m
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
Nothing yet, the babies not here...but I'm planning on using a sprayer!
i'm a cloth diaper whisperer fan on fb
heather morgan
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
We currently use the shower head to clean our messy diapes!
I use flannel liners that I sewed. Sometimes if the diaper is really bad, the flannel liner just gets thrown out, since they are inexpensive to make. A diaper sprayer would be a welcome addition in my house since my littlest is just starting solids!
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I am a fan on facebook. April Lalumiere
I am a fan on facebook. April Lalumiere
I follow your blog. April L.
I follow Kelly Wels on FB. April Lalumiere
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I subscribe to your newsletter. April Lalumiere
I have your button on my blog. april lalumiere
I use flushable liners...THey don't catch everything though, so I have to get my hands dirty a lot... :(
Well I always just threw my little girl's diapers in the washer...but since she just started eating solids recently I've noticed the need for a new procedure. I started using the flushable liners that I purchased along with our first diaper purchase when she was brand new...but we really do need a diaper sprayer! I've been pining over it a bit, as we really can't afford it right now. This would be fantastic to win!!!
Since I just started cloth diapering two months ago, I haven't invested in a diaper sprayer yet. Right now, with a 2 year old and a 5 month old I just "swish" the diapers in the toilet then throw in the washer. I'd be so happy if I won this, it'd be much easier, and my husband would be very happy!
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Beth Suelzle
I think a sprayer would be very handy... although instead of buying one, I bought more diapers. A free one sure would be nice!! :)
1. Missy Sandefur Buhr
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7. Missy Sandefur Buhr
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16. How to store cloth diapers
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Beth Suelzle
Most of the time, I can just shake it into the toilet. I have resorted to using toilet paper to wipe it off before...I NEED a sprayer!! :)
jenb0709 at gmail dot com
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Our baby is on the way! So, I currently don't use anything because I don't have dirty diapers to clean. But, in the near future, I will and I'd love to have a sprayer!
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Our babies aren't here yet but we plan to use a diaper sprayer.
I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page. FB ID = Meghan Grahe
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I just started giving my son solids and haven't decided what to do about the poop yet. Right now, I am using disposable flushable liners. I have thought about trying a diaper sprayer.
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Right now she is EBF so we just toss in pail and then washer. SO afraid to start solids. No diaper sprayer yet.. but it may come.
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i don't have a diaper sprayer, so i take the insert out and put a water bottle in (to give me a hard surface to make it easier to scrape) and use a kitchen whisk (obviously never returning to the kitchen again) to scrape the poop off directly into the toilet. i dunk the diaper a few times and scrape some more. not my favorite activity.
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I follow your blog on Google Reader.
Don't have the baby yet, but I think I'll use flushable liners and a sprayer.
For our little guy's dirty diapers we usually just dump them or wipe them out with a little tp.
I'm a facebook fan. Cassie Block
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currently I am just throwing the diapers in the wash. Sometimes I rinse in the sink. LO is only breastfed.
missanneperry at gmail.com
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Anne E. Perry
missanneperry at gmail dot com
washing machine!!!
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missanneperry at gmail dot com
For dirty diapers I usually drop as much as possible into the toilet and either swish or grab the shower head, but it is difficult b/c it is almost too much water when trying to spray over the toilet. I would love an actual diaper sprayer!
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Anne E. Perry
I rinse my with the blue dawn dish liquid & then throw in washer...works great!!
follow on twitter @aeperry
I need a sprayer- the baby's just nursing so hers go straight in the laundry, but we have to swish the toddler's! A sprayer is badly needed.
fan of Kelly Wels on fb
Anne E. Perry
FB fan- http://www.facebook.com/anna.pectol
Facebook fan... Elizabeth Billey Knost
elizabethknost AT gmail DOT com
I currently dip my poopy diapers in the toilet!
elizabethknost AT gmail DOT com
We currently use flushable liners, but honestly, they don't make much of a difference! Half the time the liner gets all twisted up and all the mess ends up on the diapers anyway. So- would love to try a diaper sprayer!
I follow @bumgenius on twitter. eknost
elizabethknost AT gmail DOT com
I currently use an old spatula to clean my dirty diapers...
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elizabethknost AT gmail DOT com
I am a FB fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer- Erika W. Hite
I am a Cloth Diaper Whisperer fan on FB... my ID is Heidi Fluegel.
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I follow on facebook too.. Amanda Williams
I follow @bumgenius on Twitter- I am @esw
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I advertised about the giveaway on my blog... http://theminivandiaries.blogspot.com/2011/01/its-been-rough-week-long-week.html
We have not had our baby yet, but are planning on purchasing this sprayer (if now winning it :)) to deal with poo.
For now with breastfed poop, I just rinse in cold/cold washer before washing. For my older kids, it was liners and the toilet swoosh. I would SO LOVE to try a sprayer with my new baby. She's #7 and I don't have a diaper service this round to help me out with the poopies.
Thanks for the giveaway.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
I'm a CDW Facebook fan as Trisha Rebhuhn Wieber.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
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trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
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trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
Right now I'm using a poo spatula. I could REALLY use a sprayer!!!!
I like Diapershops.com on FB.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
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