1-Flip "Make Your Own" Travel Pak (includes 2-one-size covers and 1-disposables 18pk)
Question of the week:
What have you used in the past for diapers when you traveled? (brand/style of cloth,hybrid, or disposable) Leave your comment before Thursday, January 28th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
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- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
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Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 28th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 968 of 968Became a fan of Kelly on facebook <3
I haven't used anything since my baby isn't here yet, but we plan to use cloth (hopefully) while traveling.
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signed up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet.
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To be honest, I've only done sposies on trips! But I want to change!
graciemom1025 at gmail dot com
I left a review on Kelly's Closet for the Moby Wrap (love it!).
Facebook fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer blog also. Victoria Carvajal Titchenal.
Made a purchase at Kelly's Closet today, 1/26 order #KC-70379! Thanks.
As a first timer, I plan to use hybrids, unless I'm somewhere with ready (and easy!) access to a washer/line.
follow @flipdiapers on twitter: @katiram
follow @diapershops on twitter: @katiram
COmmented on "The Diva WHAT???"
since we JUST started cloth diapering in the past month, we haven't traveled with cloth yet. so, in the past, its been disposables. we are planning a trip for out of the state in a few months and we plan on taking our diapers. we dont have much now. just enough for 2 full days so we will take all we have. prefolds, covers, pockets and some AIO's. we will have a washing machine and dryer so it will greatly help.
muloove at yahoo dot com
i like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB.
Cassondra Law
muloove at yahoo dot com
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muloove at yahoo dot com
GFC follower.
muloove at yahoo dot com
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Cassondra Law
muloove at yahoo dot com
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muloove at yahoo dot com
kellys closet newsletter subby with babyshotty1769@hotmail.com
muloove at yahoo dot com
i wrote a review for CJ's BUTTer with Cassondra at babyshotty1769@hotmail.com
muloove at yahoo dot com
i like Kelly Wels on FB.
Cassondra Law
muloove at yahoo dot com
I also shared a link on facebook for the cloth diaper whisperer blog (and got some comments & interest from friends). :-) - Victoria Carvajal Titchenal
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I have used pockets in the past when traveling.
posted comment on cloth: its just not for babaies.
Placed order #KC-70248 on 1/25/2011.
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I posted on Diaper Shops FB discussion page "Cloth Diapers and Airplanes".
ashleycapps87 at gmail dot com
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fan of tcdw on fb tammy benton
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follow diaper shops on twitter luckymommy11
commented on "cloth:not just for babies"
commented on "the diva what???"
commented on "fitted diapers"
When we travel we use disposables, usually 7th generation or earth's best. For every day errands and at home we use cloth.
I use cloth diapers or disposables depending on the trip, but I would love to try hybrids sometime!
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We traveled to Puerto Rico for 4 days and I took my Bum Genius elementals, bummis easy fit AIOs, and for night time, Kawaii minky pocket diapers.
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Commented on Cloth: It's not just for babies
In the past, we used Huggies for traveling, but the past few times we actually used our GroBaby diapers. We were only gone for one night, and the baby is strictly breastfed, so I thought we would try it. It worked just fine. The diapers were fine until we made it home to wash them.
Last time I traveled it was just a weekend trip and I brought all of our stash (pockets, fitteds and flips) to get us through the three-day weekend. When we went to the beach for a week last year I brought all our fluff and washed it there, but next time I will fork out the money for disposables. Everything was fine except for the fact that everywhere I've ever vacationed at the beach has awful water and it left my diapers unbelievably stinky when we came home! :( Not worth it!
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I'm a fan on FB of diapershops.com ID: Ian Crystal Boyer
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I am a newbie to cloth diapers and am looking for all the help I can get. Used disposables in the past and had awful problems with diaper rash. Looking to be more environmentally conscious and better for my baby this time around!
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I've only used disposable while traveling, since it usually involves camping of some sort for us. I hope to be brave enough to use CDs next summer!
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
I like The CDW on FB as Claude Campeau
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
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We've only travelled once since starting cloth and I used most of the Pampers that I still had left - but when I do run out I hope never to buy more!
What have you used in the past for diapers when you traveled?
We used the flip diapers with the disposable inserts when we traveled to CA last year.
When traveling for 3 days, I used my entire stash of AIO's, AI2's,fitteds, wool... along with our entire stash of cloth wipes and two planet wise hanging wet/dry bags.
I am a Cloth Diaper Whisperer fan on Facebook.
I"m a fan on facebook also. - jwiant
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Martine English Sanchez
I subscribe to your blog.
I commented on the Diva Cup blog, too.
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Martine English Sanchez
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claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
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claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
I have used my BG 3.0, Ragababe AIO, and Fuzzibunz OS on vacation with no issues. I love traveling with cloth. Etwilkins at gmail dot com
I follow on FB. Etwilkins at gmail dot com
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When we traveled we used our Fuzzi Bunz
I "like" flip diapers on FB
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I'm a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer facebook page @Beth Scoggin
I follow this blog!
I am hoping to use cloth diapers with #4.
Rebekahstefaniuk at yahoo.com
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I tweeted about the giveaway. http://twitter.com/#!/janaetx/status/30748558365822976
I am a fan of Kelly Wels on facebook.
I'm a fan of your FB group as Claude Campeau
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
I follow you on Tiwtter as @claudecampeau
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
QOTW: When we went to Hawaii when the baby was 6 months I hadn't fully gotten into cloth diapering. I used disposables (gasp). Travelling now isn't quite as long distance, a few hours here and there and I'd have no problems using my PF's and covers for that. My pockets are more prone to leaking it seems and the covers are just tighter around the legs so less chance of leakage!
Here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/claudecampeau/status/30750159440711680
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
I like Kelly Wells on FB as Claude Campeau
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
When we travel, we just take our stash with us in a laundry basket. We've traveled with pre-folds and pockets. And had success with both. We usually leave the fitted diapers at home.
I usually pack some laundry soap and clothes pins just in case dryer availability is limited but usually a sink will suffice if I don't have a machine.
I have been a fan of the blog for quite a while - Jennifer Alderete.
I have been a follow of the blog via FB for quite a while, too. Jennifer Alderete
We have just used disposables so far, never really traveled when we would be able to wash. :(
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I follow flip on Twitter. @thegregoryswife
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ID: Anna Rosemann
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ID: Anna Rosemann
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ID: arrosemann
I commented in the "snaps vs. velcro" blog
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Jennifer LaGesse Sheppard
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I am a fb follower and a Flips user. Love them!!! Facebook is is danielle.kranzstubbs.
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Megan B Hulsey
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Megan B Hulsey
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I am pregnant with my first, so I haven't used anything! She will be here in a few weeks and I have been wanting to add flips to our stash!
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When I travel long distances, I use sposies. If it is just a day trip, I use my Bumgenius 3.0s.
I commented on Cloth:It's not just for babies
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Rhonda Canfield Sedgwick
I follow your blog.
I commented on The Diva Cup
I commented on Fitted Diapers
I'm a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook. My id is 64701076
I commented on Snaps Versus Velcro
I'm a fan of diapershops.com on facebook. My id is 64701076
I used disposables to travel with my first three with my baby I use my 3.0s. I pack one of my diaper pail sacks with the clean and use the other sack as they get dirty. With six of us, I ensure the place we stay has washing facilities and we wash them every couple days. Even if we pay for washing them it is still less expensive then buying disposables!
I am a HUGE FAN!
Fan on facebook: id=17813577
When we travel, it just depends on how far we are going and what facilities we will have. We've done disposables at times in the past, but we also really like it when we can take our cloth. When we stay with grandparents we usually take our bumgenius and prefolds and use them the whole time!
I have used gDiapers, as well as Flips when traveling.
Fan of TCDW on FB!
Crystal Shannon
Disposables, I'm not confident enough to travel in cloth yet. Got a big trip (one whole week) coming up (2nd Anniversary) so I might go cloth. But it's a 8 hour trip that turned into a 14 hour trip with baby boy so I'm going to think about it first.
I haven't traveled with cloth yet, baby is due in a couple of weeks. I can't wait!!
I use gdiapers with cloth inserts when we're going somewhere with a washer and dryer. Otherwise, I get huggies. I've been wanting to try flips for a long time, so I'm really crossing my fingers on this one!
The first time we used sposies, but for our next trip it will be grovia hybrids.
I'm a cdw fan on fb.
We end up using the same thing as during naptime for car rides -- a Flip stay-dry with a BabyKicks hemp insert all inside a Flip cover.
I'm a fan of TCDW on Facebook! - Carrie Roer
I follow Flip diapers on Twitter - clroer
I have your button on my blog! carrieroer.blogspot.com
I'm also a fan of DiaperShops.com on facebook
And... I follow diapershops on Twitter - clroer
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And I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on facebook :)
I usually use disposable when we travel b/c I feel bad asking others if we can wash our diapers in their machine and I don't have enough cd's to last for our whole trip.
Follower of flip diapers on Twitter and fan of CDW on FB
We have always used sposies when traveling
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Amber Davis Howard
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amber davis howard
commented on "Cloth: It's Not Just For Babies"
I have taken prefolds and fitteds with thirsties covers when I went to visit my mom for weekend. But so far for the car rides there we have used disposable. This weekend I am taking ALL cloth to visit a friend who has a new baby. (Maybe I can win her over to the cloth side) ;) Taking my pockets and fitteds with covers.
I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on fbook. I don't know what my facebook id is. Is it just my name? (Kelly Logan Rollins)
I get Kelly's closet newsletter.
(I think I have signed up for a lot of this stuff but I don't remember. Just give me all of the chances I can at winning!)
I Tweeted:
Want to win 2 @flipdiapers? Then hurry over to fluff friday & win #clothdiapers in giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
We diaper as usual! The whole stash goes with us. Mostly pockets and a few covers. We have used disposable inserts too.
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Facebook follower carrie whitgrove blackburn
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id: mammi_of_2
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My daughter just had her two month old check up this Monday and we haven't traveled a lot yet. My hubby and I decided to cloth diaper her before she was born but we didn't begin until she was a couple weeks old. (I am a first time mom and there were a lot of things I have to deal with at the first couple weeks.) I went to cloth diaper her full time when she was around 5 weeks old and really enjoy it. We haven't traveled much yet other than visits her grandma once a month. I used both cloth and sposies because I don't want to waste the sposies I bought for the early weeks. I am not sure about long travel yet but I feel it's ok to use cloth if I do some good planning.
I started cloth diaper my daughter when she was a couple weeks old part time and proceeded to full time around she was a month old. So far we didn't travel a lot other than visiting grandma once a month ( 1 hour drive.) I have used both sposies(i don't want to waste the disosables I bought for the early weeks but I really don't like the smell of the sposies even when it's clean) and cloth. I think I will try to use cloth for longer trips too in the future with some good planning.
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