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Friday, January 28, 2011

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Fluff Friday 115

Fluff Friday
2-Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted Diapers
1-Thirsties Duo Diaper Wrap

Question of the week:
What was the very first cloth diaper that you ever used on your baby? (brand/style)  Leave your comment before Thursday, February 2nd at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)

Other ways to enter:
  1. Head on over to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
  2. Follow @thirstiesinc on Twitter. Come back and post a comment that you are a follower of Flip Diapers.
  3. Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
  4. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
  5. Fluff Friday Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
  6. Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
  7. Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
  8. Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
  9. One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
  10. Tweet @thirstiesinc fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
  11. Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
  12. Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
  13. Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 1/28-2/3. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
  14. Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
  15. Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (,, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
  16. Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
  17. Become a fan of the founder of on her new Facebook page.  Come back to this post and leave a comment that you are a fan of the founder's Facebook page.

Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, February 4th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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Jamie said...

My very first cloth diaper was a very used BumGenius 3.0 one size that I got in a pack of 11 at a large children's consignment sale.

Jill said...

The very first diaper we used was a prefold with a prorap cover! She was 3 weeks old!

Jill said...

CDW facebook fan Jill Andrews Shoemaker

Unknown said...

the first diapers I used on my son were the Bummis prefolds with covers.

Unknown said...

I follow your blog

Unknown said...

I subscribe to the newsletter

Jill said...

I follow thirsties on twitter @teamshoemaker

Jill said...

blog/follower/subscriber through google reader!

Jill said...

I have your button on my blog at

Jill said...

diaper shops facebook fan Jill Andrews Shoemaker

Jill said...

I follow diapershops on twitter @teamshoemaker

Jill said...

I get the KC newsletter delivered to my email!

Jill said...

I tweeted your suggested tweet!

Danielle said...


Jill said...

tweeted unique tweet!

@diapershops #clothdiapers is doing a fluff friday #giveaway of 2 @thirstiesinc duo fab fitteds and 1 duo wrap. I'd <3 to #win. How about u?

heathera said...

The first diaper I ever tried was a prefold and cover. These were the super think prefolds and it was so bulky. I have learned a lot about cloth diapering since then.

heathera said...

I receive the newletter

Jill said...

on the CDW facebook discussions page, I replied to 'serious issues!' Jill Andrews Shoemaker

Jill said...

Already a KW facebook fan! Jill Andrews Shoemaker

Jill said...

I commented on FF 114 winner!

Jill said...

I posted a comment on "Cloth: It's Not Just For Babies"

Jill said...

I posted a comment on : "Fitted Diapers (Justification for a Larger Stash)"

Beth said...

The first ever diaper I tried was an AIO that I had made, and I didn't like how long it took to dry, that's when I started making pocket style diapers, I thought I was a genius, until I realized it had already been out on the market (my cloth diaper knowledge was VERY sparse at the time!)
bfcourage at yahoo dot com

jziock said...

Used Kissaluvs 0 first!!
j z i o c k at gmail dot com

jziock said...

I'm a fan!

jziock said...

I'm a fan!/jziock

dirt and sunshine said...

I haven't had my baby yet but the first diaper I bought was bumGenius one size.

Jill said...

I posted a comment on: "Snaps versus Velcro"

Bld424 said...

I am TCDW facebook fan! bethany.haid

Bld424 said...

I subscribe to your blog!

Bld424 said...

The first cloth diaper we used was one that my mother made for him. It was fitted and so cute. We used prefolds and thirsties xsmall covers for the second diaper!

Stephanie U said...

The first cloth diaper we used was a GroBaby cover with Gerber prefolds.

Stephanie U said...

I am a fan of TCDW on FB.
Stephanie Umpleby

Stephanie U said...

I subscribe to the blog. (i.e. I am a follower)

Stephanie U said...

I have the button on my blog.

Stephanie U said...

I am a fan of on FB
Stephanie Umpleby

Stephanie U said...

I follow on twitter

Desi Brown said...

The very first cloth diaper I used on my son was a Bummis Whisper Wrap with a Bummis Prefold.

Stephanie U said...

I am a fan of Kelly on FB
Stephanie Umpleby

Carrie Roer said...

I've used Flips from the beginning!

Anonymous said...

Fuzzibunz perfect size. And she's still in them over a year later!
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Cami Grant said...

Bumgenius AIO xs. Love them, but he's almost 12 weeks and grown out of them!

Carrie Roer said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on Facebook - Carrie Roer

Carrie Roer said...

I also follow the blog on my Google Reader

Anonymous said...

fb fan of tcdw (Amanda Schwoch, id=aschwoch)
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Carrie Roer said...

I have your button on my blog -

Carrie Roer said...

I'm a facebook fan :)

Anonymous said...

follower via gfc
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Carrie Roer said...

and I follow you on Twitter - clroer

Carrie Roer said...

oh and I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on facebook too

Anonymous said...

have your button on my blog
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

fb fan of diapershops (Amanda Schwoch, id=aschwoch)
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

get your newsletter
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

fb fan of kelly wels (Amanda Schwoch, id=aschwoch)
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

AprilJT said...

The very first diaper I used was a KL0 with a Thristies Duo cover. And it was love that very first time!
AprilSchomburg at gmail dot com

AprilJT said...

I "like" you on face book
April Tolman Schomburg

Morrigan said...

First Cloth Diaper used: it was a thirsties duo pocket diaper in orange

Morrigan said...

Fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook (Morrigan McNamara-Blatsos)

Morrigan said...

Follower of the blog

Morrigan said...

Fan of on facebook (Morrigan McNamara-Blatsos)

Morrigan said...

I am signed up for the newsletter

Drea said...

We brought newborn size Swaddlebees unbleached prefolds, newborn size Swaddlebees covers, and Snappis to the hospital. Everything was such a blur, I don't remember which color cover she wore the day she was born!

Meredith said...

The very first cloth diaper we used was a Thirsties duo diaper.

Donna J. said...

Unbleached pre-folds. I am not sure of the brand, but I loved them.

Donna J. said...

I'm a fan on Facebook!
Donna Jenkins

Donna J. said...

I'm a follower of the blog too.

Donna J. said...

I'm signed up for Kelly's closet newsletter.

Donna J. said...

I reviewed Grandma El's diaper cream on Kelly's Closet.

Donna J. said...

I commented on "Cloth: It's not just for babies"

Beth said...

I'm a fan on facebook.

Beth Suelzle

Beth said...

I'm a follower of your blog.

Beth said...

I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on Facebook.

Beth Suelzle

Yesenia said...

The first diaper I used on my newborn was lil Joeys, but I had some leak issues so then I used Soft bums which worked well from the newborn stage.

Anonymous said...

I am pregnant with my first, so no first diaper yet!


My son's first was a BG Organic (now called Elementals) and my daughter's was a GMD prefold and Thirsties Duo Wrap cover :-)

Yesenia said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Yesenia said...

I subscribe to your newsletter.

Yesenia said...

I subscribe to your newsletter.

Stephanie said...

I first used a Rumparooz on my baby's bum!

Stephanie said...

I follow The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB

Stephanie said...

I follow FB group on FB

Stephanie said...

I have your button

Elisa Melani said...

The first cloth diaper I used was a Thirsties Duo Wrap with a cotton prefold.

Unknown said...

Kushies AIO. Hated them and switched to Flips

Unknown said...

CDW Facebook Fan
Jessica Juracich

Unknown said...

Follow the blog

Unknown said...

I get the newsletter

Erin said...

Haven't actually started yet as baby is still in utero, but I'm going to be using prefolds and Thirsties wraps, so this giveaway was made for me!

TopHat said...

My first diaper for my daughter was a prefold with a fitted cover! It was a really cute cover, but I had borrowed it from a friend, so I don't have it anymore. :(

Domestic Diva said...

The hospital had prefolds for us to use, so that was our first cloth diaper.

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Maria said...

Bumgenius 3.0!

Maria said...

CDW FB fan Maria M.

Maria said...

Followign Thirsties on Twitter @chgdiapers

Maria said...

Follow your Blog

Maria said...

Listed this in my Friday Giveaway Roundup.

P.S. You say this ends Thursday Feb 2nd, but the 2nd is a Wed, Thu is the 3rd. :-)

Maria said...

I like diaper shops on FB Maria M.

Maria said...

Follow you on Twitter @chgdiapers

Maria said...

Like Kelly Wels on Facebook.

Jessica said...

I started out with Bum Essentials dor day diapes and BG 4.0's for nighttime use.

jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com

Jessica said...

Love your fb page!

Jessica Jackson Croshaw

jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com

Jessica said...

i follow your blog!

jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com

Jessica said...

i receive your newsletter!

jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com

Sincerely, Sara said...

I'm a follower of the blog!

Jessica said...

i am a fan of the founder of on fb!

jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com

Sincerely, Sara said...

The first diaper and only diaper I have ever used on my son are Prefolds/Thirsties Duo Covers.

Sincerely, Sara said...

I'm a fan on Facebook- Sara Waltermyer

Laura D. said...

The first cloth diaper ever on my daughter was a Fuzzibunz OS.

Laura D. said...

Facebook Fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer!

Laura Lightcap Dunne

Laura D. said...

I follow Thirsties on Twitter.


Laura D. said...

GFC follower of the blog!

Laura D. said...

Facebook fan of Diaper Shops

Laura Lightcap Dunne

Laurie said...

Fuzzibunz one-size.

Laura D. said...

Follow Diaper Shops on Twitter


Laura D. said...

Kelly's Closet Affiliate

ID 392

Laura D. said...

Facebook fan of Kelly Wels

Laura Lightcap Dunne

Maria D. @ DownrightDomesticity said...

I used a prefold with a Thirsties Duo Wrap. I've been a Thirsties fan since day 1! My baby was in the NICU for two weeks after he was born, and he came home with a HORRIBLE disposable diaper rash. A couple days in cloth diapers, and he was good as new!
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com

Maria D. @ DownrightDomesticity said...

Following Thirsties on twitter. @Perfect5thGDAE
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com

danalou said...

The first cloth diaper I ever used on my second daughter was a GroBaby!! I only used them two days and went back to disp and then found Thristies and prefolds and haven't looked back!!

Maria D. @ DownrightDomesticity said...

Added your button to my blog!
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com

Maria D. @ DownrightDomesticity said...

Following you on twitter! @Perfect5thGDAE
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I used Kissaluvs fitteds size 0 as our first cloth diapers. Started LOTS of other kinds when she got a little bigger.

Anonymous said...

The First cloth diaper brand we used on our boys was Smartipants

Unknown said...

fan of TCDW on facebook: Tara Calabrese Massini

Unknown said...

Follower of the blog.

Anonymous said...

I Am a fan of TCDW on facebook

Unknown said...

Fan of the facebook group: Tara C Massini

Unknown said...

Get the KC newsletter

Anonymous said...

I Am a fan of Diapershops on facebook

Anonymous said...

I Receive the newsletter

knittingnut02 said...

The first diaper we used was a Bummis Super Whisper Wrap (size Medium) over a snappi'd prefold--on a 2 week old, 9 pound baby. It aws a bit big, but those medium covers took us through to potty training :)

Unknown said...

Follow on twitter: @taralucida

knittingnut02 said...

I am a FB fan
Kristy Beaudette

knittingnut02 said...

I am a follower of your blog

Unknown said...


@thirstiesinc fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at less than 10 seconds ago via web

knittingnut02 said...

New Order # KC- 70524
Order Date 1/28/2011

Laundry Lady said...

First diaper I ever put on my daughter was Thirsties Fab Fitted and size XS cover. We bought a couple fitted diapers to supplement our mostly prefold stash for exhausted night time diaper changes.

Unknown said...

Very first was a prefold in a Bumkins wrap... Ah... those were the days...

Leigh said...

I subscribe via reader.

Tawnya said...

my first cloth diaper was a WAHMIES one size. it got lots of love. :)

I'm a FB fan and blog follower.

*Katy* said...

I haven't had our baby yet, but we've already stocked up on some Fuzzi Bunz, Happy Heinys and Blueberrys!

kchening (at) gmail (dot) com

*Katy* said...

facebook fan-katy charlotte

kchening (at) gmail (dot) com

*Katy* said...

I follow the blog

kchening (at) gmail (dot) com

Brittany said...

Baby isn't due until April, but the first I purchased was a Thirsties wrap and prefolds.

*Katy* said...

your button is on our blog:

kchening (at) gmail (dot) com

Ash said...

Well I am just starting my research on cloth diapers, but Thirsties and Bummis are at the top of my list right now!


*Katy* said...

like Kelly Wels on facebook-katy charlotte

kchening (at) gmail (dot) com

skgaff said...

My first diaper I used was the FuzziBunz pocket diaper (older version).

skgaff said...

facebook fan of cloth diaper whisperer (stephanie gaffney)

skgaff said...

follow thirsties on twitter @skgaff

skgaff said...

follow this blog

skgaff said...

facebook fan of diapershops (stephanie gaffneY)

skgaff said...

follow diapershops on twitter @skgaff

skgaff said...

subscribe to kelly's closet newsletter

skgaff said...

facebook fan of kelly wels (stephanie gaffneY)

jeanna said...

I am a CDW FB fan, jeanna holmes

jeanna said...

I am a follower of this blog!

jeanna said...

I have your button on my blog:

Liz said...

I subscribe to the newsletter.

Liz said...

I follow your blog.

Unknown said...

Well, we haven't yet (little guy is now 3 days overdue :)), but our first will probably be the bumGenius XS AIO!

Unknown said...

Fan of TCDW on facebook (heatherscholten)

Unknown said...

Follow your blog!

Unknown said...

Fan of the facebook group (heatherscholten)

Unknown said...

Receive your newsletter!

Unknown said...

Fan of Kelly Wels on facebook (heatherscholten)

Billie said...

i am a fan!

Julie said...

The very first cloth diaper I used was a green BG 3.0 OS! :)

Julie said...

I follow your blog!

Jenny McClamroch said...

None yet! Baby's on the way, but the plan is Fuzzibunz!

Julie said...

I am a fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB! (Julie Gayler)

Unknown said...

Expecting first in three weeks... first diaper will be a nifty nappy bitty bum.

Julie said...

I have a button on my blog!

Unknown said...

Facebook fan

Julie said...

I'm a fan of Kelly Wells on FB! (Julie Gayler)

Unknown said...

follow blog

Rebecca said...

bumgenius os pocket

Rebecca said...

Im a fan of TCDW on FB

rebecca smotrilla

Mommy said...

I follow you on facebook
facebook name is jennifer sanderson

Boise Wiebers said...

My first CD was a prefold from the diaper service and a prowrap or diaperwrap brand cover.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Katie S said...

The very first cloth diaper I ever used on my baby was a Best Bottoms AI2 in Mint Chocolate and size large inserts (he was 18 months old). Thanks!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

I'm a FB fan as Trisha Rebhuhn Wieber.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

lace said...

I've used BumGenius on my friends babies and some prefolds with covers. Not sure of the brands.

Barker's Momma said...

The first diaper we ever used was the Dream~Eze organic fitted with a Thirsties cover.


Boise Wiebers said...

I follow your blog.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

BJ said...

we plan on using prefolds and trying bumgenius 4.0

Drea said...

The first cloth diaper we used on our first born was a FuzziBunz perfect size small. The first dipe we will use on our baby due in June is a Happy Heinys newborn (had to wait a month for our son's stump to fall off before we could use cloth last time..this time we are prepared :)

BJ said...

we plan on using prefolds and trying bumgenius 4.0

Boise Wiebers said...

I'm a fan of (and Stacy).
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Keri said...

The first cloth diaper I used was a Kushies Ultra AIO.

Lauren said...

Fan on Facebook - Lauren Gellman

Barker's Momma said...

I "like" TCDW on FB. (Leann LaPresti)


Bridgett said...

my first cloth diaper was a gdiaper. Couldn't make the cloth diaper plunge without some hybrids to break me in.

*Katy* said...

We ordered two diapers-#KC-70545

ordered today 1/28/11

kchening (at) gmail (dot) com

Lauren said...

Very first cloth diaper used - KLO and a Thirsties diaper cover.

Keri said...

I'm a fan on facebook
Keri Bedke

Keri said...

I follow your blog via GFC

Barker's Momma said...

Follow you via GFC. (Leann)


Bridgett said...

follow TCDW on FB!

Lauren said...

I get the KC newsletter delivered to my email.

Bridgett said...

blog follower!

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