2- Happy Heinys One for ALL Cloth Diapers
Question of the week:
Do you prefer snap closing or aplix closing diapers and why? Leave your comment before Thursday, March 10th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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1 – 200 of 1092 Newer› Newest»I prefer Velcro for newbies, but ones they realize how the Velcro works I prefer snaps.
I prefer snaps just because they last longer.. I like the fit of aplix though
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We will be using velcro on my newborn. I hear, however, that snaps work much better as the LO's get older.
I follow you on face book! Betty Jackson
I also subscribe to the blog posts! Thanks so much for this opportunity. These are my favorite dipes!
Snaps-- they last!
We prefer the velcro closure for our little guy, simply because it give us a little more of a custom fit. The snaps are great for our toddler though!
Aplix. I can never seem to get the right fit with my snap cover over prefolds. Plus the ease of aplix over snaps when you're trying to change a diaper of a wiggly toddler.
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I just bought some newborn diapers as my treat for trying to conceive, and I like the aplix the best right now because it is much easier and quicker.
My opinion may change when I actually have a baby!
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I prefer snap closures. They take more time and are "interesting" to get on an active baby, but overall I think they wash better and last longer.
Today is my first day of using cloth diapers! I just put one on my daughter with snaps and it was easier than I expected! I have Velcro ones to use, too but I'm thinking snaps will be my fave!
Today is my first day of using CD's!! I just put one with snaps on my daughter, and it was much easier than expected!! I have Velcro, too but I'm thinking snaps will be my fave since I hear they may last longer and don't stick to everything around...although while washing, the velcro laundry tabs did do their job! I guess the best thing to do would be to leave them on the laundry tabs until I put them on my children. So, we'll see!
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Snaps, hands down! My daughter's velcro bibs have ruined all my nursing bras, despite carefully attaching them pre-wash cycle. I read enough reviews complaining about the applix doing this to the diapers to be weary. And then I read a few that complained about their little one learning how to unfasten the velcro- I didn't need to be told twice!! My daughter is firmly snapped in place.
We have all snap diapers because I think they will last a little longer, and also so that my 15 month old can't undress herself!
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I prefer snap... i've heard the aplix doesn't last as long.
Ooh, a good question! I like that snaps last longer, look nicer longer and don't stick to anything in the wash. However, aplix is just downright easier, especially with a squirmy baby! I have some aplix dipes that I bought in the beginning but now only buy snaps in hopes that the diapers will last through any future children we might be blessed with.
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elaine welte@ gmail.com
snaps--they hold up better.
I prefer snaps because I want my diapers to last for more than one kiddo.
I'd like to try snaps!
i prefer snaps b/c they hold up better, the baby can't undo them, and they don't get caught on things/pick up lint/get stuck in the dryer, ect..
karilynaley at yahoo
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For younger babies I prefer Aplix and Snap when they are older.
i already follow @happyheinys as @KariBooMeeker
this one is hard. I have both and use them depending on the little one. some days we have "I will not be still" days so I use apex but at night I like snaps and I pull out apex for the baby sitter too.
I prefer snaps. They seem to hold up longer and you don't have to worry about them sticking to each other in the wash.
I prefer aplix because I have skinny babies. Snaps are nice, but I just cannot get the fit just right with them so many times. With aplix, I can get the perfect fit each time. too often my little ones are in between snap settings for get a perfect fit.
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Jessalynn DeRusha
I prefer snap closure. They last longer and aren't easy for kiddos to take off when they are older!
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I prefer snap closure
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I prefer snap closure. They last longer and aren't easy for kiddos to take off when they are older!
Our little one is still cooking, but we plan to mainly use snaps.
Mary Oeldeman
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Jessalynn DeRusha
I prefer snaps because thet last longer.
I prefer aplix closing diapers because I can generally secure them faster and more accurately, especially on wiggly babes.
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Mary Oeldeman
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I prefer snaps because they last longer.
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As a mom who's having a third child and who used disposables with her first two, I think for me, aplix closing diapers are a smoother transition from that. All of the diapers in my stash are currently aplix closing; however I'm not opposed to eventually converting my diapers over to snaps when needed.
The other issue I have with snap closing diapers is that I'm left handed, and the snaps closing diapers are generally made for right handed parents; however I'm sure that I'll be able to adapt.
I prefer snaps. Well, actually I prefer aplix as far as putting them on the baby, but snaps hold up far better in the wash and you don't have to worry about them all getting hooked together.
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Jessalynn DeRusha
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Do you prefer snap closing or aplix closing diapers and why? Leave your comment before Thursday, March 10th at 7pm EST.
It depends! Snaps for longevity and baby-proof-ness, and aplix for easy quick changes and babysitters!
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I don't really know for sure which I like better, since my little one isn't here yet. But I'm leaning more towards the snaps b/c they seem like they'd last longer. However, aplix seems like it fits better.
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We are just getting ready to try CDing with our 2nd due May 1st. Reviewing diapers, i definitely think we would like snaps better. It just seems like they would hold up better and keep resale value better. HH are on my list to sample - hoping to get lucky!! Love the blog by the way, from someone learning. :)
E-mail: michelle at traditionalsimplicity dot com
I like the velcro closure. I have OCD and I hate when they don't go on the same number in snaps.
I liked your page.
I am new to cloth diapering but so far LOVE snaps! I do have a couple aplix in my small yet growing stash but they tend to come undone from their laundry tabs in the wash and stick to each other and other diapers. Plus, having a 4 months old girl and 2 1/2 year old boy in diapers, I don't have to worry about her wiggling the aplix undone and him pulling his diapers off. Another plus for us is that the snaps are more durable and will last a much longer time. Overall, I LOVE SNAPS!!!
(Danielle Ring on fb)
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I am new to CDing, so I am not sure which I prefer. I have a diapers that have snaps and I like them fairly well. I'm thinking I could get a better fit with aplix.
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I'm not sure which I prefer as I am new to CDing, but a have a couple dipes with snaps and i like them.
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And number 17 applies to me as well the founder thing, can't remember exactly what it said.. but yeah
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I prefer snaps because they don't get caught on things in the washer or dryer, they are harder for toddlers to undo, and they stay looking nice for much longer. Aplix can also rub a baby's chubby belly when they are sitting or bending.
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I prefer Aplix. I like how it sizes the diaper better, making it a better fit on my scrawny little guy. Yes, people complain because kids can take it off, but my son can take off snaps too, so, either way, he's running around necked. I actually put diapers on him backward, so he can't take them off.
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We prefer the velcro. Our daughter is a skinny little chicken with skinny little chicken legs so we need the adjustability of velcro!
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Claire Savage Carroll
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I like velcro on the front (like for HH) and side snaps.
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I prefer the aplix, seems to be a better (more snug) fit then the snaps.I also follow Kelly wels blog and facebook :)
I definitely prefer snaps...because my little guys have never been able to un-snap them! :)
Also...I "liked" The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB, under the name "Emilie Taylor". :)
Snaps! Tots can't take them off.
Snaps? No diaper chains and they can't take them off!
Snaps! Seems like they will last longer and wont irritate baby's skin. I bribed hubby into CDing concept with Aplix, but stocked up on 99% snaps :)
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Hi Kelly!
I prefer the snaps, just because they are easier for my husband, our family and sitters to do-especially since our little guy doesn't always lay still to be changed! The aplix also ALWAYS seem to stick to everything in the dryer - even if I make sure they are closed first! :) That being said, I probably have 50/50 in our stash but I definitely make sure the snap ones get washed quickly!
Looking forward to reading other comments!
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I can't say which I prefer yet because I just started looking into cloth diapers and only recently made my first purchase. I've heard good things about both so I ordered a few of each for now.
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I like snaps over aplix because it seems like the aplix wear too fast! But, when my LO is squirming around, the aplix are the way to go!
I prefer the aplix closing diapers as they are much easier to fasten on a squirmy baby!
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Danielle Ambrose
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I like snaps, but she's been so squirmy lately it's easier to just use aplix...
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I prefer snaps--just for the lasting/durability in the wash. Aplix is usually ok, but can degrade over time in the washes.
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I prefer snap closing <3
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Meagan Tapp
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I prefer snaps - they last longer and are harder for little hands to take off!
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I prefer aplix because my kids are so squirmy when they get their diaper changed. Sometimes the snaps take too long.
kathrynrose12 at hotmail dot com
I reviewed the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Cloth diaper <3
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I prefer snaps since my son thinks it is funny to open the aplix diapers.
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Kimberlie S. T.
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Kimberlie S. Tiegen
Snaps are my top choice for the day and my fitteds, but I like aplix on my covers, which I use at night. I like the sizing with snaps. Easy to get a tight fit, non-leaking fit.
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I prefer snaps myself. I find that in the wash, even with the laundry tabs, the aplix sticks to other diapers. I also found aplix wears out faster and is easier for kids to take off. I found that using snaps was easier and tighter on the kids.
I prefer the simplicity of aplix but love the washing ease & durability of snaps.
Alison Logan
alison.logan at yahoo dot com
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Alison Logan
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It's a toss-up for me. Velcro is easier but snaps hold up better.
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Alison Logan
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I prefer snaps, because the aplix I have used doesn't stay stuck on the laundry tabs, and even when it does it creates diaper chains in the laundry. I also find it harder to get a good fit with aplix.
effulgent7 at gmail dot com
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I actually like both depending on what brand I use. Of course velcro is much easier for the hubby and friends. If it's bumgenius i prefer snaps because the fit is better. If it's Kawaii or Blueberry i prefer velcro. The best velcro so far is ragababe, the tabs are longer and make a good fit for my chubby baby.
i like the cloth diaper whisperer on fb. sophia gueiros costa
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