Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Monday, December 31, 2012

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How Cloth Diapering Changed My Life

Two years ago when I made the decision to switch to cloth diapers, I had no idea how it would change other aspects of my life. I remember back to when I was pregnant with my second son and was asked on a pregnancy forum if I was going to use cloth or disposable diapers. I quickly replied disposable and went on with life without really thinking about it. At the time, I was completely unaware of today’s cloth diapers, as I’m sure many women are. When I thought of cloth diapers, the old school prefolds and flats with pins and plastic pants came to mind. I wasn’t going to deal with that – along with all the poop. Yuck! However, my mind changed quickly soon after Brendan was born and I began to see the cute cloth diapers that other babies from that forum where wearing. I followed a link to Kelly’s Closet and to the bumGenius pocket diaper. I was intrigued by how simple it looked, and liked the idea of a reusable diaper that would eliminate the weekly trips to the store to buy diapers for two children. Upon the arrival of my first fluffy mail from Kelly’s Closet, a bumGenius one-size sample pack, I was 100% on board with cloth diapering. Little did I know how this decision to purchase my first fluff would change my life.

After using cloth diapers for a few months I began to think about why I was using cloth on my children, but continuing to use disposable products for myself each month. I began doing a little research into women’s personal hygiene products and was alarmed at some of the things I read. Again on the same forum, I followed a link to a WAHM who makes cloth menstrual pads or “momma cloth” and fell in love with the beautiful fabrics she had available. I placed an order and haven’t used a single disposable product since then. I shouldn’t have been so surprised, but several of the things I had read about switching to cloth were true for me. My cycles really did seem lighter, and I was much more comfortable using cloth. I really wish I would have discovered momma cloth before I had children. It sure would have made the post partum period much more comfortable. As for cleaning my momma cloth, I simply store it in a small wet bag and wash it with my cloth diapers, or if it’s not fluff wash day, I’ve been known to wash them with towels now that I use Rockin Green detergent with all of my laundry.

Speaking of Rockin Green…that’s another product that has changed life in our home. In the past I was oblivious to all the additives in laundry detergent. I was far from living a green life. It’s not that I didn’t want to; I was just unaware of how I could make a few changes in order to live a greener, healthier life. After trying a bag of Rockin’ Green with my fluff, I feel in love with the detergent. If it was able to get the diapers clean and smelling so fresh, I just had to start using it on all of our clothing, towels and sheets. Even with Brendan’s sensitive skin, we haven’t had any problems at all using either Classic or Hard Rock in a variety of scents. (I just LOVE the new Smashing Watermelons and Rage Against the Raspberry!)

Cloth diapering also led me to discover my new favorite hobby – yarn. I love crocheting wool shorties and longies for both of my sons. My oldest son still has accidents some nights and beautiful, breathable wool is our answer to keeping his bed dry at night. As much as I enjoy crocheting in the evenings, I shudder to think that I may not have discovered this wonderful new hobby, had it not been for my decision two years ago to switch to cloth diapers. It’s kind of amazing how one small decision affected my life in so many ways. Have you ever stopped to think about how has cloth diapering changed your life?

By Katrina W.
Originally posted on 7/19/2010

1 comment:

Pix said...

About a year before PLANNING on starting the road to children my SIL sent me a link to gDiapers. I joined the yahoo gDiaper community and it completely changed it my. We did use Gs though we most used full cloth options. I now use the diva cup and cloth pantie liners. We compost and we have half a cow frozen in our basement bought from a local organic farm. I clean my and my son body only with baking soda and vinegar. I use a mix of plant oils to combat dry skin and acne. I try to make some change to be greener in my families life all the time. The list goes on.

Before my SIL sent me that link. I considered myself a nature lover, we camp and hiked. I recycled my cans, bottles, and paper. We never littered and picked up litter often when we found it.... I had no idea now little we were doing.

There is always more we can change. We are by no means 0 waste. But we also did just bought our first full electric car and plan to get solar panels soon as well to go with it.

I wonder where we would have been had my SIL not sent that link.... I've been meaning to thank her for changing my life...