Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, June 20, 2014

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Fluff Friday 288

Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??

This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 3 Pack of Geffen Baby Super Absorbers

Would you like to be a contributor on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer? We're always looking for creative writers who would like to share their cloth diapering tips. To find out more Contact Us


Unknown said...

Bumgenius or sposies

Unknown said...

We have not found our perfect nighttime diaper yet, our little man isn't due until August. I hope it isn't too hard of a search when he does come!

Unknown said...

I would love to try these

Anonymous said...

I am hoping to find one! I hear and read a lot of different ideas. :)

Unknown said...

Not yet. Still playing around. My son is 5 months old.

Melissa said...

Haven't found a good night diaper yet, but maybe this will help!

Cami L said...

I've found an OKAY nighttime solution - a prefold in a pocket, but it doesn't always last the full 12 hours, but it usually works well enough if I put him in it RIGHT before bed and change him as soon as he gets up.

Daniannieb said...

We love Geffen inserts!

Cami L said...

I haven't found THE solution for night, but a prefold in a pocket works okay if I put it on him right before bed and change him as soon as he wakes up. It doesn't always last the full 12-13 hours.

Robyn said...

my first LO is due in about a week, so I do not have a system yet, but I have a big stash waiting!

Betty said...

No nighttime solution yet. Little dude is only 4 weeks old so there is little need for a long lasting diaper. Lollidoo overnights were recommended by a friend though and we are thinking of trying them out.

Angela Kim said...

So far my best nighttime cloth diaper for dd is kissa's, my ds has to have a homemade cover with 2 alvababy bamboo soakers and a fleece liner.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty happy with my current night time diaper set up. We use either a Rumparoos or AMP Duo Pocket diaper with an AMP hemp or bamboo trifold with a Geffon NB booster or a wham zorb booster in the middle.

Megan Ramsey said...

Our nighttime diaper is Pampers because we haven't found a solution with our pocket diapers

liz said...

Haven't had my little one, but i am trying to prepare for night time. I am worried that we will have leaking issues after seeing so many momma's online with the same problem.

Stephanie Craig said...

We use a grovia prefold around a booster!

Daniannieb said...

We've been doing rumparooz at night. I'd love to try their hemp or bamboo inserts but all I've found recently is microfiber (which works for us for now).

Christine said...

I have! A totsbots bamboozle fitted or a S'bish HLC fitted with a RAR cover or a Blueberry/swaddlebees cover!

Jessica said...

These days one FST is enough for my son,when he was a heavy wetter especially at night Thirsties hemp prefolds were amazing. I have been wanting to try Geffen so bad though :)

Leah CW said...

We use a bumgenius pocket stuffed with microfiber and an sbish doubler. I haven't tried hemp yet, these sound great!

Unknown said...

great give away THANKS!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway THANKS!!

Daily Deliberations said...

A Flip cover with Flip stay-dry insert plus a Thirsties' hemp insert has done the trick for our night-time diapering. No leaks after several weeks of using this combination with 12 hrs at night.

Jen Knight said...

I haven't found a good night time diaper yet.

Jen Knight said...

I haven't found a good night time diaper yet.

kg said...

we're still working on nighttime solutions. usually a pocket diaper with a super-do insert works well.

Caitlin said...

I'm still looking for the perfect nighttime diaper.

Anonymous said...

For nighttime with my 5 month old, we're using a BumBenius pocket diaper with a microfiber insert and hemp doubler....working well so far! I was stuffing a Flip overnight into the pocket, but was getting a horrible ammonia smell in the morning...any suggestions for this?

Susan said...

My LO is due next week so I haven't had a chance to figure out what I like at night yet. Interested to see what others say!

Unknown said...

My BG 4.0s have been holding up overnight for my 7 week old. I stuff them with Grovia bamboo prefolds and maybe a hemp doubler and we are good to go!

Aubrey said...

Still looking for a nighttime solution that works best for us.

Heather Sanford said...

Would love to try these!

Jes said...

I usually do a fitted with a cover.

MMellisa said...

We haven't tried them yet but would love to give them a shot!

MMellisa said...

We haven't tried them yet but would love to give them a shot!

MMellisa said...

We haven't tried them yet but would love to give them a shot!

MMellisa said...

We haven't tried them yet but would love to give them a shot!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win something!

Lauren said...

for the most part my bumgenius 4.0s with a hemp insert in back have worked!

Unknown said...

Rumparooz pocket diaper stuffed with a flip organic daytime insert and a hemp babies large booster!!

PCoppage said...

I have found that stuffing a large pocket diaper with hemp is the best night-time solution for my heavy wetter toddler. I would love these inserts for my new baby!

Katherine said...

Hemp inserts work well for us

Rachel said...

No! I wish. Still using disposables at night :(

Unknown said...

Haven't had a chance to use cloth yet

jennifer NL said...

i love any natural fiber fitteds for nighttime (and, well, during the day as well).

mckmnm said...

a BG pocket with a mf insert and hemp prefold does it for my son.

CoffeeGirl said...

A large prefold wrapped around a hemp insert and laid on a Thirsties duo wrap is working well for my 2yo overnight.

Unknown said...

I have yet to find the perfect night time diap :( Kid hates cloth at night.

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm still using disposable...I'm on my last package of size 2 from my shower gift stash though, so I'm going to need to think of something!

Jessica said...

I use prefolds with a hemp insert and a Flip cover for nighttime. It isn't "perfect", but leaks are rare.

Anonymous said...

I want to try a Geffen baby product!!!!!

Unknown said...

I use 1 microfiber insert, 1 bamboo insert and 1 bamboo/microfiber blend insert.

Sarah Hayes said...

i havent :( struggle with that for 2 yrs now

Unknown said...

We don't have a baby yet, so not yet!

aperry said...

Bun genius with a wool cover.

Randi S said...

We add a hemp insert with a flour sack great for us!!

Unknown said...

We use a Pooters bamboo fitted under Disana woolies every night. Works like a dream!! Never had a leak. :)

Unknown said...

Would love to win!

Hannah said...

I've found that two prefolds in almost any cover works best for my youngest right now.

matope said...

yes but we still do sposies at night because we havent solved the nightime ammonia problem!

Loretta said...

Sometimes we use a fired with wool, but most of the time we use pockets stuffed with MF and help or bamboo, or sometimes a bamboo prefold.

Talia said...

I like a blueberry pocket diaper (wide opening) with a blueberry bamboo insert and an extra hemp insert.

Crystal robinson said...

No I just got a wool cover and fitteds hoping get that helps. I don't want a bunch of bulk.

Unknown said...

currently our daughter is using white cloud disposables but we're hoping to be able to afford some cloth diapers for her. The new baby we plan to only cloth diaper, when he arrives

Sew What said...

Yeah a Kawaii GNHW with a hemp insert paired with either a flat or a microfiber insert.

Unknown said...

So far Bamboo fitteds work wonders!

kim worrell said...

Still searching for a nighttime solution

Weng Rodriguez said...

Just the other day I was looking at Geffen absorbers. O would love to try them for our nighttime nappies. :-)

Erin B. said...

Not totally...recently bought some thirsties hemp inserts and those help greatly! I also like the Best Bottoms nighttime and microfiber insert paired together.

kimmie said...

No, I have not found the perfect nighttime cloth diapering solution yet.

GingerG said...

I use hybrid fitteds at night usually :)

Unknown said...

I have not used night time cloth diapers yet and am looking for a good one.

Unknown said...

Yes, we love using Geffen Baby Hemp Fleece Prefolds at night in a flip cover!

Unknown said...

My go-to night time diaper so far is a Buttons cover and their insert. My daughter is only one tho, and so far not a super heavy wetter at night. She saves it all up for the morning here lately!

Unknown said...

I have 2 babies in cloth and I am still looking for the perfect night time solution. I mix and match but haven't found it yet. We would love to try these, we don't have any geffen baby products and have heard wonderful things, these would be great!!

Unknown said...

I haven't found the perfect one yet. But most of my wahm diapers have been absorbent enough that I generally will use those.

april h said...

I haven't found the best nightime diaper, but friends swear by bamboo inserts!

Ms. Lepore said...

I haven't found one yet, but just ordered from Wonderful Bambino!

Chantal said...

We use Sunbaby diapers with the Sunbaby blend (bamboo/mf) inserts. They work great!

Unknown said...

I use Kawaii Goodnight Heavy Wetters with a prefold. Haven't had any leaks.

Leela R. said...

I really like my Bububebe sleepytime diapers for night time, but they are bulky. I'm thinking of giving flats a try next.

Kylie M. said...

Baby wont be here for a few more weeks so we haven't gotten to test anything out yet.

April M said...

I'm still searching for the perfect setup.

Unknown said...

I just started looking for a night time solution in a sized (small) diaper.

Sheridan Nicole said...

I use bumGenius freetimes for night and they work well! But I don't think they are prefect.

Unknown said...

I haven't found a perfect nighttime diaper. In fact, we've given up for now and use sposies during the night.

Unknown said...

Our perfect nighttime combination is either a WAHM hybrid fitted or a prefold with a hemp booster under a blueberry coverall.

happy family said...

Not yet! Still changing twice a night. Stuffing with two hemp inserts helps big time!

Unknown said...

Still looking for the perfect nighttime diaper.

Ruqayyah said...

I love the wonderful bambino diaper with my PUL Assunta cover. :-)

ChandraD said...

Flip cover and organic trifold with a Thirsties large hemp insert folded inside the trifold.

Britni Bradford said...

fitteds with softbums bamboo inserts snapped in

Britni Bradford said...

fitteds with softbums bamboo inserts snapped in

Unknown said...

At 7 months nighttime diapering isn't too hard yet...either a BestBottom Diaper with the large Hemp insert or a Pocket (Bumgenuis or Kawaii) with an added hemp insert (Thirsties brand hemp insert), but we may need to revise our nighttime solution as LO gets older or if she starts front/side sleeping rather than sleeping on her back.

Unknown said...

Yes I have found the perfect nighttime diaper for us!

Amy Hall said...

I haven't yet. I Love Buttons dipes during the day but he sleeps on his side so I don't think those will work as well at night.

Carly Tea said...

I need to find a new nighttime solution--tonight for the first time I tried a prefold wrapped around a Geffen Baby insert in a cover. We'll see in the morning how it held up!

judi said...

My favorite night time diaper is a Thirsties duo pocket with the two part insert and a Thirsties cotton velour doubler.

DeLaura said...

We use TotsBots or Sloomb snappless both with an extra insert. No leaks and lasts all night with a night nursing 17 month old!

Unknown said...

i havent found a night diaper yet im still working on different options with different diapers...

Unknown said...

I havent found a night diaper still working of diffrent options with different diapers so far a grovia hybrid with a prefold has worked the best..

Unknown said...

Right now we use Bum Genius or we use a bamboo doubler.

Unknown said...

just now finding this website looking forward to exploring.

Unknown said...

I love using Funky Fluff diapers with both inserts as a leak free nighttime solution. Also an incredibum diaper with both inserts.

Deana said...

No I haven't.

Megan and Joshua Bailly said...

Best Bottoms hemp+overnight are amazing!

Elizabeth Crabtree said...

Nope, still looking for a nighttime diaper.

Rachel said...

I haven't had the opportunity to try cloth diapering at all yet!

Laura K said...

Nope, still working on it!

BBCloth said...

Great give away Ive been looking at this brand since it seems like it will be a good option to use in our night time diapers

Reba A said...

We have been using KaWaii GNHW with a prefold and bamboo.

Unknown said...

I have not. Unfortunately I use sposies at night

Shanna M said...

I don't know if I've found the perfect night time solution yet, Baby girl is due in Aug. But we did get a few Kawaii's, as I've heard and read great things about them

aimee p said...

I used kawaii pockets with my first, but with my second i cant quite find something that works so she is in disposables at night

Chris Brown said...

I haven't used a cloth diaper for nighttime yet, but
I hear the buttons diapers are great.

Chris Brown said...

I have never tried cloth diapers, but hear great things about the Buttons zdiapers.

Valerie S said...

Yep, homemade hemp fleece fitted.

Misa said...

I love Bummis, so far no accidents (5 months old:).

Nicole said...

The perfect nighttime diaper is a prefold with a wool cover.

Michelle R said...

I only diaper that works for my sensitive heavy wetter is an organic disposable

morganehman said...

A pocket diaper with a geffen jersey hemp prefold! AWESOME!!! Inexpensive! Trim! Super Absorbent!

Shera said...

Baby is due in a few weeks, so no night solution as yet. Looking forward to building a stash though.

Michelle said...

Yay for Fluff Friday!

Unknown said...

We could really use these doublers for my 4 month old son!!!

J. Olson said...

We have always had success night time diapering with Kawaii GNHW and Thirsties Duo diapers!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

Dana said...

Little One isn't born yet, so I'm clueless on what the nighttime routine will be, but I purchased some wool covers and overnight bamboo soakers to try:)

Unknown said...

We use a WAHM brand for night time. We can also use 4.0's, freetimes, or Tots Bots. These all work for us at night.

Shannon said...

No baby yet! We'll find out after December!

Shannon said...

No baby yet! We'll find out after December!

Joelle said...

A cotton prefold with a bamboo mini pod does the trick.

Amy said...

I've had great success with bg ft

Anna said...

We are very fortunate that our little lady holds it ALL night!!! She has done that since the beginning. Now with #4 on the way, we need to be prepared!

Anna said...

We are very fortunate that our little lady holds it ALL night!!! She has done that since the beginning. Now with #4 on the way, we need to be prepared!

Sam C said...

We have found a wonderful wahm that makes an overnight diaper that works great for us!

Unknown said...

Right now we are using the GEFFEN HEMP PREFOLD & Loving our nightime solution. She's at 19mo & hopefully we won't need to find another nighttime solution before she's potty trained

Jitty said...

We still use disposables at night because I'm too scared to even try cloth. :( I want to give it a go though.

Beth Ann said...

For us, we use fitteds. But not we just use two bamboo inserts with a microfiber on top in a BG pocket. With a wool cover on top.

Julie said...

I haven't- we currently use disposables at night.
Rafflecopter name: Jay Dee

Fyrebird said...

Haven't found a perfect nighttime option yet. We use flats & covers during the day/at home, & disposables on the go or at night. I wouldn't mind giving up the disposable habit too much, though DH has some reservations.

Zerd22 said...

I find that my gdiapers with a disposable insert works really well. Or any of my Honeybuns diapers with the Geffen hemp/cotton inserts work wonders.

Jenni said...

I haven't had a chance to CD at night yet, so no solutions! We'll see when the time comes.

KimHochstetler said...

Gerber prefolds work for my 2 year old!

Emily K said...

I like to use prefolds for night time in order to prevent leaks!

emwells said...

So far, GMD fitteds with a hemp insert, inside a Capri cover

valerie said...

i'm a new mom -- and by that i mean i'm still pregnant so I have not experimented yet and found the perfect nighttime diaper :p

Danni said...

My favorite nighttime solution is an older version of the First and Last One size fitteds from Mandi's Menagerie (here and a thirsties cover.

Works for my heavy wetters!

Kate Record said...

S'babyish all the way!

Hayley G said...

My daughter isn't due until the end of July, so I haven't gotten to find out which is the best night time diaper for us.

freshsamanthaaa said...

I don't have a system for night yet, hoping some combo of flips will work for us!

Carrie L said...

Thirsties hemp prefold and insert in a cover

Unknown said...

Kawaii Goodnight heavy wetters

Unknown said...

sposies are the only thing that works for us

Unknown said...

I use prefolds with wool or a sposie at night.

Unknown said...

I have been doing sposies at night, I need a night time diaper.

EDC Johnson said...

I have not found a night time diaper I trust. Having her sleep through the night is so important. I would love to try these.

Jahcinda Jordan said...

I use spoises at night.

Christian said...

I use bum genius all in one for night time but i would love more options!

Adriana said...

Not a perfect solution yet, jus doublers with BG freestyle. Luckily my son's not as heavy a wetter as he used to be so we haven't been having problems as mu c h now.

Adriana said...

No perfect solution yet. Baby's not as heavy a wett anymore so fewer problems of late.

Kat said...

We are expecting our first so I'm just getting together a basic stash and haven't really thought about night time diapers yet.

Lindsay said...

Nighttime is my kryptonite...I use 'sposies at night. With desitin. 😁

Unknown said...

We have not started cloth yet but when our first gets here in August we plan on trying motherease fitteds since I've heard great things about them (Miriam Matheny)

Unknown said...

We've used tot bots, bamboozles with boosters and theres nights he needs changed half way threw. id love to find something more absorbent :)

Kate W said...

looking for a better solution myself

Unknown said...

Haven't found the perfect nighttime diaper yet. We are new to CD and still in the trial/error phase!

Unknown said...

We use a bumGenius 4.0 with an extra insert...

Amanda said...

My babe isn't here yet so I haven't been able to try out any night times yet. Hoping it's not too hard to find a solution!

Unknown said...

Finally found a night time that works - fitted and wool!

Kim said...

I use Blueberry pockets stuffed with prefolds. I love Econobum prefolds the best.

chelsea preston said...

I use a prefold with a hemp doubler and a wool cover for night time

Unknown said...

for now it's an fst wrapped around a hemp insert

kelly said...

I haven't yet. Still using disposables.

Raina said...

No I have not found the perfect one yet.