Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, June 27, 2014

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Fluff Friday 289

Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??

This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 EcoSprout 24oz Bag of Detergent, 1 EcoSprout Coconut Stick, 1 EcoSprout Eco-Bottom Liners, 1 EcoSprout Bottom Spray

Would you like to be a contributor on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer? We're always looking for creative writers who would like to share their cloth diapering tips. To find out more Contact Us


Unknown said...

It says the contest hasn't started yet, when does it start and end?

Jennifer Odom said...

I haven't tried yet but would love to!

Amber Gray said...

I love line drying! My diapers always smell so fresh and clean when I bring them in and im obsessed with that clean laundry scent!

Jennifer Odom said...

I haven't tried yet but would love to!

matope said...

its just satisfying having all fresh stuffed diapers sitting nicely on the shelf... to be pillaged and pooped in in the morning!

Shandell said...

Line drying! Saves money, is easy, and is cute :)

Unknown said...

When it's clean and finished.

Tay's Way said...

I love how safe and EASY it is!

RMG said...

The satisfaction of them coming out of the wash clean after going in so dirty.

April M said...

Not having to buy diapers.

Jamie said...

Having diapers to wash makes me keep up with the rest of my laundry ;)

Rebecca B said...

I'm new to cloth diapers and I would love to try this!

Unknown said...

i love that they can be used again & again & again & my washer does all the work and then dried in the sun :)

Becky Regnier said...

I love how pretty all the clean and colorful diapers look hanging out on the line.

Jennifer You said...

Clean diapers!

Unknown said...

Love?! Well, it is great when they are clean :)

Unknown said...

What i love most about diaper laundry is the smell afterwards, The smell of clean!!

freshsamanthaaa said...

I love the laundry basket of clean diapers and wipes! Being able to put our favorites on the bum.

Anonymous said...

I like that diaper laundry is easier than I thought it was. I was prepared to put in the extra time that was needed and am super glad to find out that it takes less than 20 min of time a week.

Unknown said...

I love putting away and organizing all my newly clean diapers after washing!

Sheridan Nicole said...

I love the fresh clean diapers at the end of diaper laundry!

Unknown said...

I love hanging my diaper laundry on the clothesline!

jenn mcclearn said...

I actually love hanging them to try and seeing my whole stash on the line

Melissa said...

I love when it's done!

Caitlin said...


Shera said...

Learning as I go, but this looks like a great starter pack of product.

Christine said...

I love hanging the diapers out on the line :)

Kylie M. said...

I love when its done.

Unknown said...

Clean fluff!

Carly Tea said...

I love hanging my diapers out to dry in the sun. Also, call me crazy, I love stuffing/folding my diapers and putting them away in neat little packages in the diaper bins.

Megan Ramsey said...

I love the fresh smell!

stayrobs said...

I can't say for certain I 'love' anything about actual diaper laundry. However, we have found stuffing pocket diapers to be a nice mindless/soothing activity lol

judi said...

My favorite part about diaper laundry is the fact that I'm reusing the same diapers instead of buying more every time.

Amy said...

Getting it finished! I'm not a laundry fan :)

Unknown said...

I love hanging our cloth diapers out on the line. Just seeing all of them shining in the sun makes me happy :)

aperry said...

I like that... once stuffed and sorted they all go in the same place.

Vicki Hall said...

I love having clean fresh diapers when I'm finished.

Unknown said...

The only thing I enjoy about diaper laundry is when my favorite diapers are clean again

jonesynyc said...

Neato, I would love to try these products out :)

jonesynyc said...

I would love to try these out!

Margo said...

What a great opportunity to try these products out!

Erin B. said...

Getting to sun them!

Unknown said...

I love sunning diapers. There is something very satisfying about seeing the clothesline full of fluff.

Unknown said...

I am planning for baby #1 so have not yet done diaper laundry. I imagine my favorite part will be when it is done!

Unknown said...

I love that I can just toss them into the wash to have a fresh start of diapers, instead of having to haul a toddler and new born all the way to the store.

jennifer NL said...

i get a ton of satisfaction from doing diaper laundry, knowing that my diapers are getting reused, not ending up in a landfill.

Anonymous said...

I'm expecting my first in September. What I love most about cloth diapering is both the ecofriendliness and the cost savings.


Sew What said...

That the cute diapers are clean again!

Lauren B. said...

I've never tried the bio liners, but I'd like to!

Shannon said...

Haven't started doing diaper laundry yet, but I suppose my favorite part will be when it's finished :)

Dayna said...

The clean fluffy softness after

Melissa said...

I love being able to have my favorite diapers clean and ready to use again.

Unknown said...

I love seeing them all drying on the fence, and having most of them clean and put away.

sarh s said...

I love assembling/folding/stuffing them once they are clean! Weird? Eh, whatever. :p

Unknown said...

Honestly, I love folding my flats!

Unknown said...

I haven't tried cloth yet but we are expecting our first and can't wait to get started!

Anonymous said...

The thing I love most about diaper laundry? It's laundry that doesn't need to be folded! Lol Also, once it's clean, I can reuse my stash. (:

Becky Marie said...

I love knowing that I am saving resources every time I wash a load of diapers!

laura said...

When its done and ready to stuff.

Whit said...

I love that fully breastfed baby diapers can go straight into the washer!

Beki Lozano said...

i love getting nice and clean diapers to stuff call me crazy but i love putting all my diaper together after i folded and stuff them all and just looking at em!! lol

Unknown said...

I love that I only have to do one extra load of diapers in the wash every other day, and then hang to dry. So easy!

Unknown said...

I love putting them away after clean.

Unknown said...

i love knowing that i can use them all over again once they are clean!!!

BN said...

I haven;t tried Eco products yet, but I plan on it. LO doesn't have too much stink yet :)

Boise Wiebers said...

I like folding the diapers.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this

chaya G. said...

I havent started yet, but id llove to!

J. Olson said...

I love admiring all my lovely fluff when I do diaper laundry!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Having clean diapers

Unknown said...

That short amount of time when there are *no* dirty diapers!

Stephanie Craig said...

I love most being done for the day with diaper laundry :)

Unknown said...

That I know my son isnt absorbing so many chemicals every day. And being able to tell if hes staying hydrated during the day, by easily knowing at the end of the day how many wet diapers hes had

Jennifer D said...

I love cloth diaper laundry day...I don't know why. Maybe because I am just so proud that I'm making a difference and saving money at the same time.

StormDottir said...

I love putting them away and seeing my stash all organized and pretty.

Kim O said...

I haven't started cloth diaper laundry yet but my favorite part of laundry is when I put up all of the clean laundry.

Hannah said...

I love it after it's all done and my diaper drawers are packed full of clean diapers again.

Katherine said...

I love folding the diapers afterward :)

Julie said...

I like the feeling of having all of my diapers clean and ready to go.
Rafflecopter Name: Jay Dee

Stephanie said...

I love when it's done. :)

Unknown said...

What I like most about diaper laundry is when they are all clean, stuffed, and folded!

Shanna M said...

I haven't started cloth diapering laundry yet. Out little one isn't due until Aug! But I love the thought that it will be saving us money!

Anonymous said...

I just started cloth diapering and have not ever used any products of this brand. Would like to try them out though.

Unknown said...

I like the way all my diapers look once they are clean and stuffed and put all together. So pretty! Not to mention, i never had to leave the house to go buy more diapers.

Unknown said...

We haven't had the experience yet but I hope I love the ease of it compared to what a hassle some people see it as. (Miriam Matheny,

Unknown said...

I'd love to get something like this for when the baby arrives!

Emily Bemily said...

I like being able to reach for my favorites again!

Sherry E said...

I haven't done diaper laundry yet. I'm getting stocked up on cloth supplies for our babies arrival.

Sherry E said...

I haven't done diaper laundry yet. I'm getting stocked up on cloth supplies for our babies arrival.

Kadie said...

There is something very gratifying about washing diaper laundry, though I don't know there is something specific I like about it except having shelves full of clean fluff!

Jennifer Hanning said...

I love the smell after taking them off the clothesline!

Amy said...

I love that it's easy!

Unknown said...

I don't really enjoy diaper laundry. I do enjoy the results of diaper laundry. I love how clean and new my diapers look after being washed.

Kat said...

I like making them all clean and fresh and not having to buy disposables and throw money away.

Anonymous said...

I haven't done a load yet, but I think I will love the end result :)

Courtney said...

I love having them clean, folded and put away nice and neat. I'm such an organizer!!

Jahcinda Jordan said...

I love that I choose what chemicals touch my baby's skin. Instead of spoises which you have no idea

Unknown said...

I love how they are reusable and I don't have to buy disposables.

kelly said...

I love seeing all the colors and prints all lined up.

Sarah said...

Sounds interesting would love to try

Carissa joslyn said...

Stuffing the diapers! I really hate having to wash so many times, but that sure beats washing diapers every night by hand! Which i did for the first 6 months! -_-

Carissa joslyn said...

Stuffing the diapers! I really hate having to wash so many times, but that sure beats washing diapers every night by hand! Which i did for the first 6 months! -_-

Charlotte said...

I love the adorable prints!!!