Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, July 25, 2014

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Fluff Friday 293

Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??

This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 EcoSprout Laundry Detergent (48oz bag) and 1 EcoSprout Coconut Stick

Would you like to be a contributor on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer? We're always looking for creative writers who would like to share their cloth diapering tips. To find out more Contact Us


Unknown said...

I love that i'm not using a chemicals against my baby's skin.

Kelly F said...

I love pretty much everything about cloth diapering (you know, except for the obvious poop handling) but my favorite part is probably the cost savings and knowing that when I run out of diapers, I just have to go do a load of laundry, not run to the grocery store.

Stephanie Craig said...

I love how cute and functional they are :)

Alex Liz R. said...

I love that they save money and they come in cute colors and patterns.

sally salzer said...

They are soft on my babys bum!

jennifer NL said...

i love the money saving aspect the most!

Sara B said...

Using cloth diapers makes me feel like I'm doing something good for my baby, the earth, & my wallet.

Bonnie Cantrell said...

I love how cute cloth is, that its reusable and that it cuts down on the exposure to chemicals!

Crystal said...

Keeps the chemicals off my little one!

Amber said...

I'd love to try these!!!

Cora Schlosser said...

Love the money I am gonna be saving!

Unknown said...

I love how many chemicals it keeps away from my baby!

Stephanie Palaad said...

I love how healthy it is for my baby!

christi bailey said...

I would love to try Eco sprout laundry detergent!!!! We use coconut oil for everything it stick form ;)

Beki Lozano said...

what i love most is that its safer for my son!

Unknown said...

I loveball of the fluffy cuteness! It is like having a collection of super adorable baby clothes that don't get grown out of as quickly.

Sheridan Nicole said...

What I absolutely LOVE most about cloth diapers is how adorable they are on my little one!

kelly said...

I love the fact that Im keeping harmful chemicals off my babies tush, and the cut prints are a plus :)

Anonymous said...

I love the colors and it's fun!

Unknown said...

I like that it saves me money.

matope said...

i love that my babies dont sit in chemicals! and they're freaking adorable! (the diapers... and my kids!) :)

Colleen Maurina said...

My favorite thing about cloth diapers is that they are better for babies. They are non-toxic and you have less diaper rashes.

Unknown said...

The cute prints and money savings! But I also love the Cloth community I've come into since decoding to pursue it! (Miriam Matheny)

kbmom said...

I love everything about cloth diapers!!! The money they save, they're good for the planet and they are CUTE!

Katherine said...

I love how much money they save me!

Ashlee said...

That they are eco friendly save money and are super cute!
Ashley Brito

Caitlin said...

I love that they are reusable and produce less waste

Amy said...

Saving money and helping the environment!

Unknown said...

I love how cute all the diapers are and how much money I saved.

Unknown said...

I love AIOs. They are so easy to use, and they won the hubby over before he even knew it. I love having such cute prints and colors that make my baby look so handsome.

Christina said...

I love the cute prints & colors

aperry said...

I love that they are reusable. .. and that my baby is not sitting in chemicals.

Jennifer Burton said...

I have been wanting to try Eco Sprout! Winning it will certainly give me that chance even sooner!

Jennifer Burton said...

I have been wanting to try Eco Sprout! Winning this will give me that opportunity even quicker! Thanks!

Jennifer Burton said...

I have been wanting to try Eco Sprout! Winning this will give me that opportunity even quicker! Thanks!

April M said...

The money saving.

Vicki Hall said...

I love how cute they are.

Hannah Avery said...

the cost savings

judi said...

My favorite thing about cloth diapers is the peace of mind it gives me knowing I won't have to worry about buying diapers when we're broke.

Stephanie said...

I love how cute they are and how much money I'm saving. :)

Daily Deliberations said...

I love that I am putting a quality product on my son when we cloth diaper - not just a throw-away product that will remain for 500 years (long past my son and his grandchildren's grandchildren...).

Unknown said...

Besides the cuteness, I love that we have finally found a solution with using cloth diapers instead of the constant rashes my sensitive babies were getting from sposies.

Shandell said...

I love saving Money!

Unknown said...

I live that they save me money and look so cute on little ones!!

Unknown said...

I like the cute prints and pretty colours :)

Melynda said...

What I love most is the pride of providing/taking care of her diapers myself.

Christine said...

no midnight diaper runs!

Anonymous said...

So many things :). Probably number one is the health issue & then environment / cost saving :).

Alexa Frederiks said...

I love that I'm not putting chemicals on my baby's skin, I love how cute they are, I love saving money, but I LOVE shopping for them!

Unknown said...

What I like most about cloth diapers is not only the cost, but I can limit the amount of chemicals that go into them. I also love that they are just so darn cute!

Mandie said...

I love that they don't use chemicals like in disposables!

Unknown said...

I'm saving money and I rarely have to clean up a blowout

Shannon said...

I love not buying disposables.

Anonymous said...

I love that I don't have to remember to go to the store to buy more disposable diapers!

Anonymous said...

Not adding to landfills!

Unknown said...

I love everything

steph said...

I love that they are more natural, more gentle, and free of harmful chemicals

stayrobs said...

I love the green factor! love saving money and LOVE the looks :)

Sharon said...

I love how cute cloth diapers look. I also love that I always have diapers and never have to run to the store to buy more every week. Most of all, I love not smelling the chemicals that are in disposables.

Unknown said...

I love that they are an eco-friendly alternative to disposables.

Cara said...

I love that there are no harsh chemicals on my baby and the I am saving money

Cara said...

I love that there are no harsh chemicals on my baby and the I am saving money

Cara said...

I love no chemicals and saving money

Cara said...

I love no chemicals and saving money

Unknown said...

I love being able to save money and the environment at the same time!

Brooke said...

how great they are for my baby's bum!

Erin B. said...

I love that I never have to run out in a pinch to buy diapers!

Hannah said...

I love how cute they are on the bums and there is quite a sense of pride in doing it

J. Olson said...

I love of fun and cute they are!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

Christina said...

I love cloth diapers. The poops are the only thing I don't care much for. But believe it or not laundering and hanging them outside is my Zen. Saving money is my favorite part!

Jaydensgrandma said...

I love a diaper rash free happy baby!

Zara G said...

I think I love everything about them!

Becky Marie said...

I love saving money!

Chelsey Jolliff said...

I like most about cloth diapers is being able to spend time outside hanging them on the line enjoying the sun!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to cloth diapering so I'd love to try some new stuff! Sarah Boyd Eidt

Jessica D. said...

They're super cheap and cute!

Unknown said...

I love several things I am not using harsh chemicals against my babies skin, save money, saving the environment, and how cute they are!

Unknown said...

I love the money saved. I also love knowing they are good for baby and environment

Baby Feinberg said...

i love that i'm saving money and doing a good thing for the environment!

Ariana said...

I love that they're better for the environment.

Vinise's Boutique said...

The prints and saving money!

Maddy Morgan said...

I love everything about cloth diapers. They've made me really dislike disposables and have led me to explore other cloth options!

Amanda Young said...

Saving money and the cuteness factor of course :)

Ashley Rae said...

No chemicals, less in land fill, and saving list can go on :)

Unknown said...

I love having a rash-free baby that doesn't scream through diaper changes!

Chantal said...

I never feel like I am wasting anything. Even if a diaper is only on my baby 30 minutes before she is in need of a bath!

BN said...

The cute and cost factors, and no rashes!

StacyRenee said...

I'm due with my first in a couple of months so I haven't started using cloth diapers yet but I choose to use them for financial, health, and environmental reasons. :)

Danni said...

Do I have to pick? I love everything about cloth diapers. I love that I'm not putting harmful chemicals against my child's skin, I love that I'm not putting harmful chemicals, plastics, and human waste in the landfills, I love that it's saving me so much money and as a bonus, they're adorable!

Unknown said...

I love that they are reusable and i never have to go out and get more diapers!

Anonymous said...

Despite the argument that they're gross and more work, etc., I love that they are just easier for me, they make more sense and keep my baby healthy. He (yes,a BOY) is nearly potty trained at 14months. Hail cloth.

Talia said...

I won't lie: the cute factor is my favorite thing.

Unknown said...

I love everything. How easy they are, no chemicals against my baby's skin, their adorable, they save money, their greener….I could go on… :)

Unknown said...

I love that I am not putting harsh chemicals next to my baby's skin! <3

Unknown said...

I thought I would just love the cost savings but I genuinely enjoy cloth diapering now. I like finding good deals, new brands, etc. I actually don't mind the diaper laundry at all. Plus, there is something about a fluffy butt!

Our Journey Building a Homestead said...

I love that t h eyes are comfortable for my little one.

morganehman said...

I love the money saving aspect of Cloth diapers! And they are just so adorable! That is just a plus!!!

Unknown said...

What I love most about using cloth diapers is that they are so dang cute and the wonderful cd community I have found through social media. I know, that's 2

hjurgelis said...

I love that they don't give my son diaper rash like the disposables did.

Unknown said...

I never really considered it an option, but after having baby #2 the cost of diapers went up dramatically since our first still isn't potty trained. initially we started for the savings, but I just really love how easy they are and what's another load of wash anyway? I also do enjoy the lack of diaper rash my little lady has.

jilliann m said...

I like that they save me money and are cute

krystle Gluck said...

I love that I am able to keep reusing them over and over again!!

Amanda Temple said...

The look! He has the cutest fluff butt and we may/may not save money!

Carrie R said...

I love that I am not putting chemicals on my baby's bottom!!

Kate Walker said...

I love the cost savings and the much smaller environmental impact.

Shanna M said...

I love the economics of it. We are on a tight budget and it's nice to know we don't have to buy diapers every month

Unknown said...

Love the availability

Amanda said...

I love feeling like Im making a better choice for the environment

Unknown said...

hat do you love MOST about cloth diapers?

I love to collect prints and saving money over time.

Jess Long said...

it might not be nice but using cloth makes me feel better than other people because of the chemicals and environmental impact of using sposies.

Jess Long said...

it might not be nice but using cloth makes me feel better than other people because of the chemicals and environmental impact of using sposies.

Krista C. said...

What DO I love most...? They're super cute and fun to make... they're much more comfy for baby... and they don't make so much TRASH! Yeah, that's probably it right there. Taking out a 2-day-old bag of disposable diaper trash is WAAAY more smelly and disgusting than washing cloth diapers. Not to mention what happens in landfills...

Unknown said...

I love never having to run to the store for more diapers! Pair it with breastfeeding, and you never have to run out to the store in the middle of the night!

Annabell_time said...

I love how cute my daughter looks.

Annabell_time said...

I love how cute my daughter looks.