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Sunday, August 24, 2014

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A Mighty Challenge: GroVia Mighty Bubbles

We have a solid laundry routine for our cloth diapers. We use Eco Sprout for all our laundry in combination with Calgon to help combat our very hard water. We’ve used cloth diapers for almost three years now with few troubles overall. When we get a stain we use Buncha Stain Remover and some sun. Our night diapers sometimes battle ammonia, so we will use Funk Rock or RLR about once every 3 months when that issue starts to come up. Our day diapers do not have this trouble. We have, overall, clean diapers. Then a friend mentioned her positive, routine-altering experience with GroVia Mighty Bubble, and I was intrigued.

Mighty Bubbles can be purchased in a ten or twenty count package at a cost of $.70-.80 per use. It is a deep cleaning product used to remove buildup of urine and minerals from cloth diapers and garments. I love that it’s made in the United State by a small business, actually lists its ingredients, does not use harmful chemicals, and does not test on animals.

Using the product is quite simple. You place one pack in the washer with the diapers and no other detergent. You run one hot wash with an extra rinse. That’s it! So simple! You can also use it to maintain a clean and build-up free routine by washing with Mighty Bubbles once every 6-8 weeks. In the case of severe buildup you may need several washes.

So in one corner we have my clean diapers; in the other, GroVia Mighty Bubbles. During one particularly lazy summer week I washed our diapers regularly but did not fold them. As the pile grew, I thought it the perfect time for my mighty challenge. I’m more of a go big or go home kind of gal, so I used our bathtub to give the inserts plenty of space for a good, long soak.

I combined two packs with very hot water and cloth diaper inserts and fitteds in the tub. One pack per load is adequate, but we have enough diapers for two loads of laundry. I allowed these to sit for two hours, two times agitating them for about a minute by hand. And what to my wondering eyes should appear but dingy water! Not clean and clear!

Mighty Bubbles did not remove stains (nor does it claim to). It did leave our diapers brighter, fresher, and possibly even more absorbent. I obviously can’t back absorbency up scientifically, but I did notice my heavy wetting toddler’s night diaper to be more evenly drenched with less smell and moisture left on his wool over the next few mornings since this fun experiment. The night diapers in general have lost the slight ammonia smell that has built up recently.

I was so excited by my cleaner clean laundry that I pulled out our towels and let them soak in another pack of Mighty Bubbles. They also now smell more fresh and less hard-water dingy than ever before.
Overall, for the price point of less than a dollar, Mighty Bubbles turned out to be a cost-conscious and effective product specifically formulated by a cloth diaper company for cloth diaper (and other) purposes! If you are battling the stinkies I’d easily recommend Mighty Bubbles to a worthy opponent!

Bio: Lynette shares her life with her husband and two sons, ages 1 and 2 years. She has cloth diapered both since birth and enjoys all things eco-friendly.

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1 comment:

Cindi Burlingham said...

Thank you for this wealth of info. In my cloth diapering research I had not heard mention of this product. I added this to my purchasing list. Sounds like it is way worth the $14 for 20. If used once a month it would last a year & 8 months. At that rate would only need to buy 2 for a childs worth of cloth diapering & I am all for keeping the absorbancy rate up & the odors down!