Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Monday, August 11, 2014

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In Love With a Diaper!

I am the mom of 3 girls (4 months, 6 and 7). I am currently a stay at home, homeschooling mama. I use cloth diapers to save our family money, and just for the fun of it. When our budget is tight is great to know I never have to worry about the baby running out of diapers. Yes, it is an investment, but it is well worth it. Diapers are always just a wash load away. I love having that peace of mind and added security during tough financial times.

I love diapering my baby. Who would have ever thought that diapering could be so much fun? I mean, who can resist those prints and array of colors. It is so easy to become addicted to purchasing cloth diapers. Really, no matter how many diapers I have my stash never seems big enough. Then you get to learn a whole new language. AIO or All in Ones, OS, meaning one size, the list of codes and words could go on and on.

Some of the deals are so awesome. I think I will have to start a savings fund just for cloth diapers. For example, free diaper deals at Kelly’s Closet. I can never pass up the chance at a free diaper. They always send the best diapers. I have no complaints. Their fluff fairy packages are an awesome deal also. When you love cloth as much as I do, these deals are so important. I really enjoy the fact that Kelly’s Closet makes it easy. Cloth diapering can seem so overwhelming when you are first starting out. Never have I seen a cloth diapering online store that gives you so much information. They have videos, washing instructions and plenty of information on each type of diaper, down to the various brands. There are so many options that can fit the needs of any family’s lifestyle or needs. Unsure about something, there is always someone there waiting to help.

It’s just out right fun. I’m sure that I am not the only one who has considered having more children just so I can keep buying cloth diapers. I never thought I would say it, but I am in love. I am in love with diapers. Poo and wet diapers can actually be fun. No longer is diapering a necessary evil! Gone are the days of diapering the way grandma use to do it, unless that is what you want to do. No longer do I dread that next diaper change. I look forward to putting on my next favorite color or print on the baby. I get excited trying various ways of cloth diapering (prefolds, flats, pockets, etc….) I’m also sure that I’m not the only one who simply likes to look at my stash recounting them every so often.

Lastly, I must also admit that the laundry can be pretty fun also. I am so pleased when I see that I have successfully washed all of my diapers and there are no stains in sight. Plus there is a whole community of parents who use cloth diapers. The connections made and friendships are priceless. There are Facebook communities, people on Youtube and blogs all dedicated to cloth diapering. So, are you brave enough to say that you too are in love with diapering? Enjoy this time, have fun, it goes by so fast. Happy diapering!!!

By: NA'Arah

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1 comment:

Michael said...

Thanks for sharing your passion about this diaper--I will certainly keep this information in mind for the future when the day comes for me to raise kids of my own =).