Friday, September 19, 2014
Fluff Friday 301
Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??
This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 Thirsties Bundle: 1 Wet Bag, 1 Duo Wrap, and 1 Hemp Prefold
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I haven't tried any for diaper covers per se. But my favorite inserts for pocket diapers are hemp/cotton blend! Works soooo well! And doesn't bunch up or sag when wet! :)
I actually like the Thirsties hemp insert with micro over it. trim but absorbent.
I liked using flour sack towels.
I like charcoal bamboo inserts the best. Or Thirsties hemp!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com
I don't know yet (still pregnant!) but I hear a ton of great things about hemp!
I love the Thirsties inserts in place of the microfiber ones that come with most pocket diapers.
My favorite diaper insert for covers is a flat. They wash up well and last forever! Plus, they are cost effective.
LOVE your site!
i have only tried prefold and microfiber. i like prefold for washer easier, but microfiber seem to hold more.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Thirsties products!
I'm expecting my first child in December and plan on cloth diapering. I've done a lot of research and I think hemp inserts are best for soaking, especially at night!
I love bamboo prefolds in covers; I'd love to try hemp as well!
I love prefolds. They are cheap and keep cloth diapering cost down.
Really want
I like GMD fitteds inside covers.
I love the flip inserts for covers.
I *think* I posted one earlier but because of some tech issues, I'm not certain. So, our fave insert is a kissaluvs fitted.
Charcoal Bamboo Inserts
I like the Stay Dry inserts.
I am new to CD, so I don't have a favorite insert yet. However, I am leaning towards natural inserts! Thanks!!
I love Organic Flip daytime inserts in my covers!
I currently only have flats for my covers, but I'm looking into getting some hemp boosters for them.
Hemp are my favorite inserts
My favorite inserts for our almost 7 month old boy are definitely unbleached prefolds from osocozy! They are very absorbent, affordable, wash well, and dry fast! So versatile! Just tri-fold into any cover or pocket diaper and you are good to go!
I've used only Flip inserts. Would love to try something new!
My favorite insert and cover combo was the Geffen Baby hemp prefold inside a Flip cover for my son overnight. But, If I'd had a Thirsties cover in Size 2 when I started doing this combo, I'm sure it would have been fabulous! I thought the Thirsties stay-dry duo (the microfiber paired with the hemp insert that snap together) was an awesome combo inside the duo wrap.
I love Flip inserts and the Thirsties Hemp ones too!
I love my Thirsties hemp inserts, especially because I have a heavy wetter.
I'm yet to try inserts with covers. So far I only used pockets.
Hemp flatts
I know absolutely nothing about cloth diapers but I'm trying to learn!
I actually have one thristies prefold and it works great!
softbums bamboo is the best
I actually don't have a favorite. I am brand new to cloth. I like the idea of natural fibers though.
Fitteds and prefolds!
I like bamboo inserts
I have yet to use the inserts I have for my diapers. I have bamboo and microfiber
First time mom, new to cloth diapering. Excited to try thirsties brand!
I like flats and Thirsties fab doublers. They're great in the diaper bag.
GMD Prefolds
i have been dying to try a thirsties diaper! we just started building our stash and started cloth diapering 3 weeks ago and LOVE it
Prefolds are my fave insert!
We don't have any covers yet! :(
I love flip inserts and unbleached Indian prefolds for all my covers.
My favorite inserts are a prefold with a bamboo booster for naps.
I've been interested in trying hemp for diapering :)
my favorite inserts are Thirsties duo hemp prefolds!
So far, all I've used with diaper covers are cotton prefolds. They work wonderfully, but she's soon to outgrow them & I'd love some other options!
I love Thirsties hemp inserts. They're amazing in my son's overnight diapers.
so far my favorite inserts are geffen quick absorber plus.
Love floor sack towels and hemp inserts
I don't have a favorite yet but I'm definitely planning to try geffen baby and grovia prefolds!
Hemp is my favorite! I have a super heavy wetter.
I really like using my indian cotton, but i have a couple fleece ones I have waiting to try for number 2
I adore hemp and have switched the majority of our stash to it
I love Thirsties Duo inserts!
I don't have a particular favorite. I just use a variety of prefolds. I do, however, prefer my Econobum prefolds for overnight in a Bummis Super Whisper Wrap cover.
I'm still waiting on baby #1, so I don't know what my favorite will be. But I really like the idea of using natural fibers, and I have heard wonderful things about hemp.
Our favorite inserts for covers are hemp/cotton fitteds.
Cotton prefolds
I like prefolds.
I love to use prefolds!
100% cotton prefolds
Favorite inserts for diapers are prefolds abd microfiber inserts. Oh and charcoal.
I like hemp flats.
I like gdiaper, best bottoms, or bumkins prefolds as inserts for covers.
i love using prefolds as inserts!
Cotton and hemp!
I love hemp inserts, looking into getting fabric to make my own!
I don't know what my favorite anything is yet. I'm expecting my first baby in December.
I am completely new to CDing so I don't know the answer to this yet. Little one is due in October so I will be getting some experience soon.
I am a prefold fan for putting inside diaper cover, but I love the Thirsties ones because they are so trim!
We love bamboo and organic cotton inserts!
I still have a newborn so midrofiber isn't a problem , but somebody gifted us bamboo blend inserts so Ive started trying those, but haven't noticed a difference yet.
My favorite inserts are Grovia stay dry
Would love to win and try Thirsties!
And my favorite inserts are micro-fleece and hemp flats!
love thirsties hemp and bum genius overnight
Hemp babies!
Prefolds :)
I am just starting my CD stash for my first baby. Never used a cover and insert just yet. I am thinking of getting a peachy baby insert.
My favorite inserts are prefolds!
So far the only diaper cover insert I've had a chance to try is the OsoCozy prefold trifolded. It can be a little bulky on the little ones but it works.
New to CD but love bum genius!
Yay for fluff Friday!
I usually use flats with my diaper covers. :)
I'm looking forward to trying these with our new baby!
I love the flip stay dry inserts
Currently my favorite inserts for covers are grovia bamboo prefolds!
I've always wanted to try a hemp prefold! Everyone raves about them!
I'm not sure what my favorite inserts are yet since baby has yet to be born.
I like OsoCozy and Imagine prefolds withThirsties covers!
This is a great giveaway. I can always use more Thirsties hemp and Duo Wrap Cover,
Cotton Prefolds!
I like just about any stay dry insert. Best bottoms are probably my favorite.
I like a bamboo or hemp insert. Also like prefolds especially for nap and bed times!
I love prefolds in covers.
Fluff mail!
At this point, I just use pockets, but am interested in trying other options.
FLuffy mail
I like sloomb prefolds/flats for covers!
I always use prefolds for inserts in covers. :)
I dont have a favorite yet because I am new to cloth diapering! Cant wait to get started in Decemeber :)
I love Osocozy Stay Dry Better Fit Prefolds. They are pretty much all we use (with a hemp insert at night time). I'm surprised they aren't more popular (no one I have told about them has ever even heard of them).
Thirsties and Applecheeks are my two go to inserts.
i like prefolds!
My favorite 'insert' to use with covers is a prefold tri-folded into the cover. Quick, easy and inexpensive. I've mostly used just basic cotton prefolds but I'd love to try one of the Thirsties Hemp prefolds!
I'm a fan of bamboo inserts! absorbent, soft and good for everyone :)
Apple cheeks bamboo
We have a mix of Flip overnight inserts and Thirties duo hemp pre-folds to lay in covers and stuff in pockets. After trying tons a combinations I love how easy pre-folds are to use.
i love hemp/cotton inserts. they are trim & absorbent
Prefolds get the job done, but the Flip newborn inserts are my favorite doubles. So soft, so dry!
I really like my flats.
I have never purchased cloth diapers new, but I was given two used sets of Bum Genius all-in-ones. The inserts are very absorbent and wash well. They are lasting without getting ugly or stinky.
I love my flats!!!
I like hemp or bamboo inserts, but I tend to only use prefolds under covers. I would like to try flats though.
My favorite insert for a diaper cover s the thirties hemp duo pre fold.
I use thirties hemp duo prefolds with diaper covers
I haven't tried enough cloth diapers yet, so I'm not sure what my favorite are.
i love to use natural fibers so we do a lot of prefolds and flats in our house
Geffen baby or moraki hemp/cotton!
I love using prefolds as inserts. They are much easier to clean.
I love bamboo cloth diaper inserts!
I love natural fiber inserts. I want to get more hemp inserts but right now I use mostly cotton
I have never used covers so I am clueless!
I love these thirties covers
I haven't actually tried this system and would like to. I have only used pockets with microfiber so having another alternative would be great!
I've never used a diaper cover, so I don't know what my favorite insert is.
I think the best inserts are prefolds!
My favorite inserts for diaper covers are Grovia Bamboo prefolds. :)
I love just using flats!
I love rumparooz bamboo inserts and prefolds
I love bamboo prefolds!
I love bamboo prefolds!
So far my prefolds are my absolute favorite!
my favorite inserts would be my prefolds they just seem to hold so much!
I really like the Thirsties duo hemp ones!
i like hemp flats
We've only been using cloth for a week, but so far I really like the GroVia soaker pad.
My favorite inserts are prefolds.
My favorite insert is a prefold.
So far I like flour sack towels and I think I have a Geffen insert that is nice too.
prefolds are my favorite to use as inserts since they provide extra layers when needed and can spread out to cover more area
-Lindsay Jackson
I am new & own NO cloth diapers yet! so i don't have a favorite liner but would still like to win :)
Can't wait to start our diaper stash for baby #1
I love Hemp as an insert paired with microfiber - if I need an extra boost!
I really like good ole' prefolds!
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