Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Thursday, January 29, 2015

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How To Tell When You Have Too Many Cloth Diapers

  • When you spend more time trying to decide which diaper to put on the bum then the actual diaper change takes.
  • When your mail carrier sees you he says, “No diaper package this week? Have you been sick?”
  • You’re looking at your phone and say “OH my gosh, that is so cute” and your husband’s only response is…just get it.
  • Your phone added Kelly’s Closet as the only “frequently visited” site in your mobile browser.
  • You could pay for a month’s worth of groceries in Diaper Dollars from Kelly’s Closet.
  • You have enough diapers to keep two in each car, both parents’ work offices, and maybe a few at Grandma’s house. (However this is a really good idea for emergencies J)
  • You find a diaper in a bag from a trip…you took 4 months ago…and didn’t even realize it was missing.
  • Your day care provider says, “I thought you wanted to save money by Cloth Diapering” when she sees a new print each week.
  • You tell your friends, “don’t worry...they’re his college fund”
  • Finally, just kidding because you can never have too many cloth diapers!  Just look how cute they look when they are running away from you:
Bio: Stephanie is a full time work at home mom to her 16-month-old son. She loves trying to live as crunchy as possible while enjoying her Starbucks Americano’s with Heavy Cream. She’s mildly obsessed with cloth diapers and binging on Friends reruns on Netflix.

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Unknown said...

I love cloth diapers! I thought they would be difficult to clean, but once you get used to it it's really not too bad. It takes a bit of practice to get the cleaning down. Once you get into a good rhythm, however, you'll be glad you went the cloth route. You save A LOT of money. Thanks for sharing your tips with us!

Unknown said...

I love cloth diapers! I thought they would be difficult to clean, but once you get used to it it's really not too bad. It takes a bit of practice to get the cleaning down. Once you get into a good rhythm, however, you'll be glad you went the cloth route. You save A LOT of money. Thanks for sharing your tips with us!