Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Sunday, February 1, 2009

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Fluff Fridays - Week 14 **** CLOSED ****

Welcome to this week's giveaway!!!!

What would you win? The winner will get:
* 6 SoftBums Perfect Fit Diapers
* 18 Snap in Inserts
This super generous giveaway is given directly by the manufacturer of SoftBums.. A retail value of $320.00

What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us do you have more than one baby in diapers?? how do you manage?? If you only have one child tell us what you think you would manage with two babies on diapers. Don’t forget to leave a way for us to contact you if you're the winner. You don’t need to have a blog to win, but be sure to leave your email address if you don’t have one.

When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, February 5th at 8pm EST.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:

1 - Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
2 - Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
3 - Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating on other posts pays off!!!
4 - Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
5 - Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
6 - Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you our fan.
Still confused?? Visit our FAQ's.

How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, February 6th, and will notify the winner by blog or email that they've won.

Who can participate? US Residents and Canadians are welcome!

Important note about the winner: If we havent hear from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will be choosing another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner. We promise to do our best to get in contact with the winners. Canadians winners will be responsable for shipping costs.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you dont win, what a better person to win that a friend of yours!!


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Leigh Anne said...

I only have one baby in diapers at the moment, but we are thinking of conceiving #2 soon. This definitely had me thinking about the "two in diapers". Right now, we are only using PFs & covers, which is pretty easy so far. However, I think w/ two, I'd like to start using the AIOs. OS would be best so I wouldn't really have to worry about which is whose.

Kippy said...

I have your button on my blog!

Leigh Anne said...

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Leigh Anne said...

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The McKitterick Family said...

Looks like an awesome Fluff Friday! I just checked out those diapers on to learn more about them, they look great! I only have one child, but will have two soon enough (due in August) in cloth diapers... unless my daughter is done with potty training by the time she is 2 (not sure how likely that will be). But I would be excited to check out these cloth diapers on a newborn since I have no newborn cloth diapers. Eventually I will have to get some newborn cloth diapers, and once our second child is out of newborn size we should be all set since we have the BumGenius 3.0One Size Pocket diapers, which will fit both children. I will just most likely need to wash more often and hopefully potty training goes well so we might not have two in diapers for long.

A Psych Mommy said...

I left a comment on the Soft bums post!

Jenn said...

do you have more than one baby in diapers?? how do you manage??

yep I have 2 in diapers , my 2 1/2 yr old and my 11 month old. I have 2 different stashes too. for the older one i have , 7 L FB and 8 MT OS , and for the baby I have OS diapers so he can use them for a while , BG OS is my fave but I also like HH OS w/snaps , wahmies OS w/snaps and BK OS .

Jenn said...

i am a follower :0)

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i am subscriber :0)

A Psych Mommy said...

I was thinking more about how I would manage with two in diapers--I think what would be helpful is teaching my oldest son how to help me out such as how to stuff the pocket diapers or to help sort out prefolds and covers. It would be a great teaching moment as well and it will also help keep him occupied while I change his younger sibling's diaper!

Jenn said...

i have your button on my blog :)

Jenn said...

I am a facebook fan :0)

Jenn said...

i commented on the product focus : softbums .. awesome dipes ;)

Rachel Bates said...

I only have one baby so far, but I plan to cloth diaper any future kids too! Then I can pass along outgrown diapers to the new baby.

Rachel Bates said...

I'm a follower.

K said...

I commented on the post "Product Focus: Softbums."

K said...

I have a button for your site on my blog!

K said...

I advertise Fluff Fridays on my blog too! :)

K said...

I forgot to mention another way I hope to manage with two in cloth diapers (once the baby is born sometime within the next two weeks): I have a small supply of one-size diapers to use with both kids too. I started with Bum-Genius OS but found they were not fitting right on my 2.5 year old (just a bit too small/low rise on her). So after reading about them on this blog (yay), I found that the Happy Heinys one-size worked just a little better. It has just enough extra room for my toddler and can still be made smaller once the baby arrives. I probably won't use the one-size with our newborn right away (I have a stash of NB/x-small diapers for the first few weeks), but eventually, I might be able to use the one-size diapers on both kids...making things a little easier to manage, not to mention less confusing for others who might end up changing some diapers around here (husband, in-laws, etc.). Any thing to make life (and sorting laundry) easier! Ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

I currently have three in diapers (for about two months we had FOUR, but our son finally trained!!!). One thing I've learned when it comes to changing diapers is that it's just a way of life. It's about as commonplace as grabbing a drink of water! Gender-neutral Bum Genius works wonders for me because I can throw all the diapers in one drawer, and adjust the size depending on who's getting the diaper change. Because my children are so close in age, and have different builds, I am able diaper all three (3yo, 2yo, and 7mo) in the same diapers.

You know how sometimes you feel like a fulfilled housewife doing certain chores? For me, cloth diapering is fulfilling (whereas disposable diapering is just a chore). There's something nice about putting some freshly washed fluff on your babies, and (up until two days ago, thanks to my hubby installing the BG diaper sprayer) dunking out the poop in the toilet. (Now I get to enjoy spraying them out)

My current system involves the following ingredients:
A stash of BG's and some FB's
A stack of homemade cloth wipes
A tupperware container with baby-bit solution (I dunk the wipes in as needed)
A 5 gal bucket...
...Lined with a Planetwise cloth pail liner (I have two and rotate them with the wash)
And a diaper sprayer

I easily fill a 5gal bucket full of fluff and wipes by the end of the day. I usually run yesterday's load before lunch the next day, and by evening I process and stuff everything and stock the table before the rest of the stash runs out.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I commented over at the SoftBums post. :-) I love the CDW blog... it's so interactive and fun! It's almost like a yahoo group or something!

Katrina said...

I left a comment on Product Focus: Softbums

Katrina said...

When I started CDing eight months ago I had two in diapers. I choose to use the one size Bum Genius because I could use the same diaper for both boys. I color coordinated by size so that I could quickly grab the right diaper for each child. When my oldest potty trained and outgrew the Bum Genius, I didn't have any "wasted" diapers since my youngest could wear them.

Kelly said...

I only have one in diapers right now, but I often think about what it would be like to have two. I think the biggest difference would be washing more often. I have pocket diapers right now, but I am thinking next time I have a newborn, I will buy either some fitteds and covers or a Bummis package. Then I would probably designate a couple colors for the older child and a couple for the younger so I can keep them adjusted and know, for example, if I pull out a pink diaper it is going for the older child or a yellow for the younger.

Kelly said...

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Kelly said...

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Cecile said...

I posted a comment on the Product Focus

Cecile said...

I have the Fluff Friday button on my brand new blog

Cecile said...

It's all about organisation, I agree. A bit of work, but diapering can actually be fun with cloth diapers.

The McKitterick Family said...

I commented on the Product Focus: Softbums.

Liz said...

I commented in "Product focus:Softbums"

calabaza said...

I posted on the the product focus on the awesome all in two!

Shannon said...

So far I only have one in cloth diapers. We would like to try for another baby when the first one is getting ready for potty training. Since I am currently using the one-size snap type of diapers, if I had another baby I would choose a different brand or go with one-size diapers to keep them seperate. Having the luxury of having the kids in seperate rooms would probably help too for organization.

Sara said...

I only have one little one in diapers, but hopefully that will change soon. I think I will manage by having a better system of organization to keep all the different sizes separate or get FABULOUS one-size diapers like these! I wish I could afford a whole one-size system, but it is WAY out of the price range right now. (Esp because I am having trouble with repelling from the 3 OS that I DO have).

Sara said...

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and a facebook fan!

Sara in Seattle said...

commented on product focus: softbums

Sara said...

I posted on the Product Focus: Softbums....I have never wanted to win so badly before!

Sara said...

I have a button on my blog as well! (Right hand side)

Anonymous said...

I commented on the post: Product Focus:Softbums. I would love to give those diapers a try.

4themfamily at gmail dot com

Katie said...

I have one baby in diapers, but I think 2 would basically mean twice the laundry. I use one-sized bumgenius primarily, so ideally, both of my children would be wearing the same diapers. I would just have to double up my stash!

Katie said...

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Katie said...

I made a comment on "Product Focus: Softbums."

Maggie said...

I put your button on my blog.

Kelly said...

I currently only have one in diapers but that will be changing in 4 short months! My oldest was just out of diapers completely when #2 arrived so this will be a major change for me to have two in diapers. I have been thinking about it more and more each day and realize that I can never really prepare for it until it happens. I can say I am not a good planner or organizier and work better under pressure :)

Kelly said...

I left a comment on the Product Focus: Softbums.

Umm Sayf said...

Wow! What strong ladies you all are who have more than one in dipes.
Thank God, mine all seemed to potty train before their siblings arrived.
I agree about the one size dipes - be they pockets or otherwise, that would be a real blessing with more than one in diapers.
I think I would probably not use all pockes (too cost restrictive) but maybe onesize contours with different size (and color for easy grabbing) covers.

Umm Sayf said...

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Umm Sayf said...

I have your button on my blog:

EdenSky said...

I have only one baby in diapers, but if I had more I'd be even happier with cloth because where I live the garbage is picked up once per week and we have to pay for each bag, no way I want that many dirty diapers stinking up the place!

EdenSky said...

commented on softbums product focus.

Erika said...

i commented on the "softbums- product focus" blog! love the idea behind them :)

Erika said...

So I was thinking that if you had two in diapers you'd need a really big diaper bag!! :)

Mulberry Mama said...

I currently have only one in diapers, but we are passively trying (read:not preventing) for #3, so I may have 2 in diapers at some point, if we get pregnant in the next few months. I did sposies with my first, and converted to cloth when #2 was about a year old. I hope to start potty training my son sometime next summer, using cloth for that as well. I only with I had known about all the cool cloth options when my first was born. I would have saved so much money on diapers!

As for organization, I think cloth is easier to manage with multiple kids in diapers. My sister has two currently in disposables, age 2 and newborn, and she's always running out to buy one size or another. With one size cloth dipes, you never have that problem!

Mulberry Mama said...

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Mulberry Mama said...

I have your giveaway button on my blog:

the monkeys' mama said...

I'm a subscriber!

the monkeys' mama said...

I only have 1 child but I cannot wait to have more. I think that 1) I'd take all the advice given by the previous posters and 2) I'd have to buy a few more One-Size Pockets so that we could have enough for 2 days for 2 kids!

AScott said...

I have an 8 month old in Softbums diapers. I am relatively new to cloth and have only been using them for about 2 months, but I love them! I instantly have the feeling of saving money not having to buy disposables and diaper genie refills. Sometime this year we'll be trying for our second and have pondered what to do with two babies in cloth. I already wash her diapers once a day, so will mostly likely have to buy more and continue my once a day wash!

AScott said...

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Katie said...

I have two in diapers. How I do it: constant laundry and, I change their diapers at the same time (as much as possible). That way I am not changing one all the time.

Katie said...

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Katie said...

I commented on product focus:soft buns

AScott said...

I put the button in my blog.

AScott said...

I posted on the Product Focus: Softbums.

AScott said...

Posted in How to use a Softbums - Video.

AScott said...

Posted the button in my blog:

MaineMomma said...

commented on the "How To use a Soft Bums - Video" post!

Minnie said...

Commented on "How To use a Soft Bums - Video"

Dani said...

I only have 1 in diapers right now, and the thought of 2 overwhelms me! B is hard enough now to change, he crawls away the minute the diaper comes off (and before that was trying to leap off the changing table!). I guess with 2+ in diapers, it would be easiest to have one space dedicated to diapering so everything is in one place.

Minnie said...

Commented on "Double the fun!"

Minnie said...

I love the time I spend w/ my daughter when she is on the changing table...belly raspberries, tickles and lots of kisses! So I know that having two diapers at the same time will give me (or DH) some special one on one time with each child.

Jenn said...

i commented on the video post , of how to use a softbums diaper :0) awesome diapers .. awesome

Jenny and Gary said...

commented on the product focus for softbums post

Angela said...

commented on: "How To use a Soft Bums - Video"

Angela said...

For when I had two in diapers/traingers, we did the differnt diaper or colors. It was just easier for my 2yo to know which ones were hers.

Angela said...

commented on: Double the fun!

Knit Wit said...

I commented on, "How to use a Softbums-Video."

Knit Wit said...

I commented on,"Double the Fun."

Anonymous said...

I commented on Double the Fun.

ireland241 at adelphia dot net

Tanya said...

I commented on this weeks Product Focus. It's so great to read about who is behind these great things!

Anonymous said...

I also change my kids diapers at the same time. In fact, with two close in age, I've finally learned to do almost everything at the same time. My kids now eat, bathe, dress, and sleep at the same time. It saves me time and mental energy trying to keep track of when each need was met.

ireland 241 at adelphia dot net

Erika said...

I commented on "Double the Fun" blog.

Erika said...

I was wondering if you have two in cloth (which I don't), would you use the same brand of diapers or not? I guess it depends on the shape and size of each child, right??
I guess having two would give parents a good "excuse" to buy more fluff!!!! :)
(although I don't even have one in diapers and I don't need the excuse!!! It's addicting. :)

Cecile said...

I posted a comment on Double the fun

Cecile said...

I posted a comment on the SoftBum video

The McKitterick Family said...

Looks like an awesome Fluff Friday! I just checked out those diapers on to learn more about them, they look great! I only have one child, but will have two soon enough (due in August) in cloth diapers... unless my daughter is done with potty training by the time she is 2 (not sure how likely that will be). But I would be excited to check out these cloth diapers on a newborn since I have no newborn cloth diapers. Eventually I will have to get some newborn cloth diapers, and once our second child is out of newborn size we should be all set since we have the BumGenius 3.0One Size Pocket diapers, which will fit both children. I will just most likely need to wash more often and hopefully potty training goes well so we might not have two in diapers for long.

Cecile said...

Right now, diapering my toddler is fairly easy. It's only at night and for naps, and she won't move if I ask her not to. Now, with the 10 month old... it's more tiring than a run around the block and requires advanced wrestling skills.

MaineMomma said...

commented on the "Double the fun!" post!

Carol said...

I commented on Double the Fun!

MaineMomma said...

How do I manage 2 in diapers? Well, luckily 1 is potty trained and the other is training, so their cloth usage is mostly for night and nap, with 1-3 more dipes per day for the "in training" daughter. But, in about 8 weeks or so, we'll be adding another blessing to the mix!
So, how will I manage 3 in diapers?
1. have an ample stash ~ my diaper laundry is currently on an every other day basis, and I'd like to keep it that way!
2. Maintain the organization! Everything has its place, and should return there once cleaned ` stuffed and ready to go!
3. Continue training DD#2... the sooner she's using the potty and not dipes (or having accidents) the easier idea 1 and 2 will be! (At that time I'll probably transition my older two to using just the 8 med fuzzi bunz for night and nap and assign all my bumgenius 3.0 OS to DD#3, who also has her own stash of fuzzis and some PFs)

Katie said...

I commented on "How To use a Soft Bums - Video."

Anonymous said...

I only have one in cloth dipes, but diapering 2 would mean I get more bang for the buck...Hubby is looking forward to reusing the sized dipes (he's been boasting to every1 about our CDs). For me it would mean buying a bigger wet bag since we used sized diapers mostly usually AIOs/some pockets (have some one-sized) and definitely being more organized. For hubby, it means he'll have more diaper prepping to do (he helps me sort nighttime from daytime dipes and put the liners in each dipe).

(for the moderator: I can be contacted at

Instant Family of 4 said...

Posted a comment on "How To use a Soft Bums - Video".

Instant Family of 4 said...

I cloth diaper 2 but since they are generally the same size (twins) it doesn't seem much harder than it would to cd 2 just more diapers to buy and wash.

Instant Family of 4 said...

Posted a comment on ""Double the fun!"

Katie said...

I commented on "Double the fun!"

Katie said...

I only have one in cloth right now, but I've really enjoyed the tips other people have left about having 2 or more in cloth. These tips will definitely come in hand when we have 2!

Kelly said...

I left a comment on the "How To use a Soft Bums - Video" post. Thanks for posting the video I found.

Katrina said...

I left a comment on the the Softbums video post

Katrina said...

I left a comment on the Double the Fun post

Maggie said...

If I had two in diapers, I'd use all your great tips to manage.

Katrina said...

I have two boys in diapers. My youngest is in cloth full time, and my oldest is day time potty trained and only wears cloth at night. When I first started CDing, both boys were in diapers and I used BumGenius one size diapers. I color coded by size for each child so that it was easy for anyone to grab the right diaper at changing time.

Maggie said...

I left a comment on "Double the fun!"

Katie said...

I have one in cloth and one on the way!! I'm already trying to plan out my diaper strategy so that I can successfully CD both at once!!

Katie said...

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Katie said...

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Sara in Seattle said...

commented on "how to use a softbums"

Kelly said...

I am a subscriber as well.

Kelly said...

I am a fan on facebook

Kelly said...

I have the Fluff Friday button on my blog.

Kelly said...

I left a comment on the Double the fun! post. Can't wait to join the crowd :)

erinsmomma said...

I only have one in diapers but this week's giveaway has definitely gotten me thinking about how much more challenging it would be to have two or more! I think one-size diapers are probably the easiest way to do most of the multi-diapering.

A Psych Mommy said...

I left a comment on Serena's great post, Double the fun!

A Psych Mommy said...

Thanks to Serena's post, I can imagine myself having two in diapers. I know my husband always said that he doesn't want to have two in diapers at the same time--I'm going to have to direct him to this site. I think I'm going to go buy some new diapers now (gender neutral!) so that they will last longer for a second!

Maggie said...

I left a comment on "How To use a Soft Bums - Video".

Meghan said...

I commented on "Product Focus: Softbums".

Kelly Hutcheson said...

Buying more diapers would be my answer! especially the one sizers so i could use them on both! BG rocks!!

Kelly said...

I only have one child, but when I have two in diapers, I will probably designate a couple colors pre-adjusted to one child and a couple to the other, again pre-adjusted (I use one size diapers). I will probably purchase either fitteds and covers or a bummis package for the newborn days, and then just a few more one size diapers. And I anticipate doing laundry a little more often!

KayStarGoesGREEN said...

Another way I might do organization for two cloth diapered kiddos would be to have a separate drawer in a dresser or storage drawers for each child.

Happy Tuesday, all! (:

Stacey Gonzalez said...

Having 2 in diapers... we are considering whether to have a second child. Without a doubt if we do, we will have 2 in cloth. I think that I would be able to do a better job form the start with cloth now that I know what I like and don't like.

We do sized diapers during the day and BumGenius at nap and bed time. Both babies could share nap and bedtime diapers! woohoo

I would definitely need to be more consistent of getting laundry done though!

KayStarGoesGREEN said...

I left a comment on "Softbums- product focus." (: Super amazing looking product!!!

Dani said...

I only have 1 in cloth right now. I really like Serena's tip of having different colors for each child and having separate diaper pails. It would help the DH remember whose wearing what!

Dani said...

I left a comment on today's post "Double the Fun"

Meghan said...

I commented on "How to use a Soft Bums - Video".

Meghan said...

I commented on "Double the Fun!".

Madeline said...

I only have one in cloth diapers right now. If I ever end up with two in diapers, I'll have to get more organized about laundry days. I'd also have to get bigger wet bags for outings.

Umm Sayf said...

just commented on "double the fun"

Umm Sayf said...

just commented on "softbums video"

Umm Sayf said...

On a tight budget, I think that using prefolds, homemade flece liners, and different sized covers would work great for 2 kids!

AScott said...

Commented in Double the Fun!

Rachel Bates said...

I only have one child right now, but I would think additional kids wouldn't be that hard - just keep it all organized and your washer will be twice as full! :)

Anonymous said...

I help cloth diaper my two boys. I help with the baby laundry as often as possible but don't stuff the diapers because my hands are too big. Thanks again for another great giveaway!

jallendavis (at)

Anonymous said...

I am a new subscriber through google.

jallendavis (at)

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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jallendavis at

Anonymous said...

I posted on Product focus:Softbums

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I have one in diapers. I think i would be pulling my hair out with two. Im already splitting the diaper responsibility with my husband and that is crazy as it is. Two diapers means two screaming babies. I think I was given what my limits could handle with my little girl.

kristinafleener0724 at yahoo dot com

Shannon said...

I am pretty new to cloth diapering, and only have one in diapers. When she was born, however, my 2 year old was still in diapers. At the time we were using disposables. It was crazy! It felt like we were constantly running to the store to buy diapers and wipes. The diaper pail was always full. And the smell! YUK!! Knowing what I know now about cloth and how easy it is to use, I wish I could turn back time and use cloth diapers on them both. I can't imagine how much money we spent and waste we sent to the landfills!!

Shannon said...

I have your button on my blog.

Katie said...

I commented on Double the Fun

Katie said...

I have two in diapers and my only comment is; laundry, laundry, laundry. I like to make it as simple as possible, so I use one size. I do not want to have to sort diapers or search for the right size for the right child.

Anonymous said...

We have a 13 month old and a 1 week old. At this point we are using sposies on the newest. We are waiting for his cord to fall off to use cloth full time at home. I started to use cloth with him but it irritated his cord. Really I dont see much difference between CDing 2 and using sposies on 2. It will amount to more washes for my diapers, but I would have already been changing a diaper so the time won't be that different. I helped my Mom CD up to 3 at a time and even that wasn't a big deal as long as we had enough diapers and kept them washed. Granted, the diaper pail does fill up a bit faster though :) I am excited about getting to use my diapers for our second though! I am so pleased to be able to look at how much I have spent and sewn and realize that it was for TWO babies!!! Not just 1!!

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on Facebook too!!!!

JustForMommy said...

I have 2 boys close in age. One is 17 1/2 months and the other is 2 months. Having them both in cloth makes life pretty easy. My older boy is usually a bit more patient about things. I don't find it much harder to deal since the early months with a baby are probably the easiest. Now, when DS #2 gets older and is mobile.. then we'll talk about it being difficult. Sometimes it does get a little chaotic, I'll say that much. But usually that is when the end of the day approaches and both are tired.

My oldest is hardest to change. He wiggles and worms around like crazy. He's always on the go these days. Run here.. run there! In order to get him to sit still I usually have to bribe him with something.. Sometimes one of his toys works. Others it MUST be my cell phone or something else that is "way cool". He's also extremely ticklish. Fastening his diaper gets the loudest giggle snorts out of him that I have ever heard. It makes me laugh right with him

Sara in Seattle said...

commented on Double the Fun

calabaza said...

I just left a comment on the thoughts on two in cloth.

Kelly said...

I currently only have one in diapers but #2 in diapers is on it's way (16 weeks and counting) My first 2 boys were in prefolds and covers until they got bigger. Now #2 is in OS BG and med/lg FBs. And I have stocked up on a stash of sm FB seconds for the new arrival. So I think I will just have two seperate piles of diapers, one for each kid but it will be nice to just put a few OS diapers in the diaper bag and adjust for whoever may need it.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have a baby and a preschooler that wears nightime diapers. I also would like a 3rd child in a year or two. I think a one-size diaper is best for multi-children.


AScott said...

I think the different color per sizes is a good idea to keep track of who's is who's.

I kind of cringe at the thought of needing twice as many cloth as I have now, though I know it would be a money saver in the long run!

Maggie said...

I blogged about this giveaway.

Jenn said...

i commented on double the fun :)

Jenn said...

i just want to echo what i have read a few other mom's say .. i love cd my boys .. it is cute .. and i love the $ savings as well as the not throwing stuff in the trash :) i really wish we could kick the sposies all together but we have not found a nite time solution .. anyone have ideas ?? i would love to see a post on this :0) this is my only thing i want to change :) CD 2 rules !!

Liz said...

I commented in "Soft Bums video".

Liz said...

I commented in "double the fun"

K said...

I'm a Facebook fan!

K said...

I'm really curious to see how using OS diapers would work with having two kids. It seems like a lot of them would be bulky for the first few weeks on a newborn, but we'll see how it goes. It seems to me that getting OS and being able to use them for two kids (or at least for one kids and for a few months/year or so with a second child if they hold up that long), would be VERY economical! I also bought a couple different sizes of prefolds - I've been able to use the small ones that I bought for my newborn/youngest as doublers/inserts for the diapers my toddler is wearing as we work on potty training. So anytime I can double use stuff, I figure it is saving money and making things easier!

Anonymous said...

I commented at "Double the Fun"

Katie said...

I commented at Product Focus: Softbums

Katie said...

I commented at "Double the fun!"

Katie said...

I added the button to my blog:

Tami Tripp said...

I have 3 in diapers! 1 is only at night the other 2 are full time and not ending anytime soon. I have enough diapers to do laundry every other day. The hardest part for me is doing the laundry early enough in the day to make sure the covers are dry by bedtime.

I love the money we save and that I'm not filling the landfills with diapers.

Tami Tripp said...

I am a follower.

Tami Tripp said...

I am a subscriber.

Tami Tripp said...

I have your button on my blog.

Tami Tripp said...

I blogged about your give aways on my blog. Your give aways are great and I love learning about new diapers on your blog.

Tami Tripp said...

I left a comment about your product focus "soft bums".

Tami Tripp said...

I left a comment on the story "Double Fun". Fun story topic since I have 3 in diapers.

team krasean said...

I have two little ones (6 months and 2 yrs) in diapers all the time and one more (4 yrs) that wears diapers at night. I use prefold and covers during the day (small and large), so it is easy to separate the sizes. At night, they wear FuzziBunz and BumGenius and each kid has their own color for night.

The best part of cloth diapering 3 kids is thinking about how much I have saved ($ and trash) now that my littlest is wearing the same diapers we bought 4 years ago. My prefolds are showing some serious signs of wear!! It's great!

Anonymous said...

In a few short weeks I'll have 2 in diapers!
I can't wait to have a 1 year old and a newborn both wear the same diaper!!!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I commented on Double the Fun.

Anonymous said...

I commented on How to use a SoftBums Video.

Anonymous said...

I commented on Product Focus: SoftBums.

Anonymous said...

I commented at "Diapering Times TWO!"

Angela said...

commented on: "Diapering times TWO!"

Angela said...

I no longer have two in diapers, but when I did I used two different kinds so the older one knew which where hers and could grab them. I washed them all together though.

Knit Wit said...

I commented on. "Diapering times TWO."

Erika said...

I commented on the "diapering TWO' blog.
(I loved that picture!)

Erika said...

Do most parents who have two kiddos in cloth use the one-sized diapers?
I was thinking that would be the most economical, right?

Minnie said...

left a comment on "Diapering times TWO!"

Katie said...

I commented on "Diapering times TWO!"

Katrina said...

I left a comment on Diapering Times Two.

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