Welcome to this week's giveaway!!!!
What would you win? The winner will get:
* 6 SoftBums Perfect Fit Diapers
* 18 Snap in Inserts
This super generous giveaway is given directly by the manufacturer of SoftBums.. A retail value of $320.00
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us do you have more than one baby in diapers?? how do you manage?? If you only have one child tell us what you think you would manage with two babies on diapers. Don’t forget to leave a way for us to contact you if you're the winner. You don’t need to have a blog to win, but be sure to leave your email address if you don’t have one.
When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, February 5th at 8pm EST.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:
* 18 Snap in Inserts
This super generous giveaway is given directly by the manufacturer of SoftBums.. A retail value of $320.00
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us do you have more than one baby in diapers?? how do you manage?? If you only have one child tell us what you think you would manage with two babies on diapers. Don’t forget to leave a way for us to contact you if you're the winner. You don’t need to have a blog to win, but be sure to leave your email address if you don’t have one.
When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, February 5th at 8pm EST.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:
1 - Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
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2 - Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
3 - Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating on other posts pays off!!!
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Still confused?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, February 6th, and will notify the winner by blog or email that they've won.
Who can participate? US Residents and Canadians are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we havent hear from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will be choosing another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner. We promise to do our best to get in contact with the winners. Canadians winners will be responsable for shipping costs.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you dont win, what a better person to win that a friend of yours!!
5 - Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
6 - Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you our fan.
Still confused?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, February 6th, and will notify the winner by blog or email that they've won.
Who can participate? US Residents and Canadians are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we havent hear from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will be choosing another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner. We promise to do our best to get in contact with the winners. Canadians winners will be responsable for shipping costs.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you dont win, what a better person to win that a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 537 of 537I have two boys in diapers. When I first started out I bought Bum Genius one size so that both boys could wear the same diaper. As my oldest outgrew them, I switched him to large Fuzzi Bunz which he still wears at night. (he's almost 3) Back when they both wore the BG's, I would differentiate the size diaper by color so that I could just grab and go with each diaper change.
I am hoping to have two babies in cloth at the same time. For now, I only have my daughter (my only child). I anticipate laundry more often. I also plan to buy either a bummis package or some fitteds for the newborn. Then, since we use primarily pocket one size diapers, I would designate some colors to the older child and some to the younger so I don't have to always adjust. I also have a large supply of Fuzzi Bunz size medium, so those would go to whomever they fit. I can't imagine how much I would spend a month if I had two babies in disposables. Or how much diaper trash I would have each week.
I posted a comment on diapering times two!
We're thinking about TTC again soon, so this week has been very helpful. There were a few things I didn't consider about having 2 in diapers. I guess it would make sense in some situations to keep each child's diapers separate or have a way to tell them apart. I wonder how well OS Bumgenius work for newborns.
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I posted a comment on Product Focus: Soft Bums.
I have your button on my blog, which is linked to my google/blogger ID.
I commented on "Diapering times two".
Looks like an awesome Fluff Friday! I just checked out those diapers on Kellyscloset.com to learn more about them, they look great! I only have one child, but will have two soon enough (due in August) in cloth diapers... unless my daughter is done with potty training by the time she is 2 (not sure how likely that will be). But I would be excited to check out these cloth diapers on a newborn since I have no newborn cloth diapers. Eventually I will have to get some newborn cloth diapers, and once our second child is out of newborn size we should be all set since we have the BumGenius 3.0One Size Pocket diapers, which will fit both children. I will just most likely need to wash more often and hopefully potty training goes well so we might not have two in diapers for long.
If I ever have two in diapers I will use all of your wonderful stories and advice to help me manage. Thanks for that.
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I commented on "Double the fun".
commented on "Diapering times TWO!"
While I only have Kinsley in diapers right now, another reason why I cloth diaper is because it will save SOOO much money down the road. I am still looking for that absolute perfect diaper. (I hope SoftBums are them!) I am looking at one of those toy boxes featured before to store my diapers...it looked so practical.
"How To use a Soft Bums - Video" left a comment
"Double the Fun" left a comment....lots of very good, basic advice
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I posted a comment to "Diapering times two"
I only have one child right now and I am so glad that I switched to cloth. The main reason that I did was so that I could use them when we have more children too. My stash is mostly made up of BumGenius one-size and medium Fuzzi Bunz, but now that Kelly's Closet will soon have one-size Fuzzi Bunz I'll be all set!
I commented on "Diapering times TWO!"
I commented on "How To use a Soft Bums - Video"
This is a great giveaway! Right now, we only have 1 in cloth, but hope to add to our family this year. Being organized sounds like the best way to CD 2 children!
I left a comment on todays post - cloth diapering times two.
I commented on the soft buns video.
ireland 241 at adelphia dot net
I would love to find a true one-size solution for both my 1 and 2 year old. Bum Genius is too small for my oldest. Happy Heiny barely fits. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
ireland 241 at adelphia dot net
I only have one so far, but definitely plan to cloth diaper the second as well. Some of my diapers can be reused by a 2nd baby.
I posted a comment on Diapering Times Two
To make it easier for everybody, I picked a few Happy Heiny in prints for my toddler, who only wears them at night, while the baby wears BG or FB in solid colors. My two and a half year old is very strict about what's hers and what's the baby's, and she enjoys knowing that the print diapers are hers exclusively!
commented on diapering times two
I commented on "Diapering times TWO!"
I only have one child in diapers, but I think it would take lots of organization to have two or even three! One sizers would be a must and keeping on top of the laundry.
I commented on Diapering Times Two.
I think the biggest change for me having 2 in cloth would (will?.....I think we may have another in about 9 months...still too early to tell though!)be extra laundry. I'm currently washing every other day, just a medium size load. I'm pretty sure with a newborn the loads would be a lot bigger! I'm looking forward to cloth diapering our next baby from the start!
I left a comment on the Diapering times TWO! post.
I have two babies in diapers. My oldest in diapers just turned 2. We are busy trying to potty train him. Currently he is in g diapers, but he keeps us busy with making sure he hasn't wet them.
My youngest is 8 months tomorrow. We have him in Blueberry diapers.
It is hard, because I have to keep an eye on our oldest all the time, and make sure he doesn't have an accident (which he normally does). Then I need to keep track of when I changed him last and make sure he's OK, too. It's lots of washing and changing.
We also only have 6 cloth diapers for the oldest and 9 for the youngest, so we have to make sure we keep up on the laundry every day.
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I have a baby in cloth & a preschooler that wears a diaper for bedtimes. I think one-size diapers are the best for multiple children/ages. I would love to try the SoftBums diapers!
mjones_ 82@yahoo.com
commented on the "Diapering times TWO!" post!
As a SAHM to 2- soon to be 3- daughters, I am SO glad we switched to cloth diapers! Since we are working with only 1 income, I love saving money, time, and energy any way I can- and I certainly can do all 3 with cloth diapering! I love that with my current stash of dipes, I do not have to go out to the store (esp. in our FRIGID winter weather) to buy more dipes every week, I can get by with doing diaper laundry every 2 to 3 days, and since we use pocket dipes, I can just hang them to dry and within 6 hours- even in our frozen Maine basement- they are dry! (I run the inserts on 1 cycle in the dryer and they are done too... I could put the pocket dipes in there, but I find they last longer if line dried.) My favorite thing about cloth diapers- no more stinky bags of trash hanging around waiting for trash day... and I really like that even when DD#3 arrives in 8 weeks or so our trash output will not increase from our 1 kitchen sized bag per week (if that)! And those stinky dipes? I spray off any residue from solids and keep them all bundled up in a wet bag with the "just wet" dipes until laundry day. No smell!!! How will will I continue to manage the work load when DD#3 arrives? By having enough pockets, AIOs, and PFs/covers to last through 2 days of diapering so I can maintain my current laundry schedule. The different types of dipes are to accommodate whoever is diapering the babe... daddy and grandparents love velcro, great grandparents are still really impressed with the AIOs (even though DD#2 has used them for over a year!), and the PFs/covers are to stretch the diapering (the cheapest way) between laundry days!
I currently have one in diapers but can't wait to have two, only 16 more weeks. I always think that having two in cloth just gives me more of an excuse to buy more fluff. I have definitely been stocking up lately and my husband's comment was " I thought using cloth diapers meant buying them once and not having to buy any more " He just doesn't understand how addicting cute fluff is!
i commented on diapering times TWO :0)
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I only have one in diapers, but all I can say is that I hope the next one will be a girl, cause I've purchased a ton of pink!
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I think if I have two babies in diapers, I'm going to have to really up my organization system! I like the idea of having two wet bags or diaper cans so that you can separate the diapers for each child. I'll probably have to look into getting a portable cart or something for extra diaper storage--at least it gives me an excuse to buy more dipes!
Posted a comment on "Diapering times TWO!" post.
We currently cd our 8 month old twins and really feel like we are doing something good for our boys, our earth, and our budget.
Advertised your giveaway on my blog.
I love cloth diapering our 2 boys and even help with the diaper laundry. I hope that we can cd our 3rd from birth (whenever that happens).
jallendavis (at) gmail.com
I only have one, but want another soon so that they are close in age. i've been wanting to try cloth diapers but just don't know where to start! this would be a great intro for me!
just commented on "diapering times two"
I have 2 in cloth right now. I have specific diapers for each, but some one size diapers that fit both boys. I try to wash every 2 days to ensure they have enough to get through. Sometimes I am stuck washing late at night... but it's so worth it to use cloth!
I really like my 2 seperate stashes for my boys .. it is working out for us , i wish they could share the OS stash but the older one needs a higher rise on him ... oh well it works for us :)
I just saw these 2 ? and wanted to give my 2 cents if that is ok :)
Do most parents who have two kiddos in cloth use the one-sized diapers?
I was thinking that would be the most economical, right?
I would but the rise on my almost 3 yr old does not work in the OS that fit my 11 mon old .. he is in OS since he can grow with them . we use L FB /MT OS on the toddler and BG OS , BK OS , HH OS and WAHMIES OS on my 11 month old (varied stash) HTH
I would love to find a true one-size solution for both my 1 and 2 year old. Bum Genius is too small for my oldest. Happy Heiny barely fits. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
I like Mommy's Touch OS for my almost 3 yr old . they seem to have a higher rise and I have not tried them but FB now makes a OS .. we love L FB on my older son ash he needs the rise of it :)
I have only one in diapers. If I had another I don't think it would make much difference to my cloth diaper routine. I'm doing laundry anyway right?
Posted on Diapering Times Two.
Commented on Diapering times 2
I am curious how many diapers those with two have. I'm planning to have baby #2 within the next year while my first will probably still be in diapers.
Right now I only have enough cloth to last my little one for one day. I thought it was a pretty good deal if you were willing to do laundry every night and save on the extra cloth you didn't have to buy. I'm wondering if that is possible with two.
A friend just introduced me to gdiapers. I was shocked at the price. I think SoftBums is the way to go.
When the new baby gets here I'm sure we'll end up with "his" and "hers", even though they'll be in OS dipes. She's a pink girly girl and loves to pick her own diaper out. So, I guess I'll need to stock up!
I only have 1. I imagine I would wash everyday. Since I use onesize diapers I'd probably color code them for each kid so I wouldn't gave to change the rise.
I commented in "diapering times TWO"!
I left a comment on Diapering Times Two...great article. It's fun to read real life experiences of mom's using diapers.
I currently have 3 in diapers. My oldest is only at night the younger two are full time in diapers. I think it's a great way to save money. I actually enjoy washing and reorganing my diapers. Someone once told me if you're going to use cloth make them fun. I feel like my fuzzi bunz and bum genius are fun diapers. I wish I would have started off using them for my oldest.
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I've been buying inserts/doublers in the larger sizes, in hopes I can use them for both kids too - I can fold them smaller for the times I use them with the little one and fold them bigger for the older one. Also, I may attempt using some prefolds since they are less expensive and even if I have to get a couple of sizes, they have SO MANY uses beyond just diapers! My parents STILL use the cloth diapers that I used to wear as a newborn for burp cloths when the grandkids visit or for cleaning rags. Thirty+ year old prefold diapers still being used! Yeah! Ha ha ha.
Stay on top of it! There have been a few times that I have been in a rush so, I set the dirty duds near the sink and plan to return later to dump them out. Somehow, when later comes, 1 diaper has turned into 3 or 4 diapers that need to be cleaned out. And that's w/ just one child. So with multiple children, it will be essential to stay on top of things.
1 baby in cloth ... with 2 I would probably merge to all one-size diapers.
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I commented on the post "History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper." :)
Commented on "History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper"
commented on the "History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper" post!
With 2 daughters- soon to be 3- using cloth diapers how do I manage?
1. Have an ample (but not extravagant- we're working w 1 income here!) stash... currently 14 small fuzzis, 2 diaper covers and 2 dozen PFs, and 4 AIOs for our newborn and 6 medium fuzzis and 8 bumgenius 3.0 for our older 2... once the newborn fits into the bumgenius, they'll be reallocated to her stash, and I'll use the PFs a lot less... bc hopefully by then both of the 2 older daughters will be using dipes for naps and night only. This stash generally lasts about 2 days, so I'm not constantly doing laundry!
2. Organization- pockets get restuffed directly out of the laundry, with nighttime diapers getting both a microfleece and hemp stuffer, then they are folded and put away- newborn items on the shelves, older daughters' in their baskets. I have a basket beside the changing table with wipes, wipes solution, extra stuffers, and other baby lotions and such. Keeping the diapering area neat and ready to go makes it easy for whoever is diapering... mom, dad, grands, or babysitter! (on the rare occasion we actually get a night out!)
3. Develop a system that works for you! With 5 people's clothing, bedding, and towels to wash, as well as other household chores (like dishes-ugh!), I do not have time to wash diapers every day... so I do diapers every 2 days- or 3 if DD#1 wakes up dry from nap- starting the load in the morning, hanging to dry by lunch time, and stuffing and putting away before the girls go to bed... this was my main chore today, and other than the 2 diapers they used for naps, and the 2 they're wearing for bed, all our diapers are clean, folded, and put away...and I can go to bed and sleep as easily as those of you who must have an empty kitchen sink before bed! (I do not have to have a clean kitchen sink to sleep well...the dinner dishes from today are rinsed, stacked neatly, and waiting for my dear, loving husband to wash them tomorrow!)
commented on: History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper
I no longer have two in diaps... When I did I did different kinds.
I commented on, "History of the Adjustable Elastic Diaper."
I commented on the "History of the Adjustable Elastic Diaper" post.
I only have one child right now, but this Fluff Friday giveaway has really given me something to think about when we decided to have another baby. And I still think one-size are the way to go!
I posted a comment on the History of Adjustable Elastic Diaper.
I commented on Diapering Times Two.
I only have one child, a ten month old daughter. Right now cloth diapering is super easy. I think with another child, the only thing would be having to do laundry a little more often. I do it every fourth day right now, I would probably have to do it every other day. I use one size diapers and medium fuzzi bunz right now (which have a huge range) so I think for the one size, I would just designate certain colors pre-adjusted for the older child and other colors pre-adjusted for the younger child. When I next have a newborn, I will probably buy a bummis package or some fitteds and covers for the newborn days. But I can just picture now, two adorable bums in fluff. Can't wait for that day!
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I posted a comment on the history of adjustable elastic diapers post.
I commented on "History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper."
I'm learning a lot from these comments! I'm starting to worry that my son will not fit in the OS Bumgenius much longer. He is in the 97th percentile for height and we've been on the largest setting for several months now. I'm hoping he will slim down a little as he starts walking more, but I can barely get the velcro around him as it is. And I know he has a lot more growing to do! I guess we will have to try some larger options. Still, even with buying another style of diaper, I don't think cloth will be too difficult when we have our second. Especially because at first we can just use what we already have. And we'll still be saving money.
I think having 2 in cloth would be a great excuse to buy more diapers! I only have one in diapers right now, but I have to admit, I'm addicted to cloth diapering. It's so much fun! I'm always looking at new options and diapers online, even though I can't really afford to buy many more on our one income. Even the laundry doesn't seem like a chore with all that cute fluff to admire. Twice the diapers, twice the fluff fun! I do try to buy gender neutral so that if we get a girl next, she could wear her older bro's dipes when he's done with them.
Hi, I commented on the post "History of the Adjustible Diaper". Thanks!
mjones_82 @yahoo.com
I have a baby in cloth & a preschooler that wears a night time diaper. I'm using mostly BG 3.0's right now. It's a very easy system.
mjones_ 82@yahoo.com
I'm not sure exactly how I'd manage if I had two in diapers, but I know that all your advice would help.
I left a comment on "History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper".
We only have 1 in cloth at this time, but when we have 2, I will need to be super organized and have a central location for both babies to be changed. Is over 500 posts a record to date!
Commented on today's post - History of the Adjustable Elastic Diaper
i left a comment on the history of the adjustable elastic!
I'm actually more and more excited about having a second baby sooner rather than later. I've been reading the comments of others that have more than one and their ideas are great! I especially love how I keep reading to have more diapers--good excuse to buy more so that I will have some all ready to go when the next one arrives! I think it'll take time to get a new system in place, but with organization I should definately be okay.
i commented on the "adjustable elastic diaper" blog.
Left a comment on "History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper".
I have 2 babies in diapers. I have never had just one baby so I guess I don't know how it would compare to only 1 or 2 in completely different sizes but we generally only buy OS diapers because we want to be able to use them longer instead of having to buy new sizes. I really appreciate the new post on different adjustable diapers.
I commented on the History of the Adjustable Diaper post
When I started CDing 8 months ago, both of my boys wore the BumGenius one size diaper since it fit both of them. I stuffed and sized them by color so that I could easily differentiate between the diapers for each boy. Now that my oldest is day time trained, he wears Fuzzi Bunz at night, and my youngest wears all of the BG's and other diapers in my stash.
i commented on the history of adjustable elastic :0) wow a great post !! neat diapers too
2 in diapers can be fun but is challenging too sometimes since you have to take double the diapers when you go out .. i am committed to not using sposies except at nite time but i do have a few in my bag -jic (blush) . what kinds of bags and systems does everyone use for outings ?
we use a sherpani diaper bag and i have 2 for ea in their .. sometimes i do not mind the bulk and other times i do .. i would love to streamline my system :)
i advertised fluff friday on my blog post today
just commented on "History of the Adjustable Elastic Diaper"
I have one baby in diapers right now. I figure the more babies you have, the more reason you have to use cloth!
posted on history of adjustable elastics.
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Posted on History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper.
I posted a comment/question to the entry, "Double the fun!"
I've only got 1 in diapers so far but can't wait to have 2! One-Size diapers are the best invention ever!
I think one of the main downsides people have with cloth is the cost, that they are too expensive. One of the main differences with cloth versus disposables is that with cloth you put your money for them upfront and not have to pay for them again. Can you imagine buying 2 to 3 years worth of dispoables at once?? When you look at it like that, cloth seems so much cheaper in comparison. I can't imagine throwing my money away at disposables now.
commented on the "history" post
I left a comment on the "History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper" post.
As much as I am getting addicted to my pocket diapers, it sure would be nice to have the Soft Bums diaper that can just change out the insert similar to a prefold & cover.
With #3 arriving in 16 weeks, and then having two in diapers (19 mo old & newborn) I will definitely have my hands full with changing diapers, doing more laundry and kissing bellies. But with enough fluff to cover both bottoms, it will be that much more fun :)
I commented at the "History of the Elastic Waste Diaper"
I commented at "History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper"
I have two in diapers right now and am planning more children... hopefully not until at least one of them is potty trained:) I am very excited to cloth diaper from the newborn age. I didn't discover cloth until my youngest was 3-4 months old. How wonderful to reuse my stash!
ireland 241 at adelphia dot net
I have one in diapers and one who just got through the nights last summer (at age 5). Hoping 1 1/2 year old will take interest in potty training soon as there will hopefully be new baby within a year. Two in diapers will be a challenge!
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"History Of The Adjustable Elastic Diaper" left a comment here....oh please, oh please pick me this week!
I have been thinking about diapering 2 this week and I am thinking that I should expand my stash so that the fluff won't wear out before then....what a great reason to spend money...now I just have to wait til next pay day OR perhaps I will win this week!
I commented in "History of the Adjustable Diaper"
I posted in the history post. Thanks!!!
I have 2 in diapers and I really enjoy CDing them!! It has been really easy because of all of the information on Kelly's Closet blog and website. I find it therapeutic to fold diapers and add up how many we used in that load which indicates how much we saved (our pocketbooks and the Earth) by using cloth!! :)
threekstrio at yahoo dot com
I commented on "Cloth Diapering times 2" :)
threekstrio at yahoo dot com
I commented on "How To use a Soft Bums - Video"
threekstrio at yahoo dot com
I posted a comment on the rocky mountain diapers
I use the one size diapers on both of my children, to make things a bit easier
I HAD two in cloth, and that was the main motivator to get the oldest one potty learning. The key was to make sure I washed enough or they would add up too quickly and the older child's diapers would stink. I have a front loader, so the biggest thing to remember is to not put more than 24 diapers in one load, 18 is better.
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