Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Sunday, February 1, 2009

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Fluff Fridays - Week 14 **** CLOSED ****

Welcome to this week's giveaway!!!!

What would you win? The winner will get:
* 6 SoftBums Perfect Fit Diapers
* 18 Snap in Inserts
This super generous giveaway is given directly by the manufacturer of SoftBums.. A retail value of $320.00

What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us do you have more than one baby in diapers?? how do you manage?? If you only have one child tell us what you think you would manage with two babies on diapers. Don’t forget to leave a way for us to contact you if you're the winner. You don’t need to have a blog to win, but be sure to leave your email address if you don’t have one.

When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, February 5th at 8pm EST.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:

1 - Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
2 - Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
3 - Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating on other posts pays off!!!
4 - Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
5 - Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
6 - Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you our fan.
Still confused?? Visit our FAQ's.

How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, February 6th, and will notify the winner by blog or email that they've won.

Who can participate? US Residents and Canadians are welcome!

Important note about the winner: If we havent hear from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will be choosing another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner. We promise to do our best to get in contact with the winners. Canadians winners will be responsable for shipping costs.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you dont win, what a better person to win that a friend of yours!!


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Anonymous said...

I have two babies in cloth diapers - twins as a matter of fact. The way to survival here? Organization, organization, organization! There's no room to slack - washing, stuffing, putting away and giving my babies fluffy bums is routine. And that routine makes things so easy on us :-)

Birrd said...

I have two in diapers and two that still wet the bed at night. Cloth is perfect for me because I can just throw everybody's everything in the wash first thing in the morning. I'm saving soooooooo much money!

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A Psych Mommy said...

I only have one baby in diapers right now. So far we are doing great, but I'm not sure how it will be like with two. I think we would do okay with two since we are going to be waiting til our first is getting close to potty training before having a second.

A Psych Mommy said...

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Anonymous said...

I only have one in diapers but hope to have another baby in the next 18 months, so my little girl will likely still be in dipes (though hopefully on her way to training pants). My hope is that my bumGenius one-size dipes will hold up to 2 babies. I might have to add a few more diapers to my stash to be sure that I can make it through a day without having to wash! I can't wait to see what suggestions other people have!


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Bronwyn said...

I was just thinking about this question two days ago. I only have one kid so far, but I think one-size diapers have to be one of the greatest inventions. I use prefols most of the time at home but tend to use the OS when we're out. My diaper bag is ginormous already and stuffed with just one baby's dipes. I can't imagine having to carry two different sizes.

Cecile said...

What a generous Fluff Friday!

I have a two and a half year old daugther and a 10 month old son. The oldest is finally potty trained during the day, but still needs a diaper for naps and nights. It's been though on the budget having those two in diapers, since I was using disposables until a month ago. It might sound silly, but cloth diapers are easier with two kids than sposies, I think! Yes, a bit more laundry, but nothing inconvenient compared to huge stinky diapers trash bags every other day (the dumpster is far, far away from our appartment) ... Plus, with all the different colors of CD, it's easy to know which diaper is whom. I just need to make sure to stuff the diapers ahead of time or else I'll waste my time trying to grab what I need from the drying rack.

The hardest part for me is not the diapering, really. It's just having two young children, who are both poor sleepers and who think that 4 am is the right time to get up and party, no matter what.

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calabaza said...

I don't have two babies in diapers, but honestly, I think that keeping disposables separate for two would be more frustrating. When I worked with families who had 2-3 people using disposable undergarments it took up so much space in their house just to store them all because they were all bought in bulk. I have no worries about someday having two in cloth.

calabaza said...

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erinsmomma said...

I only have one in diapers and hopefully she will be close to potty training when we have another one. I think the one size diapers are probably the way to go. That way you don't have to worry about ones wearing which size. But I am a big fan of Fuzzi Bunz so I'll have to get some of those in a size other than medium.

erinsmomma said...

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Minnie said...

So far I have one in diapers but, I definitely plan to have more than one baby in diapers in the future.

I would say having more than one in diapers at the same time would require a pretty large stash unless you want to wash every day.

And also keeping up w/ my organized system and faithfully washing every other day would be key to successfully diapering 2 babies at the same time. (I can't wait until I have more to put in diapers!) The key is having a system that works great for you and your family. :)

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(Yes folks, I finally have a blog!)

Angela said...

I no longer have two in diapers. When I did my older one was in training pants and the younger in diapers. It was great to be able to through everything in one load and still beable to wash eod.

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Minnie said...

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Anonymous said...

if i had two babies in cloth diapers i would definately have to be more organized!!!!

Binns Family said...

I have 2 in diapers and have been thinking of trying cloth. I plan on having more, and would love to save money and the land fills.

Binns Family said...

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Denise said...

I've only got one in diapers now, but had two in diapers for over a year. My youngest was a big baby (10 lbs @ birth) so as soon as they were both in the same size diaper things got much less complicated.

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Anonymous said...

I have two in diapers. The main diapers we use are Fuzzi Bunz. Our oldest is in the size large and our youngest is in the medium size. This makes it super easy when separating their diapers (seeing as the size is on the outside of the diaper). Also, I usually change them both, one after the other. That way I'm not constantly changing diapers. I don't mind doing this either because it's cloth - just throw them in the wash and we'll have more!

4themfamily at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

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4themfamily at gmail dot com

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Anonymous said...

I can't imagine having two in different sizes either. That's what's great about the one size cloth diapers. There's no needing to separate by size - it's much easier to stay organized!

thesisks said...

I only have one in diapers, but if I had two I would have to be more organized and make sure to wash on time. Now I can be a little bit more relaxed on washing and still have enough to spare. I would also need a bigger diaper bag and wet bag for when we went out.


The McKitterick Family said...

Looks like an awesome Fluff Friday! I just checked out those diapers on to learn more about them, they look great! I only have one child, but will have two soon enough (due in August) in cloth diapers... unless my daughter is done with potty training by the time she is 2 (not sure how likely that will be). But I would be excited to check out these cloth diapers on a newborn since I have no newborn cloth diapers. Eventually I will have to get some newborn cloth diapers, and once our second child is out of newborn size we should be all set since we have the BumGenius 3.0One Size Pocket diapers, which will fit both children. I will just most likely need to wash more often and hopefully potty training goes well so we might not have two in diapers for long.

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Maggie said...

Right now I don't have any babies in diapers. My oldest is out of diapers and I am due in March with my second, so I'm getting ready to deal with one in diapers. I'm not sure how I'd deal with two in diapers but it seems like things always just sort of work out when you're not sure how you'd manage.

Maggie said...

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Dani said...

y have one baby in cloth right now. If I had 2, being extra organized would help me with the madness!

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Sara in Seattle said...

I only have one in diapers right now, but someday we may have two! I think if we did have two I'd stock up on more of our BumGenius organic one-size diapers so that I could use the same diaper on both babies.

And what a generous giveaway by SoftBums. I have to admit I've never heard of this diaper so I'm hoping there will be a product focus on them.

Sara in Seattle said...

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Anonymous said...

I only have one in diapers, and new to cloth, but loving it now. Having 2 in diapers, bumgenius would be even more of a necessity! No worries about having the "right size diaper" around.

azcats95_60532 @

Tanya said...

I have two babies in diapers. Luckily the older only goes through 4 a day for the most part and she is starting to potty train. It means I have to wash more frequently than I will when I only have one baby and sometimes I have to use pullups with the older one to get through until they are washed.

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Unknown said...

We have two in diapers ....21months and 5.5months...It's not bad at all...and I really don't think twice about them both being in cloth as 'more work'...

The hardest part is just remembering which diaper goes to which baby.

My 5 month old is about 8lbs. lighter than my 21month old and so he's wearing diapers that my oldest just outgrew a month or so ago, lol

Unknown said...

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Knit Wit said...

I have one in cloth full time and one in cloth at nap and bedtime. I don't know how I would do it any other way. IT's so easy to just throw all the diapers together and wash. I usually wash every other day. To make it easier on myself, I stuff when I fold them put everything away in there special storage bin and I am ready to go.

MaineMomma said...

I have two who use cloth diapers right now- DD#1 just for naps and night, and DD#2, who is potty training now, usually between 3 to 5 diapers a day. So, I wash 8-10 diapers every other day... very manageable! I keep the dirties in a hanging wet bag in the bathroom so I don't have to make several trips to our basement laundry. A recent change we've made (after reading the organizational tips last week) is to make all our white dipes our the overnight dipes, so they are prestuffed with the hemp stuffers as well. When DD#3 arrives in March/April, I'll probably have to do a load of diapers a day, as I like to keep the loads on the smaller size- 16 diapers maximum, generally. I'm trying to work out a schedule where I'll do 2 loads of laundry a day- 1 of diapers, the other of clothes, towels, or bedding.

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Commented on the "Weekend Super Saver Coupon! Jan. 31st & Feb. 1st!" post!

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Chic Mama said...

I currently have one in diapers at night and naps (he is trained during the day). However, come May I will have a new babe and my nearly potty trained son. I think that the key to having two in diapers is having enough! The more diapers you have the less you have to stress over laundry! For our newborn I plan on having enough diapers to go at least 2 full days, if not two and a half!

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TheHalsellFamily said...

I only have one baby in diapers, but if I had two, I think I would just keep doing what I'm doing... with perhaps just a bit more laundry during the week. Cloth diapering makes a lot of financial sense with one, but with two or more in diapers at the same time, what a great way to save money!!

Stacey Gonzalez said...

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Kristin said...

I only have one baby in cloth diapers, but I've thought a lot about having two as I would love to have another baby ASAP :) I would do laundry every day (good thing that my son loves laundry!). Other than that, I don't think much would change. I find cloth very easy. Maybe I'd have to get a bigger diaper bag because cloth takes up a bunch of room and I'd need enough diapers for two kids.

kmgourley at gmail dot com

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kmgourley at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have two in diapers, but I must admit to only having my baby in cloth full-time. I didn't discover cloth until the second and just never came up with a cloth solution for my very large toddler that works all the time. I do use potty training pants and all-in-ones on the oldest around the house. My biggest challenge occurred when pregnant with little one. My morning sickness was so bad that changing diapers was miserable. I'm not sure I'll be able to continue with cloth when I'm pregnant again, at least during those early months.

ireland 241 at adelphia dot net

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ireland241 at adelphia dot net

Katrina said...

When I first started cloth diapering, I had an infant and a toddler in diapers. To simplify things, I went with a one size diaper that would fit them both. (Bum Genius). I color coded the diapers when I washed them, so that my infant would were yellow and green and my toddler would wear white and blue. This way, a diaper change time I knew which diaper to grab for each child. My oldest is day time potty trained now, but still wears Fuzzi Bunz at night. I must admit, it was nice once I didn't have soooo many diapers to wash. I now only wash diapers twice a week as opposed to 3-4 times when both where in diapers.

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Jut and Chris said...

I only have one in diapers and I'm praying that she's potty trained before #2 shows up, which gives her at least 9 more months! The thought of 2 in diapers makes me cringe! We'd be doing diapers every evening once they were in bed instead of every 2 dyas.

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Anonymous said...

I have one baby in diapers along with a 3.5 year old that wears diapers at night. I feel that my one-size diapers are the best because they can be worn by both kids so it lessens the confusion.

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Knit Wit said...

I blogged about it and linked it back to your blog.

Instant Family of 4 said...

I have two babies in cloth (8 month old twin boys). We use pockets so it is generally easy. We have about 30 bg's and we wash every other day. But considering we are saving the over $100/month that we were spending on disposables the extra time, energy, and laundry are sooo worth it.

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Kara said...

I only have one child but when someone first told me about cloth diapers I thought they were nuts! Then I started my research on Kelly's closet and realized not only am I making an investment for when I have more kids but I am helping the environment! I think the way to stay sain with two children in diapers is organization and staying on top of laundry there's nothing more that I hate then when I forget to switch my diapers to the dryer and have to use a disposable!

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Rachel said...

I only have one in cloth right now, but I have a pretty good routine for diapering. I don't really find cloth hard at all. When we have a second baby, I will just continue to be organized with washing, and neatly putting them in an organized spot.

Rachel said...

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Meghan said...

If I had two in diapers, I imagine it would be easier to use all one-size cloth diapers, have a big stash and be very diligent about staying on top of the laundry. I'm sure organization would be important too. I would keep the pockets stuffed and everything in a central location.

team krasean said...

I have two little ones (6 months and 2 yrs) in diapers all the time and one more (4 yrs) that wears diapers at night. I use prefold and covers during the day (small and large), so it is easy to separate the sizes. At night, they wear FuzziBunz and BumGenius and each kid has their own color for night.

The best part of cloth diapering 3 kids is thinking about how much I have saved ($ and trash) now that my littlest is wearing the same diapers we bought 4 years ago. My prefolds are showing some serious signs of wear!! It's great!

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Meghan said...

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Erika said...

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Erika said...

Currently I have NONE in diapers....but that's all going to change in about a month when my little one arrives. And then I'll be reminded of the diapering days (I have an almost 5 year old son).

I'm not sure how I'd handle two in diapers (seems like I could barely handle one :)
But I'd think that you'd have to have a really good system in place for changing, organizing, and washing!

(Let me think about this more.....)

Erika said...

I commented on the "7th winner blog". It's neat to hear from past winners.....

Anonymous said...

I actually do not have any babies in diapers. I am 23 weeks pregnant and going to be cloth diapering. HOW do I plan to manage? I plan to follow alot of these lovely ladies advice and be extra organized. A lot of their pictures have given me many ideas on what else I need in our nursery. Hoping I win to start our cloth diaper stash:)

Kayla - Don't have a blog so here is my email -

Liz said...

I only have one in cloth right now. I wish I found out about/thought about cloth with my other 2 DD. It would have been a lot of laundry but I would have saved so much money! But my other 2 DD were 15 mo apart and I dont think OS dipes were even invented would have been a little crazy! I will never find out however because we are done and I am giving my sized dipes to my expecting SIL!

Anonymous said...

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kayla -

Liz said...

I only have one in cloth right now. I wish I found out about/thought about cloth with my other 2 DD. It would have been a lot of laundry but I would have saved so much money! But my other 2 DD were 15 mo apart and I dont think OS dipes were even invented would have been a little crazy! I will never find out however because we are done and I am giving my sized dipes to my expecting SIL!

Anonymous said...

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kayla -

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Anonymous said...

I have one in diapers during the day and two at night. I wash every day, line dry and stuff during their bath time.

Jess said...

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K said...

At this particular moment, I have one in diapers. She's 2.5 years old. We're trying to get her potty trained. Just last week, she started peeing in the potty when I'd let her walk around the house in her diaper (yay she figured out how to take her diapers off)! We didn't use cloth with our first child although I have started putting cloth on her during the day, while we are at home.

Before the end of this contest, however, I may have TWO in diapers since my due date in this coming Friday for baby #2. I will be using cloth for baby #2 and have quite the newborn/small diaper stash for her. I also bought cloth diapers for the older one that will hopefully be hardly used if we can get her potty trained!

So all in all, how I plan to have two in diapers is to a) be organized and b) wash laundry more often. With one, I could get away with laundry every 2-3 days. I suspect that I will be washing a loading of laundry at least every other day if not every day. So that is my plan for now.

Actually, one reason I decided that now was a great time to switch to cloth is because with potty training my oldest at this moment, I'm already cleaning waste off of training pants and putting them in the laundry. So I figured I might as well put the new baby in cloth too - since I can wash all my baby waste clothes/diapers together - what's another couple of diapers thrown in with messy toddler training pants? So we'll see how it goes!

K said...

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Jess said...

I have a 7 month old in cloth full time then im PTing my 2.5 yr old & have a bedwetter I actually think its easier using cloth for everyone since it all goes in the pail & then in the laundry. Luckily my PTer goes poopoos in the potty so I only mess with wetness from them. Also seperating sposies for 2 are much harder i've btdt & its harder to tell the 2 apart.

Liz said...

I commented in weekend super saver.

Amanda said...

Well I don't have two in diapers, but I hope to in the next year...or if my older is ready she'll be training!

Amanda said...

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KayStarGoesGREEN said...

I only have one child in diapers, but if I were to have two I'd be all about the color coding. I would wash them all and stuff them ahead of time...That way I would not have to search for the right diaper-just grab the right color. (:

KayStarGoesGREEN said...

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Ranae said...

I only have one baby in cloth, and I can't imagine how hard it would be to have 2! I struggle to find the time to wash and fold etc. cause I'm super busy, but it's all worth it cause I love her fluff!!

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Jenny and Gary said...

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Jenny and Gary said...

We are in the process of cloth trials with twins, it shouldn't be to much more work as we always seem to have the poop up the back with disposables, so I do a poop wash anyway, why not have it all contained in a cute diaper, that is my hope anyway, I recently found your website, I think its great Thank you.

team krasean said...

I have two little ones (6 months and 2 yrs) in diapers all the time and one more (4 yrs) that wears diapers at night. I use prefold and covers during the day (small and large), so it is easy to separate the sizes. At night, they wear FuzziBunz and BumGenius and each kid has their own color for night.

The best part of cloth diapering 3 kids is thinking about how much I have saved ($ and trash) now that my littlest is wearing the same diapers we bought 4 years ago. My prefolds are showing some serious signs of wear!! It's great!

SarahMcD said...

When I started cloth diapering my oldest was only using diapers occasionally at night, and my youngest was an older baby, so I pretty much only have one in diapers. I went with a OS diaper so they both could wear them. I would difinatetly use cloth if I had more than one child, because it would mean twice the savings. I stick to a routine when washing my diapers, instead of waiting until they are all in the wash. I think that's the biggest difference between them being joy to use or a pain.

SarahMcD said...

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team krasean said...

I commented on the SoftBums info entry.

MaineMomma said...

Commented on the "Product Focus: Softbums" post!

Unknown said...

i only have one baby in cloth now but i have had 2 in cloth at the same time many times in the last 8 years we have 5 kids under 8 so you can imagine but imo its not much different and if using cloth is what you want to do it dose not feel like a chore really i love my cloth diapers! but i will say stuffing the pockets are by far my least favorite thing but i guess everything can't be perfect lol ;)

Unknown said...

i also follow your blog ;)

Knit Wit said...

I commented on, Product Focus: Soft Bums.

Angela said...

commented on: "Product Focus: Softbums"

Angela said...

I am out of that stage and was only in it for a very short time, I this seperating the diapers for each of the kids was the best plan. I could put them in two different places and my 2 yo alway new where hers were and would not get confused with the baby's

MaineMomma said...

I have 2 in cloth currently - 1 for nap and night only, the other nap, night, and perhaps 1 or 2 during the day, since she's potty training. But, in 9 weeks (or so) I'll have 3 in cloth! I'm really excited that our trash won't increase (we create about 1 kitchen bag per week) and I won't have to constantly be running out to buy more sposies (been caught with only 1 left too many times!). But I'm most excited that other than my initial investment, I won't have to spend anything on for this child's newborn to 6 month diapers, and I won't have to spend anything on the 6 mo+ dipes because we already have those from DD#2! The key to keeping the diapering manageable (cloth or sposies) is to stay organized and keep on top of the work! When we used sposies, I had to sort by size, make sure both were in the diaper bag, pick up 2 packs of dipes every time we bought them, and try to control the stink of the soiled dipes somehow (the diaper genie was NOT sufficient). So, I don't see cloth diapering as any more work, especially since I can fill my diaper bag with one size dipes and not have to worry about if I have the right size per child. And the stink??? Just toss them in the wash and it's taken care of! And sometimes I even get my hubby to do that part!

Instant Family of 4 said...

Posted a comment on the newest post "Product Focus: Softbums".

Instant Family of 4 said...

I have 2 8 month old boys in cloth and am loving every minute of it (ok almost every minute). Luckily I have a husband who loves our switch to cloth as much as I do (seriously, he actually hates it if we ever have to put a disposable on them).

erinsmomma said...

I posted a comment to the Product Focus: Softbums article.

erinsmomma said...

I only have one in diapers now, but I think one-size diapers are probably the most cost efficient since you should only need to purchase diapers once. Now if only Fuzzi Bunz would come out with a one-size diaper I would be in paradise!

Carol said...

I am expecting my first, so I'm just working on what my routine will be with 1 in cloth. I think the key will be keeping up with laundry and organization and would be even more so with 2.

Carol said...

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Carol said...

I left a comment on Product Focus: Softbums.

Anonymous said...

I made a comment on the SoftBums posting....I have 1 baby in diapers and a preschooler that wears a diaper at night. I love OS diapers for the fact they work well for both children.

Anonymous said...

I love one-size diapers. Having a baby in diapers and a preschooler in a night diaper makes one-size the perfect solution for our family. mjones_82

Minnie said...

Commented on "Product Focus: Softbums"

Maggie said...

I'm about to have one in diapers. Two in diapers would be tough, but we'd manage somehow.

Maggie said...

I left a comment on Product Focus: Softbums.

Minnie said...

I also think that having a ton of one sized diapers will make it easy for cloth diapering multiple will take the guess work out of who wears what diaper.

Anonymous said...

I have two in diapers, one full-time cloth, as I've previously stated. Currently I am trying to work out a diaper bag situation that is not too bulky. Cloth does take up a lot of room. Add that to two sets of "emergency" clothes, snacks for both, wipes and a wet bag and my diaper bag is huge. I can't wait until potty-training!

ireland 241 at adelphia dot net

Heather said...

I've only got one in diapers right now...I can't imagine having 2! But, like other have said, organization and routine are the key.

Heather said...

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Anonymous said...

I posted on product focus: soft buns.

ireland 241 at adelphia dot net

beetleofblue said...

I am a big fan of your blog and have an 11 month old in cloth (bumGenius 3.0). While I do not have two yet, I think the key is having one-size diapers to use with both kiddos, no matter the age. The future of cloth diapers has to be the combo of all-in-ones and one-size. One stop shopping!


beetleofblue said...

I am a subscriber too!

beetleofblue said...

And a FB friend.

Kippy said...

I have one in diapers and one that just started using the potty in the last two weeks. Having two in diapers is the main reason I switched to cloth. Spending $100-plus in diapers and wipes each month just wasn't an option for our family. We are saving a TON using cloth and I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner. It helps me keep my money, my sanity and changing diapers isn't a chore. They're so cute and I know I'm not putting my cash directly into a landfill! Yay for cloth!

Kippy said...

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Kippy said...

I'm a subscriber as well!

Anonymous said...

i am a follower

Kippy said...

I posted on Product Focus: Softbums!

Anonymous said...

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