In celebration of Mother's Day we are running an extra special contest. You can win:
1-bumgenius One size Diaper in FLEECE
1-FuzziBunz One Size Diaper
1-Haute One Size Diaper
1-Rumparooz G2 One Size Diaper with 6-r Soaker
1-Wahmies One Size Diaper
1-Happy Heiny's One Size Diaper
1-Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag
1-Planet Wise Wet Bag Small
1-Thirsties Fab Wipes 6pk
1-Earth Mama Monthly Comfort Tea Bags
An $170+ retail value!
THE RULES: [Please, post ONE comment per EACH entry]
*1 entry for letting know in 10 words or less why you like being a Mom.
*1 entry for becoming or being a Twitter follower
*1 entry for posting a comment on the posts from May 5th-May 13th
*1 entry for telling us how many cloth diapers you have in your stash
*1 entry for every time you reply to us on Twitter on May 5th-May 13th {please post the time you reply}
*1 entry for becoming or being a Facebook fan
*1 entry for guessing what "new" cloth diaper that will be available this month
*5 entries if you place a new order at any of our Diaper Shops stores today (5th) thru May 13th (post comment when you place an order)
*1 entry for becoming an affiliate (put link to affiliate page on Kelly's Closet)
*1 entry for everytime you mention any of our Diaper Shops stores on any forum or blog (post the direct link of the post on forum or blog where you mention it).
Contest runs May 5th and May 14th. Contest ends 6pm, est on May 14th.
All valid entries will go into an automatic number generator.
Winner will be announced on Friday, May 15th after our Fluff Friday winner.
1-bumgenius One size Diaper in FLEECE
1-FuzziBunz One Size Diaper
1-Haute One Size Diaper
1-Rumparooz G2 One Size Diaper with 6-r Soaker
1-Wahmies One Size Diaper
1-Happy Heiny's One Size Diaper
1-Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag
1-Planet Wise Wet Bag Small
1-Thirsties Fab Wipes 6pk
1-Earth Mama Monthly Comfort Tea Bags
An $170+ retail value!
THE RULES: [Please, post ONE comment per EACH entry]
*1 entry for letting know in 10 words or less why you like being a Mom.
*1 entry for becoming or being a Twitter follower
*1 entry for posting a comment on the posts from May 5th-May 13th
*1 entry for telling us how many cloth diapers you have in your stash
*1 entry for every time you reply to us on Twitter on May 5th-May 13th {please post the time you reply}
*1 entry for becoming or being a Facebook fan
*1 entry for guessing what "new" cloth diaper that will be available this month
*5 entries if you place a new order at any of our Diaper Shops stores today (5th) thru May 13th (post comment when you place an order)
*1 entry for becoming an affiliate (put link to affiliate page on Kelly's Closet)
*1 entry for everytime you mention any of our Diaper Shops stores on any forum or blog (post the direct link of the post on forum or blog where you mention it).
Contest runs May 5th and May 14th. Contest ends 6pm, est on May 14th.
All valid entries will go into an automatic number generator.
Winner will be announced on Friday, May 15th after our Fluff Friday winner.
1 – 200 of 1642 Newer› Newest»I like smiles, kisses, hugs, but mostly love my daughter!
why i like being a mom: i love living life for my beautiful and energetic son!
I am a follower on twitter (kimberlya80)
i am a twitter follower (although i still dont know how to use it!)
I have 33 diapers in my stash...30 BG 3.0, 2 Kiwi Pie, and 1 Fuzzi Bunz perfect fit that is still way too big for my little girl!
I am a facebook fan
I love feeling my unborn baby kick!
I am a twitter follower _hulla_
Sofar, I only have 9 cloth diapers that I have purchased (one size), and perhaps 20 that I have made (newborn and small sizes)
The look of love in her eyes when she nurses.
I am a twitter follower
I have 31 diapers in my stash. 11 bumgenius 3.0, 6 happy heinys os, 14 crappy ebay diapers that i never use.
I am a facebook fan Elizabeth Burns
Will there be a new bumgenius with snaps?
It is the uncondissional love my children have.
Because it makes me their superhero. :)
Follow on Twitter- angelasyhre
I follow on twitter - Upstatemomof3
I have 48 diapers in my current stash (I started with 24 but I have been adding).
I have 24 diapers- BG OS, HH OS, FB, Kissaluv and SoftBums
Facebook Fan!!!
I am not all that up on new diapers but I am going to guess Apple Cheeks. Either way I am looking forward to finding out.
pleaced on order on Fuzzi bunz online #AB-4947
placed an order at fuzzi bunz online #AB-4947
placed an order at fuzzi bunz online #AB-4947
placed an order at fuzzi bunz online #AB-4947
placed an order at fuzzi bunz online #AB-4947
Tweet -
Why I like being a Mom:
Selflessness is not only rewarding, but also a relief!
replied on twitter at 9:22am est chloe214
Seeing my kids smile and laugh!
I am a twitter follower
ID: julialadewski
I love the hugs and kisses from my children.
mjones_ 82@
already a facebook fan
already a kelly's closet affiliate
I have about 14 diapers in my stash.
I am a facebook fan.
gosh, let's see, I own 25 cloth diapers. (1/2 pockets, 1/2 fitteds)
blogged about this giveaway!!
I follow on Twitter!
I am a Facebook fan
Being a mom lets me soak up the moment.
I have 26 BumGenius OS, 7 Happy Heiny OS, 7 fitted diapers, 12 contours, a Blueberry Minky, a Fuzzi Bunz OS, and 27 prefolds in varying sizes. I also have 7 Thirsties covers in varying sizes and 2 wool soakers... and I'm in the process of making my own fleece covers with the pattern from your site!
I'm guessing (hoping) that a BumGenius with snaps comes out this month! (not just the organic one...)
The smiles, hugs, laughs, and kisses.
I have 13 diapers in my stash.
her reaction when she sees me :)
I follow you on Twitter (The_CardCrate)
I have under 20 diapers in my stash
I am a Facebook fan :)
Rumparooz G2 ~ "new" diaper guess
Why I like being a mom:
A reason to enjoy staying home on a Friday night.
I follow you on Twitter (@andikuhn)
I have - no joke - 60+ cloth diapers in my stash (includes 24 prefolds).
I'm a Twitter follower.
I have 17 fitted/pockets/AIOs in my stash and 27 prefolds. Just a dozen more one-size pockets and I'll be all set. :)
post on forum: not sure if you will be able to see it though it is a private forum:
Seeing joy on DD's face when I walk in
Love being a mom, because babies are brand-new people!
I have 14 diapers and 8 prefolds in my stash. :)
My children can make me smile when nothing else will.
(Why I like being a mom in 10 words or less.)
eidolons AT gmail DOT com
Why I like being a mom:
Watching my kids grow and learn is the BEST!
I love being a mom because of the smiles and hugs!
I follow on twitter
I'm a facebook fan!
I'm now a Facebook fan!
At recent count, I seem to have 19 diapers.
eidolons AT gmail DOT com
I follow on Twitter.
replied on twitter @ 9:40 a.m. 5/5
I have 19 Fuzzi Bunz smalls and 6 Fuzzi Bunz mediums in my stash (all from Kelly's Closet, I might add!)
My kids teach me something new every single day.
I am following on Twitter. (MommyMelee)
I love being a Mom for the snuggles and kisses.
I'm a fan on facebook.
cuddles, sleeping face, giggles, needing me, silly, meant to be.
I love my sons sweet kisses and cuddles!
I'm a follower on Twitter. My screen name is Micha1230.
i follow on twitter
Replied on Twitter at 10:42.
im a facebook fan!
Currently we have 0 diapers in our cloth diaper stash - we are planning on cloth diapering our new baby in November!
Twitter replied to your cd mama giveaway. 9:42am, 5/5/09
I have 27 cloth diapers that fit my DS now.
I have a very small stash, 7 BumGenius One Size, 2 Fuzzi bunz, 1 Fuzzi Bunz One Size, Bummis covers, 2 Bum Genius Bamboo Fitteds, 2 Thirsties Fab Fitteds, 12 wipes (Fuzzi Bunz and Thirsties) and a wet bag i hate!
I'm a facebook fan.
Twitter replied to your chick-fil-a shout out. 9:42am, 5/5/09
I am a facebook fan, my screen name is Michele Judd.
Tweeted at 9:45 am on Tuesday the 5th
Twitter replied to your tweet about all your followers. 9:42am CST, 5/5/09
I'm a Facebook fan!
I guess that GroBaby diapers will be available this month, although I think it already is available...
new cloth diaper... hmmm... i think a new One Size diaper that fits bigger kids! (mine is months and still on the med setting on the BG OS and the tabs almost touch still so i dont have this problem but a friend does)
I'm not a mom *yet* - I am due June 22nd, but am super excited about everything "mom". I can't wait to meet my son and experience everything a first-timer goes through!
I am a twitter follower
I am a Facebook follower
I have 35 diapers in my stash if I added right...
I'm guessing the Evolution Free Size Diapers are coming out next month?
2 words: Unconditional Love :D
I follow on twitter (@4boys4now)
My daughter's unconditional love and her heart melting smile!
I have around 26 diaps in my stash!
Why I love being a mom:
I'm loved unconditionally!
I follow you on twitter tanilovelol
I have 31 dipes in my stash
im a facebook fan
ill guess that the new diaper is going to be hmm monkey doodlez!
The sweet smiles, kisses, hugs, giggles, honesty and daily inspiration..
GwennS (iluvmygrlz (at) yahoo (dot) com.
I follow on Twitter! (TheRedheadedOne)
GwennS: (iluvmygrlz (at) yahoo (dot) com. (TheCardCrate)
i became an affiliate
sorry, I don't know the time yet.
I love all the kisses...even slobbery ones!!
I have 36 cloth diapers in nb and small. 24 of which are prefolds and the others are mostly homemade fitteds.
GwennS: (iluvmygrlz (at) yahoo (dot) com.
Facebook fan..
GwennS (iluvmygrlz (at) yahoo (dot) com.
I love the hugs and juicy kisses!!!
Facebook fan
Twitter Follower
Being a mom is the most rewarding job on earth!
I follow on Twitter - melissatomko
Replied on twitter at 9:22 AM MST
I have 25 diapers in my stash.
I'm a fan on facebook.
I guess it will be the Hiney Liney.
i have 35 cloth diapers although many are sized and my son does not fit into them anymore!
I love watching my kids figure out new things!
I am a fan on facebook.
My current diaper stash for 2 girls: 2 dozen regular size indian prefolds; 18 infant size indian prefolds; 5 pul covers size M; 4 pul covers size S; 1 happy heiny pocket size M; 1 BG 3.0; 1 AIO I made myself
I find the prefolds hard when out & about though so am trying to expand w/ more AIO & pockets : )
i have 48 prefolds, 6 x-small Thirsties covers, 6 small Thirsties covers, 6 medium Thirsties covers, 1 Blueberry, and 3 bumGenius diapers
Love being a mom b/c I "shape" my boys future.
I'm a twitter follower- ThriftyMamaB
tweeted here:
tweeted again here:
Im a facebook fan- Shanaka B.
Love all the love I get and give as mom!
abbyandygaige (at) gmail (dot) com
Twitter follower!
Right now I only have 6 diapers in mys stash (I am new to this) but I have 5 more on the way right now!
I am a Facebook fan!
I feel being a mom really completes who I am.
I am a Twitter Follower!
I have roughly 30-35 cloth diapers in my stash which is split between two kids and two houses! I definitely could use more!
I get to teach, nurture, and cherish a new life.
Entry #1 shindylahoe at hotmail dot com
I am a follower on twitter! user name "shindylahoe"
shindylahoe at hotmail dot com
I have 24 prefolds, 1 bum genius (of this I am very proud), 1 fuzzi bunz, 2 wonder wraps, 1 thirsties cover, 3 snappis, 3 home made wool soakers, 2 wool longies, and a partridge in a pear treeeee! lol
shindylahoe at hotmail dot com
12:12pm I tweeted to 500 followers
12:13pm I reply tweeted about giveaway
Im a fan on facebook!
I guess the Rumparoos g2 maybe? please? :)
Because I love watching my daughter play! Amazing imagination!
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
I follow on twitter: mamabearof2
For my toddler: I have 9 pocket diapers and a dozen prefolds
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
I am hoping that the "new" cloth diaper will be the newer version of the FuzziBunz One Size
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
I like being a mom because of the sweet hugs and kisses from my four kids.
I follow on Twitter (BrinnandYvie)
Placed an order :) You evil people with your Gro Baby discount ;)
I have 17 diapers in my stash so far: 12 PFs w/ 2 thirsties covers and 5 G2 RaRs... not enough for my bundle of joy who arrives July 1!!!
I get to see those sleepy baby smiles.
I am a Facebook Fan!
I love being mom for the tiny hugs and kisses!
I love being a mom because my children are precious.
I have 6 bum genius and 2 softbums each with 3 liners... I need more diapers!
I think the new diaper will be the evolution one size diaper that I keep checking on!
I am already following you on Twitter as amythethompson.
Motherhood is the toughest job you'll ever love!
I'm a facebook fan!
I'm a twitter follower!
I've got 24 bumgenius diapers, 2 kiwi pies, 3 goodmamas, 7 bsrb's, a couple of dream-eze fitteds, and assorted thirsties covers and wool covers. Maybe about 40 diapers total?
Tweet -
I'm a new Fuzzi Bunz user and can't say how much I love these cloth diapers! I currently have 12 in my stash, but would love to add more. Thanks Kelly's Closet for providing us moms with fast and reliable service!
12:56pm i purchased a fitted! entry 1
order entry 2
I currently have about 15 cloth diapers in my stash. (Building for a coming baby.)
entry 3 order
Definitely the cuddles!
entry 4 order
entry 5 order
Being a mom makes my life feel complete.
I currently have a stash of 20 cloth dipes.
Replied to you on Twitter for May 5th @1:03 eastern.
Twitter blogged @secondchances21
I am now a Facebook Fan of Diaper Shops. (Amy Llewellyn Thompson)
i have about 11 diapers most of what i purchased at kellys coset
the best thing about being a mom is having my baby and loving her!
I have 3 dozen newborn prefolds, 2 dozen premiums, and 3 BG 3.0
posted on my blog! :)
I became a Facebook fan!
I'm already an affiliate. Here is a link to my homepage with the affiliate link (although it's on every page):
Is that what you're wanting?
cuddle time
I have 22 diapers in my stash.
I like being a mom Post:
For the smiles, hugs and time spent with them.
Seeing my baby smile warms my heart like nothing else.
I am a twitter follower (AScott83).
I posted a comment on the Imse Vimse swim diaper post.
sparkly eyes, tooth-less grins, slobber kisses, peeks into the future
I am guessing that the new cloth diaper to be available this month will be the Fuzzi Bunz OS with side snaps.
I have 20fbs, 8 BSWW and 18 prefolds for 3 little boys.
I have 3 bum genuis,6 blueberry pockets, 4 covers, and less than 12 prefolds
I am a facebook fan
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