This week's giveaway is for :
2 boxes of Tiny Bubbles Cloth Diaper Detergent (given by manufacturer)
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us what detergent(s) have you used (or planning to use) to wash cloth diapers. You should leave your comment before Thursday, August 13th at 8pm EDT.
NOTE: Aplix is a brand of hook and loop, essentially identical to Velcro.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it: Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
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- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
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- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, August 14th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
1 – 200 of 379 Newer› Newest»I use TideHE, I live in a really small town and do not have any health food stores ;/ The other online detergents are pretty expensive for our budget. It is working well so far and no buildup, I guess because I rinse very well.
I am a subscriber to your blog. Always fun to read and very educational to read what others experiences are like.
I was using Dreft until I read that it may cause diapers to repel moisture. I am back to my old detergent, Sun Original Scent, until I find something better that I can afford.
I use ALL free and clear detergent.
we use Charlie's soap and love it!
I use soap nuts.
eidolons AT gmail DOT com
I use Seventh Gen free and clear
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i use country save detergent to wash my baby's diapers and also to wash our regular laundry too!
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I have tried a number of detergents. I have recently tried samples of Rockin' Green and Tiny Bubbles and loved them both. Unfortunately, I'm a little daunted by the price of shipping them to me, so hoping to win some!
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ruth dot gray at gmail dot com
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I started out using Nellie's Laundry Soap, plus a boost of Oxy for dirty stains. Recently, I've decided to switch to Tide, because I didn't think my other detergent was getting the diapers clean enough on its own, and because few diaper-friendly detergents are locally available here.
I am trying to get pregnant currently but plan on using either Charlie's Soap or Tiny Bubbles :)
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I use Charlie's soap and love it!! I use it for all my laundry needs now.
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I use Planet detergent for my cloth diapers.
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kmgourley at gmail dot com
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All Free and Clear is about the only thing I can find in my grocery store regularly.
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we are currently a using perfume free detergent on everything. I think that it's tide.
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I use purax free and clear working pretty good with our hard water and I have tried charlies soap.
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I use Purex Free and Clear. I have some Tiny Bubbles that I'm planning on using soon and love to have more.
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Commented on winner post!
I use Crunchy Clean and love it!
I use Charlie's Soap.
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I use the Kirland Signature (Costco) brand and have never had any issues!
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I use ecover for my cloth diapers
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I posted a blog about your giveaway here:
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I have been using All F&C HE in my front loader but have never had completely clean smelling dipes except when I used my grandpa's top loader. :( So I am actually in search of something that works better w/ my TL. I recently got samples of Allen's, Charlies and Tiny Bubbles. The liquid Allens worked pretty well. Powder Allens ok, Charlies didn't like at all and Tiny Bubbles worked the best! I should be getting my Rockin' Green Soap sample any day!
I just started cloth diapering this week and am using Planet.
Charlie's Soap (powder form). It was the first recommendation I received for washing cloth diapers
I switch between Dreft HE and Wintree Brands. I am limited to the detergents I can use as I am sesitive to certain ones.
i use charlies soap but am very interested in trying a new brand
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I first used Sun a Wal-Mart cheap-o in powdered form until they stopped producing it. Now I use Planet.
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I just bought some Charlie's Soap, and I can't wait till it comes!
I am a subscriber. :) Thanks for the giveaway.
We use Charlie's Soap. When I first started CDing I used All free and clear, BIG mistake. It eventually made my whole stash of diapers repel mositure. UGH! What a pain!
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I have pretty much always used Charlie's Soap on my diapers - I use it on all of our laundry now.
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Totally ready to try a new detergent....
I use All F&C on all of our clothes, and I'm hoping it will work well for diapers once my baby arrives in September!
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We use Planet bc its eco and gentle on the skin.
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I use Purex free and clear. Just found your blog and LOVE it :-)
We use Purex free and clear.
I use jennys simply clean. I've used crunchy clean, tide, sun from family dollar but my dipes still get build up. I would love to try this brand though.
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I've used Allen's and planet. I want to try Tiny Bubbles and the new Bumgenius coming out.
mjones_82 AT yahoo.com
Well, I've currently got two kids that are fully potty trained and one that is about half-way. So we're not really doing diapers currently but I'm due again in Nov. I'm considering switching to cloth this time around and haven't really thought much about detergents for them yet. I use Tide for our clothes. I've tried other detergents and didn't feel like they got as clean.
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Someone gave me biokleen and that worked well. I need to find more!
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I'm new to CD and I was just going to use All Soap to wash them.
I've been using Tide very successfully, but just had the chance to try out Charlie's Soap.
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I have just used Purex. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.
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I use Planet since none of the stores near me sell cloth friendly stuff at a decent price (I bought it in bulk to get free shipping).
I use Tide currently HE since I can't find the powder in the non HE form. I would love to try the tiny bubbles, since I use Gro-baby, but I am waiting until my Tide runs out.
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I currently use Country Save, but I want to try this (Tiny Bubbles) and Rockin Green!
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I use your button on my blog (shobersinthecatskills.blogspot.com) at the bottom.
We our down to our last half a scoop of laundry detergent, so today we MUST buy some more! I have used Purex Free & Clear in the past, but will probably look for something powdered this time. :)
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I use Tide, OR Dynamo, And I also use Oxi-Clean as an Additive!
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I bought Country Save Powder detergent and plan to use it for cloth diaper and all other laundry.
I recently got my first box of Tiny Bubbles that I am going to try out soon!
A brand called Xtra. It was on sale so I already had a bunch of it. So far so good.
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I use seven gen :)
I am currently in search of something that I like better, but right now I use all Free & Clear HE.
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Commented on: "Weekend Super Saver Coupon - Aug 8th & 9th"
Hi. I've used BioKleen Liquid but I really thought the liquid was too messy and sticky. Then I ordered Nellie's Laundry Soda upon recommendation of a friend. I've been using that mostly, but I have a box of tiny bubbles to try, too. I also recently forgot my detergent on vacation, so I used some combo of Simple Green, baking soda, and oxyclean. It did the trick, although I didn't know what I was doing.
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I use TideHE and it's going perfect! I will probably switch to country save/ecover when I move back to my hometown
I commented in the "Cloth diapers from the newbie prespective"
I normally use Purex free & clear, but just got a sample of Planet that I am trying...so far, I like the purex better.
i follow your blog!
I plan on using tiny bubbles or Charlies soap.
i use tide f&c
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All Free & clear is about all that works for us. However, I have tried Tiny Bubbles and LOVE it! Unfortunately, we can't afford to buy "special" all the time...but it is fabulous!
I subscribe, thanks!
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And I have your button here: http://musings.thejonesjourney.com/
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I have signed up for the newsletter, thanks!
I'm planning/hoping to use Charlie's soap (we have FuzziBunz & prefolds/covers). I've always done ALL my laundry in All Free & Clear but guess I need to switch over...
Right now, I use Rock'n Green diaper detergent! I LOVE it b/c its esspecially made for hard water! I've tried numerous others!
I just signed up for the kellys closet newsletter.
We use Charlie's Soap or Country Save. Charlie's Soap seems to work a bit better and costs less than the Country save per load.
I use Allen's Naturally, but I'd love to try other brands.
Laura C
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Laura C
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Laura C
I commented on Grandma's Influence
I use Tide HE!
I use Charlie's Soap for cloth diapers! It is great!
I commented on "Grandma's Influence".
I use a detergent called Xtra.
I commented on "Wow, Buy 6 get 1 FREE"
Currently I use Kirkland Signature (Costco), but I recently got a box of Tiny Bubbles that I am going to try soon!
Since the bebe gets here in October I'm going to try Charlie's or Country Save, haven't decided which yet.
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...and I'm a facebook fan. THANKS!
i've been using seventh generation but am exporing my options!
I use purex free and clear....and a few squirts of bac-out in the initial cold wash. Works great for us!!!
tinapianochic at hotmail.com
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tinapianochic at hotmail.com
I currently use Charlie's Soap to wash my diapers
I follow you on twitter--apsychmommy
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I use Charlie's Soap. I have used Allen's Naturally in the past, but I don't think it cleans as well as Charlie's. Charlie's always leaves my pockets clean smelling and stain free!
fan on fb!
I use Crunchy Clean detergent.
I use Planet available at our health food store and Kroger grocery store; it works great!
I use All free and clear and Charlie's Soap. But I think that actually Sports Wash works the best for me. I never have any build up with it and it's quite cheap at Wal-Mart.
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I've used Charlies...have tried Country Save and currently use Allen's Naturally. I can't say that I've been thrilled with any brand, but Allen's works the best for us so far.
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commented on grandma's influence/.
I've used HAD pureen detergent, but can't wait to try Tiny Bubbles, as I've had some issues
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