The Swaddlebees Mama Pads were by far my favorite. These cloth pads are well constructed; featuring top-stitching and the inside absorbent core sewn to the lining (so it doesn't shift around inside the pad while you're wearing it). The pads have a super soft bamboo velour top lining and fit perfectly for any need. The small size is great for light days, the medium and large size are wonderful for heavy or for overnight protection. I was amazed with the absorbency!
The Swaddlebees Mama Pads come in a wonderful variety of colors and they fold and snap into a small, clean package (with the inside lining concealed) - perfect for discreet carrying/storage on the go. When compared to disposable pads, these cloth pads ultimately provide a wonderful cost savings. They're not only great for the environment but they're far more comfortable making them worth the investment!
Your monthly visit doesn't have to mean complete discomfort; try cloth pads!
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I was wondering if anyone knows if there are health benefits, as well as environmental ones, to using cloth pads?
I've been intrigued by these for a long time, but I haven't tried them yet. I would be interested to hear from others who use them. Do you have to wash them separately or can you throw them in with diapers? Does anyone use them who doesn't have a baby to cloth diaper? It seems like a lot of laundry for such a little thing.
I couldn't agree more! I love love love my Diva Cup, my Happy Heinys pads, and my Glad Rags pantiliners! So comfortable and they are cute. Our periods make us women - why not celebrate it?!
I have a question...how exactly do you wash these? And you can really remove it and have it not "all over" in your purse? I dunno...cloth pads still scare me. It is one part of "cloth" I haven't ventured into yet :o)
okay - maybe it is just me - i hope it is - but this is one thing i have zero interest in using. Maybe someday I will get used to the idea and embrace it whole-heartedly as I did with cloth diapering though!
I'm not sure I'm ready to do the clean up on these. At least that is my biggest stumbling block. Every once in a while I starting considering it, maybe one of these days I'll take a leap.
I am curious about reusable menstrual pads. You never hear much about them. I'm curious how you store them after they've been used, how they're washed, etc.
this seems like a gross question but do they get badly stained?
I love mama cloth!
I got pregnant with #2 without ever getting my cycle again (So i've been w/o "Aunt Flo" for 2+ years now!) but I think I might have to try these once she comes back in February...oh the joys!
Yikes... kudos to mamas who use cloth!
I've been thinking about making the switch to cloth pads. I mean cloth diapers are good enough for my baby girl's bottom..cloth should be good enough for my ...bottom..
I didn't realize that Swaddlebees makes pads. I'll have to go check them out.
Great post! I just got into using cloth wipes on my babies, so I'm not quite ready for mama cloth. But it was great to read such a detailed review!
I definitely feel the need to get away from disposable femine products but I have never been a pad kind of girl. I am thinking about the Diva Cup but after reading this post, I might have to get a couple of the small cloth pads for lighter days.
Right now I have had the benefit of not restarting my period for over 6 mo. now with #3. (never went this long with the others and probably jinxing myself now talking about it :) )
Thank you for the review! I have been wanting to try cloth b/c I feel it is somewhat hypocritical to put my baby in cloth diapers if I am still in disposables. :)
I would love to try these. They will be my next investment. But for this momma of four that has had less than a year worth of periods in the last eight years due to nursing and pregnancies, I just wonder how long it would take me to save money on them?
the more i think about it the more i like the idea of using mama cloth, but the cleanup really grosses me out still- and there is no way my husband would be able to handle seeing those on the clothes line - lol. give me time to warm up to this.
Thanks for highlighting this product and getting to think about reuseable in another area of life! I'm nursing w/ no period but when it comes back I've resolved to use more reuseable (cup and pads).
Hmm.... well, I guess I can give it a try. I hate dishing out money for that stuff. :p
I love my cloth pads too, I just started using them this year (I was horrorfied of the thought when I first heard about it). I do it for the comfort factor, but the money savings is great too! I have some that were bought and some that I made myself. I love them and I want to make more. I'll never go back to disposable pads. I've had to use them a few times since switching over and I honestly don't know how I ever used them before. They are so uncomfortable and itchy.
About the health benefits, I've heard that some people have less cramping with cloth, like maybe the chemicals in sposies can effect the cramps they get, I dont't know.
Washing mine is easy, I jsut throw them in the diaper pail with my diapers, sometimes I run them under cold water from the sink for a few minutes first, they don't stain when I do that. I put them in the diaper wash, I do a cold rinse before a hot wash, and they always get clean. When not in use, I store them in a drawer in my bathroom that is next to my toilet.
When all my kids are out of diapers, I will still use these, and I'll just store them in a wetbag until it's time to wash.
howsiewosie: The pads can get stained - but so long as you rinse them and wash them within a day/day-in-a-half then stains are less likely to occur.
I personally use them (sometimes exclusively and sometimes as backup for my DivaCup on heavy days)... I just rinse them and store them in some cold water with a hearty splash of peroxide.
Jenney: I personally wouldn't recommend just folding them and storing the used pads in your purse used without a mini wet bag (or ziplock bag - something). However, when folded up - I've never had one leak or anything - it's just something I'd rather prevent. I know Planet Wise makes a Mini Wet Bag that would be perfect for this purpose!
Megan: I wash the pads with my diapers - and if I just happened to do a load of diapers and need to wash the pads then I wash them with a load of whites (however, as previously mentioned I do rinse the pads completely and soak them in a peroxide/water solution prior to washing them - so there's no worry about mixing the pads with my regular laundry).
I decided to try the Swaddlebees on a whim. I thought it would be absolutely gross, but I have to say I've been surprised. They're soft, WAY more comfortable than disposable pads, and they do not leak at all, even with heavy flow. As for cleanup, it's not so bad. I rinse them out to help avoid stains and store them in a wet bag until laundry day. I also keep a small wetbag in my purse. I recommend laundering at least every 2 days (I also have diapers so I usually wash them with the diapers). I have tried 3 other brands (Lunapads, Happy Heiny, and Many Moons) and really do prefer the Swaddlebees due to the organic cotton velour and absorbency. They are very high quality and should last for a long time. I ordered them in all three sizes. For those who are even a little curious, it's worth the cost of one or two mama pads just to try.
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