Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Monday, January 25, 2010

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The In's and Out's of the Gro Baby Diapering System

Our team of designers set out to create a truly unique and innovative diapering system with GroBaby. Months of prototyping, researching materials, and testing resulted in the most modern, creative, and smartly designed cloth/hybrid diapering system on the market today…GroBaby!

We often hear similar questions from prospective GroBaby customers and wanted to fully answer them for you! What was thinking behind the design and ultimately the success of this fantastic product line? Read on:

Why do GroBaby Shells have a mesh lining instead of the exposed (shiny side) PUL/TPU so I can wipe them out?
One of our top priorities when designing GroBaby Shells was to be certain it was the ultimate in comfort for baby. We chose silky soft TPU for the outside and a soft-brushed mesh for the inside. The mesh allows for proper airflow around baby’s skin unlike a standard diaper cover. We felt the “plastic side” of TPU/PUL should never be in direct contact with baby. Only the softest materials should go against baby’s skin, not sticky urethane.

GroBaby Shells should be used in the same fashion you’d use your favorite diaper cover. If the inside feels damp let your Shell air dry and use it at the next change. If the mesh smells or feels wet simply rinse, let air dry and use it at the next change. GroBaby Shells will dry in less than 2 hours at room temp. If your Shell is soiled toss it in the pail and get a new one.

Resoundingly, families using GroBaby full time require 10-12 Shells in their stash and will go through 2-4 Shells per day.

What is so “green” about BioSoakers?
GroBaby BioSoakers are truly unique. There is NO other absorbent pad for a hybrid diapering system like BioSoakers.

The inner layer of BioSoakers is made from Ingeo, a corn base biopolymer. That is derived from 100% annually renewable resources. This material is tested and is compostable to EN13432 (EU) standard and ASTM D 6400 (USA).

The core is made from wood pulp that contains just 3 grams of FDA approved corn derived SAP gel.

The outer waterproof layer is made from a 100$% natural bio-film that has been tested by both the BPI and DIN CERTCO and is compostable to EN 13432 (EU)

Our BioSoakers are the greenest in disposable/hybrid options and we’re proud to offer a great solution to parents when cloth just isn’t an option!

What is the cost Comparison between GroBaby and other Hybrid Systems?
A popular Hybrid System recommends: 6 Covers (in each size) and 6000 refills over the course of diapering each baby.
- 6 Covers in each size= $407.76
- 6000 Refills (ave cost is $.45)= $3107.76

-6 Covers in each size= $407.76-24
Size Small Cloth Refills= $119.96-24
Size M/L Cloth Refills= $119.96

Using the GroBaby Hybrid System and assuming the same number of changes.
-9 One Size GroBaby Shells = $152.25
-6000 BioSoakers (ave cost is $.39)= $2398.90

-12 One Size GroBaby Shells + 24 Organic One Size Soaker Pads and 16 Organic Boosters.

You may find that your needs vary slightly from the above counts, but overall GroBaby Cloth is the most economical way to diaper a baby!!

Cloth is the most environmentally friendly way to diaper, but BioSoakers are a fantastic option when cloth just isn’t possible!


Amanda said...

I've been using Gro Baby for about 2 weeks now and I love it! This past weekend I went on a trip with my 10-week old daughter and we used the Bio Soakers for the first time. They worked great and so much less waste than a traditional disposable. I'm excited to keep using this system and not have to buy another one as my little one grows!

The Smith Family said...

wish i would have ordered some of these yesterday! I just didn't know enough about grobaby. maybe next time I get to splurge! :)

Megan said...

This system looks cool, but I'm too motivated by saving money to use it. I would be willing to try it with cloth inserts, but I probably wouldn't want to spend the money on disposables.

Lauren said...

It definitely sounds like a lot of research went into this system.

Julia said...

I was fortunate enough to win a Gro Baby system a few weeks ago. I can honestly say that I really, really love the versatility of this system. I ordered two more shells and some more bio-soakers for my stash last night. They work very, very well!

Arizona Girl said...

Thanks for breaking down the cost like this. It makes it look so much more affordable.

MuchAfraid said...

I love the grobaby diapers! They are my go to diaper for my toddler, but they seem HUGE on my baby!

The Blairs said...

I love the cost comparison breakdown. I have a friend who is pregnant and looking in to cloth diapers. I'm going to send this link to her. Gro Baby's really are great!

alinatmom said...

I love gro baby diapers! I love how soft and comfy they feel on my daughter with the Organic cotton.

Tracy Babson said...

This is one diaper I haven't tried yet and would really Love to! I've heard nothing but good things about them.

Christopher and Marcille said...

The cost savings from using Gro Baby are Phenomenal! I would love to try them out sometime :) Plus, they look so trim, always an added bonus!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for blogging about this. I am new to cloth diapering, my son is due in a few weeks, and I've been wondering about about the hybrid systems. Thank you for clarifying them a little more for me.


Shelly said...

I have been using GroBaby for about 6 months now. I love the ease of use and they are very diaper bag friendly because you don't have nearly as many fully stuffed diapers in a diaper bag. You only need to pack some extra soakers and one extra shell and you are good to go!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this info! I love learning more about different kinds of diapers. This is definitely on the to-try list!

Catherine said...

I love my Gro Baby diapers! They're easy to use and incredibly absorbent. They are a little bulky, but they work so well that I don't mind.

Hyperactive Lu said...

I love Grobaby diapers! We received a sample one and its my favorite cloth diaper! We never have any leaks!

Unknown said...

Don't you just love the advantages of cloth and the savings that they create! Gotta love the color too! Been looking at GroBaby for awhile. Great info on here for prospective users.

Jill said...

I really like the fact that the GroBaby has mesh on the inside of the shells. They dry quickly and allow for more airflow than a cover with PUL next to the skin.

Julia said...

Unknown said...

I love your new GroBaby products! I have used the biosoakers on vacation & while I prefer cloth, it was nice to not have to worry about where I was going to do laundry.

Unknown said...

I've always been facinated by the GroBaby's and have been throwing around the idea of getting some for our week long trip thats coming up in 2.5weeks. Right now I'm going to have to use disposables because I wont be able to wash my diapers. So I've been looking into some of these systems like the GroBaby's

as said...

I love my GroBaby diapers for going out. I also love how trim they are!

Meghann said...

Overall I'm quite happy with the GroBaby system - it allows a couple extra diapers throughout the day with only one shell, thanks to the snap-in cloth liners. One downside - the cloth liners tend to bunch in the center a bit, but I haven't experienced leaks because of this, so I guess it's okay. Just seems like it might be a bit uncomfortable for the babe. Super cute patterns just came out, so I may have to get another shell!

Erin Patrick said...

I love Gro Babys! We have used them on our son since he was a few weeks old (he is now 4.5 months). We tried several different cloth diapers and hybrid systems and Gro Babys have been our favorite. They fit him great, don't leak, and yet are less bulky than other diapers we have tried. We are phasing out our other diapers and going to be using exclusively Grobabys from now on.

MelissaZ said...

Gro Baby is a great system. I am a Prefold lover, but this is my go to diaper for out and about and my hubby uses them only! They fit trim under jeans and are absorbant! Love this system, i am excited to have 2 in diapers and be able to use the same system on them both!

Jamie B said...

I am excited! We have a sample pack and have loved them!! Hoping to be a winner here! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I was able to see some of these in person a few weeks ago and love them. The velcro is unique, and the main issue I've had with Bum Genius is velcro deterioration. I don't think that would happen to these. Plus, you have the option of disposable inserts for trips. Love the idea - maybe I'll try them!

Erin_A said...

I fell in love with the Gro Baby system when I was researching cloth diapers for the first time. The colors were a great gender neutral range and they seemed perfect especially for outings. When I finally got my first one in the mail I fell in love all over again! And on top of that they came out with the most adorable prints just recently!

Anonymous said...

We love our grobaby system! Very simple to use and we have NEVER ever had a leak or blowout. The trim fit and ease of use my hubby goes for these first during a diaper change.

Kate said...

I just started using Gro Baby about 3 weeks ago and love it! So excited about my new cloth adventure =)

Andrea said...

I really like my grobaby and can;t wait to try it w/ snaps! I love the mesh lining and thanks for breaking down the costs. :)

mommainflipflops @

Weslie said...

Gro Baby's are awesome! I've been using them for a little over 2 months now on my 4 month old son and almost 2 year old daughter. I love how they fit both of them perfectly! We haven't had a single leak yet! They are by far the best hybrid diaper we have tried. They are my go to diaper bag diaper since they take up the least amount of room!

Katy said...

Thanks for talking about the mesh inner...I've been curious about trying these, but the no-wiping has kept me at bay. I am so curious though!

Unknown said...

Excited about cloth diapering! This is new to me after 3 previous kids and wish I would have cloth diapered with them.

Abe ( said...

I have some Gro Babys in our stash and wondered why the mesh and not a 'wipe clean' option - I had never thought to rinse damp covers. Thanks!

Beth said...

I love my son's Gro Baby diapers. They fit well and never, ever leak.

Christina said...

I love my Gro Baby diapers! The money savings over other systems was one of my reasons for choosing Gro Baby, but seeing the breakdown like this makes me REALLY happy with my decision! Awesome, awesome diapers.

Delanea said...

I have fallen in *LOVE* with the Gro Baby shell. The Biosoakers work great, too! I use the shells with DreamEze fitteds, Kiwi Pie fitteds, and various Swaddlebees fitteds. We've never had a leak in the Gro Baby shell!

Tail End Designs said...

We've been using the Gro Baby system for 6 months now, exclusively. We've used cloth for 5 years and this is the only system we've been completely happy about. We never have leaks, the inserts are super absorbant, I love how the "system" works, and DH is on board which rocks!

Leia said...

This is one of the only dipes that get small enough to fit my 3 week old so I am not changing his whole outfit and bedding at every change. I definitely need to get more!

The Linders said...

After trying several cloth diapers, this is my absolute favorite! What's even better, my husband (who was initially hesitant about cloth) really likes it and is now on board with using cloth on our newborn. We use cloth soakers about 90% of the time, but were very pleasantly surprised to find that the biosoakers do not irriatate my daughter's VERY sensitive skin. They are perfect for long outings or travel, as well as caregivers or family who are not comfortable with using cloth. This system is definitely worth a try!

Unknown said...

I finally got to see my friends GroBaby system this weekend and I am sold!! They are fantastic!

Jes said...

I have gotten one of these, and I have more on my registry. I'm really hoping that they work with our little guy, because I love how easy they are to wash and use. I guess I'll know in a couple of months!

Chany said...

I just recently got a Gro Baby diaper, and I really like it. I ordered two more cloth inserts for it last week, and I hope to be getting more soon. I haven't tried the biosoakers, but I would like to.

Suzanne Crowell said...

This product looks great! I'm defiantly switching to cloth now!

Michelle Murphy said...

Wow! I want to try Gro Baby, this system sounds awesome! I currently use bumGenius but after reading about all of the features of Gro Baby, I may switch!

lisa kenna pulver said...

I love my GroBaby! I am asking for more of these for my birthday.. only a mom would ask for diapers as a gift, =) My son has never leaked a GroBaby, I am impressed.

Libby said...

I too have used both gdiapers and grobaby. Personally I think the grobaby is a better system for the following reasons:
1. Cloth inserts are more absorbant for super wetters as well as shell itself.
2. Shells are one sized and last longer.
3. Prints and colors are fun and wash really well.
4. No liners to wash.
5. Natural Baby Co products rock in general and provide super fast shipping!!

Unknown said...

I've never used cloth diapers, I'm interested in starting!

Was referred by FB!

Unknown said...

We LOVE our GroBaby! We started using these because daycare will take hybrids, but not full-cloth, and the BioSoakers were the only hybrid option that really worked well for us.

We never planned on using the cloth because I love my fitteds, but we used it a few days ago--at night--because I was behind on laundry. NO LEAKS. This is an amazing feat for my little co-sleeping, night-nursing pee-machine. You can bet we'll be using the cloth more often!

Unknown said...

I haven't had the chance to try GroBaby yet, but I cloth diaper my twins and tell everyone who asks me about cloth diapering to go get GroBaby!

luke and pamela said...

i love my gro baby! i only have one, and it is my fave!

Mindy said...

Thanks for the post, glad to see the numbers crunched. Love gro baby!

Kelley said...

I found out about GroBaby when my daughter was ~1.5. It is now our favorite diaper (my hubby included). I only wish I had known about it when she was born. Now that we have #2 on the way I plan to exclusively use GroBaby diapers for our second child.

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

I LOVE the Gro baby system. I used it for my daughter who is 3 months! I like how it grows with the child. I like re-using the shells and the snap inserts are much easier than stuffing. I also love the mesh interior. Great Job on the design overall! Oh yes, and the new patterned ones are too cute!

Nisha said...

Thanks for the breakdown of these. I would love to try these when I have the chance!

Michele said...

Looks like a great cloth diapering system! It really puts things into perspective with the cost break-down.

Unknown said...

I've been using GroBaby for at least 6 months now and they work really well for us. The first time I took a day trip with them I'd had them for maybe 2 weeks and my mom commented on how assume they were after just one diaper change on my son. I have recommended them to multiple people as a great diaper system to consider for their little ones.

ashley whorley said...

I have not tried grobaby's yet, but they have been recommended and I really want to give them a try with my new little one.

rachely said...

LOVE my GBs. The shell is so soft and light that it also works great as a cover for other dipes.

Stacy Whalen said...

We've been using GroBaby on our 15 month old for about 5 months. I love that it's organic cotton because it's easy to clean and very absorbent. The snaps hold the soaker in place so it doesn't slide around like other hybrid systems. There are lots of snaps on the snap version, so you can get a good fit. The TPU is softer than PUL. Overall, a good diaper that should last for a while, especially if air-dried.

Tammy N in TN said...

These look great, and easy. We mostly use AIOs but the baby is outgrowing them. I think I am going to make the switch to these. I love the idea of just rinsing out the cover and letting air dry- so easy!

dinisha said...

GroBabys tend to be more trim under clothes and they are so easy for Dads and grandparents to change!

Carly said...

I have always wanted to try the gro baby system. This post explaines how the system works in detail. Thanks for that!

The Adventures and Misadventures of Morrison InC. said...

I enjoy using my gro baby

Michelle said...

I love GroBaby Diapers! We haven't really used the BioSoakers much, but the cloth inserts are wonderful! We never have leaks or explosions like we do when she's in a disposable.

amanda m said...

I have one Gro baby and like it. it fits well on both my 1 year old and 2 year old. only wish they had more color options.

rebecca said...

I love that you have both a "disposable" insert and a cloth insert. It makes it practical for when you just need some "lazy time."

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Erin said...

i'd love to try this system! I don't have any hybrids so far!

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

I use gro baby on my 3 month old daughter and we love them. I love the way they fit, the velcro is excellent, and the absorbency is good. The colors and patterns are very cute. Overall, fantastic!

MGallant said...

Been using Gro Baby diapers for 6 months and love them! Even daddy and daycare find them easy to use. They are also adorable! Never had a leak or blow out of any sort. Would not use anything else!

HeidiF said...

Would love to try this! I love the gorgeous colors!!

Shannon, EJ, Gabe and Hannah said...

I love the look of the Gro Baby's and the convenience! When you break down the cost, it's amazing how much you save especially using cloth inserts!! I haven't tried the biosoakers yet but I think they would be great for on the go

Melissa Phinney said...

I have mostly BG OS diapers, which we have been using for daycare. Buuuut, I wanted to try other diapers, especially these new hybrid diapers everyone talks about!
I purchased one grobaby shell and 3 organic cloth liners, and now it's the first diaper I use when the diapers come out clean from the wash! It's cheaper than the BG and makes my dd's butt super cute! I also love the colors, she hasn't had a purple diaper at all and it's her favorite color! I first chose Grobaby over the Flip hybrid system because I liked how it snapped in place and I could put stay dry doublers on top of the liner so my dd's bottom would feel dryer. But now I love it also for the soft fabric, it's not like the other cloth diapers, and I like that,and the velcro actually stays attached to the laundry tabs in the wash, unlike the other diapers after a while.

If these had been around when my dd was born I would probly be using these primarily for daycare, they are very daycare friendly, as well as travel friendly, less to pack, and you have the option of the disposibles for travel or daycare, if they can't keep the cloth diapers around. Love it!

The only problem I had was the first time my dd took a nap with the diaper, she sleeps on her tummy, and when she peed it leaked...I tried using a doubler to see if that helped but not really, I think it's the fabric might be different near the top of the diaper in the front, not as waterproof?
Another thing I would ask some suggestions on or improvement is the doublers, they seem so long, it's difficult to keep the doublers on top of the liner without it sticking out of the top front when I go to velcro the diaper closed! We manage but I've stopped using them at nap time or when I think she'll need a doubler, but we still love her little purple diaper butt! Wish i could afford more!

Melissa and Samara

Jenny Pancakes said...

I'm new to cloth and am loving it so far! Can't wait to try the Gro Baby system!

gretchen said...

GroBaby seems like a system that daycare might warm to, which is why I'm interested. Biosoakers at daycare and cloth at home would be a nice compromise.

Lyn said...

Wow. This was a really helpful article. I have been thinking of trying out the Gro Baby, but just wasn't sure about it. Now I would love to try them out. ;)

Kayla said...

I've been wanting to try GroBaby. I would use cloth inserts to save money, but the biosoakers would be nice to have on long trips!

Jessica said...

Love the Gro Baby system! Been using them since November 2009 and can't really say anything bad about them. Haven't had any leaks and I love how they fit my little guy (4 months). I've also used them on my super-soaker toddler with no trouble! The company has great customer service and an outstanding warranty. I've even sent two shells in to have them converted to snaps and can't wait to get them back. I haven't tried the biosoakers but planned on getting some when we go on vacation in May.

12566 said...

I really like the idea of using the gro baby diapers... especially since I have two in diapers. The next time I am looking into expanding my stash, I now know what I would like to try next! Thanks for all of the info.

Erin said...

Grobabies are my very favorite diaper!

The Fleishers said...

I have had my eye on this diaper system since they were released but didn't try them until the disposable inserts became available. We love using them for long road trips and outings where we lack space for bulkier fluff! I pared down my hybrid "collection" to only include Gro Baby. My only dislike about the pants are the snap closures--they are just too uncomfortable for my son.

Rose said...

Wow, this truly sounds like a unique diapering system. I'd love to try it out!

Morag said...

I really want to try this!!!!!

Melissa N. said...

I'm building my stash for my soon to be little man- due in April. I'll have to try the Gro Baby system.

Jennifer C. said...

These diapers are awesome! The green is a fabulous color and they look like they fit great! I am a fan of Gro Baby on Facebook!

jennifer causby at hotmail dot com

Andrea_Ben said...

I am dying to try these!!

Justine said...

I would love to try them! And I love the cost breakdown too - very interesting!!

Anonymous said...

i love this diapering system becaseu it is so easy to travel with!!

Andreasc said...

I havent had a chance to try these. They sound great after reading all the info. Definitely on my to try list when I can buy more dipes :)

Sisrea said...

that was interesting, i haven't used them yet. I thought that if the cover was wet you had to replace it, but it was good to know that you rinse it out and let it air dry.

Jamie said...

I have been using Gro Baby for about 7 months. We love it! It makes up the majority of our stash I have used the biosoakers on a few trips or when I wait too long to do laundry and they work fantastic!

Kelly said...

Everytime we travel I have used disposables, but wish I could have used my regular cloth diapers, but doing laundry is just out of the question when traveling. The GroBaby diapering system seems like the perfect way to go! I'd love to try these! Thanks for the details!!

Gypsy said...

I wish I had the extra cash to try these! I've always wondered how well they worked. Maybe after taxes I can!

lynn said...

Just this past week, we have tried Gro baby diapers, and are so far very impressed. I love the idea of just replacing the inner when wet, and reusing the shell. Overall, these seem to be the missing link in our cloth diapering thus far. Thanks! :D

Lisa said...

I love the flexibility of the Gro Baby system. It is the best system by far that we have tried. It is nice that I can use the cloth soakers for the most part, but also have the sposie soakers handy for outings, vacations, or babysitters.

Unknown said...

look like a great system. I am planning on trying it out when we can afford some more diapers.

Melissa Ruder said...

I ordered 3 shells and several soaker pads. I can't wait to try the system. My little one is due February 27th!

Melissa Ruder said...

I ordered 3 shells and several soaker pads. I can't wait to try the Gro Baby system with my little one who is due February 27th!! said...

I purchased Gro Baby to save money. I was super suprised at how much I (and my baby)loved them! They work great(no leaks) and I love the biosoaker option for when we go out. Making the switch to cloth by purchasing Gro Baby has helped my family a lot. I will not use anything else!

Dana said...

I am dying to try a Gro Baby system!! I've heard great reviews and am eager to get started!!

Megan R. said...

I absolutely LOVE how absorbent the snap in soakers are. They hold a TON. I'm also a big fan of the velcro on Grobaby. Typically, I avoid velcro/applix, but Gro Baby velco works great, and doesn't fall apart in the wash!

Anonymous said...

I love my grobaby's. I use the cloth inserts, but have on occasion used the disposable inserts. My baby doesn't wet through them like he has other diapers!

Linda said...

I just ordered 4 pocket diapers for $70! Although pockets have their advantages, next time I will just get some more Gro Baby inserts and a shell or two for way cheaper. I love the new prints...I'm gonna get a new shell soon!

Szogedi Home said...

Thanks for the informative post. GroBaby just has the best of everything! Plus, I LOVE the colors/prints!!!!

Unknown said...

I want to start using Gro Baby very soon. I only have BG right now and have fallen in love with these and haven't even gotten any yet. Think I may place my order in the next day or 2!!

Unknown said...

I wondered why the cover wasn't designed to be wiped clean. I agree the mesh is quite soft, but I did wonder why they decided to have it instead of the exposed TPU. Still, I think they are great! My one worry is the rise being large enough to fit my son until he is finished with diapers.

Andrea said...

I really like my Grobaby system for my 5 month old. It fits well on her and it hold her EBF poop well. It was one of the first CD I got for my daughters and I still use it a lot. I love the biosoakers for going out.

lyndzstyles said...

i haven't tried the hybrid system but i think thats something i can get the man into! Can't wait to try them

Unknown said...

I cant wait to change all of my diapers to cloth diapers! Only need a few more and Gro Baby will be it....they are so easy and wonderful for my baby (the supersoaker!)

Terri said...

I've been watching the Gro Baby system for a while. Would love to be able to try this with my son as our current set-up is just not working for us. It definitely sounds like it would be the best option for us right now. Thanks for breaking down the info, it definitely makes my decision easier.

Unknown said...

That's a fantastic breakdown of cost!

Andrea said...

I really like my Grobaby system for my 5 month old. They are really trim and they fit well. It does a good job of keeping her EBF poop in. I like the biosoakers for going out they are very convenient.

Beth said...

I love using the Gro Baby system. The diapers fit better than some of the ones I have tried.

Envirogirl said...

I love gro baby they are my favorite! Gro Baby Rock!!!!

Jennifer said...

I just received my 2 Gro Baby diapers and I am truly in love. They are good for the environment, cute, and easy to use. I love them!

Jen said...

Gro Baby diapers are great. I have been using them for several months now and have been impressed. They have a much slimer fit than other one size diapers and I have never had a leak.

bcbmommie said...

I've only been using os pockets but I'm dying to try these! I think will def save me more money

Kimberly said...

I love GroBaby. We just use the Biosoakers when we are out and about, so about 20% of the time or less. They are wonderful to have on hand when the laundry gets behind, too.

Sarah said...

I have been using grobaby for approximately two months now and I love them! They are very well designed, I love the feel of the shell fabric and the liners are soft and absorbent. They are my favorite daytime diaper and I would be happy to have more!

Laura Hammond said...

I switched to Gro Baby from the "other hybrid system" because the Gro Baby is so much simpler (less pieces to deal with) and leaks far less. I use cloth inserts at home and disposable inserts when we go out. It couldn't be simpler!

Andrea said...

They're good. I really do like them a lot but my son is sensitive to feeling wet so at night we have to use a stay dry diaper otherwise he wakes up a lot.

However we have never had a leak with these diapers except for when we didn't go up a rise when we needed to. They hold really well and I really like them! We've been using them for 5 months. They didn't fit until he was a month.

Allison said...

We love our Gro Baby. Baby recently broke out in a horrible rash/blisters from switching detergents. The Dr gave us medicated cream. So we have been using biosoakers exclusively while treating! They work great are super easy, don't give babe a rash like disposables, and give us a nice break from laundry!

LaraineClaire said...

Would love to try these out. The wildflower cover looks so so cute!

Brie Latini said...

I started thinking about cloth diapering early in my pregnancy, and have been obsessed with Gro-Baby diapers! Aften TONS of research, it seems like the best way to 1. find a CD system that offers ease of use and 2. allow your $$$ to stretch! I can't WAIT to see my son's cute little booty in the Seaside Stripe Gro-Baby!!

The Cantey Family said...

I never would have believed I was the cloth diapering type, but Gro Baby can make anyone a cloth diaperer! I thought it was the easiest diapering system until the bio soakers made it even easier! We use our bio soakers sparingly - only for when cloth is a little too inconvienent. The Gro Baby cloth liners are THE BEST!

Victoria said...

I did not cloth diaper with my daughter and it is a goal of mine for baby number two. I was too intimidated by all the choices, but blogs like this one have me excited and ready for the new venture! Thank you for posting and keeping me informed!

Anonymous said...

One thing I really like about grobaby shells is that they are a one-size option that really is small enough for a newborn! Others say that they can be used from 8-35 pounds, but are WAY too big on an 8lb baby.

Chris Rogers said...

I love that the GroBabies are so absorbant, and so easy to change. They are my night time diaper. Its so easy to unsnap and snap in the middle of the night. :)

Omi said...

I would love to try these sometime!!!

Unknown said...

I've been using Gro Baby since my daughter, Elizabeth, was 6 weeks old. She's now 6 months old. I love knowing that I am not filling up the landfills with disposables and so happy that I don't have to run out to the store to buy diapers. We just ordered the bio soakers and I can't wait to try them out. It will be great not having to empty the diaper bag of used diapers when we are out and about for the day. :)

Laura said...

We love our grobabies. the colours are great and I wish they made a red one.

Emily said...

I just got a Gro Baby and wish I'd gotten one sooner! Lots of god info in this article! Haven't tried the Bio Soakers yet.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the info. I hope to be able to try these one day!

Jackie said...

I would love to try a GroBaby diaper on my little girl - these sound absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!!! I love how they are "green" too. Thanks for posting this - it was very helpful in learning the differences of this diaper compared to many others on the market.

dannyscotland said...

I have never tried GroBaby, but recently became interested in it when a friend of mine asked about it. I started looking into the disposable, biodegradable soaker pads for her. They look really convenient, plus they don't harm the environment, which is great. I think I'd love to try some to use when I go out or on vacation.

Amy B. said...

We only have one Grobaby but it is a great diaper! We've been using it since the baby was 5 weeks (she's almost 9 months) and it still fits great. I'd love to try the biosoakers for travel.

Katie said...

Would love to try this - haven't gotten into the hybrid diaper yet, but am so interested!!

Julia said...

I have been loyal to Gro Baby for 8 months now and love them! They are the most simple CD system out there...the shells dry very quickly and the inserts are super easy to snap in and out. Cleaning them is a breeze!

Thanks Gro Baby, love those diapers!

AEK said...

Great article! I have never tried GroBaby but have always been curious. This post has made me more confident to give them a try! Thanks!

Amy said...

I love the Gro Baby system! I was so excited back in August when they announced the BioSoakers. I work with a lady that owns a cloth diapering store and I do cloth diaper parties, and Gro Baby is one of the top ones I refer to people. I love using the whole system including the BioSoakers on him. I am expecting in May with my 4th child, and the biosoakers is what I will be taking with to the hospital. With my now almost 4 year old daughter I took cloth diapers and hated trying to keep the poo from getting on the diaper so with my next son I just used disposables till we were past that stage. Well now I have the cloth option back without the hastle!

Tirsa Baker said...

I don't know why more people don't use cloth diapers. To me, throwing diapers in your washing machine is less work than having to drive to the store to buy diapers. It is so much better for the environment, your baby, and your wallet.

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

I've been using GroBaby for a few months now and it is the main diaper of my stash! I've been having smell issues though and haven't been getting as much use out of each shell as I'd like. I will have to try rinsing them in between wears.

Susan Lee said...

I have been using GroBaby forever, well since my baby was about a month old and we love it. The shells are easy to wash, air dry in seconds, and the soakers have such great absorbancy plus they are super comfortable. I love the Bio-soakers as they are biodegradable and have good absorbancy!!

Christine said...

I got a grobaby used and absolutely love it. We are in the process of slowly transitioning most of our stash over to these, but so far I only have 3. They do an awesome job of containing ebf poo and wash up so well. Plus I love the fact that they are organic cotton.

.Amanda. said...

I'm new to Gro Baby and am LOVING them! You can tell that a lot of care went into the making of this system.

Slee said...

I have also found that grobaby shells do a decent job as covers over my fitteds too. I love our grobaby diapers. I also love how much more reasonable the cost of this system is in comprison to it's equivqlents.

Melissa said...

would love to have a grobaby in my stash! I love AI2's!!

Necesse said...

we've used other hybrid diapers and are dying to try out a GroBaby. They seem like the smartest system available.

Courtney Ann said...

they sound great. i have been doing lot's of research lately, trying to figure out what different brands are available this time around.

jenstiles said...

this entry just makes me love gro baby even more! i can't wait until my little one gets here so i can use this system (unfortunately we've already started potty learning with my son, so i can't use it with him).

Anonymous said...

I have been using Gro Baby for 5 months now. I really like them. I an excited to get to try the Gro Baby disposable inserts.

Sarah C said...

I'm wanting to do cloth this time around, and this system is definitely a top pick of mine! Looks great, and will probably be what we go with.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love these! I especially love the snap option and that they're one size. I've never had a leak with these, even with diarrhea. My little super soaker has never been able to pee through them, either. The biosoakers are good too, and I'm glad to know that there's an easy way to remove the excess sticky. Now that I know, I think they're probably one of my two fave diapers overall (and I've got about 9 brands)!

Brie H said...

I really love the idea behind this system. I have one but I haven't fully got to take advantage of it because I am a working mamma and I only get to play with my diapers on the weekend and my mom like the bg 3.0 because she understands them.

Lisa said...

I bought my first GroBaby last month. I really like snapping out the liner when wet and not having to wash the cover. I want to try the biosoakers. Seems very convinent when on the go or when baby has a diaper rash and you need to use cream.

Dani said...

I'm so intrigued by Gro Baby, sounds like a great system. I use mainly pocket diapers and with 2 in cloth, the laundry is overwhelming, sounds like Gro Baby would help to minimize the laundry.

Jayna said...

I love grobaby! The blackberry color is luscious, and the shell is better than other covers on so many levels. Softness, velcro ease, mesh inner, grows with baby... even my husband has a preference for this shell. I use it purely as a cover with prefolds.

Darla said...

I love trying out new diapers! We have not tried Gro Baby yet, but we are looking forward to it!

jdeemarie said...

I didn't know that the mesh inner can air-dry and be used again. I thought that these didn't work for us because the mesh was always getting wet so I was throwing the whole diaper in the wash each time. I'll have to give them another try...

Jodi Jordan

Jenna said...

I tried GroBaby right when I started cloth diapering Caitie, and didn't like it. Now that I have some CD'ing experience, I'm kicking myself in the butt for selling my GB's, 'cause I think I know how to make them work now. Argh. Great product! (hindsight is 20/20!)

Jamie said...

I don't have any of these diapers...yet. I'm currently trying to find a favorite. So far I like my prefolds with a Thirsties shell. I like my bumGenius! one sizes for night-time, so these may work for that purpose. My one concern about the Gro Baby system is the snaps on the inserts. Are they adjustable with the growth of the baby, and thus the diaper?

the monkeys' mama said...

I've been using GroBaby dipes since May and even I didn't know a few of these great facts. GroBaby and their parent company continues to be one of the best cloth diapering companies in terms of their customer support and customer love! I'm seriously a walking advertisement for them and can't say enough!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a difference between the cost! I am trying to dive into cloth diapering but have not decided which to use.
I need some samples. :) I saw the GroBaby this weekend and was impressed with the quality.

sb said...

I have a Grobaby shell set from the first production run, and while I like it, I still prefer my BumGenius 3.0s. My biggest complaint with the Grobabies is that the laundry tabs don't hold and the Velcro ends up stuck to the mesh, or something else. This may have been fixed in the second production. Overall, these are nice diapers!

Melody Mom said...

This is a great system; I love the flexibility of using either the cloth or the biosoakers (great for on the go!) The Gro babys fit so trim, work great, and come in the cutest prints! I don't use it exclusively, but I definitely see how you could.

Mommyof3Texans said...

This looks like an interesting system. It is something I would love to try. I am more interested in reusable materials versus disposable.

Amy said...

I've been gingerly looking into all the hybrid systems for awhile, but I honestly thought that all of them had PUL in direct contact with baby's skin. I suppose I wasn't thorough enough in my research.

I really like the idea of the mesh and now definitely want to add some to my stash!

Brittany said...

I love my Gro-Baby's... they work so well and are so easy to care for and versatile! Thank you Natural Baby Company for such a great product!

Peyton said...

I wish all of my CD's were Gro Baby! They are my absolute favorite nighttime diaper, and they never, ever leak! I'll definitely be getting more of these in the future. I'd love to try the Bio Soakers, too.

fancygrlnancy said...

I have 1 grobaby diaper with 3 inserts. I love it so much! wish I had more shells, but don't have the money now. I have never used the biosoakers, but would love to try. Gro baby is my choice for going out around town.

Jana @sidetrackd said...

We've loved our Group Baby diapers in limited use. I'm excited about using them full-time soon with our tiny one (2 weeks old).

LaunchingProjectH said...

Right now my husband and I are trying to conceive, and Gro Babies are on our list to buy! I've heard and read nothing but fantastic reviews about them!

Aleshia said...

Gro Baby is amazing! Especially for outings and night time heavy wetters :) One of my favorite dipe types for sure! I just recently became a Gro Baby facebook fan, anyone who has a facebook page should look into doing the same :)

Becky said...

it makes so much sense not to use PUL against the baby's skin, thank you for the information :)

Leah said...

Thank you so much for this informative post! I'm brand new to CD & a hybrid system like GroBaby might just be a great fit for our family! :)

Linda said...

I have a question...Are the new style Gro Baby shells larger than the older style? I know the tabs are longer, but I am interested to know if the bum is roomier or the rise a bit longer. My 6 week old daughter is already at the second setting on the older shell style because she's such a large baby!

Leah said...

I have been using Gro Baby for about a week, and I love that I can switch between my 3 month old and my 19 month old. That way, I don't have to search for another diaper that fits on or the other! I love Gro Baby diapers!!

Dana BP said...

Would LOVE to try this system, but too much up front cost for me, although it really does pay off in the long run. I am new to cloth diapering.

SustainableMom said...

I have been using my gro babies for a few months now. I love them. I am trying to change my whole stash to gro baby. I like the biosoakers for keeping in the diaper bag, so I don't have to continue to stock it with cloth inserts (since I like to run out the door).

They fit great, wash great and I love that the system creates less laundry!

Lyndell said...

I am dying to try this system now!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

I'm so glad you broke down the price in savings! I always love seeing the numbers... Makes my decision even easier! =)
I'd love to try a Gro Baby!

Alycia said...

Thank you for posting this! I never really gave GroBaby a second glance but after reading this I think I may have to check them out...a diaper system that's actually different than everything else on the market..who woulda thought?!

Anonymous said...

I am a first time Mom, due April 18th. I have done a ton of research into diapers, and have decided t go with the Gro Baby cloth system. They are so cute, and economical. I am hoping to get what I need to get started at my baby shower! I really cannot wait to get started!

Melissa said...

Ive been debating on grobabies for months now. I finally decided to try them out. I bought the Biosoakers second & my bestest friend bought the experience for my dd for her birthday. Super excited to get them & try.

Lauren said...

I posted a comment on "Cloth Diaper Fashion."

Emily said...

I only have 3 shells...but I want MORE! Wallet is closed for the time being though. They are easy, trim and comfy for baby.

Unknown said...

I LOVE OUR GRO BABYS!!!!! We have been using them for about 4 months now and it is such and easy system. I did A LOT of research before investing money into a CD system and am very happy with my decision. I love that you don't have to change the cover at each change unlike pocket diapers. They are so soft and look adorable. The customer service with the company is amazing too. They are always willing to help and are 100% behind their product.

Megan Beckham said...

I have not tried any hybrid system as of yet, but if I do, Its looking like grobaby is the one to go with! I've heard so many great things about this system. Thanks!