1-GroVia Shell Set
1-GroVia Cloth Wipes Pk
1-GroVia Biosoakers 20ct
Giveaway sponsored by the manufacturer! Thank you.
Question of the week:
What type of diapering system (cloth,disposable,or hybrid) AND brand do you use when you travel? Leave your comment before Thursday, July 29th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to our NEW The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Leave a comment that you are a fan.
- Follow @GroViaDiaper on Twitter. Come back and post a comment that you are a follower of GroVia.
- Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
- Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
- Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
- Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a Facebook fan.
- Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
- Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @GroViaDiaper #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/. Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
- Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
- Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 7/23-7/29. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 30th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1269 Newer› Newest»I am a fb fan of Diaper Shops
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I posted a comment on the GroVia GroBaby comparison video post.
I love my GroBaby diapers when traveling and I'd love to try the new GroVia!
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follow your blog
We use disposable diapers while travelling except when we go to baby's Grandparents' home. Then we use Fuzzi Bunz and BumGenius. I love this blog!
I'm a fan of CDW on Facebook.
I use all of my cloth diapers: Fuzzibunz, Thirties and prefolds, and GroVia AIO. I LOVE cloth!
I get the Kelly's Closet newsletter.
We use GroVia hybrid system when we travel, with the disposable inserts. I have also used gdiapers for shorter trips.
When traveling, I find it easeir to bring prefolds and use my trusty Thirsty's cover!
I like the Facebook page
I have not had my baby yet, but plan to use either the Grovia of Flip systym with disposible inserts when traveling!
We use gDiapers with the flushie liners when out and about and traveling. I will occasionally take some disposables too, just in case we end up with no clean gPants.
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I am a FaceBook fan of diapershops.com!
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It's @diapershops Fluff Friday!! Win @GroViaDiaper #clothdiapers #giveaway - Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
I am a fan of Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook!
I follow @GroViaDiaper on twitter
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I follow diapershops on twitter!
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Affiliate ID 281
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The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page
I am a follower of ur blog
I am a Facebook Fan
I use Seventh Generation disposables for traveling for now. Fuzzibunz and Thirstie's Covers with prefolds everywhere else!
I follow Grovia on twitter as @shehlee
Facebook Fan!
I'm a fan of CDW on facebook
I am a blog follower
I am already signed up for ur newsletter
I've only travled once since we started using CD and it was to my parents house. I used, BG's, flips and fuzzibunz with my pail and Rockin Green. I made sure it was ok with my folks before taking all of my stuff with us though!
When we travel i always carry a Wonderworks cover and a few prefolds for back up.
My daughter is almost 3 and we are in the middle of a move so we havent jumped on the potty training train but hopefully she will show some interest in the new place.
I'm a Cloth Diaper Whisperer fan on Facebook.
I follow the blog. :)
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I reviewed Tweedle Bugs today- I was the first reviewer! :)
If we go on a day trip, or just overnight, I use whatever pockets I am usually using- BGs, FBs, RaRs, Kawaii, etc.
When we went on a 2-week road trip a couple months ago, I used disposables... first time I had used them in almost 2 years! But we were staying in hotels and in the car ALL DAY for days, and having a wetbag full of poopy diapers wasn't an option! I'm glad, actually, that we used disposables- the change in diet from traveling caused diarrhea, and WHEW, would not have been fun with cloth!
But I was HAPPY to be home and using cloth again by the end of my trip. :)
I'd love to try the Bio soakers!
I love to use flips, but i use the g-diaper inserts when we travel. If we are going over night i normaly use disposibles.
I am a fan on facebook
i subscribe to the blog
We use cloth/hybrids when traveling. So far we use GroVia (but have not tried the biosoakers yet} and Katydid's.
Thanks for the chance.
bekki1820cb at gmail
Facebook fan: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail
GroVia Twitter follower: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail
Following on Twitter: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail
I'm a fan of DiaperShops and Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook!
We use Fuzzi Bunz and Bum Genius for travel.
We currently use disposable diapers for everything (Pampers Swaddlers) but are really wanting to try cloth!
omgababy at gmail
Following GV on Twitter @weemasonman
I haven't travelled yet with my diapers. I have two GroVia shells, so I would probably take those.
I am a fan of TCDW on facebook.
I follow your blog of your blog.
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.
I follow GroVia on twitter
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If it's a short trip (just for a day or so) we use pocket clothdiapers. I love FuzziBunz one-size diapers right now. If we take a longer trip I usually just use disposables.
I'm a Facebook fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer (Jodi J)
I follow GroVia on Twitter (@jdeemarie)
I follow your blog.
I'm a Facebook fan (Jodi J)
I follow you on Twitter (@jdeemarie)
I receive the Kelly's Closet newsletter.
I'm a fan of Diaper Shops on facebook.
I tweeted (@jdeemarie):
This week's @diapershops Fluff Friday giveaway is a @GroViaDiaper #clothdiapers - Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
I follow the blog
I am a fan on your facebook page
I have been receiving the email's from Kelly's Closet
currently im in transition from disposables to cloth. some GV diapers would definitely help with trips out in public. :)
fan on facebook, too.
following diaper shops. my id is: swagtothebucks
following grovia on twitter.
again, id is: swagtothebucks
posted about the give-away here:
signed up for the newsletter. :)
not sure what you mean by "exact tweet" not tweet id status. BUT i did tweet exactly:
" friday @GroViaDiaper #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/"
heres a link to my twitter page for proof:
"go to @diapershops to find a give-away for @groviadiaper #clothdiapers! why? because cloth is awesome!"
posted on diapershop facebook discussion "What detergent/laundry soap do you use on your clothes (not your diapers)"
I use hybrid grobaby when I travel with cloth inserts.
I am a facebook fan of the new page
I follow grovia on twitter
I am a follower of your blog
I am signed up for the kellys closet newsletter
I'm just getting started, but so far, I've got hybrids: grobaby and grovia...so this giveaway is right up my alley!
I follow grovia: @katiram
Commented on the grobaby v grovia video post!
For travel, I have used disposables. Now just Huggies, but used to be whatever is on sale. Not sure what I'd use in the future since I'm a fan of cloth.
I'm a fb fan.
i subscribed to kelly's closet mailing list
i used disposables when cloth diapering 9 years ago and traveling, pretty sure i'll use cloth this time.
We use hybrid diapers for traveling and Grovia is our favorite!
fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page. (Kendra V.)
Follow @GroViaDiaper on Twitter
Follow your blog via GFC
fan of your Facebook group
follower on Twitter. @butterfly1979_2
Tweet! http://twitter.com/butterfly1979_2/status/19660308810
"New @diapershops fluff friday @GroViaDiaper #clothdiapers giveaway!! Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/."
Unique Tweet! http://twitter.com/butterfly1979_2/status/19660669565
"Check out @diapershops for all of your #clothdiapers shopping!!"
FB Topic: Tide Original Powder (again) shelly smith
Unique tweet:
Get yourself some GroVia #clothdiapers from @diapershops http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/2010/07/fluff-friday-89.html
XOXOXO to all #clothdiaper party mamas!!! @ecochicparties @diapershops @rumparooz #rumparooz #clothdiapers
Kellys Closet is where I buy all of my diapers but I don't have any @rumparooz yet @diapershops @ecochicparties #rumparooz #clothdiapers
NEVER tried a @rumparooz & wud SO love to win 1 to see if we love them! @echochicparties @diapershops #rumparooz #clothdiapers
14 minutes til the cloth (FUN!) begins!!! @ecochicparties @diapershops @rumparooz #rumparooz #clothdiapers
@diapershops is my one-stop-#clothdiaper-shop!!!
slsmith120608 @diapershops is having a @groviadiapers #clothdiaper giveaway
Fan of TCDW on FB!
I follow @GroViaDiaper on Twitter.
I follow your blog!
I have your button on my blog: web.me.com/macwalker22
DiaperShops FB Fan!
DiaperShops Twitter follower: @ginamwalker
Already signed up for Kelly's Closet newsletter.
I tweeted: @diapershops has a GroVia fluff friday giveaway right now for free #clothdiapers!
Affiliate. #222
I left a review of Rumparooz. 7/27/10
Left a review for Planet Wise wet bags. 7/27/10
FB Topic: Bummis wrap = swim diaper?? Shelly Smith
slsmith120608 Check out @diapershops blog for Fluff Friday giveaway #clothdiapers
Replied to rumparooz discussion on Diapershops FB page.
Replied to "poopy question" on Diapershops discussion page.
Replied to "Anyone tried the GroVia" on Diapershops FB Discussion page.
FB Topic: Anybody want to trade??? Shelly Smith
FB Topic: FB OS or perfect size? Shelly Smith
slsmith120608 @diapershops has SEVERAL "Spend $$ get a free one size #clothdiaper" coupons going on!
I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer!
depends on the trip and the length of stay. I have tended to go with disposables so I have less to pack.
danellefrench at gmail dot com
I like CDW on facebook
danellefrench at gmail dot com
slsmith120608 Want good deal on #clothdiapers? Go to @diapershops! I do all my shoppin' @ Kellys Closet!!!
I am a fan of your facebook group
danellefrench at gmail dot com
I use my regular cloth diapers(Fuzzi Bunz, Rumparooz, FLIP, etc.)but I do take along Bummis flushable liner's to make clean up easier.
slsmith120608 @diapershops, looks like Grovia has some "cloth-drama" the other day..... Mamas sure can get up in arms about their #clothdiapers
FB FAN: Karen Bridges
Following Grovia on twitter @SCMOMOF2BOYS
I follow you on twitter @SCMOMOF2BOYS
@diapershops fluff friday @GroViaDiaper #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
What type of diapering system (cloth,disposable,or hybrid) AND brand do you use when you travel? I use pampers disposables.. but want to move into using just cloth diapers i just want to try some out first
coreybelle86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
we currently use either flips or gdiapers to travel with
im a fb fan
coreybelle86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am a facebook fan
I am a fan of diapershop.com on facebook too!
I'm a fan on FB
I'm a subscriber to your blog
I am very new to CDing, new that I just got my first order in the mail just the other day. So as of right now I still do disposable when traveling.
i became a fan!
Right now, I only have the Flip cloth diapers (not sure if that's hybrid?). So that's what I use for travel.
I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer FB page.
Heather Martin Whitney
We haven't traveled much with the baby but used disposables. I want to try hybrids though.
I use Flip diapers so we use the disposable liners when traveling!
I am a friend on facebook!
I follow on Twitter--wallythepug
I am a facebook follower!
following @groviadiaper on twitter
I have only been cloth diapering for about 2 months and all we have are GroBabies .... we like them so much we haven't needed to try anything else! We haven't traveled yet, but are in about a month so GroBaby it is - I think we'll have to get some disposable inserts!
I subscribe to your blog
bumgenius aio's have always worked for us....they are just pricey for a whole day out!
Sweet! I love Grovia!
When we travel close, we just use what we normally do- pockets (usually a Rumparooz) with a GMD prefold stuffed in. When we travel far or somewhere without easy laundry, we use flats (GMD or LL) and covers (usually a Thirsties)
facebook fan of diapershops
I follow the blog and fan of the cloth wisperer. I resorted to disposibles for a 3 day camping trip because of fear of bugs and stink in the heat. However, I have since bough Grovia disposible inserts to use for the next trip.
It depends on how long we're going to be gone and where we're going. For short weekend trips, we usually just use our regular cloth, for longer trips, we use covers with Flip inserts, and for camping or other places with no laundry access, we use Flip with disposable inserts.
Fan of CDW on Facebook
Following GroVia on Twitter - allbecause2
Fan of DiaperShops on Facebook
Follower on Twitter - allbecause2
Get the newsletter.
Our little one hasn't arrived yet, but I have a feeling we'll be resorting to disposables when traveling. I'd love to learn how to continue with cloth when away from home!
I follow on Twitter (as @elishafrumkin)
Commented on "How Cloth Diapering Changed My Life"
I subscribe to your blog.
I tweeted about the giveaway! (@elishafrumkin)
I love Grobaby and Grovias! I took them camping with the biosoakers and they worked wonderfully!
I am a facebook fan!
Commented on Wipeout!
We use Pampers Baby Dry when we travel.
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I have your button: babyatchison.blogspot.com
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I'm signed up for your Kelly's Closet newsletter!
FB Topic: Trade??? Shelly Smith
slsmith120608 Really want to try @groviadiaper from @diapershops
I am getting ready to travel at the end of the week, and my husband doesn't want to CD, so we're using some Pampers that had been given as a gift. Since DD always blows out of them, we're using Thirsties Duo covers over them. Once we arrive, she'll be back in her FuzziBunz. I'm hoping to convince him to use at least a hybrid during future trips.
I am a fan on FaceBook
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We use our pockets (Haute)and build in washing time.
I am a fb fan
I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook. And when traveling, we use GroVia during the day and for the first half of night. THEN at that 4 am half-asleep diaper change, I slap on a Pampers swaddlers. Its just easy at that hour. And it makes it easy to toss her first poo of the morning in the garbage. :-)
Hybrid-- usually gro-baby when we travel...however, the last time we traveled I left ALL of the diapers at home in a nicely packed bag...by the couch. (sigh)
I am a face book fan (jakoby)
i follow/subscribe to your blog
i follow groviadiaper on twitter dbecky
your button is on my blog
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