But, if you are still in the diaper stage {and since you are on a diaper blog, I'm assuming you are}, you will want one {or 10} of these. I have 3 basic sizes of wet bags. I have a wipe pouch wet bag, regular size wet bag, and large wet bags. They all serve a different purpose and get tons of use around here.
Wipe pouch size wet bags are the best solution I have found for traveling with wet wipes. I have tried ziploc bags, and those hard plastic containers for taking wipes in the diaper bag. They have failed miserably. The plastic bags made me gag when I opened them, and the hard container never stayed shut. The wipe pouch is fantastic! Plus, when you are out of diapers, you will still likely be carrying wipes with you, but they work great for snacks too.
Regular wet bags are the ones we use the most. For storing diapers, they are awesome. If you can rinse out your nasty diapers before putting them in the diaper bag, you can just turn the bag inside out on wash day and dump the entire thing, bag and all, into the wash. I love that they keep the smell IN much better than any disposable bag ever has. I also have a few wet bags in this size with two zipper pockets so I can store clean diapers, extra clothes and wipes in one pocket, and the dirty diapers in the other. These are my favorite. When you are out of the diaper stage, they work great during the potty learning time as well. When that is done, the wet bags make great bags for you to store clothes in when going to a beach or pool, for the kids to throw toys in to take to the car, a lunch bag, whatever you make it. We use ours almost every day even with no kids potty learning or in diapers right now. I also like to use these bags to keep one in the kitchen or bathroom for wet wash cloths. We don't use much for paper napkins in the kitchen, and use wash cloths as napkins, but rather than have them sit out and stink up the kitchen {our water smells awful when it gets rags wet}, we store them in a zippered bag until wash day. There are a huge variety of bags this size to choose from, with plenty of different features. I am a huge fan of the ones with a hanging strap that snaps. They work perfect for hooking onto a stroller or even attaching to the diaper bag strap so you don't take up space in the diaper bag with dirty diapers.
The large size wet bags are perfect for storing dirty diapers between wash days. I have one bag always hanging in the laundry room for dirty diapers. Our large one can hold up to 17 diapers, so washing every other day, this is a great size for us. When we head to the cabin or anywhere for the weekend, I fill up one of the large wet bags with clean diapers and take a second one with for dirty diapers. They are the perfect way to store our diapers.
Now you know my favorite cloth diaper accessory. What is yours? Are you a wet bag hoarder like me?
Bio: Shannon lives in the gorgeous Minnesota countryside with her boyfriend, two kids with a third on the way, and two dogs. Between going on magic carpet ride adventures with Maggie {3} and taking Charlie {23 months} down from whatever he has climbed {again}, you can find her writing about a little bit of everything, along with some reviews and giveaways at Our Piece of Earth.
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