Friday, November 7, 2014
Fluff Friday 308
Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??
This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 Kissaluvs Sampler: Kissaluvs AIO Diaper, 3 Super Soakers, and a 12 pack of Terry Wipes
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I'd love to try this brand, and we can always use more wipes!
Would love to win this.
Pick me! Pick me! :D
Would love to try these diaps!!
We have never tried Kissaluvs diapers but have heard great things about them. This would be great for my newborn grandson!
This would be a great addition to my stash - I'm trying to add in a few more things before baby #2 arrives in January so I have enough to do diaper laundry every other day instead of every day.
What a great prize pack. Self-cleaning diaper??? That is what their website says. I HAVE to give these a try.
What a great prize pack Self-cleaning diapers? I HAVE got to try this out!
Patent Pending, Self-cleaning, No-stuffing design
We don't have any kissaluvs in our stash so I'd love to add one to try out!
Never tried the brand kissaluv's yet. It would be awesome to win one and try.
I'd love to win the sampler pack because we are still trying different brands to find the best fit and absorbency!
I'm new to cloth diapering and have 2 in diapers, so I could use all the help I can get! :)
I have never tried any kissaluvs so this would be awesome to win!
I have never tried kissaluv but have heard some good things. Would love to try before I buy!
I've been wanting to try Kissaluvs and this would be a great opportunity to be able to try them and see if we like it.
I've never used these but would love to !! I've got a heavy wetter and need more night time help !!
I would love to add a Kissaluvs AIO to our stash for daycare!
id love to try this brand for the first time. they look nice
I haven't tried a Kissaluvs AIO!
I have always wanted to try these!
I'm excited to try out Kissaluvs because I just started getting CD for my baby (due at the end of the month) and I don't have any AIO! I would love to try them out! Thanks!
I have tried a kissaluvs product and really liked it but as I'm just starting my stash don't own any yet!
i'm trying to win some diapers for a friend, and this would be an amazing starter pack for her!
I have not tried their WHO's, only their fitted diapers, which I love.
I'm very new to cloth diapering as my first is only 8 weeks old. He's just starting to fit into AIOs and we're learning what works well for us. Would love to try a new brand, we're not totally settled on a winner yet!
I would love to win cause I would like to try kissaluvs and I can always use more wipes!
Hope I win!
I'm am needing ways to safe money with my third child to be born on Monday and with only 11 cloth covers with very little money to buy more with while I am off work and I love the prints.
I would love to these. I have heard they are really trim
I have never tried a Kissaluvs before, but I've heard good things about this brand... I've been getting more into AIOs so would love this!
I love to win the sample pack as I am new to cloth and interested in finding what works best for my kids! Would love to see how these work for us!
I've wanted to try the kissaluvs all in one for a long time. I really trust their fitteds.
I recently developed a love for AIO diapers and am now trying to build a stash of them, I'd love to try thus one
I'd love to win and use these with my baby due next month.
I am pregnant with my first child, and I plan to CD. But I don't have any diapers yet! I would really like to try several different kinds to figure out which works for us.
I have never tried anything from Kissaluvs. I would love to try them.
I don't have any Kissaluvs in my stash!
Would love to try this Kissas AIO. Seems like a nice absorbent diaper.
We love their fitteds. And I would like to try their wipes :)
I've never tried Kissaluvs, so this would be an awesome way to :)
I actually want to try every cloth diaper brand out there. I also can never have enough wipes.
I'd love a sampler since I don't have any Kissaluv's products and haven't really heard much about them!
I'm building my stash for baby #1 and this would be a great addition to try!
I have never tried this brand. And I love organic inserts.
I'm looking for a better diaper for night time and nap time. I've never tried kissaluvs before and would love the chance to.
I would he so ecited to win becauze i had a kissaluv aio in the past but somehow lost it...but i loved that diaper!
I would love to try the Kissaluv diapers because I love trying new brands! I'm like a kid on Christmas morning when waiting on a new diaper to come in the mail.
I would like to win so I can share with my pregger friend and get her stash growing :D
I'm excited by the chance to win a Kissaluvs prize pack because we don't have these in our stash yet and would love to give them a try. Our little one is a heavy wetter, and this looks like it could be a helpful solution! Thank you for the fun giveaways!
I'm excited to win because I don't have any products from Kissaluvs and I would love to try them.
Would love to try these on my 5 month old. I had a kissa newborn fitted I liked.
I don't have anything from this brand and I think the sampler is a great way to try stuff from them!
I'm really excited to win a sampler from Kissaluvs because I've heard great thing about these American made diapers but I've yet to try them.
because I'm just beginning to build my cloth diaper stash :)
--valerie sobus
because i am just beginning to build my cloth diaper stash :)
-- valerie sobus
I've never tried Kissaluvs or terry wipes and would love to see how they work!
I would love to try because We don't really have the money to spend on something we don't know we love yet. But when I know I love something and works awesome then We get more of that. So far we only have a few that we "love"
I luv kissaluvs and hope to win for our baby boy
Thank you for the giveaway!!
I have never tried Kissaluvs, but have heard good things about their products and love that they are made in the US!
I'd love to win this sampler because I'm new to cloth diapers and am trying to build my stash. My baby is a very heavy wetter and I haven't found anything that works overnight.
I'm always excited to try a new brand!
I would love to receive the sampler because I have not had a chance to try out the kissaluv brand yet and always love trying out new diapers! Especially since an aio would be great for my newborn.
Never tried them before.
I heard a lot of good things about Kissaluvs, so trying them would be great! The fluff collection can never be too great.
I always like trying new diapers. you never know if you'll like them better than the current system you are using
I love all the cloth diapers and the opportunity to try new diapers on our daughter! The flexibility and differences in each brand/design have been able to ensure we have the right diaper for her all the time!
I'm new to cloth diapers and would love to add this sampler to my stash!
I am excited to win a sample because I've never tried them before and I like to try all brands!!
I have heard good things about this brand I would love to try them!
I'd love to try an all in one diaper!
I've never tried this diaper before. New fluff is exciting!!
I am just starting to build my stash and I've heard great things about Kissaluvs diapers. I would love to win this!
i'm excited to win this package because i've never tried kissaluvs & have heard really great reviews. thanks for the chance!
I'm cloth diapering my first child and I have a very small stash. I've got 9 pockets, 2 freetimes and a couple covers for my hand-me-down flats from my Mom. :) Love them all but I'd love some more so I'm not doing laundry so often.
I haven't used this brand before and it would be great to be able to try multiple items from them!
I have never tried Kissaluv's but would love to!
I haven't tried Kissaluvs yet and I love trying new diapers!
I want to try Kissaluvs because I don't have any in my stash
Love to try this brand.
I want to try their diapers :)
I am excited to win because I've never tried Kissaluvs before!
I am just starting my diaper stash and I'm learning about different brands! Would love to win!
I haven't had the chance to try any of Kissaluv's products, but I would love to!
I am excited because I have never tried them before. I would love to win!
I will have a one year old and a newborn any day. I love trying new companies, especially for my one year old super heavy wetter at night!
I'd like to win so I could share it with a friend who just had a baby.
I've never tried anything Kissalovs, so it would be neat to win a sampler.
I'm due with my first in less than a month and have only 5 covers so far and would love to try the Kissaluvs! :)
I haven't tried them before and am curious!
I would love to win this because I am trying to switch over to AIOs from pockets and I haven't tried this brand!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com
Kissaluvs is a brand I haven't tried and I want to add more AIO diapers to my stash. Plus I can always use more wipes!
I hear so many good things about kissaluvs
Haven't tried any newer Kissaluv products!
I am excited about the giveaway because I want to try as many brands as possible and have never heard of kissaluvs!
I have heard great things about kissaluvs and would love to win this sampler so I can try them!
I would love to win the kissaluv package!! I am new to cloth diapering (my 2 month old) and am eagerly trying all the brands to see what I want to use to build my stash! I have tried lots, but haven't yet tried kissaluvs! They were just recommended to me the other day! Thanks for the chance to win and try one!
I would love to try a new brand of diapers
I'd like to win this because I've not tried this brand yet. I'm especially interested in the wipes.
I would love to try Kissaluvs. First time hearing about them and they look very well fitted.
I'm excited at the chance to win because my sister is having a surprise baby #3 and this would be a gift for her!
I'd love to try this pack because I've heard Kissaluv's AIOs are awesome! Plus, I really like having some AIOs on hand for when daddy or the grandparents change diapers. :)
I am just starting out with cloth diapers on my first baby :) Just trying to get everything gathered and ready! I would love to win this!!
I'm excited about the sampler because I've never tried cloth wipes (and would love to) and I've never tried the Kissaluvs AIO. :)
I have never tried Kissas or even seen them in my local cd stores. I would love to try them!
I've heard really great things about kissaluvs online but have never seen them in real life, so this would be a perfect way to try some out!!
I'm excited to receive a KissLuv sampler because I'm really wanting to get into cloth diapering, but am afraid of spending the upfront costs while on a super tight budget.
I have heard wonderful things about Kissaluvs. I would really like to try them
would love to try a kissaluvs
I'm excited to win a Kissaluvs sampler because it's a brand I've heard great things about, and one I haven't tried yet!
LO is due in a month and i still need a ton of fluff to keep him covered...
I'm new to the world of cloth diapering and would like to try out the Kissaluvs brand.
I love AIOs and don't have any kissaluvs.
I like to try different brands/diapers.
I just love trying new brands but we are on a tight budget so buying new stuff isn't always on the menu for us!
I would love to win these as we are expecting our first baby this May!
I am new to cloth diapers so I would love to try anything!
I have only ever tried their fitteds! Would love to try this system :)
I'd love to try this brand of diapers as we are new to cloth diapering as a whole.
I love my kissas fitteds, and would love to try the AIO!
I've never tried these diapers but I would LOVE to!
haven't tried kissaluvs but would love to
I haven't tried them and I would love to try this diaper.
I am excited to win this because I do not have any kissaluvs and I could always use more wipes
I would love to win because I heard that this brand is really good for heavy wetters..
AIO's are my preference, and I haven't tried this brand yet, but love to try new things!
First time cloth diapering so want to settle on a type and brand for when baby gets here
Ive never tried kissaluvs! We need some more diapers for my littlest!
I'd love to try this brand!
I've been cloth diapering for nearly three years now and this is a brand I've never had the pleasure of trying!
I would love to try an aio and we dont have this brand of diaper so would love to try a new to us brand.
I'm excited to try Kissaluvs because I like the quality of the diapers.
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