Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, April 17, 2015

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Love Your Mother Earth - Earth Day Giveaway with Kelly's Closet

Earth Day is April 22nd and we're celebrating with some of our favorite cloth diaper and babywearing friends.  

If you're reading this, chances are that you use cloth diapers (or considering it).  Cloth diapers are eco-friendly and save thousands of disposable diapers from a lifetime in a landfill.  What other ways have you changed your life, because of cloth diapers, to be more eco-friendly?  Have you started using cloth wipes? What about ditching disposable paper towels and switching to People Towels?  Have you switched from tampons to menstrual cups or cloth pads?  Did you know that there are toxic ingredients in many bath and body products; we carry an entire line of eco-friendly, non-toxic skin care products too.  

Share with us in the comments one way which you "Love Your Mother Earth!"

Giveaway:  Enter to win one of the 27 prizes in our week long Earth Day giveaway! Be sure to visit our sponsors who have donated the prizes for this giveaway and thank them! You can find all of these brands (and more) available for purchase at Kelly's Closet.  To enter, fill out the rafflecopter entry form below between now and April 23rd.  Winners will be announced on April 24th.  Good luck!!

Giveaway open to residents of the US Only, ages 18yrs+.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Would you like to be a contributor on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer? We're always looking for creative writers who would like to share their cloth diapering tips. To find out more Contact Us


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Anonymous said...

Love cloth diapers!!

Unknown said...

We plant seeds every Earth day. Can't grow too much in an apartment but it gives us fresh herbs, better air quality and an renewed appreciation for nature.

Unknown said...

Use or reusable snack bags more

Kristen M. said...

Grow a garden and hang your diapers (and other laundry!) on an outdoor line.

Lynn said...

We use un-paper towels for all kitchen/bathroom/cleaning needs.

Unknown said...

This year, my boys are planting flowers and bushes for Earth Day! And I will be prepping diapers for baby #3 ;)

Misty said...

To be more green I was thinking of trying night time cloth diapers.

Kristina S said...

To be more green I will dry my clothes outside all summer (when it is not raining!)

Amanda Jordan said...

One way will be green on Earth Day is using only reusable products that day. My goal this year is to not produce any trash for a full 24 hours. We already use cloth diapers, wipes, and napkins. So it will be interesting to see what else we can get rid of.

Anne Sweden said...

I like that cloth diapers reduce the amount of trash our family throws away. With 2 in diapers that would be a LOT of trash!

AmberFawn said...

To be more green: continue cloth diapering, composting, reusable lunch containers

Unknown said...

We already cloth diaper and in the last year have switched to (mostly) cloth wipes. To be greener, I would like to move to unpaper towels and am interested in some of the reusable menstrual items.

mommyfrog said...

Plant some flowers.

Ayla Crosley said...

I'll be using unpaper towels and napkins as well as reusable sandwich bags. Cant wait to try them!

Unknown said...

I use cloth diapers and cloth wipes, I recycle food to compost, I reuse items that I can, I recycle everything I can. I have a blog/site where I suggest others do the same: amoms2sense.

Unknown said...

Use cloth wipes!

Kristina L said...

Trying not to drive vehicles as much is a good way to cut down on carbon emissions. I also always try to follow the 3 Rs "reduce, reuse, recycle".

Parenting Patch said...

Plant a garden full of veggies!

Unknown said...

Planting our own new fruit trees!

Unknown said...

To be more green we cloth diaper and use cloth napkins. I also use cloth pads about 50% of the time:)

Sheridan Nicole said...

I have committed to no longer use paper towels!

Unknown said...

I would really like to try using cloth wipes, in order to be more "green", but I'm having a hard time taking the plunge!

Unknown said...

Stop using plastic utensils when I don't feel like doing dishes lol

Karla said...

I can use fewer paper towels!

Unknown said...

Use colts napkins.

Unknown said...

I'm so excited, I love anything that can help me on my cloth diapering journey. Thank you for this chance

Unknown said...

Thank you for this opportunity. I would love anything that could help me on this cloth diapering journey.

Shauna said...

I can save water by turning off the faucet/taking shorter showers.

lgillette said...

Be more consistent in our recycling :)

Unknown said...

For Earth Day, I want to learn how to make my own baby food!

Unknown said...

We are switching from paper towels for everyday messes to dish cloths and rags.

Ashley Chassereau Parks said...

We would love to learn more about rain barrels and composting and implement both around my house!!

Anonymous said...

One thing I can do to be more green is to get rid of paper towels. I'm slowly building my cloth paper towel stash and hope to never buy them again!

Kim said...

Use cloth diapers of course and work on using less water at home.

Anonymous said...

Less paper towels.. .maybe make the switch to cloth wipes for my little one! Definitely using cloth wipes when #3 arrives in August :)

Haley Morin said...

To be more green, postpartum I will be using mama cloth along with a cup!

Tracy gordon said...

We are planting a garden!

Rachel said...

One thing I can do is do something with my "compost" pile. My hubby is about to make me stop putting kitchen scraps out there b/c "it's just going to attract bugs".

Rachel R said...

Stop using paper towels.

Unknown said...

We can be more green by buying more food in bulk instead of packaged!

Jess said...

If I weren't in the hospital, we were going to plant some trees in our yard. But instead I am shopping online for prefolds for my preemie on the way in 3 weeks! We intend on CDing this one from the start (we started at 7mon with #1).

Sarah Elyce said...

We walk instead of drive when we can, compost, use cloth diapers now (yah!), and recycle/reuse all eligible materials. My main focus right now is to reduce electricity use by eliminating as much phantom use as possible.

Unknown said...

I love to use PLS cloth pads

Alix K said...

Stocking up on cloth diapers to avoid using disposables!

Theresa said...

We just started composting this spring and I love it! With composting, recycling, and buying most clothes and household items used, we have very little that gets thrown out!

Steffie said...

love all these products, great earth day giveaway

Steffie said...

love all these products, great earth day giveaway

Keara B. said...

We are hoping to plant some trees this year, and as always, we use cloth diapers and try not to use paper products!

Krischa P. said...

Use cloth diapers, of course! :)

Milla said...

I can dry my diapers out in the sun rather than use the dryer.

Sue D. said...

one thing to be more green is to finally stop using papertowels!

Kristina D said...

This Earth day I plan to plant a couple trees in our yard! We try every day to be as "green" as possible and add a few new goals every year :)

Larissa K. said...

I'm going to switch the cloth wipes

Jen Murray said...

Cloth diaper :)

Ashley-Raye said...

Line drying clothes and diapers as well as reusing/recycling as much as possible!

Anonymous said...

We love our Mother Earth by keeping disposable diapers out of the landfills!

Unknown said...

We're going to switch to cloth wipes

Jennifer You said...

I just started composting :)

Laura F. said...

Start using cloth wipes!

Unknown said...

To be more green this Earth Day I can re-start our worm composting bin

Anna said...

I seriously need to get better at unplugging electronics that aren't getting used.

Unknown said...

This earth day, since my LO isn't here yet, I am going to try to start a compost for our garden. I've wanted to do one every year since we moved and I think this year I'm finally going to designate a spot and have my husband help me with it :)

Unknown said...

Cut down on water usage

Cheri said...

Bring my reusable bags to shop instead of using plastic.

Unknown said...

Unpaper towels!

Annabelle F said...

Another giveaway!! You ladies are awesome :-)
To be more green on Earth Day I can make sure my diapers are line dried and not touch the inside of my dryer!

Cassandra Huber said...

We are planning to start growing our own veggie very soon!

Leela R. said...

I'd love to try switching to un-paper towels.

Sarah Kelsey said...

I think one way you can be more green is by using cloth diapers and wipes of course! It saves on so much pollution that takes years to deteriorate. I also think its important to teach children the importance of reduce, reuse, and recycle concepts.

Carrie Barron said...

One thing I still need to work on is using more green cleaning products.

Anel said...

One thing I can do this year for Earth day in order to be more green, is to switch over to cloth wipes! Thanks!

Chels said...

I am purchasing reusable snack cloth bags to help cut down on using plastic bags!

Erin B. said...

I can recycle more! We recycle some, but I know there is a lot more we do :)

Anonymous said...

Plant my garden to produce more of my food!

The Vernon Family said...

We do a lot of green things already so it is kind of hard to imagine going more green!!

Megan Ruge/Farley said...

So many ways to go green through KC!

Noah's Momma said...

We are vegan and try to buy clothes and toys second hand and/or sell/donate things we no longer use. We are going to use cloth with our new baby when she arrives and are switching to cloth for our otherwise potty trained son's naps and night.

Amy said...

My husband and I are going to start a compost pile!

steph said...

I will avoid using and throwing away plastic that day.

Sarah Hayes said...

I cant use more reusable products like unpaper towels

Unknown said...

We already cloth diaper (and are going to be part of the GCDC on Saturday!) and recycle and try to chose products with less packaging. We've recently started using more re-usable snack containers (love the Planetwise snack & sandwich bags instead of plastic ones) and I'm looking into getting re-usable squeeze pouches, since I love being able to take applesauce and such out with us, but hate how wasteful throwing out the store bought packages are.

Unknown said...

We can try to use only cloth towels for messes instead of paper towels. We already use reusable snack bags instead of ziplock bags.

Amy Hall said...

To be more green we couild stop getting so many to-go pops, using all those cups

Steel Springs said...

I would like to stop using paper towels.

Heather M said...

I'm continuing to work toward using fewer paper towels. I need a better system for dirty rags in the kitchen.

Unknown said...

Cloth diaper and wipe!!

Unknown said...

I'm planting a garden!

Anonymous said...

As a family, we decided to cut out beef in 2015. As California enters its 4th year of drought, it's critical that residents find ways to save water. Of course, using HE appliances and taking shorter showers is very important, but eating less meat could make a larger impact.

Just ONE pound of beef takes almost 2000 gallons of water to produce. By contrast, it's only 500 gallons for a pound of chicken. You can read more here:

For comparison, a load of laundry is around 20-50 gallons, depending on your washer.

tvholder said...

Walking to do errands around town instead of driving.

Taniag said...

I can be more green by taking reusable bags with me when I go shopping

Unknown said...

I can turn off the computer when it's not in use, no just put it to sleep

matope said...

we're trying to reduce waste in our home by no longer buying anything disposable!

Unknown said...

This year, I will be attending the GCDG in honor of earth day! To be more green going forward, I will try to be more on top of my recycling (& try to catch what hubby misses and accidentally throws in the trash can)!

Catherine said...

We are already working hard, so we will keep using cloth products, composting, raising chickens, conserving water, etc.

Allen & Erica said...

Reusable menstrual products

Anisa said...

I have started cloth diapering with my 3rd child. Started with just during the day but have now started at night too. I am also using cloth wipes. I have thought about starting to use cloth napkins and towels. Earth day may be the time to start!

Courtney Hobson said...

I'm going to try to line dry all my cloth diapers and start using reusable wipes to be more green for earth day!

Fiddlin' Dandi said...

We can use more natural laundry and cleaning products. We do some, but we could do more.

Unknown said...

Use momma cloth! :)

Unknown said...

I think one of the most important things we can do is take away a deeper meaning than just advertising what we already do. I'm trying to be more thoughtful about how I can do more than is already routine and how I can do it with a spirit that is justified in kindness.

Michelle Wyant said...

Thanks for giveaway! Happy earth day!

Jennifer said...

We tried cloth wipes but we didn't like them. I have switched to cloth pads and I'm thinking about trying a menstrual cup.

Anonymous said...

Use your own bag than plastic bag at the store:))

Unknown said...

We have ordered all glass to pack my husband's lunches instead of plastic baggies.

sarchan said...

Be more diligent about not wasting electricity and water.

Leslie said...

I look forward to trying less paper products and more reusable ones. One thing I think I'll make is paper-less paper towels for the kitchen and reusable zip top bags from fabric (or just to wash out and dry my already used zip top bags) ;)

Anonymous said...

i cloth diaper but i am going to try to make an attempt to not sue my dryer as much to dry my in the midwest its hard but I'm going to find ways!

Unknown said...

To be more green, we plan to start recycling cans. We already recycle paper/cardboard products, cloth diaper, use reusable snack bags, etc. Yay for helping the earth!

Jean Marie C said...

I want to try and use less plastics. But sadly now a days, everything is in plastic. :/

Madeleine Kelly said...

I'm going green this year by cloth diapering!

Kate1018 said...

I'd like to go full time cloth diapering (we do part time now), and try unpaper towels.

Talia said...

I think a good way to be more green for Earth Day is to celebrate nature and pass that on to your kids. For Earth Day, I want to do some gardening with my son, show him how plants grow and foster an appreciation in growing our own vegetables. And this is in addition to our cloth diapering, but I do that everyday! =)

DanaK ~ WaterPenny said...

Dry our clothes outside aka solar powered dryer ;)

Lauren said...

trying to make my own cleaners

Unknown said...

I am going to start a compost pile near my garden. good for the soil and less junk in my trash can
RC name is aimee place

Unknown said...

instagram is @placefamily5 (I think I missed a letter when entering it in the RC form)
RC name is aimee place

Catarina Wanderlust said...

In our house we use cloth napkins and home-made, all natural cleaning supplies. Cloth diapering was just the natural next step when we had our baby. :)

Unknown said...

I'm going to start cloth diapering my newborn baby as soon as she's big enough!

Anonymous said...

cloth diapering is sooooo much better than disposables. I wish I knew about this option with my first kid. No rashes or blowouts or leaks.

Anonymous said...

So for earthday we are going to try out cloth wipes :),wish us luck!

Amanda said...

We will be recycling more and reusing items.

supermadchen said...

Use my drying rack for more than just my cloth diapers.

Unknown said...

I use cloth wipes at home, but I need to come to with a system to take them with us in the diaper bag!

Unknown said...

We use natural products whenever possible.I don't sacrifice clean for natural though.

Unknown said...

this earth day we are going to pick up trash from outside & plant some flowes :)

Anonymous said...

We started our own garden. Another thing we can do is remember to turn off the lights when we leave a room.

imjustnikki said...

To be more green I could actually switch over reusable sandwich bags instead of ziploc.

Krissie M said...

We reuse glass jars from jelly, sauces, etc for other food and non-food items. We are also hand washing our cloth diapers this week to help reduce electricity consumption. :)

Unknown said...

well if i wasn't pregnant i would ride my bike to work instead of driving

morganehman said...

One thing I can do this Earth Day to be green is to buy reusable shopping bags to use while I grocery shop instead of using plastic bags.

The Traveler said...

Hmm, one way I am trying to be more green is to look into one area of my life at a time and see how I can be a better steward in that area. Right now, I am focusing on a cloth diaper stash. :-)

Unknown said...

I can wash my recyclables right away, so that I'm not tempted to trash them.

Jessica D. said...

Take shorter showers

judi said...

I am going to buy a menstrual cup for my 16 year old daughter in order to green up my family. I already have one for me. :)

Marlete Ledford said...

My daughter and I are going to plant some flowers around the house for the honey bees :)

Hannah said...

We are using cloth diapers with baby number two and just added cloth wipes into the mix.

Cassie said...

By uses cloth only, no sposies

Ruth said...

Change to cloth wipes for everyone in the family :) family cloth!

Lindsey said...

This earth day the older kids and I are picking up trash at our local park.

Holly S. said...

Use less disposable paper products!

DS said...

Cloth pads!

DS said...

Cloth pads!

DS said...

Cloth pads!

Unknown said...

We are planting trees for earth day :) and we are learning how to go without plastic to be more green.

Unknown said...

We recycle, use cloth diapers, use only non-toxic cleaners and eat organic when possible

Ashley B said...

We love going to the yearly community garden festival!! So excited!

Unknown said...

Start some marigolds or tomato plants inside with your little ones. Later, transfer outside and enjoy!

Unknown said...

We are going to plant a garden.

Lena N said...

Super excited for this giveaway and cloth diapers overall!

Elizabeth Hanapole said...

We made the decision to clothe diaper because it was more eco-friendly and healthier for our baby. After 2 months of using baby wipes, we are researching different methods and formulas for creating clothe wipes. Any tips on how to achieve that on the fly would be greatly appreciate this. Once I start menstruating again, I plan on using the Diva cup. We have minimized our footprint by owning one vehicle, recycling. We are always interested in learning more green ways to live our lives.

Unknown said...

Use cloth diapers all day long! :)

Anonymous said...

Walk to work

Silvia R said...

I plan to walk and not use the car on Earth Day!

CanicrossGirl said...

I'm trying to be extra mindful of what I throw out - is it really trash, can it be fixed, donated, repurposed?

Megin said...

We've moved to cloth wipes to go with our cloth diapers- next project will be to make a batch for my sister's little one!

Unknown said...

I am trying to quite using the disposable inserts in my cloth diapers.

Holly D. said...

I plan on being more green by starting our cloth diapering adventure!

Creation Whispers said...

Why, use my cloth diapers, of course!

Charlotte said...

I'd like to start a compost pile.

Leah CW said...

I am making unpaper towels :)

Rachel M said...

One thing I can do to be more green is try reusable papertowels.

Hannah Horne said...

I just bought more unpaper towels :) next will be family cloth... for myself and the kids. My hubby? Not yet ;)

erindaniellemills said...

We've started using cloth to replace as much of our paper products as possible: paper towels, toilet paper and tissue with dish cloths, wash cloths and handkerchiefs!

Unknown said...

We cloth diaper, and hang dry clothes as often as possible to conserve energy.

megan m said...

I'm going to stop using plastic water bottles! We all have reusable ones, we're going to work on using those instead :-)

Melissa said...

switch to reusable produce bags

Lindsey said...

I love mother earth for sunning my diapers :)

Bonnie Cantrell said...

We can be more green by planting a garden and composting. Also by using less plastic.

Carole M. said...

We've started using cloth wipes!

E.G. said...

Cloth Diaper both kiddos all day and night

Unknown said...

Cloth Diaper, recycle, turn off water while brushing your teeth, plant trees, pick up litter... :)

Kristina said...

We are going to start composting :)

Mamaface said...

To be more green we've started making our own eco-friendly laundry detergent. Bonus: It's cheaper than the store bought stuff!

Loretta said...

To be more green, I'd like to work harder on my garden. Home grown doesn't use packaging or transportation resources!

Wynn Hannam said...

Switching to cloth wipes for babe. I was using disposable for sheer ease of use. But I need to switch.

Danielle Smith said...

I already use cloth diapers, mama cloth, menstrual cup, family cloth, cloth paper towels and wipes. I also recycle, use a reusable water bottle, cloth grocery bags and compost. Lol what else is there left for me to do?! 😂

Rohanite said...

To be more "green," I could save the water I use from steaming vegetables or cooking pasta, and put it on my garden after it's cooled.

Jen said...

For Earth Day a year ago, we purchased a dozen cheap bar mop towels and a small bucket for storage of the towels under our kitchen sink. We now reach for these instead of paper towels and have greatly reduced our paper towel waste.

Lisa Marie Berry said...

Compost our food scraps for our garden.

Vicki Hall said...

I think anything disposable like water bottles and planting a garden

Unknown said...

I now use mama cloth cloth wipes for myself, reusable snack bags, Klean Kanteen products, homemade laundry detergent, homemade all purpose cleaner, homemade dishwasher detergent and make my own face wipes solution to clean my face during the day if I get sweaty. I have always used dish towels and rags for cleaning.

Stephanie and Kyle said...

We will walk the short distance to town (library, etc) instead of drive!

Unknown said...

We are planting two trees for Earth Day. We are generally pretty good about recycling and not buying single use containers.

Christine M said...

Stop using pesticides on your lawn.

tubbytelly @ gmail dot com

Randi S said...

Switching ro green cleaners is such an easy way to go more green!!

Shanna R. said...

I am being green by making my own napkins, instead of using paper towels.

Heather said...

Exited to start cloth diapering our little git once he arrives. The idea of filling a landfill with disposables over the next few years makes me feel so guilty. I'm also exited for all the cuteness that comes with cloth!

Megan G. said...

One thing I can do to be more green is be water-wise--put a bucket in the shower while the water is heating up and use it to water plants.

MartyMomma said...

I am going to plant some flowers with my boys!

Unknown said...

We use cloth wipes and I use a diva cup. Love both!

Unknown said...

A day away from the car! Walk everywhere in honor of earth day and stick to local places.

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to enter! :-)

Unknown said...

I am helping the environment this year by using cloth menstrual pads, cloth diapers & have switched to glass food storage containers.

Shedevilx15 said...

This is wonderful! =)

Lindsay H said...

Besides cloth diapering, we are also growing food in our garden to eat this year! So far kale and onions are growing well.

Unknown said...

I recycle! :D

Jes said...

I plan on buy small herb plants so that I can grow my own herbs this spring and summer! I go through a ton, and usually end up wasting a lot of it, so I'd much rather grow my own.

Anonymous said...

Happy Earth Day :)

Unknown said...

Recycle! We are all about recycling, year round! Also, carrying your lunch to work in a reuseable bag instead of a plastic bag.

Sarah said...

Using more reusable products, especially cloth wipes/napkins instead of using sposie wipes.

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