2 - BabyKicks One Size Bumboo Pocket Diapers with 2 Joey Bunz Inserts (given by the manufacturer)
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us what style (aio,pocket,fitted,prefold,contour,one size,etc) cloth diaper you like the best and why (if you have never cloth diapered before let us know what you would like to try)? You should leave your comment before Thursday, October 1st at 8pm EDT.
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1 – 200 of 869 Newer› Newest»my favorite are pockets. i just switched my whole stash to them after trying them all. they are dh and grandma friendly. plus i can easily stuff them with more or use different inserts. this was dh's preferred style.
I love pockets for nighttime and away from home diapering!
I was sold on pockets in the beginning of my CD'ing journey but have come to love prefolds in the past 2 months! I NEVER have stink issues like I did with pocket inserts, they are MUCH less expensive, and the covers dry SOOOO quickly (my Duo Wraps are my fave but I am REALLY wanting to try fleece and Blueberry covers!)! I am primarily using unbleached Indian prefols but have a few Chinese thrown in.
Pockets! I am SO a pocket girl :o)
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I am so excited about starting cloth diapering. I have a package coming with 1 BumGenius AIO and some snap pockets. I have also been thinking of trying some fitteds, so this would be great!
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I always reach for my prefolds, but I would like to try a system with inserts, like the new Flip system.
I like pocket diapers best because they are easy, are cute, absorbent and contain messes. Prefolds and covers don't keep my baby as dry and are more of a hassle. AIOs take a long time to dry. I have not tried fitteds and covers yet.
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I am torn between prefolds and bumgenius diapers. I love how easy both are to use on my FOUR KIDDOS...The prefolds are so simple to use for my daughter, being able to re-use the cover and save on laundry. Though for my big boys the bumgenius is super absorbant! also the fit is amazing from birth on up...
we use fuzzi bunz, blueberry, and bum genius. Our present favs are the bum genius.
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I really like Bumgenius and prefolds with the Thirsties Duowrap. I can't decide which I prefer, though Bumgenius is very Daddy and Grammy-friendly and the prefolds really aren't.
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i personally love fitted diapers you still get the double layer protection of a diaper and cover but unlike prefolds i can actually get my husband to change a fitted diaper i personally think its the best diapering system.
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I think bum genius are my workhorse pocket diaper...
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I love Fuzzi Bunz. They don't leak, they clean up super easy and the bright colors are fun. Plus, they have excellent resale value. :)
My favorite is definitely a pocket diaper. It's less bulky, I am able to stuff them to make them bulkier for longer time periods or trimmer for certain outfits. =)
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Since my daughter is with her caretaker during the day, AIOs are favorite in our household
My favorite is pocket diapers, because they are so easy to use and they work great.
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I like different types of diapers for different situations: trim aio's or pockets for on-the-go and fitteds for airing out at home!! Also if I know a big bm is imminent, I'll put a pocket on her because the single-surface fleece is the easiest to clean off.....
tinapianochic at hotmail.com
I really love my pocket diapers, but they are the only style I have tried.
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I'm loving AI2 diapers, as they take up so much less space in the diaper bag!
I like one-size because they save you $$ in the long run.
mjones_82 AT yahoo.com
Kelly Spence loves pocket diapers because they are so easy!
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i would like to try a pocket diaper - i never have!
I haven't cloth diapered yet, but I think I'm going to like pocket diapers best. I have pockets, AIOs, fitted, and plan to get pre-folds, but after starting to prep my diapers and playing with the options I'm most excited about the pocket.
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I probably like pockets and fitteds the best, but I only have a few of each, and use mostly prefolds and flats.
I like pocket diapers the best. Prefolds are less expensive and faster to launder... but pockets tend to be cuter, easier to get on a squirmy child, easier to pack for running errands, and I like the fabric better up against his skin - it just seems softer.
i like aio's...they are just so easy to use.
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I just started cloth diapering part time a couple days ago. I got a Bumgenius One size and some prefolds with covers. So far I am liking the ease of the one size pockets one better. Those prefolds are scaring me but I am sure I will eventually get the hang of it.
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Our favorites are pockets - we especially love the SmartiPants pockets because you don't have to remove the inserts! We like pockets the best because they don't require a cover and they dry more quickly than AIOs.
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My all time favorite diapers are my prefolds with covers.
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I prefer pocket diapers so far. I like just being able to grab a diaper and go. They are stuffed after they are washed, so they are super convenient with 4 kiddos at home! I don't mind fitted diapers, but they do take extra time...they are nice for bedtime.
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I prefer pockets because they are just so easy and trim, but I really want to try fitteds because they can be so cute and they are so popular!
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/i haven't tried a lot of styles, but i've been using BG OS for 2 years and am still going strong!
We just had our first day in cloth today and I'm using size small bum genius AIO's and Urban Fluff AIO's. I also have some G-diapers with cloth inserts that I've yet to try. I really want to try the Bum Genius AIO one-size when our little man outgrows size small.
I like pocket diapers so far because you can add the amount of doublers you need for the situation, like night time, day time, long road trip, etc.
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So far, my favorite cloth diapers are one-size. This seemed the most economical why to go, as long as I took care of them and put them on right!
I am branching out and looking at other types just to have a variety.
This would be cool to win!
I currently use pocket style diapers. My stash has a few fitted and one sizes in it. We've tried the fitted aio's and the thirsties fab fitteds...just not our thing...
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I love pocket diapers because they dry quickly and work great for our family. But AIOs are super convenient too!
Pockets are my favorite, because I can customize the absorption.
Pockets - b/c they are easy to clean and no leaks!
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I really like my 1 AIO will choose randomly from the stash depending on my mood. My husband will only use pockets that have aplix.
I like fitteds the best. They seem to have much more variety in appearance (adorable fabrics usually!) and they hold in breastfed poop so well!
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I love prefolds best, fitteds 2nd, and pockets 3rd
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AIOs are my favorite because they are the easiest!
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My favorite style is all in ones, but I have a lot of pockets and I like those too. I tend to prefer sized diapers over one size, but I also appreciate the long life of one sizes.
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I love pockets. I love the flexibility you have of how absorbent the diaper is. If I know my daughter has been drinking a lot more than usual, I just throw in an extra insert and don't worry about it! And it doesn't hurt that my husband loves them too
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I love AIO's for mother's day out for convenience but also love pockets for home use for reliability!!!
I'm a big fan of pockets and prefolds.
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So far I love my Bumgenius AIO Organics the best. I like how trim and easy they are. I don't like how hard it is to clean out poop between the layers. thanks!
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I like my pockets best. But my all in ones seems to be my favorite for over nights!
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I love pocket diapers. I like that they don't need covers, they can be doubled (or tripled!) as needed, and they don't take forever to dry. Win win win all around for me!
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I like pockets so far. I like that I can change the absorbency by adding or removing inserts. Smartipants are by far the easiest to use, and far and away the easiest to wash!
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I like aio's and pockets the best--depending on the situation...pockets for night, aio's when I'm looking for a trimmer fit.
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Pockets are my favorite, but really they are all I have tried. I would love to experiment with prefolds and fitteds with a wool cover, but since we are CDIng in part to save money, I feel I shouldn't buy new ones just to try. The pockets are working great for us!
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I like pockets because they are the simplest, to me, and because they can be customized! I tried prefolds and had a lot of leaking issues...
Either prefolds and one-size covers or one-size pockets with hemp inserts are my faves.
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I love my pockets...but I am also becoming rather fond of my kiwi pie fitteds - they are too cute!
I've only used G-diapers so far, but I'd love to try some AIO!
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I'm a facebook fan and I love pocket diapers because of the concept and the styles. My husband was sold on pocket diapers when we were thinking of using cloth diapers over disposables.
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Love the pocket diapers!
I like prefolds and covers around the house, but I prefer pockets when we are out and about. They are just easier to change and transport. However, I love fitteds with wool covers for night. So, I guess I have lots of favorites! ;-)
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My favorite are pockets. I love that you can adjust the absorbancy by how much you stuff them. ... as one child is a heavey wetter the other is not.. :)
and nighttimes you can stuff even more! :)
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It's hard to say which style is my favorite since I like to use a variety. I think I would have to go with the pocket diaper!
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my favorite diapers are pocket diapers... very easy to use and very versatile.
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My favorite so far are Bum Genius,Hands Down!
Well I love my aio's.. they are the ones that my dh uses best. I also like one size and pocket, esp. for nighttime! Just got some fitted and covers so I will try them.
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I am just starting with cloth diapers and I'm most excited about the pocket diapers.
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I left a comment on My Two Solutions: Night time diapering
I like using prefolds and Thirsties covers. Easy on my budget. DH and other family members would prefer BumGenius because of how easy they are to use.
I'm getting ready to cloth diaper my baby when he's born, and I love the concept at least of pockets the best!
I've only tried BG 3.0 AIO diapers. I really love that I can use the same diaper throughout without having to worry about different sizes. Thanks!
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My favorites are one size pockets
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