Pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears says that 7,000 diapers go into landfills per child. He says is wasn't that bad to do and admits that he cloth diapered his first child too! (Dr. Sears is top doc in our books!).
Dr. Sears demonstrated how Smartipants works by opening the diaper, pulling out the pocket insert, and showing how easily solids flick off into the toilet.
Dr. Lisa Masterson said she tried cloth diapers and, "You just have buckets of crap everywhere." She probably hasn't had the opportunity to use Smartipants or other modern cloth diaper options - as she is referring to the struggles of cloth diapering of year's past.
You can view the feature online at http://thedoctorstv.com/main/
I hate when people who cloth diapered in the past assume it's the same now... What on Earth is exactly the same now as it was years ago?? Everything has evolved for the better! If cloth diapering means helping the environment and saving money, why not give it a chance?!
I don't think Dr. Lisa is a favorite by any of the more natural-living mamas out there. *winks*
I don't think the doctors were too sold on cloth diapers. Too bad! It would be awesome if they could convert some people, but I don't think that segment will do it.
I wish I could have commented on this over at the Drs webpage!
I don't think they other doctor's there were very convinced! Sad! Bucket's of crap? What century is she in? Anyway, I doubt she actually tried a cloth diaper in the past 10 years since she had no clue what she was even looking at. And the one who commented about poop sticking to them. Again, clueless! Doesn't he realize he should empty the poop stuck in his disposable diapers too?? Again, obviously not. Just my 2 cents!
Sounds real mature and doctorly of her (rolling eyes). Now, a disposable diaper pail where you actually leave the poo, now THAT is having buckets of crap everywhere!
I saw that & liked Dr Sears. The lady, Dr Lisa Masterson, I'm not sure why they have her on the show... she's negative about anything good!
I was happy to see smartipants, especially since I had just purchased a 3 pack & they are the first diapers I reach for now ; )
That was neat!
I really like this show.. and I actually recorded that show to show my husband.. LOOK LOOK cloth diapers are so cool they are on TV! LOL
I can't believe I missed this episode, Thanks for posting the link. It's so cool when cloth diapering is getting media press.
I love seeing more and more publicity for cloth diapers, i hope that maybe in the future cloth will be the norm again and sposies a thing of the past.
I love that CDs are getting more and more media recognition!
I have never seen this show but watched the clip! What great advertisement especially coming from doctors!
"You just have buckets of crap everywhere" ?!?! Really? Gee, I must be doing something wrong, because I sure don't!
AWESOME! It's always so exciting when "other people" see what we all get so excited about and all the advances diapers have made from when we were babies.
From the episode on extended breastfeeding, Dr. Lisa admitted she tried breastfeeding, but apparently it did not work out. This would mean she was dealing with formula poop! Many moms who did use diapers years ago also formula fed and used the wet pail method - probably had to because that stuff is like clay. It does not just wash out easily like breastmilk poop. So I can see if their memories are not pleasant ones. My mom always was proud of her super white bird's eye gauze diapers - I guess it was a status symbol. ;)
It is so sad when someone is not up-to-date on the latest - like cloth diapers - and then makes a negative comment. I had older women say "Why would you want to use cloth diapers and burden yourself like that?" or "that will grow old fast." But when I educated them they were quite intrigued. And the real testimony was when I still stuck with it and loved it!
Dr. Lisa may just be the voice of those in America who are not up to date and it is used as a springboard to better inform the public about the issues. I sure hope that is what it is...
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