Congratulations to staceythemagnificentmommy ! Stacey, please contact us here to claim your prize. In the subject line please write "30 Minutes of Fluff 10/21 Winner". You have until 10/23 at 10am est to claim your giveaway.
We are so excited to reach 10,000+ fans on our DiaperShops.com Facebook! To celebrate please join us for "30 minutes of Fluff" for the next few days.
Make sure you follow DiaperShops and The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.
We will keep the giveaway open for 30 minutes for people to get their entries in.
Today's giveaway: 1-bumGenius 4.0 Artist Series in your choice of print/closure
Their are 4 ways to enter (Entries are only taken on the blog as comments to this specific post):
1) "Like us" as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
2) "Like us" as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
3) Register for our DiaperShops.com Fluff n'Treat Twitter party for a chance to win a Nintendo Wii (with games) and lots of cloth diaper giveaway's. Register here. Then come back to this post and leave a comment stating you are registered and your twitter id.
4) Post a thread (or respond to an existing thread)on any parenting or cloth diapering forum telling others about our new "30 minutes of Fluff". Post a comment with the exact url and the name of the forum.
We do moderate comments so your comment will not post right away. You MUST have a blogger profile. Entries submitted by "anonymous" cannot be approved. Also, due to security reasons we cannot approve comments with full email addresses. We kindly ask you not to place double entries because you don't see your original entry showing up. This GREATLY slows down the approval process and delays the posting of the winner.
After 30 minutes we will randomly draw a winner from eligible entries- the winner will be posted after all comments are moderated and can take up to 24 hours to post. We will post the winner's name as an update to this post and then mark the giveaway as CLOSED. Once the winner's name is posted the winner has 48 hours to contact us to claim their prize. If the winner doesn't claim their prize we will re-post the giveaway.
1 – 200 of 593 Newer› Newest»shared on teh bump
montejas at hotmail dot com
I like Diapershops on facebook
i'm a fan of DS on FB
ANdrea Crisp Bowles
montejas at hotmail dot com
Fan on Facebook! - Stephanie Boehm
I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook
I am a DS fan on FB
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net
Leslie "Duplaga" Twining
I'm a fan of TCDW on FB
Andrea Crisp Bowles
montejas at hotmail dot com
I'm registered for the twitter party!
Facebook ID http://www.facebook.com/lasallefamily
I like DiaperShops.com on FB.
Nikki Moore
I am a TCDW fan on FB
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net
Leslie "Duplaga" Twining
Fan of both FB pages! Jill Ewoldt Morris
I registered for the twitter party!
cdw fan on fb
katie n alex purcell
I'm a fb fan!
Rebecca O'Brien
I LIKE DiaperShops on Facebook!
I am a diaper shops FB fan.
carolyn boeding berger
I like diaper shops on facebook:
ID: 91125
I am a fan of TCDW on FB
Stephanie Umpleby
like diapershops on fb
Crystal Biehl
I am a fan of DS.com on FB
Stephanie Umpleby
I Like DiaperShops on FB as Malina Dockendorff
kemptvillepetpals at gmail.com
like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook
Crystal Biehl
I am a diapershops fan on facebook!
I am a cloth diaper whisperer FB fan.
carolyn boeding berger
I have signed up for the Twitter party
I LIKE The cloth Diaper Whisperer on fb!
Rebecca O'Brien
Registered for the party: MamaBiehl
I like diapershops.com on FB
Brandi Woodring
My id is Kelly Smith Groves for Diaper Shops on FB/
I am a DiaperShops FB fan: Jamie Urbanawiz
I like the DiaperShops on Facebook
diaper shop fan on fb
katie n alex purcell
I LIKE Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook!
I like the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook
ID 911295
I Like teh Cltoth DiaperWhisperer on FB as Malina Dockendorff
kemptvillepetpals at gmail.com
posted on Swap Mamas Diapers group: http://www.swapmamas.com/group/diapers/forum/topics/30-minutes-of-fluff-is-up-riht
I registered for the twitter party.
twitter id: mamato3sons
I like DiaperShops on FB - Jessica Jetter
I like TCDW on FB.
Brandi Woodring
My FB id is Kelly Smith Groves for Kelly's Closet on FB
Fan of DS on FB
Lisa Greaves
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook
I am a fan on clothdiaperwhisperer on facebook
I follow on twitter.
I'm registered for teh Twitter party as @MalinaDock
Fan of TCDW on FB
Lisa Greaves
I'm fan of the diaper shops on facebook: Megan Lane
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB - Jessica Jetter
I am a fan on Facebook - Missy Sandefur Buhr
I like TCDW on FB - Emily Cicora
I am a TCDW FB fan: Jamie Urbanawiz
I'm a CDW Facebook fan!
Alycia Cove
Liked Diapershops.com on FB
ID: Anna Rosemann
I am a facebook fan of Cloth diaper whisperer! Facebook ID is Andrea Delaney
registered for Fluff N Treat
I like DS on facebook! 1452600018
I like DS on FB
I'm a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook: Megan Lane
I have your blog linked to my blog - messy-missy.blogspot.com
I'm a fan on Facebook
I am a fan of DiaperShops on Facebook. (Rita Polk)
Like DiaperShops as a Facebook Fan (Rachel Pugh)
Liked Theclothdiaperwhisperer on FB
ID: Anna Rosemann
I'm registered for the twitter party: megsfavs
I like TCDW on facebook! 1452600018
I'm a fan on Facebook
I'm registered for the twitter party!! Twitter ID @lilfluffers
I posted on theBump.com
I like DiaperShops Facebook
Jd drenchek-scavo
Fan of diapershops. Tiffany Williams
I follow diaper shops on facebook
I am registered (and super excited for) for Fluff'n'Treat
ID: AshaRose05
I am a Cloth Diaper Whisperer fan on Facebook. (Rita Polk)
I am a fan of Diaper Shops on Facebook! ID is Andrea Delaney
Fan of cloth diaper whisperer TIffany williams
I'm a diaper shops facebook fan! (Jan Rz)
I registered for Fluff 'n Treat: sukiashman
I am a fan of DiaperShops on Facebook - Missy Sandefur Buhr
I RSVPd for the Twitter party
Registered for potty- tiffyy2010
I am registered for the Twitter Party (@ritasdiapers)
I like you on FB! my Id is texasgirlcole
Nichole Jordan
I like Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook on Fb (jd drenchek-scavo)
I'm a fan of Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook
i like diapershops on fb- mssalwilson
"Like" you as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan (Rachel Pugh)
Created thread about 30 Minutes of Fluff on Baby Center.com!
I registered for the party @mellanhead
I follow the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook
I am a DiaperShops fan on facebook
Danielle Ambrose
i like TCDW on fb- mssalwilson
I'm a Fan of DiaperShops on Facebook! (Katie Farish Stewart)
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
I like the diaper shops facebook page!
emily c
es1237 at gmail dot com
Registered for Fluff N Treat party
Twitter ID: arrosemann
I "like" DiaperShops on Facebook.
I registered for the Fluff N Treat twitter party!
I registered for the Fluff n'Treat twitter party. @zookeeperjess
I'm a Diaper Shops FB Fan!
I am a twitter follower! My ID is texasgirlcole
Can't wait to see if I win!!!!
Thank you!
Nichole Jordan
DiaperShops liker - Crystal Shannon
crystalshannon01 at aol dot com
Already like diapershops!
Elise Hightower
twinky2287 at yahoo dot com
Registered for DiaperShops.com Fluff n'Treat Twitter party (@rachelhooey)
I'm a fan of DiaperShops on facebook. fb id = mad126
I'm a CDW facebook fan! (Jan Rz)
I am a facebook fan of TCDW!
Danielle Ambrose
I'm a Fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook! (Katie Farish Stewart)
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
I "like" Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.
I'm a CDW Fan on FB! K atie W ebb Cyphert
I registered. Twitter ID mamakaka82
i commented on this thread on bbc's cloth diapering message board: http://community.babycenter.com/post/a24795065/30_minutes_of_fluff?cpg=-1&#c2229321048
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook. fb id = mad126
Responded to a thread on the Cloth Diaper forum on Baby center (I am AshaRose05)
Origional thread is here: http://community.babycenter.com/post/a24795065/30_minutes_of_fluff?cpg=-1&#c2229321018
Already like Cloth Diaper Whisperer!
Elise Hightower
twinky2287 at yahoo dot com
I'm a fan on FB!
I'm a facebook fan of diapershops - lacey k
I like the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook
es1237 at gmail dot com
emily c
DiaperShops FB fan: Paloma Mercado
posted a thread here:
I'm registered for the Fluff N Treat Twitter Party
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
I registered for the twitter party
my id is
I'm registered for the twitter party! (@MomRZ11)
I am a fan of DiaperShops on FB! @tiffaniereilly
I RSVP'd for the twitter party
es1237 at gmail dot com
Emily C
I'm a CDW FB fan! :)
I'm a fan of cloth diaper whisperer - lacey k
Already Registered for Fluff n 'Treat
Elise Hightower
twinky2287 at yahoo dot com
"Like us" as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan
Ashley Mansker
Ashley_SHS at hotmail dot com
I RSVPd for the twitter party
montejas at hotmail dot com
I am a fan of CDW on Facebook! @tiffaniereilly
I am a fan of Diaper Shop on FB. doriemcg
Great choice on the artist series BG! I'd love to add this to my collection!
Cloth Diaper Whisperer FB fan : Paloma Mercado
I've rsvp'd to fluff n treat - @fingerscrossed
Jessica Barber Klanderud likes The cloth diaper whisperer on facebook
DiaperShops Facebook Fan.
I entered the Fluf Wii giveaway the other day! My twitter id is texasgirlcole
Nichole Jordan
"Like us" as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan
Ashley Mansker
Ashley_SHS at hotmail dot com
follow DS on fb danielle wann
Already like the Cloth diaper whisperer on FB
-Jessica Svitak
I like the TCDW!
Posted! http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=178&post=2251&uid=148678141809089#post2251
Elise Hightower
twinky2287 at yahoo dot com
I like the TCDW!
Post at Cloth Diaper Addicts
I "like" TCDW on Facebook
Screen name: Chrystal Horst
I am a fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB. doriemcg
Like on both
Christal Bardfield
I'm a facebook fan of diaper shops (Nisha Marks Sardella).
like diapershops on fb
I'm a fan of both DiaperShops and Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.
ID is : stidhamcarey
Diapershops FB Liker - Crystal Shannon
I'm a fan of TCDW on facebook
earussell - Alice Russell
posted in the August 2010 Moms forumn on The Bump
Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan.
like cloth diaper whisperer on fb
Jessica Barber Klanderud likes diaper shops on facebook too.
I am registered for DiaperShops.com Fluff n'Treat Twitter party.
I RSVP'd to the Fluff N Treat Party!
Twitter Account- @daziegrl13
Already like the diapershops on FB
Jessica Svitak
I am a fan of DiaperShops on FB.
Bethany Blackmon
I "like" diaper shop on facebook.
Screen name- Chrystal Horst
I'm a facebook fan of the cloth diaper whisperer (Nisha Marks Sardella
I'm a fan of DS on facebook
earussell - Alice Russell
Love you guys on the Bump!
CDW fan on FB danielle wann
I'm a FB fan of your blog!
Katie Scott
I like diapershops on FB!
wendykate99 at yahoo dot com
wendy cray kaufman
CDW FB Liker - Crystal Shannon
I "like" diapershops.com on FB!
Brie Anderson (Brianne Hughes)
I'm a fan of Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Fb.
Bethany Blackmon
Registered for Fluff n' Treat : @palomercado
We love you guys on the Bump!
I'm a fan of your FB page!
Katie scott
I'm a diapershops.com fb fan! (shanon.ottaway)
I am a fan of Diapershops and the Cloth Diaper Whispere and am attending Fluff n' Treat! :-)
I like DS on facebook (Jennifer Lichak)
I am a fan of TCDW and diapershops.com on facebook. (Marjorie Morriss Matthews)
I like diapershops on FB
I like Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB!
wendykate99 at yahoo dot com
wendy cray kaufman
FB fan! Rachel M. D.
I forgot to put my twitter ID for the Fluff n Treat party!
Twitter ID is Gville
I'm registered!
I like cloth diaper whisperer on facebook...blogueconroy
Fan of Diapershop
I like Diaper Shops on Facebook!
I am a fan of DiaperShops on FB, and my ID is Katy Ullman Kim
I like the cloth diaper whisperer in facebook (Jennifer Lichak)
Fan of TCDW
rsvp'd to the twitter party
Like you as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan.
FB ID Kate Brown
Fan of DiaperShops. ID skklemm
I'm a fan of diaper shops on FB: Katie Gates!
like ds on fb
cheryl henning
I registered for the party!
Can't wait!
wendykate99 at yahoo dot com
I'm a Cloth Diaper Whisperer fb fan! (shanon.ottaway)
Fan of diapershops on facebook...blogueconroy
Registered for the Party!!
Fan of The Cloth Whisperer. ID skklemm
like cdw on fb
cheryl henning
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook!
I've registered for the Fluff n'Treat party as sillyCDmama
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